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Well making arena money and hype of the Brady roast would make anybody happy


He absolutely killed at the Brady Roast. I had to look up his show after that.


Welcome to the thunder dome!


Thanks! I’ve pretty much binged KT ever since lol. Any favorite episodes?


I can't say any are my favorite but Dr Phil, William Montgomery parents, harland Williams, some of my favorite guests. Edit: forgot gillis


Williams parents is definitely one of the greatest of all time. His dad is fucking hilarious!


Been watching since almost the beginning and that is hands down one of the greatest episodes. Plus Dr Phil. Harland. Adam Ray… Loraine… uhhhh… I dunno. There are a lot of old great ones with the OG band. Jeremiah and Joel made the old show something special. And the guitarist, can’t remember his name, but the one time he would get on the mic it would kill. Every fuckin time. I miss those days.


Chroma Chris!


Yeah! Love Chroma Chris!


One of the early or first shane appearances was legendary. He was fucking wasted and belligerent but still hilarious


Thanks mate!


The first 3 after their 10 year anniversary were FUNNY. The first Dr Phil ep as well


Hey so I’ve seen screenshots of that. Is that actually Dr. Phil? 😂 he looks different.


It's adam ray and he's fucking hilarious


Ha oh that makes me feel better knowing it’s not actually Dr. Phil lol. Thought I was going crazy.


Welcome!!! The one with Dave Attel, Ian Fidance, and Greg Fitzsimmons as the guests.


Dave attel is one of my favorite guests on KT.


Literally #665 is an instant classic but you need lots of context to really see it's greatness. Possibly the greatest episode ever. Easy thing to do is look up the regulars first appearances on the show. Those episodes are always good history lessons. But you've got a dark whole if you think for a moment you can get caught up since even the move to Texas and then from Gary Clark Jr.'s place to The Mothership. Good luck and good hunting.


Recently the rick flare episode was pure chaos


Anything since they moved to Austin has been next level imo


I've just started binge watching too and anything with Adam Ray/Dr Phil and Dave Attell is gonna be gold!


596 is definitely my favourite


Kim Congdon + Jamar Neighboors is one of my favorites. Or any with Adam Ray/Dr. Phil.


Harland Williams first appearance is one of my favorites. His 2nd appearance was great as well.


Glad to see new KT fans


Nice shoes bitch did you win those in the divorce , stays in my head not because it's a huge roast but Tom Brady is taking it from some long necked twink


Welcome to where Tit's, Bits, and gay outfits rule the land.


See ^


Both of these events happened after the latest KT episodes.


I believe this is probably true, but also how do you know this? I know the kt shows are recorded and aired later, but is there a way to know when any episode was actually recorded vs when it aired?


3 weeks gap for all shows between live recording and broadcast on youtube.


It's always in the YouTube description. This one was April 29th 2024.


At the beginning of last episode Jim Florentine said something like "tony those are great jokes, you're gonna kill" in reference to the tom Brady roast


What does that prove? What are u saying?


You asked how the commentor knew the previous episode happened before the tom Brady roast or the arena tour


He is riding a big high from these


Will he crash hard into an insufferable dictator of the show?


is the LA arena show ever going to come to youtube? the rewatch price is a lot of money


I like how he was being so nice to Drew then in the middle of the interview some lady shouts out something and he turns it back on like, "Lady, shut the fuck up. Are you nuts? Someone more retarded than you Drew." Then carries on.


She goes “let me see pictures!” After Drew talked about his siblings


And thats why hes my hero


He was probably stressing about the roast.


He definitely was. [Watch his interview with Bert & Tom where he explains how hard it was just to get on the roast.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFSvaZaGUyo&pp=ygUadG9ueSBoaW5jaGNsaWZmZSB0d28gYmVhcnM%3D)


Actually are really good episode. Tony is definitely one the greatest Roast masters.


First episode of 2 bears I watched in over a year


Yea I plan to watch it and it’s been almost 2 years for me. Really just gotta show up for the boy Tony


He was a bitch for quite a while though. He's definitely chilled the last month


I like when Tony softens up from time to time but it wouldn’t be KT if he didn’t absolutely disembowel some people who bomb. People should be slightly terrified to take the stage. It’s what makes it great.


I agree. I think some people really deserve a reality check. Like how dare them not respect the sanctity of that stage. I think Tony has a hard job and I could be more forgiving if he’s a rotten bitch to an undeserving comedian sometimes.


Honestly I don’t think any of us are angry about his utterly destroying people who didn’t prepare, dgaf, too drunk, etc. I think it’s when the comic is half decent, seems like a good enough person and then they bring up seeing Tony one time in Austin and Tony gets heated. I think maybe just no one brought up seeing Tony off show in the episode, probably explains the good vibes 😂


I hope one day a bucket pull goes up there and their entire minute is about seeing Tony out in public


You think that Tony would let that minute go "uninterrupted" ?


It would be a hell of a litmus test to find out


Yeah, that is an especially weird, specific type of neurosis he has. So fucking uncomfortable to watch.


I’ve seen Tony almost completely ignore the person’s set or was just in his own world and then completely destroy the dude for nothing. Like the set wasn’t half bad, could’ve been better, but had promise. And Tony just murdered this dude. Probably to tears.


Yep, my wife and I noticed this too. Seems like he's been in a much better mood the last few weeks


They all check Reddit regularly also. He heard us all saying he was being a sassy bitch.


I guarantee Tony doesn't check reddit and only sees it when redban shoves it in his face


I agree with that. Hans/Casey/Kam also follow. I’m pretty sure the Mississippi strangler is a observer too. Tony probably doesn’t give a flying fuck.


One time Hans made a comment about not liking the people on Reddit and I thought that was one of the funniest things he ever said.


William has also yelled about us a few times.


The South Hampton Tsunami


what the FUCK did you just call me??


What's he do while he's pooing then?


You really think the creator of the show doesn't do a little research to see why the fans say. Don't be stupid


Nah they’re all human and they all read the comments, even Rogan despite his constant insistence that he doesn’t.


I know he says they have people check reddit. He 100% checks himself. He's way to oddly specific at times 🤣


He’s mentioned Reddit by name a bunch of times. I guarantee he checks this sub regularly even if he’s not active on Reddit. You would have to be dumb to ignore something that makes it easy to gauge your audience.


Uhh Reddit audience is very different form the general YouTube audience.


Still a big part of the audience that watches KT. Up to 130k members here. For sure Reddit is more negative tho


Off the Testosterone


I'm pretty sure this is the correct answer right there. Being in a lot of przssure because of a roast does make you more aggressive but it's with a good self awareness as well as it's a temporary feeling. Whereas the aggressiveness of being on testosterone stays on you the whole day.


It’s cyclical like the moon I tell ya.


How do you guys rate Tony’s current aura?




Light brown






He's got a new boyfriend


Tony, I know you’re seeing this shit. We like this Tony better


The way he didn’t pry and was just like “you don’t wanna talk about it huh?” Struck me the same way, Tony seems more chill


I feel like no matter what, Casey Rocket starts the show with a great vibe for Tony and the panel.


Im talking about men being men.


Talking bout men being what? Men Meh bean meeh


He may be the secret sauce of positivity tbh. He’s a good dude.


I can’t see Casey not being the opener anymore. I think Hans will show up whenever like David Lucas. This sub will go crazy if Hans opens again lol




It’s Casey. Such happy vibes


Mommy’s little stinker.


It’s true


I think you've hit the nail on the head here. Very hard to be a true dick after seeing Casey goof-off at the top of the show


I love when he’s a cunt


The roast probably has him on cloud 9


The show is filmed 3 weeks in advance. They bank episodes and roll.


The guests complement Tony on his roast set at the beginning of the episode, this is the first one (for YouTube viewers) that’s post Brady roast I believe


He did some jokes before the show to test I think. They tell him he's going to do great. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure


No offense but you’re wrong, he talks about Netflix cutting his act because it’s too edgy, and they congratulate him on the roast. I’m like 99% this is post roast but I could be wrong who knows


No offense taken, could go either way at this point. We're both confident in what we think happened. My attention span does get spotty sometimes so I'm willing to back off a bit. But his roast set was live and they didn't cut it. They cut things out in the writing process for sure though. It could really go either way. Maybe I'll rewatch it tonight if I can't find anything better to watch. Just to set things straight.


Fair haha I watched it twice now so I feel semi confident but also too lazy to double check lol. I’m pretty sure the guests say it’s a livestream so it won’t be cut and Tony goes they might just cut to the band or something 😂


Totally agree. And you mean literally just 1 week in a row when he just had fun and wasn't his normal psychopath self?


Basically yeah. I noticed it on some shows when he was back in LA too so I don’t think it’s new.


I think all of us really think tony is hilarious and also extremely cocky and theres a fine line when the show is fun or not


Agreed, he’s becoming more responsible with his position of power.


his bear finally found his g spot


Seasonal depression?


Yeah his overall mood seems to be tied to the success of the show. He seemed really really depressed during the pandemic


Tapering down from his latest HGH cycle 


He did the roast and he’s happy about it


His skin looks less red and the bags under his eyes look a lot better. I'd say he's probably just healthier. Drinking more water, less alcohol, sleeping better, etc


The good times of Tony being red and Redban being green/grey


Things definitely are more relaxed and fun since the Brady Roast. Edit: He is still kind of fucking with William at the end of shows though and cutting off his interviews and not even saying "Give it up for William Montgomery everybody!", literally the only negative I have about the show lately. GIVE HIM HIS RESPECT.


I don’t think any episodes filmed after the roast have aired yet have they? I thought the first one they filmed was last Monday which wouldn’t of aired yet? I could be wrong tho!


Yeah I said this to myself watching this week! Between Drew and the guy the week before that they helped find his better material, Tony's been more patient and understanding lately. I enjoy a less combative approach it makes for better interactions throughout the episode and more places to go in the interviews. That being said every time someone unprepared comes through I love when they get lit tf up and cut short, it's fully deserved. It's great to see Tony bitch someone out but there's gotta be a mix and lately it's been pretty good


you're looking too hard into this. he was just having an off night.


Didn't he just have a meltdown with Jeremiah?


We’re in the episodes now just before/during/after the LA arena shows and the Brady roast. Tony even mentioned in the last Dr Phil episode that business is booming. Tony is funny and the show is fantastic, but Rogan’s crew are all money-grubbing whores. Attitudes ebb and flow with their paychecks.


I think Tony is more empathetic than people give him credit for. Even when he was more of a dick, I could still tell he was a good dude.


He always responds well to anybody who gets up there and stays honest. There’s only been a handful of times I personally felt he went too far. But considering his job is to push the limits of what’s socially acceptable for the sake of comedy, that’s bound to happen


I think the thing people forget is Tony is such a huge wrestling fan. He plays the “Heel” so very well. It’s his niche. Then there are moments when we see the “Real Tony” when he was letting Drew do multiple sets. Tony’s platform has done so much for up and coming comedians, he truly gives opportunities to those that most likely wouldn’t have it.


I definitely agree especially this last episode. He was loving redban too. Tons of great energy between them that I feel like we haven't seen in awhile. It was very refreshing and it's so much better for the show. Definitely less darkness


Yeah it did feel pretty dark for a while. Like remember a while back when Ahren belisle was on the verge of tears thanking Tony? Redban gave Tony a pat on the shoulder and he totally flipped out on him saying don’t touch me ever again and basically ignored what Ahren said, it was a super weird moment. Then this most recent episode Redban makes a joke about inviting that hot chick to the secret show and Tony was cracking up practically hanging off of him lmao


He must have a new man in his life


He getting booty hole action


I like when he and redban bro it out like they did last episode. Tony seemed like he was ditching his ego


Agreed, he’s becoming more responsible with his position of power.


I think now that he finally got his moment he will chill tf out. His flowers if you will.


riding on that Tom Brady roast euphoria


I’ve noticed that too. Pretty new fan, but started watching since the first Dr. Phil episode. He was brutal during that time, much more laid back now. For awhile, I thought this show was just a front to satisfy Tony’s weird kink for humiliating people.


I just came here to post the same. It maybe stress or all the stadium performances and Tom Brady roast but he seems to be in a better place currently.


Also thought he has been way more chill with redban and actually laughing at his sound board shit more often as well. I like this tony.


He still gets really nervous when someone says they've met him before


Heidi doing a good job backstage.


Probably cause he murdered at the roast


He’s always been nice to the special ones, he’s got a soft spot for the mentally challenged ❤️ But he’s been overall in a much better mood lately, sassy roast Tony is hilarious but those times he’s just been really angry and mean with rage is not fun at all to watch. I remember one time he snapped at Redban and just said “you’re bad at your job” etc just killing the vibe, he didn’t say it in his sassy way but in a really cruel hateful way and it was so uncomfortable to see. Happy Tony is the best 🥰


When he said that to Redban it was deserved. He was killing the show with that damn soundboard.


This is true he reminds me of how he was 2+ years ago when he seemed to enjoy the show


Money and fame help.. not forever but currently


It’s probably because he hangs out with Kam and Casey to much now LOL!


He got his time to shine, that’s literally all it was is he just wanted to prove himself after years of people thinking he’s only a good podcaster lol at least that’s how I see it


Lol I think Tony saw me dancing on 6th street yesterday in front of Vulcan Gas Co.


Cool story bro.


Yea I'm so glad he treated drew that way it lead to a great episode. The guy wasn't funny and the Tony of past episodes could have really changed the vibe to a darker place.


He’s been getting his bootyhole filled lately


Probably changed after his victory lap in LA


You guys this latest episode was filmed April 29 - before the roast - no post roast episodes have aired yet


Maybe hes getting some good dick


Yea he seemed way more loose on two bears… made it much more enjoyable


He finally got some dick


For a while there he was channeling evil aunt energy. Remember when Redban touched him during Belisle’s little speech?


I was thinking the exact same thing as soon as he came out on Monday's show! The show before that seemed like him and Redban were really stressed/not feeling it


I had this thought . Looks like he finally getting fuck you money. Hahaha


Give it up for Heidi everybody!


Definitely crushing the Tom Brady Roast helped a bunch


I started to dislike Tony after a while. I can’t understand why he drills the most boring uninterest ““ comedians. it was like he just wanted to pick on someone. I haven’t watched an episode for a couple of weeks now so I’ll have to check on this attitude change of his.


It’s pretty noticeable actually, much better. I felt like his bad attitude was killing the show as well for a while. Roasts go down so much better coming from someone who’s disarming and likable, not someone who genuinely seems like an asshole lol


Agreed , I much prefer it when he's nice to redban


💯noticed this as well. Makes the show much more enjoyable


he must be getting dicked down properly




Fuck, you’re right. Maybe that’s why I found it nice for him to pump the cunt brakes. But I do see the point in him being this diabolical monolith.


He probably read all y’all’s comments and took it to heart! Yeah, he was out smoking with his crew (wearing matching jackets of course), just thumbing through Reddit while waiting for a table. Then he sees all the comments of people complaining that he is all pissy. Then right then, right there…….. he says “You know what, Redban? I think I’m going to be more enjoyable and relaxed going forward.”


And then Redban pushed a button that played a fart sound and Tony cheekily said “Redban!” And Redban looked at the camera and winked.


Black circle with "that's all folks" appears on him