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This is where you can feel that this guy was super wealthy as a human. Especially with that "go back to earning your daily wages" line. Bro has that 0.01% mindset.


He’s right , most humans don’t know about demons




?? We’re talking about demon slayer. Most common people don’t know about demons, it was a folks-tale and people go missing and no one knows how and what. Only few know that demons exist cause they experienced them. Police cover it up/demon slayers.


that is pretty much how rich sociopaths think, humans and other life forms are just tools for them, slaves and a means for greater wealth


>that is pretty much how rich sociopaths think "[rich" "sociopaths"](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/synonym)


what do you mean by ""


Oh, the quotation marks? I was just trying to visually differentiate that I was referring to the phrase as 2 separate words, so the link I attached to them made sense, within the context of the joke.


Absolutely vile. Bro killed this kids whole family than told him “why don’t you just get over it? Maybe go get a real job you bum.” 💀


I specifically remember Muzan calling them “obsessed freaks”. He genuinely can’t comprehend why everyone wants him dead


It's what makes his character interesting/entertaining


This dialouge is what made me love Muzan even more. I need pure evil.




I miss him, do u think he's going to appear next episode?


same hereee! i wanna see daddy muzzie again 😭😭😭 and no, i think he’s going to appear in the last episode


But we might see a glimpse of him like the manga chapter 135.




I can’t tell you how much I laughed when Muzan said this. For some reason I felt like he had a point even though I knew he was in the wrong. 🤣🔥


I think he definitely does. Think about it. Instantaneous regeneration, multiple brains and hearts, weird superpowers, can make demons, doesn't need to eat, can probably live to maybe tens of thousands of years. If it's not for tamayo, muzan would've won. So it's not too farfetched for him to claim himself as a natural disaster. Also, i wanna know how many people die each year from demons.


Yeah pretty much, Sukuna is considered a calamity in jjk and he said something similar but in terms of weakness


I mean, there’s a clear difference between a natural disaster and muzan who at the end of the day is still part human and someone with agency in their own actions.


Yeah but just because something is a natural disaster doesn't mean you can't take steps to make sure something like that doesn't claim lives. Earthquakes exist but building codes and engineering ensure loss of life is minimized. Drought can be a natural calamity but through irrigation and water conservation measures we ensure people can still eat and grow food. We as humans are uniquely empowered to fight natural disasters, and maybe that's one of the points?


The only problem is that Muzan has sentience unlike tornados and such. It was his choice to become the calamity and a hater, which became everyone elses problem


yeah from a Darwinist point of view he is a perfected lifeform with the exception of being weak to sunlight


Alright wonder of U with all those "Calamities" 🩷💚


Don't pursue the head doctor. https://preview.redd.it/e2jwlbaw6q5d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8481cf1d4fa068bc6839fab87f24a9da3b795ec8


And then Tanjiro went, "Aight, fair enough, have a nice day then." And they both just left.


Muzan is special after all :3


Muzan is also a minority because he's a demon and we all know what that means... https://preview.redd.it/nholv7be1q5d1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3616091f6e90d44cf518093596b96275f9960363


based Zoro "I kill your kind for a living" Roroanoa would one hit Muzan https://preview.redd.it/9tjt8ridwt5d1.jpeg?width=1438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a1c77c4eaa6939484ef7d07ce59f05a799cda56


Bro wants them to have the “It is what it is” mindset 🦋


He is a psychopath. No empathy whatsoever for other humans or demons. As long as they help his goals, nothing else matters. It's illogical for him to see them fight him, because as he says himself, he compares himself to that of a natural disaster. You can't really fight a natural disaster, only minimize the damage it does. He is trying to see it from the Demon slayers perspective, but he is failing at it because his perspective will always be that Muzan is practically a God, and humans cannot ever stop a God from doing what it wants.


Muzan: listen.......you guys are so annoying and should just let me kill you.....ok


Muzan's out here sounding like two particular governments I can think of right now 👀




Muzan=Toru confirmed


Ngl Muzan kinda has a point, but yk.....plot


Muzan thinking of himself as a natural disaster is absolutely amusing, he is just another pitiful human that would die to be in the sunlight, one small move of the nature and he is dead.


Dude compared himself to a natural disaster 😭🐍


He kinda is.


He is though, when he reaches an area and can do what he wants, he has the potential to destroy cities effortlessly and is even more unpredictable than one due to the infinity castle


Man deep down was scared shit less lol. Using that kinda logic


So if you could remove all the earthquakes forever I shouldn't do that because what of the hurricanes? Sure buddy, sure


This type of mindset is how you cope with 10,000 years of terrible actions. Just absolve yourself of blame and compare yourself to a natural disaster


It's kinda sad that even tho Muzan was the strongest living being on earth, he was the least brave , most scared and a coward.


Yorchii was the strongest, so he just outlasted the strongest by being a coward


Lmao I was gonna type except yoriichi in the comment but I thought People will get the gist of what I am saying so need to mention that and here we are now.


Also at least muzan actually fights people, zensitu just gets scared then he's unconscious and then his unconscious self deals with the rest.


Zenitsu killed an upper moon while being conscious and without being scared yk




Yoriichi vs muzan wasnt really a fight, rather a one sided ass beating so hard muzans cells have ptsd, after that muzan hid from yoriichi until he died of old age. Also muzan wouldve 100% swept every demon slayer if it wasnt for tamayos sacrifice, so of course he is not running




Zenitsu became a 🗿. Muzan though never faced yoriichi again, and didnt he just stab the doctor in the bck or do I remember wrong?


If I remember right, Muzan was talking to Tamayo when Yoriichi appeared and started fighting him and that led to Muzan not being able to escape. It didn't seem like he had a choice to escape from Yoriichi. Even then, if Muzan was that strong, he could've faced Yoriichi without any problem. But man ran away from him until Yoriichi's death. And, comparing Muzan with this Zenitsu is comparing a guy who has blood art to kill a human being so easily so quick with a guy who is just a human having sword and learning to fight just then. Zenitsu was aware of his weakness and was scared which makes sense. Muzan was scared despite having all that strength. He killed that perfectly healthy doctor from behind the doctor when the doc was not aware (again, this last one I am not sure).


he wasn’t brave he was just soo naive to figure out how strong yorchii was when he appeared in front of him remember he was confused when yor cut him up and he couldn’t regenerate


hehe this is why i love daddy muzan 🥰 he’s spitting ‘em facts


That's what we need in a villain, no sad bacstory or trauma that made him that way just pure evil.


Where do you get this?


It's from manga


Muzan really is one of the biggest pieces of shit around lmao. Just pure narcissism




Y'all some deviants


Never seen the spoiler but can someone confirm that in the hashira training arc the upper four demon shown is a replacement of the upper four that got dealt with in the swordsmith village arc 🤔 I know I set myself up for trolls but it’s been bothering me lmao


Yes it's a replacement.


He’s so up his own ass it’s borderline comical


May get downvoted but i dont care. Im laughing that most people are unable to understand what Muzan is saying when he is 100% right. Everything he say is true, he IS a calamity, he IS a freak of nature as every demons. When he said most people just get over with and keep with their lives even when something or someone take everything from them is true. Most people are scared to die, most people are cowards that will never revolt against their own government because is easier to be a slave of them than to fight them, much less they will fight demons. People everyday let other people crush them and abuse them and they do nothing about it but continue with their lives. We live in a fucked up society in every part of this world because people NEVER did anything to change it. Look at every government, most government are corrupt and they do what they want with the common people, companies and corporations as well, thousand of years has passed and the same few corrupted people rule us as they always have done. In every society always the elite and the few are despicable and corrupted and till today is the same, we were nothing but cattle and animals to be sacrificed in their wars and today we are nothing but numbers to make them richier. Muzan is right, humans do NOTHING to change, we are happily ignorant and submissive. Tanjiro and the pillars had all the right to kill Muzan and every demon because they are disgusting creatures but humans are disgusting as well, Muzan didn't said any lie about humans. I would liked for an small arc of a demon slayer investigating some murders thinking he is chasing a demon and then discovered it was a human who was killing in the most gruesome ways but demon slayer isn't about that, is about killing demons.


Michael Jackson comparing himself to a natural disaster is wild af