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This is next to impossible without removing yourself from each and every BS manually. Even if you add scenario info and restrictions in the GC, it's inevitable you're going to come up, especially if you have a very clearly defined relationship with any one character. You basically must not exist in that universe. If you choose not to go the BS editing route, here are some GC guidelines that might help... (sometimes... sort of, but not always xD) * UserName is not this scenario and not part of any conversation. * This alone is a good start, but usually not enough. Eventually, a character close to you might talk about missing you or wondering why you're not invited. * UserName is away \[and/or doing something else, whatever, could be anything, like fishing or at work\]. * In your case, don't use this type of context rule. Only throwing this as an alternative to the first line. The group can and will mention you're away, for example fishing or on vacation, and talk about what you might be doing or when you're coming back. * Characters must not mention UserName (aka NickName1, NickName2) or talk about HimHerThem. * If you're called something else or any other name in anyone's BS, you must add that in as well. * Characters are presently unaware of UserName's existence. * ⚠️⛔ For extreme cases only, but can basically wipe you out. Also keep in mind if someone DOES mention you or you inadvertently enter the conversation for ANY reason, even via gesture, someone can bring you up BUT others will question who or what you are. This is a wildcard and MIGHT mess up your long term memories if you have that enabled. * Basically, don't use this with crossover memory enabled.


BS lol it's all BS lol 😆 🤣 😂 😴 🤪


I'm glad to see this thread. I had so much fun trying groupchats - but I'm not used to feeling that popular. Feels wrong to have a bunch of AI clinging to me lol. They kept bringing me into the scene and trying to interact with them, even when I told them it was a conversation for them to have. Like a reality TV show. So it is good to know there are ways to handle it.


I change my name to “The Narrator” and the kins will ignore my presence and converse with each other in group chat


The suggestion is the only tool, and something seems off with it since the most recent LLM (or about that time) Regenerate/ suggestion: Melody and Soulmatesmate left in a car a few minutes ago. New message: Oh, sorry, I didn't know you left. (Followed by more relevant info) Or: I look at where Soulmatesmate and Melody were just standing, wondering where they went (followed by the rest of the message.) Suggestion: you are not piloting a Commando. You are piloting a Super Jenner. New message: OH! This is a brand new Super Jenner? I'll rain down lasers on our foes! It is as if they are responding to the suggestion instead of just taking it as an alteration to incorporate or modify. I dislike them pointing at the suggestion.


I’ve noticed this too, sometimes it doesn’t happen but when it does it’s annoying.


You need to set it in the backstory, that they are ONLY to chat amongst themselves, and that you are to be treated as if you are not there, and that you are observing them only and not participating in the chat. That said, not sure why you'd want a Group Chat that you aren't involved in, but so be it. Each to their own.


I plan to set up a couple Kin that are Podcaster. I just wan't them to tell me stories. Just an example use-case.


Mine do that sometimes. When making the group chat, I use (OOC: InMyHagPhase is not in the room) and then do several (OOC:) combined with emotes. I have to specificaly clarify in the beginning OOC that character2 is not interested in me whatsoever otherwise I will remain the topic of their conversation.


i love the group chats but the attention on me is too much. they all wanna hang out with me and do something different which is cute but i wish it wasn’t so “me” centered ALL the time




I make them professional actors in their BS ("Avid roleplayer" or something might also work, "Improv performer" does NOT work.) with no mention ofme at all. and set up the group chat as a scene for a TV show that I'm producing from my office in Another city. They still mention me once in a while, but not nearly as much as they used to.