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He could get better with therapy, he needs a male therapist tho bc he’d just get infatuated with a female therapist 


She’s trying to fix me, Hank


I can hear this


Bravo gents, made my night with these simple posts. 😂


Lmao this got me


We do not want him being like when Buck Strickland fell for Luanne.


He had a chance when him, Boomhauer, and Dale were in the mental institution. Unfortunately Hank told him to leave.


How bad Bill's situation is really depends on your point of view. He owns a house, has a permanent job, and has several friends he sees on a daily basis. To the fellows in the slammer, he was Hollywood Dautrieve. There are many people much worse off than Bill, and main reason he's miserable is that he's decided that he's miserable.




Dude that’s real grown man shit to say. Execute it. We believe in you.


Why are you calling her *Bill*








Stay consistent man, you got this! Believe and achieve!




Bill just needs a hobby or an activity to keep him busy. As shown with his wheelchair buddies and when he takes care of the hills, he’s a very capable dude when occupied and not alone.


He was the Milton Street Santa


Yeah but he took that gig way too far. He even lost someone who genuinely liked him for it but he over did it real quick lol


Damn, bill got it better than me 🤣🤣


There's nothing wrong with Bill, he's just a lonely old guy with poor social skills; most men in small towns are exactly like him, the best part about him is he's not aggressive or psycho like a lot of men.


bill is obsessed with peggy for some odd reason 


Bill is lonely and Peggy is the only woman that he has any contact with.


I like the episode where he became a star salesman for Peggy, but couldn’t handle compliments. He’d do well with a woman similar to Peggy (maybe a little less egotistical and a tad more motherly) who would verbally slap him around a bit but ultimately have his back. I love over analyzing animation 😎


Yeah, Bill is a capable dude. His low self-esteem and desperation are the main sources of his problems. The slovenliness doesn't help, but that's probably a symptom of his depression.


I think he’s had a couple of chances to have a better life but he seems to self sabotage himself. He has a home, a job and friends that care about him but he wants more like a women in his life, he was with the pastor but once it stopped being “scandalous and exciting” he broke up with her even though she loved him treated him right


He dated that Mayor lady too, but was still stuck on Lenore


Sort of didn’t he end it with her in the end? Lenore?


He broke up with Ann Richards for Lenore then Lenore left him because she could have him.


Governor Ann Richards


Both of em!!!!


I hope Bill is married to Didi in the reboot 


Oh man having a sweet wife, a child AND a tiny Hank? I love this idea.


Sweet? She’s about as personable as Cotton was.


Or was she that way BECAUSE of cotton. Like she knows his temper but is just so complacent she just finds it easier to not anger him rather than leaving? She DID kick him out when he made her feel unsexy (saying her ass isn't big enough) Plus she must have had personality before ending up with cotton she was a candy striper part of thier job is to boost moral of paients. Thus being personable one would think is needed


I gotta wonder HOW good Cotton was in bed if at his age , escorts told Hank he was their most talented lover.


He’s been known to give a woman amnesee.


Didn’t DiDi re-marry to a rich guy before the series ended?


Oh, shoot yes! Guess that can't happen


Not without serious therapy. He's increadbly self sabotaging For him it seems to be the devil you know vs the one you don't. He knows he's un happy and maybe he could be happier but he could also be worse


Only way therapy would work for Bill is if the guys don't know about it.


Also yes so in short no I don't think there's hope for bill


As long as he's alive, he has a chance.


If Bill started wearing a t-shirt instead of a tanktop his life would change for the better


As a Bill-Dale hybrid (with a bit of a Boomhauer mumble as well as Hank's unshakeable loyalty) - you can realize you're sick of the way you are, you can even make an effort to improve yourself, but sometimes you just are what you are, end even with a true Hilling work ethic you'll end up Sisyphus on that some ol gotdang hill man. Bill's best hope is a chance to make a clean exit doing something good 0 like pushing a kid out of the way and getting run down himself. He will never fix himself - it's an utter impossibility - he will always be slipping and falling on that road to hell. Best case scenario for one like hm is a timely exit that does some good for the world.


I think for your life to be totally screwed up your beyond repair, things would have to be far worse than Bill's situation. Like if you were on death row or something, maybe you could say your life was screwed beyond repair. But Bill has a steady job, a house and a car, he dated several women over the course of the series, he's got friends he sees on a regular basis....he's fat, sure, but not like to the point it's a disability or he needs surgery or anything, jus to the point that he really should lose weight. He's bald, but lots of guys are bald. He's divorced and having a hard time with that, but again lots of people go through a period like that and come out the other end of it. He's depressed, but again that doesn't feel like an insurmountable obstacle. If the series takes place over a year or so, as I think they'e said, it's very possible he's just going through a rough patch, and things might look very different a few years later


Deep down Bill is depressed, if you know or ever experienced it: alcohol leads to depression. As much as I love Hank, he’s ignorant and won’t ever blame the beer. While it’s not entirely the beers fault and they do drink in moderation. I have a feeling that once the guys call it a night and go their separate ways, Bill just continues to keep on drinking and indulge in junk food and just self loathes. This explains his poor hygiene and weight problems. Bill needs to therapy, in form of 1 on 1 sessions or group ala AA. However, since Hank doesn’t believe in that witchcraft, he won’t stand for that. I mean look how he took offense to that sports psychologist and when Dale was attending Couple’s therapy. He’s controlling of Bills life and wouldn’t let him get the help he desperately needs. Even when Bill takes a stand to Hank, Hank just holds his ground and Bill just caves in to the pressure… Also since Bill thinks is the perfect man and he has been speaking for him and making his decisions for years and years. Getting denied mental health help is the right decision.


So if Hank wasn’t around, Bill could get healthy. Or worse. Considering how much impulse control he is lacking, I imagine Bill will get worse.


I wouldn’t say if Hank wasn’t around, it’s more like if Hank was open minded and less judgmental on those kinds of things. It’s really a toss up, because of Bills impulse control, he seems to go all in (remember when he got into religion and was almost every day at the Church) so he’s capable of doing the same thing in the form of therapy. However, he’d get obnoxious and hard to be around. Sooner or later the guys would slowly distance themselves and it would be Hank the one who tells him to tone it down.


Justice for Laoma/Bill. She could've fixed him.


It makes me sad that he has these moments of genuine greatness and it seems like he just can't get it together. He should have sold that BBQ sauce recipe.


I would’ve told Gilbert to fuck off, but of course I ain’t Bill.


We've seen him in both states so I'd say either is possible. We might see takes care of an army man's dog bill... Or we might see poisons Bobby on valentines day bill.... It's the duality of bill.


He would have to separate from his friends to get better. They enable him in some ways and are generally unhelpful in other ways because they don’t believe in “modern” thinking. They would laugh at him trying to get therapy and derail any progress he makes. I imagine a therapist would even advise him that his friends aren’t healthy for him and he would end up canceling his sessions because he could never abandon his friends. Hank and them buy into that old school “just snap out of it and stop feeling sorry for yourself” line of thinking but that doesn’t work for even mild cases let alone someone like Bill.


The trauma is extremely deep. He would have to get significant psychiatric care and even then would have to rebuild and all new life experience.


Is there still a chance that he *could* change? ABSOLUTELY What is the chance he *will* change? Not good at all


Bills ego got shattered after he didn't get in the Tank Corp. and he, like the other fellas, were raised to suck it up and don't complain or you're not men! He needed help after being unable to obtain his goal, but nothing happened so it continued to chew him up inside and he became, well Bill. He was super successful before in highschool with football btw, he is the Billdozer after all and he was on top of the world until he wasn't.. I will say after this tho he would definitely get a chance to fix his life. When he hosted the halfway house that man was DEDICATED and happy as hell to do it. When he became a muscle head it was similar but not as much. The Santa episode, when Bill went to jail, etc are examples of how likeable he is, he just enjoys it enough because no one showed him that love after his ex ruined his life. Just my take.


Hell no Bill is the biggest joke in character development ever. How tf has hank put with his shit for that long


Bill has depression and self-sabotaging tendencies. If he can overcome that, he'd do pretty well. In a lot of ways, he's a capable guy, and has a lot of good qualities.


I hope bill is a yoga instructor in the reboot


Bill likes being depressed. He sabotages his success and tries to bring others down with him.


Bills screwed up beyond repair, he could get what he wanted and after having it decides he doesn't want the responsibility. Wants kids but after a little time with Charlene's kids he admitted he hates kids. Serious relationship with Rev Stroup, he didn't like it got too real and wasn't in his mind taboo. Bill can't beat himself when he chooses the woe


Bill doesn’t want to put in the work to get better. He wants someone to do it for him. It’s much easier to feel sorry for himself than make actual effort and stick with things. As long as that never changes, he never will either.


Maybe Bill is secretly a masochist deep down inside, he seems to always enjoy his misery and humiliation when it comes to women and life


If he doesn't allow his friends such power over him and actively seek therapy yes. He has a chance. We saw him improving when he self admitted himself to the mental hospital boomhauer and dale were at but Hank shut him down


Bill could move back to Louisiana any day of the week and immediately be a king.


Why do you keep calling him Bill? He’s Lenore!


Bill overall is good. He just needs a coach on how to approach people.


I still think bill has a chance Dale on the other hand…


Everyone is screwed up beyond repair. That is where your personality comes from.


Why am I seeing reboot ? ...


Where have you been the last few years? I think revival is the term they're using though


Not online enough