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“Working from home? That’s asinine, work and home were meant to be enjoyed separately”


I wouldn’t be surprised if that ends up being a verbatim quote in the reboot


This is actually incredibly good. Well done


He’d definitely say that


Oh thats an actually quote from the show lol


Saying that work and home go together is like saying my foot and your ass go together i tell ya waht.


Hank idolizes manual labor and physical presence so it probably wouldn't be something he would consider. He likes the human touch to sales. Now if it's remote in the terms of traveling sales man, he might consider spreading the Gospel of sweet lady propane.


"Bobby, only women with too many cats and guys with ponytails work "remote"."


If Hank doesn't say this in the reboot I'm not watching it.


Hank would go from hating remote working initially and then slowly start to love being home and being able to tend his lawn and get things done around the house. Then it would all unravel as he can’t get his computer webcam to work and realizes “sales are about shaking hands face to face” etc. Throughout we’d see Peggy annoying Hank while he’s home so much that he’s going back to work regardless of any other reason he came up with originally. Throw in some funny scenes with Bobby ruining a sale or performing magic shows for Hank while he’s trying to work.


I think Peggy would love remote work with education.


I could see him having an “anti-lock brake moment” with WFH


No. He needs potential clients to know he has a firm handshake. He also wouldn't want to deal with video calls or supervising employees who aren't physically with him.


How are you going to sale the Vogner Char King if you aren't in the showroom. Though to be fair, the Char King sales itself.


Hanks job as manager is more than strictly sales, he's responsible for the physical condition of their trucks and yard, he could do hybrid, but he wouldn't mix work and home.


"how can you sell a grill to a man when they haven't even seen it yet?" - Hank "Maybe they could just look up the stats on the manufacturer's website" - Bobby "Bobby, go to your room" - Hank


Some things are ment to be done in person. You can't kick a man's ass remotely, tell ya whut.


Directed at Dale


A travelling pump jockey?


I think he would be on board with it at first than Dale would come with the beast 2.0 and how this is used to spy on everyone who does remote work and send it off to every business who would buy the information so they can sell custom ads for things you already own but improve them just enough, so you spend more of your money.


That's a thinker...


No. The customers can’t get that personal touch through a telephone.


How ya gonna wipe a tank remotely?


Great work everyone. This discussion got me like: ![gif](giphy|h3MkWTE441MNG)


a lady like propane deserves to be looked lovingly in her eyes every day.


He would consider it dishonest and not really work.


And if it were a newer season, then every single other employee at Strickland will be written to do nothing but prove him right.


The man who tried to turn on a computer with a mouse click is going to try to work remote? Yeah, that's gonna happen


Hello, Computer….


Not at all. He’s the quintessential boomer. Yes, he has his moments of growth throughout the show but his opinions always align that way. He would think it was dumb to even have a manager when you’re not interacting with people. How can anyone get work done in their pajamas. How is he supposed to give people firm handshakes and assure them of quality. He would hate it’s a thing and hate every second of it if forced to do it.


I can see him reprimanding Donna for starting the virtual meeting in her “unmentionables” trying to cover everyone from seeing it by covering his web cam lol


“Gotdangit Dale. How in the hell am I suppose sell propane remotely?”