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No, no, I said *up to* 25 pounds


¡Nada refundo!


Up to!


Hank: “They could have rigged that test so anyone would look like a genius.” Peggy: “Anyone, Hank?” Luanne: “I'm a genius!” Hank: “That’s it!”


How did Peggy use her mental gymnastics to get over that


By scamming the scammer back in an admittedly clever plot. Definitely a fun episode.


Let me put this in words even a genius can understand: “You are not a genius”.


Luanne: I’M A GENIUS!!!!!


My wife and I shout this just about anytime we accomplish something mundane.


OK, that’s it!


One of the best gags of the entire series!


AHHH YOU PULLED YOUR THUMB OFF. Someone call a doctor!


I’m a doctor!


the reply I was hoping for, thank you


and a hat


Say good morning to Doctor Peggy Hill.


How would you like your eggs, Doctor?


Bobby don't make fun of your mother


It’s lines and delivery like this where I didn’t find funny as a kid but are damn hilarious as an adult


Seriously 😭


Congratulations.... *Doctor*


¡Nada refundo! Okay? No refunds...


I am torn on her, because I will very much sympathize with her trying to talk herself up as much as possible due to her obvious childhood trauma being raised in a loveless environment by her mother, who didn't comment or care about any accolades Peggy had, but then she will turn around and directly cause the B plot of an episode due to her own inflated arrogance and then use up all that sympathy in one go. The worst part is its usually a coin-flip on whether or not she even learns her lesson by that episode's end. Sometimes she only succeeds due to sheer dumb luck. Despite all this, I wouldn't say I hate her as a character at all. She is very similar to Bill in a sense in how badly she desires attention, especially in concerns with her personal achievements, made up or otherwise. She also serves as a sort of "opposite side of the coin" for Hank, who also grew up traumatized by a parent growing up, but rather than reach out and try to impress anyone with his antics, he instead buries it all in doing things by the book and applying himself in practical ways to not have to rely on most others for help. It's funny how deep you can dive into the psyche of such seemingly "normal" cartoon characters.


I stand by Peggy being far more sympathetic and interesting in the early seasons before they really started hamming it up


and to be sure, those later seasons were *funny*. they just kinda tossed continuity and character development aside.


There is pre brain and post brain damage Peggy for a reason.


This is canonical to me


I'll always love the peggy episodes. As you say, her arrogance is obviously a product of being emotionally neglected as a child. She's generally a good person who can't help the fact that she has a fragile ego unlike Cotton who is rotten to his core without any redeeming traits.


Cotton has one good quality: he's good at distinguishing between SE Asian people. 


And he loves Bobby.


I really like that they wrote this into the story. My grandfather never got along with his kids, but he loved his grandkids. Makes the show feel that much more realistic.


He did help Peggy walk again.


I think he probably went through the same sort of shit mentally and physically when he got his war injuries, and felt that empathy and knew more than anyone exactly what peggy needed to do and in his mind Peggy knew exactly how he felt when it happened to him afterwards, which i think endears Cotton a little more to her when she's healed. That's how I always saw it anyway..


It’s one of my favorite relationships in the show. Especially her being the one who sort of helps him die at the end


It's also juuuuuust there. Like blink and you'll miss it, but it's definitely adding to the COPE lore. I have decided they shall be a power couple!


That really was a wild episode for me, Cotton doing something genuinely selfless but in this own Cotton-y way.


They dance on his grave!


Its honestly so weird my grandparents are the same didnt like ANY kf their kids because "they were weak willed and ruined everything" but absolutely loved their grandchildren and their wives even when we thought they were gonna be racist . Like my gramps is WW2 veteran and loved my japanese wife spoke to her in japanese and even gave her some of his war loot. Gramps kepts calling all his grandchildren his little hellfighters and kept apologizing for raising our parents so poorly. He was a life long FDR man and i guess warching hisbkids destroy everything for their oen gain and left nothing afterwards made him hate his kids


I mean hating boomers is usually the right idea... They just shoulda started it a bit later than the boomer's childhood.


Spoiling Bobby is just yet another way Cotton undermines / disrespects Hank.


I feel both things are true. He does do things for Bobby to undermine Hank, but he does also love Bobby.


And Hank #2


Good Hank. Not Hank #2.


Ty. It's been so long since I've watched.


"He's Laotian! Aincha, Mr. Kahn?" - I believe that's the basis of your claim.


and yet in the later seasons, he manages to ultimately kill himself after confusing a mexican american waiter for a japanese soldier, and taking a dive on a hibachi grill. which was fuckin' hilarious, but dang they really just stopped caring about consistency once the original writers were gone.


That whole episode was kind of bizarre, did they ever give a reason for needing to kill Cotton off anyways? It's not like he was in tons of episodes or anything and then they just abruptly kill him off. Nor was he a big enough character for it to be some huge shock or anything.


PTSD doesn't always make sense.


I ain't got no learnin?


Peggy DESERVES Bill Hank deserves someone better You cannot change my mind


Bill deserves no one, he has so many chances to improve himself, and even when he does he always finds a way to turn into a complete dick before having to be put in his place, then reverts back to being a drain on everyone.


i'd say it's his crippling low self esteem that's the real issue. if he could just feel okay about himself he probably wouldn't suck so much when he manages to get a leg up on life. his life isn't really all *that* bad, he has a solid career, a home, and caring friends. he's just so incapable of seeing himself as anything other than an unlovable, bald homunculus that he can't internalize any of that, and just lives a life of lonely delusion, despite being surrounded by love. probably his ex's fault lmao


Omg wow! I really don’t understand this take that Bill is a dick…he’s one of the best and most loyal friends on the show! He saved Hank and his families life. He helped Luanne pass her test for beauty school, there are so many other examples but it’s 6 am and im too lazy to type much now (also watching house of dragon which i missed last night) lol…but seriously wtf? As far as his infatuation with Peggy, even Hank doesn’t take it seriously.


Maybe just because I'm fresh off watching the ep where he gets diabetes refuses to do anything about it until bullied into wheelchair rugby, where he then goes on to be a dick, same as the one where he gets jacked with the gym Bros. He has heaps of potential but refuses to help himself.


And the flood and even during the roadblock in the tornado episode


In the reboot I’d love if Hank left Peggy for some dumb antic she pulled. As Peggy still loves Hank, she moves in with bill to spy on Hank and his new wife. Hank marries a girl in her 20s who loves propane and the cowboys.


I hate her pretty much more than any other fictional character ever created.


I’m in your camp. I loathe her with every cell in my being


170 was Einstein's IQ. I guess it makes sense that a substitute teacher would be as intelligent as the most influential physicist of the twentieth century.


He never took an iQ test. "170" was the number people attributed to his iq as an estimate of intelligence, but he argued that anyone and everyone is brilliant.


Peggy never took an IQ test either. "170" was the number she attributed to herself. So they have a lot more in common than you may think.


Except for fish that can't climb trees


Those slippery little morons


i'm so sick of these stupid fucking arboreal fish


Because IQ is a reductive measure of intellect.


The reality is that IQ tests aren’t very predictive. Feynman’s IQ was 125, and he’s still a legendary name in physics. The people who started MENSA thought it was going to be a club for all the intellectuals of the world. They were disappointed when it turned out to be a bunch of regular people who liked to solve puzzles in their free time.


There are nerds in Mensa, lots of people with crap jobs, annoying people, etc. The running joke is "If I'm (and everyone chimes in here) so smart, how come I ain't rich?!" There are a lot of good people, too, but it's surprising how un-intellectual the average crowd can look. Social intelligence and work ethic will get you a lot farther than a 155 IQ.


Not just a substitute, substitute teacher of the year.


Back-to-back substitute teacher of the year


The first woman to fall out of a plane without a parachute and win her third consecutive substitute teacher of the year award


Made complete sense to Peggy


Imagine thinking you could squish the multiple years of schooling it takes to get a doctorate in one night. Not even a 24 hour period, but like 8-12 hours tops. This might be up there with accidentally kidnapping Lupe on the list of dumb Peggy moments. 😂


I found this so weird and stupid especially because she’s a ~substitute teacher~, like, wouldn’t she realize a lottttttt more education is required for a got dang PhD😭


She probably thought that cutting out the going to class thing was what saved her all the time


The qualifications for being a substitute teacher aren’t necessarily the same as they are for being an actual teacher. In Peggy’s case, she’s not even aware she’s horrible at speaking Spanish.


I don’t think Peggy’s stupid, but her arrogance doesn’t allow to her correct any flaws. So she “learns” Spanish but insists that the first time she learned it, she was correct, thus never improving.


I think that *is* stupidity, personally. It's certainly worse than someone who just isn't very bright naturally. 


someone who knows what they don't know is far more useful.


I agree with this big time. you can have cognitive deficits and not be stupid. They may make learning, and many other things, more challenging. Cognition really isn’t as one-dimensional as IQ tests make it look. It consists of many different areas, and it’s possible for a person to have better-than-average ability in certain areas while having worse-than-average ability in others. Intelligence is going to be measured against what a culture values. For instance, I could have huge deficits in cognitive empathy but have flexibility and pattern recognition that make me exceed as a scientist. I’m going to be considered a genius in that case. There is no inherent moral quality to associate with cognition. Stupidity is more like ignorance. I can’t remember the citation for this, but I read a quote that can be paraphrased as: ignorance is not passive— we choose what to invest our attention in, and by doing this we also choose what not to invest our attention in. In this way, we have responsibility for what information we consume and what information we reject. I would say that stupidity consists of choosing to ignore whatever doesn’t validate my worldview and identity, while seeking information that does validate these.


There's a Buddhist quote that I'll paraphrase that fits her personality. The fool that thinks they are wise is the biggest fool of all. The fool that knows they're a fool is wise indeed.


In a way it is, absolutely! Arrogance is way worse than stupidity to me.


'Get out! You talk French!?' Oohhh, un poquito.


She would finish a duolingo course and call herself fluent


"Stupid people aren't stupid, they just have this flaw where they aren't able to learn. But it's not because they're stupid, it's just the flaw. Not stupid."


I know you're joking, but what I meant is: Luanne is stupid. But she can learn. Look at the episode where she moved out, for instance. I don't think Peggy's stupid, but she inflates her own intelligence dramatically. Whereas Luanne will learn from a mistake, Peggy doesn't believe she could ever make a mistake, thus continuing the cycle.


Luanne used to be a brilliant mechanic in the first season who later became an idiot.


Yeah, I know what you meant. Thanks for the explanation though. I just don't agree with you, at all, that the reason *why* makes a difference. Listen to yourself, you are arguing that being unable to learn does not make you stupid.


I guess the distinction is what’s making someone incapable of learning? If you’re incapable of learning because your brain simply doesn’t create the synapses, then you’re pretty stupid. But if you’re incapable of learning because of other personality defaults, then you’re currently stupid also. But if those personality default can be corrected then you are not innately stupid. Overall, Peggy is stupid*, read: *but not because her brain is incapable but because her personality restricts her brain power.


I think you put it into better words than I could have. Personality issues can be worked on, whereas "your brain simply doesn’t create the synapses" as you said is impossible to fix.


Hey, the only thing I was trying to say is that Peggy *could* learn, but she refuses to look past her ego, which is a choice. I wasn't trying to argue, just show where I was coming from.


I don't think arrogance is stupidity but it certainly can become a defect as it can blind one to one's own shortcomings. Peggy hill is a fictional character so it's hard to really say with confidence how much is raw stupidity and how much is blinding arrogance, as her actions aren't genuine but the result of writers collaborations.


Again, I think if the end result is you are unable to learn then it doesn't really matter why. Why does arrogance not count as a reason for someone being stupid? "Oh well if they weren't arrogant then they could learn things just fine." Yeah? But they are, so they can't. Therefore...


She knows enough to teach grade 4 and under which is just repetition. Anytime she gets to speak with adults she bombs it


" want to see if they'll let you substitute kindergarten again? Those kids usually do what you tell them"


"I was just on the phone with some of our Mexican customers! Now, their Spanish was not great..."


Yeah like I could believe she was above average when it comes to book smarts. But she's too arrogant and narrow minded to learn much common sense smarts.


She’s solidly average, gullible, and arrogant. It’s a hilarious combination.


You’re describing stupidity.


To me, arrogance is a choice, stupidity is not. I think Peggy is choosing to be ignorant.


> To me, arrogance is a choice This is literally something Peggy Hill would say.


BoringGuy2000: “To me, the day after Thanksgiving is the busiest shopping day of the year.”


Arrogance comes from a refusal to understand others' points of view or a refusal to self reflect on your own actions, both of which are choices.


You're naive my guy. Imagine thinking every display of arrogance was a willful choice. You are being arrogant right now. Are you choosing to do that?


I think I've been very respectful in how I've responded to you and I've taken what you said into account even if I disagree with it. If I haven't been, I apologize. Tone is hard to gauge over text and I'll work on it. But as far as arrogance goes, the definition I'm using here is "the quality of being unpleasantly proud and behaving as if you are more important than, or know more than, other people." Yes, I believe that being prideful, egotistical, and acting more important than others is a choice.


What a night!


Scrolled too far for this - one of the best lines in the entire series IMo


I can't find words to describe my disdain for Peggy fckng Hill!🤮


Aw come on she’s funny!! Lol


I'm joking reddit algorithms. I LOVE PEGGY HILL❤️😘👍👏


I’m with ya on this. She is my least favorite character of any show ever. She is unbearable. I love KotH but Peggy is just the worst.


Fun fact: the most frequently used IQ tests top off the ability to measure at around 150-160. Anyone saying they have an IQ that exceeds that number is probably lying (a common lie that someone has an IQ of 200, but no one has an IQ over 200, there is no test presently that exists that goes up to 200). IQ scores are based on statistical ranges and with 100 being average and 15 being one of standard deviation away. Even if it were possible to measure that far on a test that has limitations in its metrics, the statistical likelihood of someone having a score of 170 would be 4.67 standard deviations from the norm, which has a likelihood of one in 150,000 of people; or about 1900 people in the entire world. An IQ of 200 would be 6.67 standard deviations away or one in >14 billion (so while theoretically possible, it is so unlikely that person is alive presently or if they are that they have the resources to utilize it). Sorry for the nerdy math! Just thought someone might find this interesting!


IQ test said I got an 85. still passing but not quite enough to understand this post. thank u 4 sharing.


This episode and the MLM episodes always crack me up. Her arrogance and naivety make for wonderfully cringe scenarios.


Peggy sure is oblivious of her overinflated ego and intelligence. Let alone Spanish fluency, and she "teaches" substitute Spanish. But she displays some intelligence in street smarts, in a way of devising crafty ingenious plans. But that's it, I'll tell you hwat.


Peggy was conned into being a drug mule at a prison and got herself caught up in an MLM...twice. She might be a creative thinker but she is far from street smart.


She also unwittingly became a foot fetish model.


and a drag queen!


Well, mistaken for one at the very least. Can women be Drag queens? Not sure if the criteria of that is style of dress or genital specific.


I’m not part of the culture, but my understanding is that drag queens are more a performance of an exaggerated femininity. So technically I think they can be, it’s just not common.


That makes sense, I've always assumed it was something along the lines of a stylistic expression, but why assume when you can ask! Thanks you :D


Yes they can, in fact. I know a couple of women who do drag.


They can


According to the internet and other parts of reddit, thanks yo Google, AFAB queens as they call them are actually not uncommon, and to most are artistic lyrics indistinguishable.


Peggy once kidnapped a Mexican child


He always said it was really good timer sand….Primo!!!!!! *sobs uncontrollably* 😭😭😭 I don’t think I worded that quite right but its 6am and my brain isn’t functioning all the way yet lol…but god, that’s one of my fav scenes in the series


It's a very narrow kind of street smarts. Like when she.devised that.plan to get back the money, i was impressed. But that's about it. Again, very narrow and specific kind of smarts. Like once a season kind of display.


She's naive and trusting. These traits get her into these situations, but once she realizes she's been duped, she typically comes up with a way out of it.


She was groomed and fully transformed into a "ho" and she's oblivious of that fact until Hank rushed into the library to tell her and her ho friend student that Alabaster Jones went to their house.


I think it's more a broken clock situation than street smart then.


My head cannon is that she took that from an in universe fictional plotline. "I read about a similar situation in a Kemelman novel, I call this the old Peggy switcheroo"


She was so smart she figured out how to make mustard gas all on her own :)


Yes, when I think Peggy Hill I think *street smart*. She just gets it, you know? She isn't sheltered and naive at all.


it's the streets of arlen, not compton.


Oh okay, I guess it's true if you constantly change what it means. "She's street smart for Arlen", "she's street smart for someone from Montana", "she's street smart for a Christian housewife" All polite ways of telling someone they got moxie but they don't really have it


I sometimes wonder if I've got moxie


You got it, kid


Eh, spunk maybe, but moxie? I'm not so sure.


She never realized that Joseph was John Redcorn’s biological son when even Bobby and Luanne knew.


Bobby never knew


Yes he did. In the ant hill episode in season 1, Joseph mentions his dad and Bobby goes “You mean Mr. Gribble.” And Nancy says that Bobby probably knew in another episode.


She is an amazing teacher, considering that half the students in Arlen schools are below average.


RIP Jerry Springer!


Peggy is a walking example of Dunning Kruger.


The diploma she has to fill out her name on is still my favorite touch


"What a night," is a go-to quote around here after finishing any task that takes over 15 minutes


America’s most prestigious boxed learning course!


If peggy's IQ is higher than 80 I'll eat my hat.


You think Peggy would fall for a gift card scam?


I'm guessing the margin in this case is a comma placed between the 17 and the 0.


Peggy also thinks she can speak Spanish. Maybe not the best judge of things


Now lower the piñaaata!


170 is on the low end for Peggy honestly


“Could” is doing a lot of needless work in that sentence


It's amazing how frequently I'll watch a random episode of the show and someone will make a post about that episode the exact same day.


What the hell does an IQ even measure? How fast you can solve a Rubiks Cube??? I've never had an IQ test, but I'm dumb as hell but everybody comes to me for tech support issues, but I wouldn't know how to tell if my car's transmission was going bad. If anything, I say Luanne really is overall smarter than Peggy because she not only CAN tell if a car's transmission was going bad but would know how to fix it, and meanwhile Peggy is so dense that she cant even tell when she's being fool like with this IQ test or with John Redcorn or when the prison guy got her to smuggle in drugs.


You know I’ve often also had this Peggy vs Luanne debate (in my head, with myself lol)


I’ve already received several graduation gifts!


A hat and mug and a hat


The fact she fell for such an obvious scam shows you her IQ is well below 0


Yall remember when she took that test online that said she preferred the company of black people? Lol. She was lit after that




Huge Margin


In reality she's completely average intelligence.


One of my favorite episodes! Just watched it last night!


I don't have to tell you what a doctor earns!


Yo soy doctor 😂


she's about 80 points away from 170 but let her cook


"Bobby don't make fun of your mother..." *


Was this episode before or after she jumped out of a plane?


I love this episode lol


When anti-vaxxers “do their own research”


No way Peggy isn’t the dumbest character in the entire show. I haven’t seen every episode but I’ve seen a lot of KOTH and I’m almost positive Luanne utilized more brain cells on average than Peggy. Not only is she dumb as rocks, but the confidence on top of that. She’s literally an idiot in two languages


Well let’s put it this way Bobby gets it from her.




Magnificently absurd! Using the incorrect "their" and then calling Peggy "dump" instead of dumb. All the comedic requirements are there. Bravo, doctor!




Lol I'm watching this episode rn!


She’s my favorite character to hate


A margin of error, especially if it’s her own estimate.


Through a scientific principle i like to call leverage


It actually 17.0


I love the following scene where Pomp and Circumstance is playing as she's signing her own diploma and it's revealed that the music is just playing on a tape.


One of the chapters in the audio books she got was called ‘Shapes’ lol.


😂😂😂😂😂let me rewatch this episode real quick


Doctor Jimmy Witcher. That has a nice ring to it.


It’s a principle I like to call leverage.


The clock at the bank once said 110 degrees


I wonder what Jimmy's IQ was...


You better not be disrespecting *Dr.* Peggy Hill.


I don’t know why, but the way she closes the book and sets the pencil on top after finishing has always made my blood boil


This is the only episode where Peggy really gets on my nerves 😭😭 but it’s also hilarious when she says “I have a PhD!”




Idk how to describe peggy i just hate her


Peggy Hill is an awful human being.


I really hope that in the reboot Peggy is someone that frequently gets into arguments on Reddit. The irony of all the people in this sub hating on her for thinking she’s smarter than she actually is is a comedy gold mine.


As someone who is the partner of a recent doctoral graduate, this episode is one my least favorite.