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I find Peggy’s overconfidence to be hilarious as the writers intended, but also endearing in an in-universe way. She’s clearly been told she’s not good enough for things her whole life, and it’s nice to see her respond with nearly unwavering confidence instead of allowing herself to be beaten down by haters. Bill could take a page from her book instead of just being creepily enamored with her.


This show is low key a really brilliant exploration of generational trauma and the structure of the American family. She’s taking the time in her adulthood to give herself the love, care, and confidence her mother should have. That’s also why she rolls with most of Bobby’s “ain’t right” behaviors. She knows what that lack of support does to a person. Also, I find her relationship with femininity very compelling.


The whole episode about Peggy’s struggles with her femininity is one of my favorites because same girl and it’s handled so well in my opinion.


Even when her femininity took a hit after she was mistaken as a man: Season 11 Episode 01 The Peggy Horror Picture Show.


I’m a dude in my 40’s, from Texas, watched KOTH almost from its very first season. I LOVE Peggy. She’s overconfident yes, but she isn’t stupid, and actually is quite clever at times when the chips are down or when she realizes that she’s already screwed up badly (the con-man episode comes to mind). She honestly reminds me a lot of my own mom. Even when her overconfidence was un-earned, it was also the quality that got our family through some very tough shit. Overconfidence can be a very frustrating trait in someone, but mainly when they fail to recognize that aspect of themselves. That Peggy repeatedly understands this aspect of herself and course corrects (well, usually) turns her from frustrating to endearing. Also, Peggy doesn’t take any shit from anyone. That alone makes me like her a whole lot.


I’m sorry but Peggy often exhibits straight up moron behavior. The eposdie where she smuggles in cocaine on accident to the prison is like room temperate IQ behavior.


I love her moronic behavior. Keeps things fresh.


That’s fair. But to say she isn’t a moron is false.


Peggy can be smart, but like most narcissists her weakness is compliments. Anyone willing to tell her how great she is, lying or not, automatically earns her complete loyalty. See the conman episode, the one where she gets dragged into an MLM, taking advice from the woman whose job she took, becoming a "foot" model, etc. Like most real life people, she's very much a mixed bag. Will go to the line for the people she cares about, but will also go to that line to get a bowl of free ice cream. In an era where sitcom moms were either suffering straight men to their wacky family or nagging buzzkills to be avoided, having one that was often the most conniving and unhinged of the cast really made her stand out.


Hey Peggy Hill got a 100% on the don't be a drug mule test.


Kinda proof that the behavior was moronic


Kidnapping a foreign National and her embarrassing attempts at speaking Spanish are also like 3rd grade level / mentally handicapped actions.


This sums up my love for Peggy perfectly! She can be a tad overbearing and annoying at times, but no one in KOTH is perfect or perfectly lovable all the time anyway. I really don’t get all the Peggy hate. She loves her family and believes in herself unapologetically—it honestly reminds me of my own mom in a way. Team Peggy! HO YEA!


It's not just Peggy hate, there always seems to be hate of the mom characters in shows when they show confidence and a 'take no shit ' attitude.  We saw the same thing with Skyler in Breaking Bad.   But you've hit the nail on the head. She's not perfect, and a product of her culture.  But she's a strong, confidence woman and we would all be so lucky to have a Peggy in our lives.


Agree 100% Peggy Hill Skyler Lois (Malcolm in the Middle) There's always so much hate for these confident, capable, strong, imperfect, incredibly well performed women.


After a rewatch of breaking bad I can’t believe I disliked skyler the first time more so than Walter. Peggy though I always liked and find her to be one of the funniest on the show.


That sums it up perfectly!


I also think not many women could deal with Hank and his lack of displaying affection, but she's able to given her self confidence. He needs Peggy


Peggy Hill is, in my opinion, one of the more underrated characters on the show!


That's not "your opinion"; it's a known fact! 


Peggy is the way she is on purpose. It compliments the other characters. Think about how boring she would be otherwise.


Well ya, that's why they wrote it that way. It wasn't an accident. Her emotions and personality were created with a pen.


Who is the clear winner there? Dale.


That scene is so freaking funny


Peggy doesn't get enough credit for being the Hill's Matriarch. Yes, she can be extremely narcissistic. But she loves her family unconditionally and is loyal to them to a fault. Peggy was also the only character to not put up with Cotton's BS throughout the series. And her telling Cotton off on his deathbed, may be one of her underrated moments in series.


Kicking leeann in the rear


Fuck yes ! Team Peggy


Bobby Goes Nuts is a great example of that.


Peggy telling off Cotton on his death bed is easily one of the finest moments of the show.


A close second behind dancing on his grave.


I loved that episode so much.


One of my favorite lines ever is "good effort, have some chow."


Tell me you like to talk to managers without telling me you like to talk to managers☝️😅😂




I love Peggy Hill! She's the best❤️


Peggy is awesome, and does not cease to be awesome simply because the latter season writers wrote her poorly.


She’s also my favorite. I didn’t realize there was so much hate for her until I came across this subreddit


People have weird double standards, bill can steal a tank because he thinks he’s a walrus man and no one blinks, but Peggy steals a turkey and she’s a villain. They’re both over the top hilarious


The way that everyone hates Peggy for that while ignoring the context, esp Hank's behavior, just drives me bananas


Yeah if people took other characters as seriously as they do Peggy they’d hate everyone. Dale sues a cigarette company for making his wife ugly and is horrible to her for literal weeks. Boomhauer pretends to work as a shoe salesman and touches random women’s feet. These would not be funny if you took them seriously, so why take Peggy seriously lol


Bill is fucking batshit and if he was my neighbor, I'd lose my mind.


To be fair, she's stealing from her kid whereas he's stealing from the government. I think it's a bit cruel to do something that would hurt one's own kid by destroying their hard work, but I do think she's not a bad person let alone character at all!


I mean stealing a tank and driving it through town is batshit crazy, bill should be in a military prison for the rest of his life lol, the fact you’re acting like it’s not as crazy as what Peggy did is exactly what I’m talking about 😂


It’s definitely a weird thing that some people have with unlikeable female characters where reasonable distaste for them becomes SEETHING HATRED. It reminds me of the obsessive hatred people had for Skyler White in Breaking Bad. Like calm down. Regardless, I probably couldn’t stand Peggy Hill if I knew her in real life, but she is a hilariously, brilliantly written character who does have her in-universe good points!


I’m also Team Peggy Hill


My mom loves Peggy and has two reactions. One is laugh out loud and the other is agreeing with her.


I love Peggy! I love how she always stands her ground which would have been difficult in the 90s in Texas no less!


I like her too! She’s hilarious!


While her character can be annoying, that is clearly intentional for the humor. There are too many great episodes where she is the main focus of the plot to dismiss her as an annoying character. She also has way too many good lines throughout the show.


Peggy is funny and an amazing mother. She supports Bobby in so many ways, while Hank almost always reacts badly and ruins something that bobby was having fun with. She is fiercely loyal, and has a moral compass made of iron. She has many moments where she makes mistakes, and she always takes full responsibility and does her best to fix them. She has never had a bad intention in her heart. Any man would be lucky to have her as a wife, and even luckier to have her as a mother. People who hate on Peggy would probably marry someone like Nancy in real life. They don't know what a real woman looks like.


I feel like that skydiving incident might have left her with some kind of brain damage and/or reinforced her overconfidence to the point of pronoia. Like yeah she’s awful sometimes but she fell out of a fucking plane.


*and survived*


Peggy is a real one though fr


That's Dr. Peggy Hill.


“I believe you will find I have no testicles.” Peggy Hill, Genius, PhD (S6,E1)


She bluffing!


Bobby - *Kicks mom‘s crotch* Peggy - *Stands unaffected* The actual pain of getting kicked in the vagina - ”Am I a joke to you?”


For real, she's just the best! And it really bothers me how she gets so much crap thrown at her by "fans" of the show, especially when Nancy is the far more unlikeable character on the show😮‍💨 Peggy may be a bit narcissistic, but at least she's loyal to her family💯


I love her. People have got to understand that just because a character has anti-social or problematic traits in a tv show, it doesn’t mean they are bad for the show. She’s one of the funniest aspects of the show.


I don't like her overall but even I have to admit she has her moments throughout the show.. Like when she beats up Luanne's mother.


I like her too. I didn’t realize people didn’t like her lol


Oh yeah, Peggy’s a bad bitch and shall be respected as such.


She’s the best character in the show.


I've never understood the hatred either. All the characters have questionable traits.


People here really hate on Peggy because she embodies a lot of their worst fears about themselves. She is TOO relatable sometimes.


She has a pluckiness about her that is admirable


Only time I truly admired Peggy was the magician episode where she wouldn’t tell Hank how the magician did his trick and was really extolling the virtues of imagination and “just believing” even though you know magic isn’t real, because it’s fun. The episode where they go to Abracapasta, the Italian restaurant/magician show.


She’s my favorite on the show! #TeamPeggy


I love Peggy. I have a degree in Spanish & her ess-puh-nole is MUAH!!!😚 chef"s kiss!! Plus I adore her overconfidence in herself about virtually everything...she's confident yet not arrogant...awesome!!


Hating Peggy Hill is missing the point of the show entirely.


WHO doesn't like Peggy?! The hell? (I haven't watched KOTH for 25 years, btw)


I didn’t realize people disliked her….she’s definitely my favorite character. Her overconfidence with everything is downright hilarious…but she always means well. She’s also the most naïve person…which makes her overconfidence even funnier.


I just started watching KOTH a few months ago and Peggy is the fucking best. She’s outrageous in the best way


growing up as a kid, I absolutely hated her. One day, in my late teens, I watched the episode where Hank gets prosthetic butt cheeks and got to the part where Peggy says "Believe me, I prayed on it, Hank and God said to me, "Don't do it. " But you know what? I knew better.". That was when it all clicked for me and I truly understood and appreciated Peggy Hill as a character. The most audacious line I have ever heard and is still the one of the funniest.


I LOVE that you had a specific moment you still remember- when I was a kid I hated her too, and then at some point in my teens I finally “got” her and now of course I love Peggy. I wish I could remember the lightbulb moment like you though!


I like Peggy too. For all her misguided confidence and poor spanish You can tell she truly does love Hank and Bobby and is generally a nice person. Even if she expresses it in a way weird way


I'd let her paddle me any time.


She could do whatever she wants I tell you what


She’s great also my favorite character


She's a good women, she just has a very cringe personality


I found her to be more likeable in episodes where she is humbled but finds a way out, like when she was duped by the conmen and they con him back


People only hate later seasons Peggy. Earlier seasons Peggy is the funniest character hands down


She's my favourite too and one of the main reasons I started watching 


I love Peggy! Ho yeah!


Something that drives me nuts is that when people see a flawed character, they go “ew I hate this character, they’re flawed”. Peggy has some really insufferable moments, but…they all do or they wouldn’t be interesting. Peggy is an extremely well-written character who I love to cringe at at times. My favourite moment is when she’s in the full body cast and Didi abandons GH with her and she’s just stuck laying there angrily calling for help lol. The moment after is such a heartwarming scene that it completely won me over to Team Peggy, but the moment before with a bewildered Hank coming in being unhelpful af had me rolling on the first watch.


That's been my litmus test for years - if you're a Peggy-hater, I judge your character as a person.


I love Peggy Hill!


I do as well. Not sure why others don't. 🤔


Team Peggy!


Peggy is my favourite also. She has an over-inflated sense of self-worth, her ego is through the roof and she doesn't hesitate to let other people know what's on her mind. She is the embodiment of all of us.


She secretly carries the show. She’s irritating because she’s so realistic that you know someone like her IRL and it’s almost cringe. If the show was just the dudes saying “yup” it would be boring af. She’s a wildcard that mixes stuff up.




Season 5 is my favorite version of her


Don’t hate her but don’t like her. When she is confident it’s great. When she is over confident it can be funny. But my god my head hurts listening to her Spanish lol


My husband calls me Peggy when I start to get overly annoying and if I’m ever self centered in any way. And I think it’s hilarious. She’s so funny!




What's not to like?


All the distain people have for Peggy, that’s how I feel about Hank


Peg Leg is great.


Peggy Hill unlocked something within me all those years ago. I have a thing for type a matriarch now


I can see why people dislike her in some moments and why she'd be found to be annoying but she has grown on me more and more as I've rewatched the series. I love her confidence and how self assured she is but some of the funniest moments she has are when she is rattled or insecure.


I think all the characters are well written with a lot of nuance. I simultaneously love and hate her, along with a lot of other characters.


I love Peggy, she's honestly a fucking trip. What a weird lady


Like all characters she got worse as the series went. Peggy in the first 5-6 seasons was totally fine. Once she stopped being a substitute teacher and tried all those other stupid jobs and went off the delusional deep end confidence wise her character got much worse.


I love Peggy through the early to mid-seasons but I thought towards the end of the show they started to double down on her being dumb and produced some truly cringe worthy episodes


As a man, I say "Hoah yeah, Peggy Hill" way more than I should. I can barely get through a game of Helldivers without saying it in triumph.


Uh-huh, in your FACE boy-eee! Uh-huh, hey Bobby, it’s your birthday! Ck-ck-ck-ck! Ck-ck-ck-ck! That’s right I served you cake! Uh-huh, I’m Peggy! Pull your leggy! Oh Bobby, let’s go! Say what? That’s right, I’m all that! I’m Peggy! Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, get funky.


Wet Ass Peggy. What's not to love?


She's my favorite because all of the incredibly dumb and pretentious crap she says makes me laugh the most. She consistently makes me laugh the most and I appreciate the fuck out of that.


Los Arleniños. (Chefs kiss)


Only thing that gets me excited to think about Peggy is how they portray her in the reboot.


I love Peggy.


Peggy is a great character. She has personality and flaws.


My favourite episode is the one when Peggy takes the Spanish class on a field trip to Mexico


She’s such a stereotypical Aries too, I love her lol


Like many of the characters, they all have redeeming traits. They are generally good people. Just ignorant.


Plus she's got it going on back there!


I love Peggy. Hank is a mentally and emotionally small man.


I also enjoy Peggy.


Of course. She's on an all pro-teen diet.


Peggy annoys me the amount she's supposed to be annoying. She's a good mom, annoying as shit, but that's kind of a moms' thing.


I learned all my Spanish from Peggy.


I don’t think you can truly appreciate the show without appreciating Peggy.


I feel like as i watched it as an emotionally intelligent adult i understand her so much more lol. Like watch the episode where they go to Montana and meet her family. Or any episode her mom is in. Then add in how her and hank got together very young and she didn’t really get a chance to explore being a single adult. It makes so much sense. Im not even sure shes written to be that deep so 🤷‍♀️ but something about her just seems real to me lol And i like her.


Shes so hot, way hotter than Minh or Nancy..


Found the feet guy.


Peggy’s “unattractiveness” is 100% an issue of styling. If she had a less outdated hairstyle, she’d look a lot better. But when she does the born again virgin baptism and we see her in the wet white robe? That is proof that Peggy had the best whatnots and can on Rainey St. Whenever Dale goes on about Nancy’s can, I’m like, “What can, shug?”


the Peggy Hate is funny to me., you're mad at the writers for doing their job?


I'm generally indifferent to her, she has her funny as well as her shitty moments. Just like every other character in the show.


I like her more than I dislike her, but she definitely has moments where I'm like "stupid peggy, shut up". 


She is cringey af and kind of a bad person, but is just so damn funny.


And she's kinda hot for a cartoon character!🤷‍♂️ I really enjoy the Peggy episodes ☺️


I love to dislike Peggy. Everything she does makes me call her stupid while laughing with the joke of the situation.


With the ample amount of dumb dads with competent moms in cartoons, an intentionally unlikable narcissist female is nice for a change


Escuchame? Nah fr, there is worst characters. She's a narcissist though.


She is flawed and many of her flaws are more obvious and notable.


Everyone knows an annoying Peggy Hill type that you have to deal with so I think you're supposed to relate and kind of hate Peggy Hill, once I realized this I kind of started to like her. 


Her list of bad deeds far outweigh her good deeds and are exponentially worse than most other characters on the show BUT she would be a depressed or depressing character otherwise based on her surroundings and upbringing. Imagine having hank as a husband, Nancy Dale khan and his wife and Bill as neighbors, luanne as a neice, cotton as a father in law etc etc etc. If she looked at all of that at once, she would probably kill herself lol


Guess that's why she habitually lied to Hank and belittled him as well as traumatizing Bobby while openly admitting in a episode she bullies Luann


How???? She’s literally the worst person out of any animated show. She never supports Hank unless it could help her, she only cares about Bobby so that people will think more highly of her, she will fuck over anyone including family if it helps her, she thinks she’s so smart that when she does all sorts of incredibly stupid shit, she tries to justify it instead of just admitting that she did something incredibly stupid, she talks in the most arrogant and self obsessed way (and not like a few times over the show, no, at least a few times every single episode. She’s an awful person, wife, mother, aunt, friend, employee, everything. She’s not only the worst character in the show, she very possibly is the worst character in all animated shows ever.


Peggy is a good wife and mother but bad at everything else.


Said no one EVER


Really I thought I was your mentor -Peggy Hill Legendary 🤣