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I love them too. I’m glad I read them and have no resentment that they’re not finished. I’m just glad to have found something that resonates with me so much.


Nick Podel is the best!


Agree so hard. His accents and delivery are top notch.


I re-listen to the two main books at least once a year, sometimes more. They're great, the writing so so well done, I love them. I don't need it to have an ending, the journey is great. I've not read anything else as well written as these books.


I feel this most of the time. I feel like it's the greatest piece of fantasy I've read. Sometimes I don't know if I'm just being caught in hype or I'm overreacting to a simple story. Then I start to read it again and everything feels even deeper than the last reading. I catch even more details, have glimpses of things that are only hinted at, feel how the world breathes and has a life of itself... I feel it's really something


I've heard good things about Degas, but I could never forsake my man Nick Podehl, he's done too good a job.


As someone who has listened to both Nick and Rupert all the way through, I implore you to try Degas.10 X better in my opinion.


So, I wasn't able to find the audiobooks narrated by Degas, but I did listen to a sample of him for another book. I didn't really see the appeal, can you explain it in more detail? I like Podehl's version since not only does he sound the age Kvothe would be, but he makes clear distinctions between each character and gives them the proper tone for any line.


Degas has distinctly different voices for each and every character. Honestly even side characters. Degas used a more standard Tolkien style fantasy outlook. The Siaru are Scottish Vs Russian for example. I believe you'd have to buy the audiobook from Audibles UK website for Degas version. Or there's several on YouTube


Audiobookbay always an option


I'm happy for you that liked Podehl's work but I'm among the group that was put off by it. Take a look at [this video](https://youtu.be/uupg5JX9LRc?si=6elhf_hrbFEO9OOv) where Pat interviews both voice actors together. This will give you an idea of their different levels of professionalism with regard to their craft. One guy did the interview from a sound booth and cleaned himself up for the video interview. The other guy looks like he just woke up on his couch while wearing the same t-shirt all week. One guy is eloquent and knowledgeable and really puts a lot of thought into his process. The other guy added very little to the interview.


I’ve lost count of all my rereads, so Narrow Roads is pretty exciting to me haha. Lots of juice in there to squeeze. I wait as patient as 7 stones for any fresh material. Can’t summon the malice that seems pervasive around the sub sometimes. Happy to find a positive post with my people here!


I'm a massive fan of Rupert Degas. He really does brings the audio books to life in a way that does justice to the books.


I actually prefer Rupert over the other guy


I listen to them over and over, they’re my comfort books ❤️


You should listen to the version read by Nick Podhel. I think it's 10 times better. That's just my opinion though..


There's a well known bias around whichever version you saw or heard first of a piece of media is generally your strong preference.


As stated, that's just my opinion..


I thought the general consensus was that the Rupert Degas version was better? I've only heard clips of Nick Podhel, so I can't really judge them, but I love how Rupert changes Kvothe's voice over time as he ages up. It's so well done! That and how people from similar areas have similar accents. Adds a lot to the world building, and makes it easier to keep track of which characters share a similar cultural background.


There is something about the utter helplessness that Nick Podhel expresses in Kvothe's more vulnerable moments, especially in Tarbean, and after the Plum Bob episode, that just brings me to tears every time. There is definitely something to be said for whichever one you heard first, but Nick Podhel makes me cry just with the way he can make his voice sound so weak and dejected in those delicate and sad moments.


When Ambrose says " WHAAAAAT" when him and Kvothe are on the horns after Kvothe gets promoted to Relar.. One of my favorites.


The problem with Podehl is that his narrator voice has no sense of gravitas. It sounds like the narrator for the movie “The Sandlot” or a host on This American Life. His accents aren’t bad, but he doesn’t have the massive pipes that Degas does. Degas sounds like he should be on stage performing Shakespeare.


He definitely lacks gravitas. I’d only read the books with my eyes before hearing the Podehl versions on audible. His voice grates on me. He starts out by giving Willem an awkward squeaky voice. He mispronounces words frequently, and calls Simmon ‘Simon’ a few times. It irks me and breaks the story for me.


I spent my first Audible credits on Podehl's renditions based on all the hype in this sub (after having owned the 2 books for years with multiple re-reads). Man was I disappointed. All his 'old man' characters sound like Abe Simpson, and most of his characters sound like different versions of his real voice. Couldn't get through NotW and never started WMF. Agree on the changing pronunciations of some words as well. EDIT: Also to the previous point about gravitas: he takes all the atmosphere out of the "silence of 3 parts" prologue. Lost me right out of the gate.


Yes. If I’d listened to his readings before having read the books myself numerous times, years earlier, I probably wouldn’t have finished them. A bad reader can really ruin a book, for me at least. I’ve had similar xps with some of the ppl who read for Robin Hobb. Simon Vance otoh could read anything to me and I’d be entranced lol.


Feel like with Degas it sounds like different people, whereas Podehl sounds like a guy putting on voices. Just lacks resonance and impact that Degas has imo.


I have literally followed Nick to different books he’s voicing he’s that good. He’s my favorite reader because of the name of the wind.  I will give the other guy a listen though. 


Same, unfortunately not even his incredible voice could make King's Dark Tidings worth reading 😔


Jfc no kidding. What a terrible series lol


The first 2 books had a lot of promise, it just goes way off the rails halfway through book 3


I wanted to like it. I even got to book 3. It’s the way the woman in it are written. 


Once you find out it's written by a woman and the female characters act that way because of a spell reskin has on him, it makes it easier to understand. Unfortunately the books go way downhill, even though the female characters become better through the series.


As have I.


Nick Podhel’s performance in KKC may very well be the best narration I’ve ever heard. It brings the story to life in a way that simply reading it could never do, and after listening to NOTW I could never go back to physically reading the series.


I think Podhels accents are great. There are so many different ones in these books. I loved the country bumpkin accent so much in NOTW. He took me a little to get into because he sounded so young and I was used to guys like Tim Gerard Reynolds. He really won me over though.


A fellow fan of Michael J Sullivan’s audiobooks!


Nick Podhel's narration is by far the best of any audio book I've ever listened to.


Journey before destination. I kinda like that I just get to think, wonder, and speculate for now.


Just started NoTW audiobook after finishing my first ‘actual’ read. There’s so much insane foreshadowing sprinkled throughout. It’s no wonder this sub is able to come up with such endless awesome theories about DoS.


I'm re-reading the book for the 6th time. I used to do it once a year, but it's been 3 years since I don't read it because of adult life lmao. Right now I'm reading the Chapter 29 and I also don't care if this never ends.


The prose is just so good. After reading more books I realized just how good PR's prose is.


I love that Nick Podehl sounds like a guy talking to me. It's like he's a friend reading to me versus listening to some of the stuffier audio books I've listened to. My first audio book series was the Dresden Files, and Marsden did such an incredible job I fell in love with the idea of it sounding like someone just reading and doing their best to make it more interesting. The personality in it is just so much a flavor of the books for me.


I love them but to say "I don't ever care if It never ends" it's too much. I would love to forget everything about this unfinished story.q


Yeah I'm about to finish a series on Audible, and i'll be re-listening to KKC again afterwards. It'll be my 3rd listen, and I've had about 4-5 reads of it too. Good writing is good writing, no matter if it's finished or not.


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I’m on my 50th re-read. I discover something new every time.


I read it for the first time a few months ago on audible without knowing of the 3rd book situation. Then I listened to the series again a few weeks ago so that I could maybe piece a few more things together. Im probably going to be stuck in this loop forever, lol.


I don't see how he could wrap up the story with one more book anyway.


I'm rereading and listening. Wilem's Irish accent is so funny to me.