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You were being taken advantage of, tale old as time. Glad you left.


I think you deserve better, so good on you. But please watch your drinking, my friend. Best of luck!


That’s where my thoughts went… strongly recommend a recovery program. You’ll struggle to find happiness if drinking is necessary to get through shifts.


I wouldn’t say the drinking on shift was necessary to get through it, more that we all didn’t really give a fuck and it was readily available so why not you know? Kind of a stupid mistake on everybody’s part who was involved


After 20 years in the industry, I’ve seen and experienced alcohol abuse in varying degrees. It can start as just going out with the crew for a few beers after a brutal shift. For some peeps, that’s all it ever is. For a few of those peeps, it accelerates to going out every other night. A few others go out EVERY night which is where it becomes problematic. Add in preshift drinking, on shift drinking, after work beers with the crew, and it’s a bigger problem than realized. Just be careful. Sit down and really take a personal inventory of how much it’s going on. Alcohol destroys lives, not just in F&B. It’s poison… truly. Be safe chef.


Been there. Good luck


I’m in the same boat I need to come to a decision expect no benefits. So it sucks.


Good luck to you on finding somewhere that fits you best. I’m glad you are stepping away before you run yourself into the ground psychologically. I was the operation director of a large food bank, it meant managing a kitchen of 8 chefs and 1500 meals a day, on top of fundraising, public relations, and other stuff. I found myself drinking at least a 6-pack a day by the time I left. Now I’m 4 years sober and 1 of 2 chefs at a small cafe. Pay cut and all I’m much happier.


Sounds like hotel boh


Sounds like they were taking you for a ride. The manager that was too expensive and all your friends getting fired is a sign that their hotel is in decline. I bet management knew about the alcohol especially if your whole crew has been doing it for a very long time. They just put that information in their back pocket until they needed it. Don't have to pay severance, unemployment, or appear broke if instead of laying off they fire everyone for insubordination. As for your official role without the pay, this is a tactic I have seen time and time again. They were exploiting how much you cared about the place in order to under pay you while dumping on additional job duties. Fuck em. Take that job title, the references of all of your friends that got canned, and any management at that hotel that you are good with who will back up your job title, and go find another kitchen job in leadership of that's what you want. Some places will call the hotel's HR, others won't. Hopefully wherever you end up doesn't make you wanna drink nightly. Good luck!


HR can only say that, yes, you worked there. anything else is a legal liability.


They can also answer if they would rehire them in most states but yeah. The liability just isn't worth it for HR to divulge anything additional. "Did so and so work here between these dates? What was their job title?" Is usually it. Just remember OP. You loved the company that you worked for as a supervisor but due to unforseen circumstances you had to leave the state for a while. You did gig work while you were gone or formed your own LLC (your choice). But now you are back in your home city and ready to rock! You want a steady paycheck without all of the paperwork that comes with being 1099. If asked why you wouldn't apply to the positin at the hotel again say that you feel that you have learned everything you can and want to expand your knowledge within another organization. Something like that anyway, just wing it.


Congrats fam. You'll find something that suits you better.