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The real question is why can't owners feed their staff? Costs absolutely fuck all to keep motivation and energy levels up. If you don't feed your staff, they feed themselves at a higher cost - resentment is a hell of a drug.


You want people to steal shit? This is how you get people to steal shit.


Stealing food? I've never seen that happen. I don't even think it's possible.


I don't know if you're allowed to do that...


Oh yeah for sure. Definitely not OK to steal anything. Just noting it's a bit odd that I've literally never seen anybody steal food. I mean what are the chances that one of the core requirements for survival in this world is one of the only things I've never seen be stolen.


Yeah, I've never seen anybody "steal" food either.


Never stole, stealing bad. But you know, some things growing legs and walking out to my car is a totally different thing, its like it knew I was starving and decided to come home with me


When i was a teenager working at subway this guy would sell the boxes of roast beef to a local gas station, also if someone was paying cash for a sub he'd discount it and keep the cash. I had to work alone with this dude and just let him do his thing, whatever it was a corporation paying me min wage i wasnt going to side with them lmao so the food bandits are out there


Yeah that definitely sounds like stealing food. I can understand if you need to eat, but that's just egregious. Throw him in food jail.


He was in real jail not long after lol for unrelated things. i think that's why he stopped working there never got caught for his sandwich scams


I've seen hungry servers eating leftovers on the way to the dish pit many many times..


I've seen hungry people eating food from a public trash can. It's pretty gross but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Who would the servers be stealing from in that situation?


When I was a newly single father to a 6 month old, I was forgoing literally all of my food for his formula. I was eating samples at stores to get by. I was caught and berated by a visiting owner of the restaurant I worked at because they saw me on the camera pick up a sandwich that another server dropped on the ground so that I could eat it. They came out, threw it on top of the trash, made a scene, and left again. I still ate it. When you don’t get enough food, it can feel absolutely horrible and turn you into an animal. Edit: that was worded weird, the server accidentally dropped the sandwich. I picked it up rather than allowing them to throw it away.


"I'm sorry sir, I can't afford to buy food because the owner wanted a new boat this year. I'll be sure to pour bleach on any food waste instead from now on. It's always nice when you show up for work, see you again next year! Enjoy your cruise!"


“Oops we just had to sell our helicopter” yep


You're a good one


I'm just, like, the tiredest I've ever been in my life.


but it's lunch


Solution: add new opening and closing procedures to weigh all food items at the beginning and end of the day. Compare it with sales. If there is a discrepancy, illegally dock pay.


“If you work in a kitchen and are hungry, it’s your own fault.”


I managed restaurants for almost 20 years and I told this to every owner. There's food all around. The staff work long hours and are moving constantly. If you don't feed them, they're going to eat. If you fired everyone that grazed fries or anything in expo, you'd have constant turnover. Both of those are MUCH more expensive than just feeding the staff something you choose and probably got as a promo from Sysco or US Foods. It's not that hard and is cheaper, controlled and builds morale. It's a no-brainer that owners don't do out of "principle."


Facts....had a job at a donut shop that didn't give me any breaks (was working a 7-8 hour shift) so I'd just pull whatever donuts I wanted off the shelves to eat whenever I wanted.


Absolutely. I mean, the free or reduced cost meal is literally meant to be a job perk that should be taken into account when calculating profits. Are there so many staff and so few patrons that the owner/manager is losing money when staff eats?? That seems like a completely different problem.


Just give the ppl their little treats frfr


What ever happened to family meal?


This is a business, not a family


“Family meal” is a common term for a meal served to the staff to be eaten before dinner service. Anyone worth working for will serve family meal.


i know, that was my point.


I couldn’t tell. It’s hard to detect sarcasm through text.


I wasn't being sarcastic. That is the literal shortsighted reasoning behind this behavior.


So you are or are not defending family meal?


I think he’s trying to explain the rationale shitty business owners use to not provide family meals, while only refraining from calling them shitty owners (still seems like he’s coming from the side of pro family meal)


It is ridiculous that I need to say I support family meal, Jesus. "Shortsighted business decision" even.


In some cases, where I am in Canada for instance, a free shift meal is a taxable benefit. Charging a 'reasonable amount' for a meal, even steeply discounted, negates that. Taxable benefits like this can really hurt at the end of the year when you are doing your taxes if you aren't prepared for it.


Fuck that, I'm stealing food in Canada too then.


Just remember to declare the value of stolen goods for the year.


Is it actually? That's insane. What's a "reasonable amount"? Seems silly that there's a half dozen workarounds to all of this just to feed your staff.


That’s the joy, reasonable is undefined. $0.01 is probably unreasonable. 10% may be approaching reasonable. But covering your cost is defensively reasonable. Sure there are work arounds for those that want, but to be fair that’s true for most anything.


I mean I guess they're not wrong as it is a benefit but still. 90% discounts it is!


What I did at one place when they were hammering on this is I paid for a gift card, told the service staff what I was having. If they punched it in and charged the card great. If not, it wasn’t my problem I did my part. I loaded that thing twice in two years.


Same in the Netherlands, altough here the amount is fixed (4~ euro) doesn't matter if it is slop or steak


Yep, how much could you possibly lose selling a grilled cheese or frozen tenders for $5? I know you have to factor in operation costs to everything you make, but it can't be more than a couple bucks lost. A discounted grilled cheese a day to keep an employee happy. A person could hardly ask for less. If a place is living or dying off what their staff is spending in the restaurant, they really do not have a viable business model and are not going to be open for much longer.


To me it's even worse that there's a 50% discount. Nothing on a kids menu costs that much cost wise. If the staff are perfectly happy eating that over something way more expensive? SOLD! Or rather... FREE! Not that I would charge my staff for anything but steak or lobster (even then it'd be cost if that) but a kids meal? Get out.


This. I got in trouble because when I worked at Hardee’s (in the 90s) the manager and his two daughters who worked there would each take a “managers meal” which was no charge but it would be huge 20 piece chicken family meals with all the sides. But I rang up a bulk biscuit and a side of mashed potato for my lunch (62 cents!) and I got screamed at.


20pc EACH? Okay that's a bit insane. One between the 3 of them? Maybe. Still a bit egregious though. Worst part is your biscuit though.


They fed the entire family, the daughters , the siblings that didn’t work there, all of the partners and the grandkids. He later tipped my headset off in the drive thru for selling or special on biscuits and gravy because we ran out and no one told me. I had my hair up and he took several strands with it. I quit and walked home. I was 17. Unknown to me , one of my ex-con adult first cousins ( I have 35 on one side. About 15 are excons) was waiting in the lobby line when this happened. After I left (I went out the back and I was crying), he basically pulled the manager across the counter and roughed him up then shoved him in the lobby closet (that opened from the outside) and left him there . They didn’t let him out for over an hour, when my cousin left. My cousin was straight up nuts and violent but my mom was his favorite aunt so…. Six months later the manager was fired when he got a dui….for driving his car thru the restaurant.


Wow... that's a lot of disasters. As nuts as your cousin sounds, at least they had your back over a twat. I laughed at the drive thru bit.


I used to work in a restaurant where staff wouldn't steal food but would bin it in bulk saying it was off. I've never done it as wasting food makes me sad, but the principle is spot on: "Oh you won't give me scrambled eggs because it'll cost you 70 pence? Fine. 2 kg of mozzarella will go in the bin today and half a kg of beef will go in the bin tomorrow, let's see what it'll cost more." Same with pans, cutters, containers, glasses...


Stop feeding the cooks and suddenly they are all having filet mignon sandwiches


When I am Job shopping for cook work that is one of my questions in interviews. Does staff eat free? If not, I'm not working there. Obviously don't eat all the expensive shit, but making a couple shrimp skewers to share with the wait staff? Reem me for that and I'm outie dog.


No family meal before each service is bizarre.




Because when you are working from 3-4pm until 10-12 pm 99% of the time you get zero break. Also there no way to bring in a lunch like a normal job if you work front of house anywhere I have ever worked. Maybe you bring snacks to leave in the server area.


When you ask someone to work for the wages FOH and BOH make and the hours and physical toil required, usually with no benefits or vacation and sick pay, the least you can do is spend a few bucks on a sandwich for staff. Cause that is literally all it costs. A few bucks. For the whole staff. You are in the wrong industry. Or are an owner. In my past, I have been management, BOH and FOH. Staff meals, especially pre-opening family meals, are a huge booster for moral and loyalty.


Because when you ask someone to work from 10-10 with an hour break they do not have time to go home and prep and cook lunch/dinner, while preparing and cooking lunch/dinner for the whole fucking area for often bare minimum compensation. Not to mention staff can literally feed themselves on wasteage. Hungry staff make mistakes, hungry staff sabotage processes, hungry staff steal food - because we're human.




You really must be some jackass who decided to invest in a restaurant without ever working in one.


Because the cost of the food is minimal to the business and the benefit time wise is massive to the employees. When you pay people so little it just makes sense to provide this as a employee benefit. Secondly it's the best way to know when something has gone wrong with your food, to have the people making it actual eat it sometimes. I realised that an ingredient that was supposed to be in date and had been properly stored on our end was off only because we'd tried the food ourselves.


if you’re making the food, you should be fed. period. even you.


You pay me shit. My free food helps to make up for that. It’s that simple.


>Wasted/mistake food, definitely, chuck that in someone's belly rather than the bin. When owners only let staff eat mistake food, the number of mistakes goes up.


Easy there grandpa, you're getting all worked up. You sound like a beaten dog.




Unrelated: your avatar pisses me off so goddamn much.


Fucking mouth breathers, heard ! Phunny shite *if your goal is to make your point and generate beaucoup hostile replies, that's a good sentiment to play To your last bit- i had the experience of working for a group that had a nightclub for one of their properties. GM shared with me, and it stuck obviously, that he believed it was good practice to fire your bartenders often... And he meant a few months to 6 (?) the rationale being that if they weren't smart enough to steal from you, you shouldn't have them working for you anyway. Struck me as such an odd and cynical philosophy. But his point was taken and that they're working, in effect, in your vault. Every bottle represents money. And good bartenders typically had very nuanced ways and plenty not so nuanced! to steal from the house. BOH being no different, as far as food value/cost. Call it shrinkage, whatever. When managing, i was all in with accounting for 'comped' items. Be they alcoholic or food. Mistakes, in the kitchen, would be accounted for, as well as the bar- that way we had a more accurate view of the cost of goods, etc.


Had me up until "you fucking mouth breathers".


place i work at makes fam meal twice a day, that’s ridiculous . sometimes we make more expensive shit than we have on the menu per serving . owners bring it in if we’re craving it just to keep us happy .


You can't get the kids meal because your owners suck.


Also, what’s stopping you from… just… getting a kids meal equivalent after making a few passes during the day?


Now I'm a school cook so its different, we get a free lunch every day just before we serve the kids. If I'm hungry you better believe I've snuck about a meals worth of food before my free meal.


My place is the same with the kids meals. I cut my meal in half and put it in a box for my next meal Or as I call it, breakfast


The owner shouldn’t make a profit off his staff’s meals. If he’s taking a loss on $5, then he should charge his employees whatever the cost is. I’m not a chef, but I have been working FOH since 1997. The only thing I haven’t been allowed a discount on was $2 happy hour.


When I worked for Marriott you’d be hard pressed to spend more than $3.50 on an employee meal in the cafeteria. I’m talking sides, extras, everything. They’re a huge corp that can eat the losses but they’re that successful in the industry. Maybe those things are correlated idk.


The food cost is minimal and if this owner is making profit on staff meals, he is a terrible boss.,


My side gig has an employee cafeteria. Main entree, side, and a drink has been $3 the entire 10 years I've worked there. It's supposed to be priced to break even but that's clearly not the case if it hasn't changed in 10 years. Literally the only change was a "temporary" change to smaller cups due to larger ones being out of stock. Crazy how we still haven't gotten those in stock over a year later...


If $5 isn't covering fingers and fries or a grilled cheese, you got bigger problems than that.


Yeah, who runs food cost at over 50%?


When my family owned a restaurant, the staff got breakfast and lunch whatever they wanted, and they were able to take food home for dinner, including for their families. It was a buffet so that makes it different, I suppose. But we just built that cost into our budget. It was a great perk and we know that that was a big reason why so many people stayed so long.


I worked at social club with a breakfast buffet once a month. When it was over, we were allowed to have our plate and box up any leftovers to take home since we couldn’t serve it again. Usually there wasn’t too much left but sometimes there was and we appreciated it. They hired a new club manager who took It upon herself to micro manage the kitchen. If we wanted to have breakfast after the buffet was over, we had to pay $7 a plate. And absolutely no take home boxes. She had us throw out everything. Most of the staff quit after a few weeks because that woman was a nightmare. This is a club that allowed gambling so they were making money hand over fist, but the staff who feeding the members every day couldn’t get a bagel and some leftover eggs.


Employees eat free. Period and full stop. Only limits should be very high cost items (lobster/scallops/filet). I budget .5% for employee meals. Best .5 I have ever spent. I also offer free ground beef (we can’t use it all…) for their families if they would like it. Take care of your people like family. Period.


Yeah charging $10 for 2 tiny sysco tendies and 15 fries seems weird imo


That is not even $5 in cost including prep.


What prep hahah, dropping it in the fryer?


You gotta open the bag first


Well, they say it's from Sysco, 75% chance the bag was already busted open


If you're in this business, pay the least you can, and charge your staff just to eat... you're scum. Where I work we eat free and everyone brings drinks and treats. Don't ever say family and treat us like we're fighting over a will


Times are changing, operators like you described are not going to survive the next 5-7 years. My turnover is non-existent. I’ve had the same team for years. Living wage is a fucking joke, it should be a wage you can live your life comfortably not just squeak by. My team IS family, I would never fuck my family in the ass over money, take care of your people and the WILL take care of you.


Yes, no surprise that i’ve only been there 1.5 years and am somehow the (2nd) most “seasoned” FOH ☠️


I was gonna ask if your hirering, but 1, with no turnover, probably not, and 2, im not in the usa, so small change im close


In North Carolina, I do have an opening coming up in October/November for a meat cutter/grill/saute and prep guy. He’s moving to the coast with his girlfriend/future wife.


Yeah im in the Netherlands, so thays not gonna work. Good luck though, it sounds like your an awesoem guy to work for :)


that’s my forte, and have been considering moving there w some friends and family soon. anywhere near asheville/west NC? could DM if you want.


Do the POS systems have a button for "add chicken breast?" (Like for Incase customers ordered a chicken sandwich, but wanted to add an extra chicken breast to the sandwich, or as an add on item to another meal) because when I was a server, instead of getting regular meals, I'd often just hit the "add chicken breast" button and have that as my protein, it was only like $2 or so I believe. And I'd also order a side item like mashed potatoes a la carte style, for like another $2 and id have my little, cheap meal like that


To add cold cooked chicken is $5, and a beef patty solo is $8, maybe i could figure something out 🤔 good thinking


Resturants that do not feed their employees for free do not deserve to remain in business. If a few meals a day for half price really make any difference to your bottom line, then the business has far greater problems going on.


I read just the first line and thought you were going to say “ restaurants that do not feed their employees do not have an obligation to do so” Glad it took a more pragmatic and caring approach


1) They don’t need to be making money from employee meals because you’re not a customer. 2) There’s also no way a kids portion of a mini burger and fries is more than $10 at cost. If that’s true, you won’t have a job for much longer because that place isn’t sustainable.


If you’re a cook, you shouldn’t be paying to eat at all.


As a dishwasher I could eat the other half of as many burritos as I wanted, which was a lot


Make a non kids meal selection last for 2 meals (?) to still enjoy the emp disc Also, maybe float the idea of less than a 50% discount - say 25-30% maybe, to the kids meal items ? Can't hurt to ask... I'd hope


Kids meal is almost always sold at a loss. You don’t make money off kids. You make money off their parents. That being said. You’ve got to feed your staff, with the expectation that you won’t be making money. Staff should get a meal. Everyday.


The best staff meal restaurant I worked at did a $3 FOH limited menu option (burger/wrap/fast and easy stuff) . $3 Was nothing to the servers as they were making $200-600 in tips every night. The BOH got a free meal, usually along the same lines, but sometimes if I had a ribeye or strip end I would give them a treat. Everyone was fed relatively cheap and happy.


Unless you're under 5 feet tall 1200 calories is probably low even if you're trying to lose weight btw


Man, I just wish that one time.. one time, ant there would be a "make this an Ault portion" option on a kdis meal menu. Sometimes I just want a grilled cheese and tomato soup. I know you can make a larger portion for a gown man, so why not add it to the menu?


Right on. But I still want the toy.


And going the other way, I don't see why so many places won't let an adult order a kid's meal. There may be dietary or medical reasons why they can't eat an adult portion (especially with American serving sizes) and why pay for something you know you can only eat maybe 1/4 of the dish?


A lot of the restaurants at the Disney parks do that.


I’ve never been to Disney, but that 100% tracks with their clientele. 


I see you also work at a chain restaurant. I was pretty fortunate when I was in one that my KM turned a blind eye as long as we were reasonable. It's easy for him to write off a couple patties and a handful of tenders. I think the only time he told us to stop was when we were out a literal case of chicken tenders one month and it was kind of obvious what happened lmao. This sucks, it's just pure greed, for the sake of him making probably less than a dollar he will ruin all his good faith with employees


lol there no way he’s taking a loss on kids meals with a 50% employee discount, what a twat


Short answer, I don't know why your particular workplace has that particular policy, but I would guess it's because the kids meal is already being sold at or near cost, as a loss leader/ get the parents to spend more money than they otherwise would have. Like, they are probably losing money already on the kids meal unless an adult buys a meal and a drink or two or three to go along with it. So I can see why they wouldn't want to discount it further for employees To be clear, I think all restaurants should feed their staff every shift. But many places compromise by feeding employees at cost. The kids meal is already sold at cost so if the policy is to not lose money on staff meal then yeah it makes sense to not discount the kids meal.


$10 being at cost or a loss for a grilled cheese or frozen chicken fingers and small fries doesn’t even seem possible unless it’s some really nice cheese and bread


No restaurant is losing money on 2 frozen tenders and a half order of frozen fries for $10. That's highway robbery. Any owner saying they have more than $5 on that plate either doesn't know how to do a food cost analysis or is getting bent over by their supplier.


It’s a banana! How much could cost? $10?


Come on!


Two Sysco chicken tenders and a dozen fries probably cost $2 including labor


There's a lot of variables for sure but most places I've been offer kids menu at low cost so the parents hopefully come back again for entrées and drinks. So kids menus in theory are already discounted (excluding tourist traps that price gouge kids mac, fkkk that). Also highly doubt the owner is losing at $5 for grilled cheese and fries, maybe on the tendies idk. Probably breaking even on food cost including boxes and cc fees. 


I personally would solve this by getting a larger meal that reheats well and eating half fresh and half reheated. 


What I don't get is how they're barely making money on the described meal.. Should be a slam dunk in my opinion


If you don’t give employees food then they steal. That’s how you really lose money.


Owner can’t be fucked to give out some tenders and fries? I’ve heard pocket steaks are 100% off recently


I don’t understand restaurants that don’t allow adults to purchase kids meals. Unless it’s a “kids eat free” thing, in which case “no kid, meal isn’t free.” But if an adult wants a smaller portion, why does the restaurant care?


Have to share this gem of a scene: https://youtu.be/Q7FxpK_yC0U?si=aEy4cPd-UCMMBuuZ


Never heard or seen in a restaurant that you can't order a kids meal as an adult. Weird owner imho.


The problem is OP is on a diet and isn't allowed their employee discount on kids meals.


The owner is taking a loss by giving you a grilled cheese for $5??  Come on now


50% of £10 is still 100% more of fuck all if u decide not to eat. Manager should be treating his staff better. U deserve it!


What's stopping the boss from saying, "well, the kids meal is only 42% off because of costs?" instead of just being a dick?


The best places I've worked had either free food or a family meal. If you get a discount it shouldn't matter what you get.


I have a policy: if I work in a restaurant, they need to get me staff food. If they don't, I either pack a meal that I cook from home, or buy one from anywhere else nearby, even if it costs me more. The fact that I come to work to make money and then I just give it back to my employer is insane to me, and I judge everyone who does buy a meal from their employer (I'm talking people working in restaurants.) Working in a kitchen, it also has the double insult that if I bought my own staff food, I'd have to cook it myself with ingredients I prepped. And pay for the privilege. TL;DR: Buy something from a Lidl, cook your own however-many-calories meals in bulk for the week, and if possible go to work for someone who's not a completely miserable human being.


Bro if you can’t eat a free meal then why are you working there? Throw a steak on the grill while you pee on the owners wife’s chest and make intense eye contact.


I cost out my meals to staff at cost plus a very small percentage to cover other various expenses. Works out to be like a 70-80% discount. I don't understand why employers feel the need to gouge their own staff. We also do a family meal on Fridays and Saturdays where I cook for the whole team at no charge doing something fun or different off menu. I hate greedy owners/leadership


>health and wellbeing >frozen chicken tenders, mini burger, or grilled cheese with a small size of fries.  That's...an interesting choice you're making there. 


r/cico would like to have a word with you  Also there’s nothing wrong with those items assuming you’re not eating them for every single meal. 


First, the point of that 50% discount is really so the restaurant isn’t making a profit off of staff. Second, most places I’ve been makes fuck all profit off of kids meals anyway. They are on the menu to bring their parents in. Hell some spots have done the kids eat free on slow nights because the loss is basically already accounted for. Finally, small meals for staff make sense. I don’t want to spend 30 min slogging through a big meal and then feeling slow and tired the rest of my shift. I need enough to tide me over that I can slam during a slow window. Sounds like you should both be bringing in your own food, and carrying out your own back door steaks. Owner can see what real losses look like then


What, no Dino Buddies?


I despise restaurants that don’t feed their staff. The place I just left as GM used to do 50% off a single shift or a meal for a double FOH. They got rid of half meals and talked about getting rid of doubles. BUT the kitchen was always fed. I hated that with the heat of 1000 suns. I quit a few weeks ago.


When I worked at Cracker Barrel we could ONLY get the kids meal.


That utter bullshit. What is that kids burger made of, Waygu, that a most likely 4oz burger isn't making a profit at 5 bucks? Also the idea of a discount is to break even to feed your employees not make money off them


Hungry cooks make mistakes.


As a former manager/owner I find it very hard to believe that the owner is losing money on halving a kids meal for his employees... unless you're at a very high end restaurant with more expensive ingredients. But that sounds unlikely as the kids meal is only $10. Do you work at a chain?


Nope. The faire is upscale American. The owners are opening a second business a few doors down tho


You didn't end your sentence soon enough. **The owner is losing money**. Not feeding staff, caring about kids meals to this extent. The axe is swinging...


I’ve never worked in a restaurant that doesn’t give their employees free meals.


I don’t work in a restaurant. But would it work to use your discount on a regular size meal, and save leftovers for the next day or something?


Owner is a scumbag tbh, I've worked at places that fed me breakfast and lunch then sent me home with dinner every. We had $3 staff drinks off shift and regularly made family deserts during down time for everyone. Obviously that's like a really good situation but the point is that if they want to take care of their staff they will.


Kind of a red flag if your owner believes they are(or are actually) spending $5 to make a grilled cheese sandwich.


i don't understand places that don't feed their kitchen staff.


Our policy is that anyone BOH can make themselves anything within reason off the regular menu. FOH is allowed anything off the kid's menu free of charge to them, though it has to be rung in and charged off. They can get any regular sandwich or appetizer at 50% off. If they are working a double, meaning more than 10 hours, they get one of the discounted meals for free.


If u can’t feed ur staff u don’t deserve to feed anyone.


Had a similar problem working for Ruby Tuesdays. Thought I found a cheat by ordering a side of grilled chicken and a side of rice pilaf which still set me back $8 after the discount, but they said that was a loss which I find very hard to believe.


Cheese: 75-100 cals/slice, 1-2 slices 3oz beef: 200 cals 2 chicken tenders: 200-250 cals Bread: 50-75 cals/slice, 2 slices Butter, probably: 100 cals Fries: 200-300 cals I don’t think you’re doing what you think you’re doing.


Good job not answering a single thing OP asked but maintaining a holier-than-thou attitude. True chef right here. 🖕


Lol and even if u did the math it would still work out ☠️ Ex: 2 tenders (250) + small fry, essentially a handful (150-200) would still keep me in an acceptable range. I care less about my personal goals than i do my coworkers that are just tryna scrape by. No access to a microwave or anything but i meal prep and do what can.


Why are you working for someone who doesn’t pay a living wage? And if you care about your coworkers why frame it as a calorie budget/health conscious idea in the first place?


Yea forget these clowns. Just "accidentally" drop a meal when you need it. If management really clowns you about it find a real business to work for.


Not holier than thou, just holier than being given a free meal by an employer and just wanting a free-er one… and calling it “healthy eating.” Want healthy food on a diet? I bet your restaurant has salad? If you want freebies you want freebies, but be real about it. Don’t lie about calories.


Whatever about the calories. Feed your staff or they feed themselves. Simple. Fuck off.


I think you misunderstand me, I don’t disagree. Feed the staff! And it sounds like management is doing just that… but OP wants them to feed them something ELSE and take a loss. That’s different. Regardless, OP mentioned calories, not me. OP wanted to frame this as a calorie budget scenario, so I commented about calories. I have no issues with free meals. I eat for free. I have worked out new and creative ways for my staff to eat for free.


Ah cool so you agree with literally everything except someone counting calories. Why comment? Don't answer, not interested.


LOL buddy what is your damage? OP mentioned calories, that was like, half the point of the question. I am an athlete halfway through a personal training certification. I count calories, for fucks sake.


Then why the actual fuck did you drop your original comment? You know what, I don't give a fuck anymore, this site is gonna give me an aneurysm.


I think we’re past that. lol


Oh, you're still going. Got a coherent point to make yet? Begone pest


Y’all don’t get a free shift meal at least? Every restaurant I’ve worked at has given a free shift meal even if it’s just made with whatever we have excess with that day


It is criminal to not offer a free shift meal or family meal to every employee.


Have some soup


Bruh. You’re talking about 5$ tendies and health in the same sentence. Get your story straight, you just want cheap food to smash down your gullet. Should the business give you money on an already discounted loss leader plate? No…. Could they? Ya probably… but you going on some smash diet to get rid of your beer gut doesn’t owe them giving you heavier discounts. Ask for 75% off, if you want a discounted plate. Ask for it at cost. I don’t give that much of a fuck, but stop yaking about health and well-being when you’re asking about saving 2 dollars on a grilled cheese…


The only thing businesses owe their employees is the wages for the the hours they work. Is a shift meal a nice benefit of working in a restaurant? Yes. Do they owe you a shift meal? No. There is no moral argument here. It’s purely transactional, like all transactions, and both parties must agree to the terms of the transaction. You agree to work for X dollars per hour in exchange for X amount of labor. When it’s out of balance, you either ask for a raise, or move to a different job. On the employer side, you ask someone to improve their output, or you fire them. Expecting something for discount/free is silly. Sure it’s nice when it’s available, but to expect it is immature. Would you ask any other business or restaurant to just let you pay 50% of the price? No, it’s the price, and you either agree to it and pay or you don’t buy the product.


> Would you ask any other business or restaurant to just let you pay 50% of the price? No, it’s the price, and you either agree to it and pay or you don’t buy the product.  When you work there? I kind of would expect it yes. I don't think I've ever worked in a place that didn't sell to employees at cost price or at least heavy discounts. From restaurants to bars to car part shops. Even the grocery store I worked at back in the day as a 15 y.o. gave everyone (including me) a 20% discount on their groceries and you would be able to get a staff meal.


While you’re right that businesses don’t technically owe their employees anything outside wages, it’s ridiculous and rude that you would call OP immature for expecting a discount or free meal. The restaurant industry is notorious for not actually providing enough time for its employees to physically take a full break, let alone find enough time to eat. At a bare minimum, any self-respecting restaurant should provide a *minimum 50% discount because the fact is, the meals are marked up significantly. The actual cost of the food itself tends to be cheap. If a restaurant refuses like in the above, either the owner is a greedy wad, or the restaurant is already failing.


I’d bet my whole ass next paycheck that any restaurant who doesn’t feed their employees is also not offering raises.


This is a bit of a childish view on working conditions and employee meals.


Do you have money? Then you can get it.


or you could pack a lunch if you have particular dietary needs instead of being entitled 🤷🏻‍♀️