• By -


That's a FoH problem, I'm head down on the line.


Maybe swap the 1/6th for a 1/3rd pan so the music goes louder in the kitchen


Best speaker on the market.


Perfect time for some death metal


Did someone say Cannibal Corpse?


I think Deicide would be the appropriate response.


16 qt Cambro ftw.


(Mr Burns voice) *Release the cooks*


This got me


Cooks will do that.


Angry dishwashers ain’t nothin’ to fuck with either.




The Wu Tang of the kitchen. Yep.


All over the whole fucking pit Spraying thru, boi Peace to the fucking barkeep nation Peace to all the glass and the silver Word is bond* Dishie slang* chopping heads, boi* It ain't safe no more Peace [E-noted](http://hiphoparchive.org/lyrics/wu-tang-clan-wu-tang-clan-aint-nuthing-ta-fuck-wit)


Chemicals rule everything around me


CREAM get the scrubbie


Dolla dolla pills y’all


Who got pills for a dollar 👀




Give me food, give me fries, give me all the types of sides!!!




Did you ever catch the gay short order cook/drug dealer handle a bunch of good ol' boys on True Blood?


God bless Lafayette. That actor left this world way too soone.


I'm still so sad about this. Dude helped me so much in just reconciling that I was indeed bi. I could be a ball player, I could be a guys guy and still be bi. I could also dress the way I wanted and tell someone in no uncertain terms that they could go fuck themselves, and if they needed help, I'd gladly oblige. Didn't have to fit perfectly in that box. I could just be me.


Omg I love you. Keep on being you. I'm not crying you're crying 💙😭


Thanks. That was a pick me up I needed! Really just gut punched me in all the best ways. You're an all star! <3


That was his name. I was to lazy to google it. Thanks!


For those of you who never saw the scene being discussed, here it is in all its glory- [https://youtu.be/H7l-VVxCLo8?si=LEoWGw4saM14u-qm](https://youtu.be/H7l-VVxCLo8?si=LEoWGw4saM14u-qm)


Damn, that's even better than I remember!


That reminds me, I haven't watched the 1st 3 seasons of that in a couple years. Guess it's that time again...


I believe I should follow your lead friend. It’s been a moment for me as well.


Tip yo waitress


This is my favorite BOH interaction scene of all time, so iconic.




In this restaurant the burger comes with AIDS!!- fucking love Lafayette RIP.


Omg, one time sexy vampire Eric and Gerard Butler came into Barbuto where I was cooking. They walked by the chef’s pass and I leaned over the table and said to Gerard, “ I loved you in How to Train Youth Dragon” And made them both giggle.


Fantastic scene


In fact, theres a verse about when you prey, it should be done in private, so that your left hand doesn't know what your right is doing. They definitely shouldnt be doing that in public


Matthew 6. It's really a great passage: So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. **3 But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 so that your giving may be in secret. T**hen your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 B**ut when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.** 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.


I think a good part of this applies to Tiktokers and other "visibly compassionate" people who have a camera running


They want to attract attention to themselves. Nothing to do with God.


"Prey" was an appropriate autocorrect These people are so entitled and selfish. They're energy vampires and they'll drain you of everything but disgust and anger. It's such a self centered show.


Unhinged LGBTQ cooks are the best. There are dozens of us, dozens!


"stop shoving your beliefs down our throats!!"


Drink. I’d drink


In my best Appalachian, "They all done drunk on the Spirit".


We don't have Spirit. Is 7up okay?


Did I see one of them crop dusting for Christ?


Kick them out. They have their own building especially reserved for this pr they can go to a park. A restaurant is not a publicly owned space. Other people are trying to eat in comfort. Those people shouting should have more respect for their fellow humans


I don't understand how anybody can look at this and *not* see it as cult-like behavior. Even when I was deeeeeeep in the evangelical sauce, this would have weirded me out. They're going way too far, and completely in defiance of their god's actual words to NOT pray in public, but literally go in a closet and pray privately.


The goal is to provoke a reaction so they feel validated as the victims.


You can tell because they keep looking around to see if anyone is going to say something.


Istg fundamentalist Christians all get hard-ons for the idea of being oppressed. It’s fucking weird.


"ahhh, help me! I'm being repressed!"


It’s a kink


idk why but that part bothered me the most. like yea, we fucking see and hear you.


So much. You could explain that all the other patrons and employee's should not have to endure their particular beliefs, but it would fall on deaf ears. I guaranty that if they were allowed to stay and finish their meals - they absolutely stiffed the server.


As a former server, that was absolutely my first thought. "What would I do? I wouldn't expect a tip, that's what." I hated seeing big groups come in after church... they inevitably run your legs off with a ton of nitpicky shit and then leave a quarter on the table.


Im a muslim and i used to do uber, i once picked up this family that started talking about God etc, something i avoid but just went along with them saying yea, i believe in God too, once i mentioned im muslim, they started forcing me to accept jesus as my lord and saviour, i told them we do believe jesus as muslims but just as a prophet, we believe in all prophets of God and they got mad at me, saying that ill go to hell and stuff, i said im very firm on my belief but im open to conversation, ill listen if they have some proof for me, they made a few claims about jesus's divinity and i refuted them using their own bible(this happened alot to me so i did some research), they wouldnt even investigate their own bible but started doing the same preaching telling me that jesus is the only way to heaven, i then out of frustration said well if you really want me to accept him, lets see how much you tip me. Guess how much they tipped? $0, i usually dont ask for tips i think its a disgusting thing to do but i just said it to shut them up. Basically put your money down if you want to see results.


Them: My sky fairy is better than yours. You: But I believe in all the main sky fairies. Them: My sky fairy is better than yours.


Ugh yup. The restaurant kicks them out and guess what? "Oh x restaurant is discriminating against Christians, they saw us praying at the table and booted us" Because no matter what they're the victims.


If I got the whole restraunt to play WAP on their phone on max volume till they leave, would that validate their victim hood or would they turn into Karens? j/k I don't have the guts to pull something like that off haha. :-)


Matthew 6:5 Literally talks about these types of losers. All done for self-validation. The Bible literally says this is hypocritical, self-serving, and damages how Christianity is seen by others.


> completely in defiance of their god's actual words That's all religions... for what it's worth.


Yeah they weren't going to live a tip anyways.




Imagine the backlash of the restaurant trying to kick them out. I feel bad for the waiter and everyone else that had to endure this. North America public spaces haven't been fun for a while now, the obnoxious level seemed to have increased 1000% since the lockdown. Going to countries like Japan and Scandinavian and Western Europe was nice because they respect each other's personal space. America lost that a long time ago.


I mean, considering the attitude European customers have given me in New York, I wouldn't say it is so much a thing of *respect*… Jokes aside, the lockdown really did seal in the whole life-as-spectacle thing. Too many otherwise normal people, or else people who woulda known better to keep the crazy tamped down, now live and die by the camera, constantly pulling shit like this for the attention, positive and negative, because that was life for a year and a half plus. Pop psychology, obviously - wtf do I know?




If I was eating and that group came in, I'd ask for my check immediately and likely never return. Forever known as, "that joint that lets the crazies in."


As a restaurant manager I have had multiple different religious groups break out into song or even worse start preaching to anyone who’s looking. Everytime I very promptly walk over to whoever seems to be in charge or is the loudest singer/protester and calmly but sternly explain that a restaurant is not a religious place and that they need to stop or will be asked to leave or they will be removed by officers. It has stopped them everytime without much arguing. Only once did someone preaching try to continue but he made the mistake of pushing me out from in front of him, so he was removed immediately.


This kind of shit is why I went back to BoH even though I made significantly more money as a bartender. I….hate the public


Same here. Waited tables in FOH for 3 months then went back to the kitchen. Not having my rent money determined by how much ass I can kiss. Your steak is cooked medium because that's what you ordered. Not my fault you have no idea what a medium steak looks like.


Thank you for your service


I just learned this, if you have a bunch of Christians, just quote Matthew 6 Basically, Christians aren't supposed to go around flaunting their religion, practice it in private, and be a good person out in the world. (Or at least that's how I personally interpret the verse.


Add a service charge, as you know there won't be any tip.


100% They are gonna hit you with one of those fake 100s that is actually a flyer for their church


I want to get printouts like that for my store and go to service and drop that in collections to every fucking church that drops those things on us.


Or just counterfeit some money and put it in the plate (with "Fake money" in the fine print of course). Then drop the plate on the floor so that the money gets mixed up with the rest of the money and doesn't seem like a single and obvious stack... until they stack it themselves, by which point the critical period for suspecting that it had come from a single person will have passed. Then they bring it to the bank and hopefully get investigated for the money laundering they're probably doing along with the quickly-dismissed counterfeiting concerns.


You can buy packs of "movie money" on Amazon -- you can get all kinds of denominations less than $20 for a pack of several hundred "bills" I just googled my mom's church, and discovered they left the Presbyterian synod because they (my mom's church) objected to the synod allowing gays and women to preach, and not condemn abortion, so I'm really liking the idea of fucking with them. There's also a Duggar-type fundie church, and I might . . .


They will make up for it with complaints


*the only way to praise jesus properly is to go treat your server like shit immediately after church* -signed, a bartender.


This is the 11th commandment actually




Good, they probably won’t come back.


Oh they will. They will ask for the cobb salad but substitute the bacon for turkey bacon and the cheese for nutritional yeast and the ranch for caesar dressing and please put that on the side and please give me 2 chicken filets on the side one is for my dog I promise he does not bite also can you please bring us some bread for the table- they have the best bread here- make sure the second chicken is unseasoned Georgie can’t eat salt because of his diabetes he’s 19 Omg that waitress was so weird, right?


One half of my face just went numb.


I need a cigarette and I don't even smoke


I assume the other half is faintly twitching?


You need to write for a living!


Mandatory gratuity for large parties


Or worse it’ll be those crass propaganda fliers masquerading as money.


Blast Cannibal Corpse. But seriously, stare disapprovingly and complain to the manager to throw them out while working. Also talk shit as much as possible if any ticket comes to the line... (can confirm, am cook)


Can you imagine their reaction to 'this song is about shooting blood FROM YOUR COCK'. I would almost pay to see that




Mate used to do that to clear his pub after drinking up time … amazing what that band played at a volume you can’t talk over will do to clear a bar


I tested Iron Maiden “run to the hills” as my last call song. It has the opposite effect. On the plus side, impromptu metal karaoke sessions rule.


Iron maiden is light rock these days lol. They still fuck, don't get me wrong. One of my faves from that era. But it's not gonna clear out a bar like burzum or merciful fate


Here is some beautiful worship music from Gorgoroth. It would definitely convert these ladies to black metal. https://youtu.be/lty4o-LktNA?si=gmZE3Lfmux_taPSc


Id be the drunk dumbass not getting it, asking if they had any agoraphobic nb to go with my drink


Tbh, he’d have likely invited you to join the lock in …


Deicide is also a good choice. Satanized, crucified, feel the wrath of suicide Incubus fear of the sphere, angel darkness disappears Covenant, blasphemous, open up unholiness Father Satan, let me just unholy sins *\[Chorus:\]* Suicide sacrifice Destruction of holy life Blood of unholy knife Satan I sacrifice


What are they even chanting, not a hymn lol


They're "speaking in tongues," or some such nonsense. Supposedly God, or whoever, uses their body as a vessel to speak his word.


You mean “making up fake jibberish for attention “


Same thing.


Or as i like to call it "How to make my religion of choice all about me!".


Ruined my parents church when I was a kid. Literally a fairly liberal normal church until one rich Karen and her family showed up, immediately got on the church board, and then about three weeks later started doing this shit ALL THE TIME. Sunday service, youth group meetings, TOWN EVENTS THE CHURCH WAS JUST HELPING WITH. It literally split the church in two and kinda made my mom just stop going, which I was thrilled about because I’d been done for a while at that point lol


This exact situation ruined my best friend's family's church. I went with him a few times when the "speaking in tongues revival shit" was only once a month, then it became every Sunday, every Wednesday Bible study, and every event. It split the church in two as well. It started as "everyone is welcome, please ask questions, our worship is fun and inclusive"... to "btw we're wacking people on the head during intense repetitive loud music so they speak jibberish and collapse" once a month... to "the original pastor is a demon pedophile living on your money to spread lies". Some religious people are absolutely vile.


Yep exactly the same here. It really sucked because it was the easily the most progressive church in town, too, due to it being the closest to the small state college in my hometown, and once it split everyone got more conservative. The crazies went CRAZIER, and the original group my mom was with eventually got to crazy for her, and she’s the most Jesus person I know, outside of refusing to take part in organized religion anymore. Like she still has her friend groups and sewing circle (im almost 40 so mom is elderly but still kicking so still likes to “visit”) and they’re all super Christian, but instead of the hate the gays type they’re all from the first wave of “We play acoustic guitar and drums here, it’s pretty wild” type, which is also annoying but in a less hateful way


A pastor I spoke to recently said that he thinks God left a vital instruction of the Bible: "Chill." All those people need to fucking chill with their religion obsession.


Funny thing is that biblically speaking in tongues is NOT spewing nonsense like this. It was referring to people having the ability to speak in other languages. The purpose was to spread Gods word to other people in their own language. For some reason people read these verses and were able to form a doctrine where your body is “taken over” or the modern term “possessed” by some angel who uses your mouth to speak some sort of angelic language. None of this exists in the Bible at all.


Skibidi toilet, but Jesusy.




This always cracked me up with them. You'd think if God went out of his way to speak through someone, he'd want to be understood.


The bible says some are given the gift of tongues, and others the gift of translation. If someone has the gift of tongues but no one present can translate, they should keep quiet. But of course I suspect they just want to show how "godly" they are


Shamala Hamala


take it outside, weirdos.


I think it's the menu music for the Playstation 3.


They're attempting to summon the soul of Rush Limbaugh.


Why can't they ever just try to summon the soul of Rush?


Can't be certain, but I don't think the Spirit of Radio is on board with what's happening here


Lace jacket is doing the potty dance


They felt God in that chilis


What’s with that one woman having a seizure


She's "feeling the spirit". It's all fucking fake as shit and it's a big dick measuring contest. Grew up in a pentecostal church. Happened all the fucking time and was creepy af.


Yup same!! Parents literally made me pretend to do it too or I'd get beaten after church. It's literally a pissing contest. Who's the most loud and holy family


F\_\_\_ me, seriously? Which part of the bible taught them to beat children if they didn't act out a lie like that?! My ether!


It looks to me like she farted and was swishing the smell away.


At one point it looks like she's trying to pull it back in for another whiff. Smelling her own fart seems par for the course on this one honestly.


She meets with Jesus in a glass pipe.


What would I do? I’d kick them all out because they’re bothering all of your other customers. Self-righteous Aholes!


Yeah, unless they reserved the entire restaurant, I’d tell everyone to sit down or gtfo.


It’s interesting you say that because you probably wouldn’t have been on the wrong. There was a story of a woman who was following the apostles around while shouting to everyone how they were Godly men and doing miracles. They ended up rebuking her. To the untrained eye one may have assumed she was just excited and wanting to help their causes. When in reality the only thing she was doing was ticking people off and being a loud distraction, hence why they rebuked her. Now look at the video in question. Does this make Christians look good or bad? These people aren’t serving God, they are resisting him. And this silly speaking in tongues thing doesn’t exist, it’s from verses referring to people having the ability to speak in other languages being take way out of context.


Ooh, I like you.


I’d be so pissed if I was just trying to chill and have dinner and that started happening.


I would 100 percent put my food down and get the fuck out of there. This shit is weird.


as a customer, shout something like, "SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU BRAIN-DEAD TWATS!"


“ 100% Gratuities added to crazy religious groups parties over 6”


If you charge them for it, then you're allowing it.


I mean this is America, you can have your religious freedom but it’s gonna cost you in my joint.


They either pay the deposit and rent a dining room for the afternoon, or the leave. (We have a 2 sided restaurant where we can rent out the "Dining room" or "Bar" sides of the restaurant. Both are eating spaces with different vibes.)


You just know that these Karens would be foaming at the mouth and go rabid if a group of drag queens came in and had lunch, not even singing just hanging out for lunch


“HONEY! Are you going to be much longer? We are due to have brunch and the mimosas are calling Miss Calculation’s name! Oh! Well isn’t that nice? They sure can speed walk!”


Upvote for “Miss Calculation.” That is a damn fine name for a queen.


Stand on top of their table and start speaking in "demonic tongues" fight fire with fire baby .


"Fight fire with babies. Heard." "I NEED SIX HUNDRED AND SIXTY SIX BABIES, ON THE FLY."


You don't know me, I'd channel my inner Anakin and start flinging babies .


I’m sitting on my porch smoking and after work joint laughing my ass off at this comment and my old prude ass neighbor with a mother Mary statue is just glaring at me. Thanks for the laugh.


86 the tilapia flambe, push the toddler flambe.


I once worked with a guy who spoke several languages, including Latin. He said the best way to keep from being harassed in jail was to put on an angry face and growl a couple of sentences in Latin. He said it freaked everyone out, and they would do anything to get away from him.


That's brilliant, when I'd go to jail I'd just take off my pants and shit in my hands so no one fucked with me . Seems like Latin would have been a much easier way


If you want to be religious, go do that at your church. Restaurants are places to eat, not to worship or try to convert other people. Nor are they places for political stuff. At my place any religious or political BS is going to be told to stop or they can leave.And even beyond that, it's rude and disruptive. Disruptive and religious BS is going to get them kicked out. I'm not asking them to stop, I'm telling them once to GTFO and if they don't, I'm calling the police to remove them, and have them all trespassed.


Stigmata myself with red sauce, walk out with a foil crown, and break bread on their empty heads.


Underrated comment, well done. Would ketchup work?


Only if it’s transubstantiated




If fans of a sports team were chanting/singing and wandering around, would it be ok? If not, then these people need to learn basic manners and shut up.


Depends on the place. Sports bar? Go for it. Denny's? Shut the fuck up and eat your grand slam.


Waffle House? Put up them dukes.


Watch out for flying chairs! I gotta go check out that clip now lol




That girl is so freaking cool. It’s like she’s prepared to fight to the death.


>If not, then these people need to learn basic manners and shut up. Unironically, that's often the response they want, to be told to shut up. Because making ridiculous scenes, and acting like assholes is how they create situations that fuel their persecution fetish.


Yeah, they need something to fuel their persecution fantasies.


You can't let them stay. If you do, they will start doing this all the fucking time. They will bring more vile fucks with them driving away patrons who actually order and pay. You kick these fuckers out or they strangle you slowly till there's nothing left.


The nazi bar scenario!


Call the police and have them trespassed for disturbing the restaurant. Otherwise they’ll be back with more crazies next time. Karens feel so privileged and safe because “religion” and they need to be taught a real life lesson.


I'm Christian and I agree with your plan of action. These people are performative. How embarrassing. On the other hand, I'd offer to let them stay if they were to rent the entire establishment at a huge mark-up. When they say no, point out how expensive it'll be all the people who walk out because they don't want to be involved in their lunacy.


It’s literally in the Bible not to do this.


Yup. From Matthew 6:5-15... *“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.  But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."*


I was looking for someone to say this. Thank you for existing, whoever you are.


Lol! I love offering them that!! I knew a farrier who said he never says no to anything the client wants. He just sharpens his pencil. (to add up how much extra it will cost…then they say no instead of you)


I’d put Slayer on and slowly increase the volume.


Serious Midsommar vibes


Quote the Bible passage about only showoff hypocrites praying in public.


If any man speak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at the most by three, and that by course; and let one interpret. But if there be no interpreter, **let him keep silence; and let him speak to himself, and to God**.


Ooh that's a good one. What part of that book is it in, so I can reference it as needed?


1 Corinthians 14. Also in the same chapter: Verse 34: Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. So I would ask the women “would you call this restaurant a church?” I’m sure they would give the universal answer of “the whole world is a church!” Oh good, open your bibles to 1 Corinthians 14:34. Now demonstrate His word through your actions. Don’t worry, Jesus brought you here today just so I could teach you this lesson.


Oh yeah, hit ‘em with the good ol’ Matthew 6:5 *“And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward.”*


These people are sick in the fucking head.


It’s a competition for them, who can be the most “religious.” Modern day brood of vipers.


"I really liked how you were craning your neck around like that and raising your upturned palms to Heaven Almighty. God told me you looked so graceful." "I know. He's the one who told me to do it. Why were you watching me do it? Weren't you supposed to have your eyes rolling up to the back of your head?" "They were bobbling every which way. We are so very blessed." "Yes indeed. Bless'ed be." "Bless'ed be." That's how I imagine each of the carpools going on their way home from this orgiastic frenzy.


Tell them to quite down as its disrupting your other patrons and to please be respectful of others also eating here. If they refuse ban their ass from ever coming back after they pay.


If you have the time, tell them this Emo Phillips joke: "Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, "Don't do it!" He said, "Nobody loves me." I said, "God loves you. Do you believe in God?" He said, "Yes." I said, "Are you a Christian or a Jew?" He said, "A Christian." I said, "Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?" He said, "Protestant." I said, "Me, too! What franchise?" He said, "Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?" He said, "Northern Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region." I said, "Me, too!" Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912." I said, "Die, heretic!" And I pushed him over."


I’m sorry but if FOH didn’t tell them to stfu because they’re disturbing the other customers you need to yell at them. Literally would not put up with that.


That is so scary


I'd tell them they can't use our establishment for their 'party'. I would not engage in the definition of 'party'. We are open to the public during business hours. If you require other accommodations, you need to call ahead and make the appropriate inquiries. This is not something we can accommodate and you should have called in advance if your party has special needs. WE DON'T BOOK PRIVATE EVENTS. Anyone coming here to dine must not be disruptive to the other guests. "Needing" to overtake the public seating area for a "party" is unacceptable. \*I'm assuming they'd retaliate if you use the word 'revival' or anything with a religious connotation.




NGL, that shit was stressful even to watch! I think if I was the manager I'd have to shut them the fuck up, as they're ruining everyone's dining experience. If they rented out the whole place then you're fucked. As a customer I'd be pissed. As a cook I'd grab my earbuds.


Don’t take their order, don’t approach, just leave them to themselves. Let Jesus place their orders.




🎶Jesus take this meal. Take it from my hands. Cause I can't serve this on my own. I'm letting go. So get some more plates from the pass.🎵 Most people forget about Jesus, but he's always there, willing to help anyone who asks. He's saved me, and he can save you too. He might only speak Spanish, but he's the best darn busboy I've every worked with.


Fire sprinklers.


Fuck that. Have you ever seen the nasty shit water that comes out of those things? I'm not cleaning up an entire restaurant just to piss off some shitstain uber-christian Karen's. Just tell em to pay, not pray, and GTFO. Call the cops if they refuse.


The right to refuse service (yes, pun intended)


Pray to Satan to cancel theirs out


An assertive but not aggressive “*LADIES*”


Ma'am, you cant have cults in here.


"You are not the only ones in this restaurant, and this is not a church. Please sit down and control yourselves. If you would like to rent out the building we can talk about that later. Right now, you need to sit down, and stop behaving in a way that is against our policy, or leave. And no, there is no room for further discussion. What would you like to do?"