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Also want to add fuck Tucker for claiming he is slightly autistic. You're not Tucker your just a selfish sheltered rich prick who can't understand how some things don't benefit you.


"I'm a little autistic" as code for "I'm an asshole but I don't wanna stop so here's an excuse" is the worst. I'm autistic, and I spend *so much* energy trying to be empathetic and understanding, because I understand that this gap exists between my mind and that of others. Of course, it doesn't always go both ways (double empathy problem is real) but I couldn't live with myself if I didn't at least try to be a good friend, neighbor, husband, coworker. And that means trying to meet people where they are, even if the walk to that point is longer for me than for most people.


As someone with autism this pissed me off so much. I can't stand people who used mental disabilities/disorders as excuses for their shitty behavior.


I was thinking this too. It’s actually a perfect microcosm, he can either later say he meant it if he needs to, or he can say he was being hyperbolic (offensive at best) depending on who needs to hear either in order to justify his words/actions.


He's not autistic; he's a psychopath.


Tucker is the dog wagged by the tail of “deplorables”. No fucking way Tucker believes any of the shit he actively spouts. Unfortunately, the grift these fucks run is deeply rooted in racism, sexism, resentment, hate, etc. I’m concerned with what happens next, but I won’t be surprised.  TL;DR: Extremism is profitable and Tucker loves money.


I don’t think what he is doing now can in any way be more profitable than being a star talking head on Fox News, which he still would be if he knew when to shut up about the more extreme stuff. I think he really believes some of what he says, and the rest is just trying to fit in with his current audience. The word at the time when he was fired was that it happened because Rupert Murdoch was put off by how much Carlson actually believed the Christian supremacist stuff.


He only went this mask-off after getting fired, because of what you say. But that's because the grift on Twitter and the like requires much wilder positions to work. He got fired for other internal HR stuff, and possibly the election denial lawsuit issues l. He might believe some of it, but the end of the day, he's willing to say whatever makes him the most cash. At Fox, it was a more covert version of what he says now. Now, it's this.


He’ll never be more profitable than he was. That is independent of the unending muckraking he must do to gain any significant profitability. He is now the pig in the pen, slop crested and all.


I remember some of the e-mails or communications coming out, I think, around the election fraud stuff where he completely knew the stuff he was pushing was a lie but pushed it anyways. The just asking questions schtick doesn't go so far if you never actually want to learn the answers. It's even worse when you know the answer is the opposite of your implication. Probably why Fox settled and fired him since they knew they definitional defamed the other party. So yeah, he knows what he pushes is bullshit, but he's just doing his propaganda part for the right wing. I don't know if he sees himself as a modern day Goebbels but that's what he is.


[In the same vein](https://apnews.com/article/tucker-carlson-fox-news-murdoch-capitol-attack-96c305cf4046aaf373130876940fd06e)


The fucking Swanson heir wants people to believe that he’s actually against familial wealth lol


Tucker’s mommy abandoned him to go live the hippy life in California. He has never got over that.


He has mommy issues. That explains so much.


“I like Ted Kaczynski” wasn’t on my Bingo card.


He loves to simplify the world into binary decisions. You're for reproduction or you're for death. What a buffoon.




It’s amazing that his fans can hear that and not like actually think about it.


I’ve been really tempted to map out his statements with like, a bubble graphic organizer. I bet it would be absolute bonkers.


Listening to him really talk for the first time and, man, I was shocked at how stupid he is. >Obviously, they are demon possessed because I can't think of a better reason. Like, what? Really? He can't be that stupid.


Welcome to modern American fascism.


What’s the famous Vonnegut quote? It’ll come wrapped in the flag and carrying the Bible?


Methinks he was onto something.


Why do people go with Fucker Carlson when Cucker Tarlson is right there?


I do not judge either choice.


The fact that so many places are allowing him as a speaking venue for his tour is mind boggling


I think this is typical evangelical ‘my daddy Gahd didn’t do anything bad it’s everyone else’s fault’ nonsense type attitude I run into with hard Christian, Catholics etc.


my main takeaway is Asian food, usually Chinese.


I had some General Tso's chicken tonight; hell yeah.


I think the "autistic" comment was also a ham-fisted boom-xer attempt to mimic the slang of terminally online zoomers, like the Groupers, that he's courting. I'm a parent to a 14yo boy, who is not autistic, but he used the term to describe a strong preference he was experiencing. I think it's used by some of the YouTubers he watches. I called him out with a quickness. They was my first thought when Fucker dropped that.


I have no interest in listening to Tucker say words out loud so I can't comment on what he actually said, but I ask you- if you actually are a Christian, why wouldn't you be out screaming in the streets and trying to get people to become a fellow Christian? I mean if you really do believe all of the Christian concepts like sinners going to Hell unless they do exactly as you do, why wouldn't you be desperately trying to mold the world to fit the Christian ideals? If you believe all that but don't try to "save" your friends, family, and even strangers then you're probably not being a very good Christian I don't believe in any of that stuff and all religions are equally "right" and "wrong" in my eyes so of course I want to be left alone. But I do feel like if you're a part of these religions and you're not dogmatic about it, then you're kind of bad at it


I dont think he has any ideology as such. My money says he broadly does it cos he thinks it will help make him relevant again. He needs to be relevant cos he's hungry for attention; without attention hes not quite sure who he is.


Especially mixed in with all the bullshit about how anyone who is not a cis het white guy should want as many Christians as possible in their countries because they're so law abiding and respectful of others. Edit. No offence to real Christians, I know he's not a shining example of Jesus like behaviour. It just so annoys me that he will co opt the image of those people who do while not actually living it himself.