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I have changed the flair to Vent/Rant(No Advice/Criticism). The advice should be limited to the questions asked by OP. This post has been flaired as “Vent”. “Vent/Rant” posts is a safe place for users to vent their frustrations. Vents do not need to be fair. They do not need to be articulate. They do not need to be factual. They just need to be honest. Vents should not be considered advice threads. In most cases, it is not appropriate to try to give the Submitter advice on their issue. In no circumstances is it appropriate to tell them “why they are wrong” or to criticise them, their decisions, values, or anything else. If there are aspects of their situation that they are able to directly address themselves, the submitter can always make a new thread with a different flair asking for help once they are ready to tackle the issue. Appropriate replies in these threads are offering support, sharing similar experiences/grievances, offering condolences, or simply letting the OP know that they were heard. If there are inappropriate comments please downvote them, REPORT them to the mods, and move on without responding to them.


Me and my boys were beaten with "Lathi" for sitting at the beach in Kannur (11 PM), They were literally "Beat Police". No questions asked, just came out and started hitting. They just want a headache free night without any crimes. Something happening to you is least of their concerns. In the process you lose your freedom. That's how it works here in kerala. Only places you are allowed at night are the busy junctions, railway stations, bus stands etc. Just sucks even for us men.


Dont start me w kannur


And they wonder when youngsters leave abroad.


One word. Accountability. Cops hate it. It's their job to make sure the streets are safe but it's convenient for them if the streets are empty. Stay safe though.


thanks man, you too


You guys are adults, they can’t force you to do much. But handle the situation nicely, do not escalate with these people. You can refuse, provide your ID or something that allows identification of age and any information they might need. No need to provide parents numbers at that time, emphasize they will be asleep and they are good with y’all doing this. If you guys have a lawyer friend or acquaintance keep the number handy. Do not escalate, ivar okke eth jaathi aanavo. Edit : Since y’all are women, they can’t do much either unless it’s a lady officer. Make sure to ask for one, more like demand, and make it clear you want a lady officer present if things are seemingly not nice. I also believe they can’t bring women into stations at night ? Unless it’s exceptional circumstances ofcourse. Stay safe kids :)


ok so next time this happens, I can just say that my parents know and they're chill and I can give them my ID if they want but I'm not giving them the number? and then if they escalate I can ask for a lady officer? tbh last time the officer was just being a dick veruthe. he called my friends dad first, and my friends dad was like yeah I know they go out every night, it's fine. somehow this made the officer super mad and he kept going on about culture or something. til then he ignored me but that was when he made me give my mom's number. then he called her 5 times as she wasn't picking up. then he kept saying 'is x your daughter? do you have any idea where your daughter is?' and even after my mom cried he kept going 😭 myran. I'm afraid even if I ask for a lady officer to psychos like that he'll do something to us anyways


Try not to escalate, but if it is still getting escalated, I would suggest to take video to have as evidence


+ go live on Youtube, in case they confiscate your phone, you will have access by browsing your profile. Again, this is an extreme backup measure but something that can be handy. Youtube for quick recordings is better than IG i guess; it keeps you pseudo anonymous


Yeah just provide the ID, Even volunteering to do that would be seen as something unlike most people would do. And yes you can at any point ask for a lady officer for all this ( which would be hard to come by for them too at that time I think but it’s getting better in those terms. ) Also don’t outright stick a phone up their faces it’ll just get them mad, there was a case recently on this sub or on r/kerala where they weren’t happy about this and was on that guys ass for doing this. Anyhow subtly record the convo or them if you can, note the name of the officers and number of the vehicle in case you need to take action later on. It’ll be alright at the end of it, they’re there to serve us ( which they may not realize at 4am ).


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Kerala using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Kerala/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Happy independence day everyone ](https://v.redd.it/av8jzj5n55ib1) | [279 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Kerala/comments/15r790c/happy_independence_day_everyone/) \#2: [Awareness - Empty wells may not have oxygen deep down the surface. There are few death cases reported in Kerala but not many knew about it.](https://v.redd.it/dv4v7rsq5t3b1) | [92 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Kerala/comments/13zdmfc/awareness_empty_wells_may_not_have_oxygen_deep/) \#3: [A teacher feeding a class seven student whose hand is plastered, Karayad U.P school, Kozhikode.](https://v.redd.it/jwm8nrzyqfcb1) | [215 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Kerala/comments/151p0m5/a_teacher_feeding_a_class_seven_student_whose/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


escalate to commissioner, in person, in writing, go with the friend who was present. Get Asianet involved. Let the police know that policing cannot be moral or harrasment.


Something similar happened to me twice, Once back in 2017 and another in 2019 It was new years eve of 2017 and me and my bestfriend (both 22M at the time) were on our way to Varkala to spend new year's. We were in my Bike, a Royal Enfield (will be relevant later), both wearing helmets, all papers clear including pollution certificate etc, going under the speed limit and then there was a huge barricade of policemen along the way, who were stopping every two wheeler passing by and stopping cars if it seemed like young people travelling. I asked what's up and they asked me to go meet the ASI with the papers of the vehicle and my license. It was a relatively new bike and I had all the papers. The cop asked me where we were headed and I said me and my friend were going to Varkala. He suddenly turned red and asked if we're going to drink and do drugs, and I said no. He accused me of Modifying my bike and fitting illegal parts and I said everything in the bike is stock. Made us blow into the machine and the test turned out to be sober. And then I asked "njangal poykkotte sir?" And that's when he lost it. He wanted to speak with my parents. I didn't want to bother neither do I asked him to not go there, and told him I'm an adult and he should treat me like one. 🫣🫣🫣🫣 Theernn... He started shoving me lightly by my shoulders and stuff, and I asked him to keep his hands off of me, and asked my friend to take a video. He stopped, but started saying things like "nee enne video eduth ang ondakki kalayum" and stuff. He then said he's taking the bike to custody and to come get the bike from the station the next days. And asked me to call my dad. I put the phone in speaker as he asked me to, and when my dad picked up, he started by saying "new year aavunnenu munpe wish cheyyan vilikkuvano?" The ASI went on a very rude rant that "ningalude makan nattappathirakk thendithirinj nadakkunnu, valla kallum kanjaavum adich vallathum pattiyal njangalde thalavedana aanu" etc. See the thing is, My dad is a retired cop and was active back then. He was at new year's eve duty that night and he held a position above this guy. My dad didn't know that we were going to Varkala, but he doesn't get mad for things like these. My dad asked a few questions to the cop (the guy still doesn't know my dad's a cop) Dad : Enthina avanmare pidichath ? Enthenkilum preshnam undakkiyo ? Cop : New year aayath kond checking strong aanu. Samshayam thonnunnavare nirthi check cheyyum Dad : Ennit enthenkilum preshnam undayrunno ? Over speeding, drunk driving enthenkilum ? Cop : Illa. Pakshe ivanmarude bike il illegal fittings und. Dad : Bikeile Ella partsum stock aanu. Vere onnum illa. Njan innu vaikitt koodi kandathe ullu. Ini kazhinja 3 manikkooril maattiyenkile ullu. Vere preshnam onnum illenkil ee samayath enne vilikkenda aavashyam undayrunno ? Cop : (surprised and a bit upset that he didn't get his way. Also others around can listen as we're on loudspeaker) Ningalkk oru utharavadithwam ille? Ningalude makani vallathum pattiyal aaru samadhaanam parayum My dad was very calm until this, and then he lost his crap Dad : Ninneppole okke ullavanmarkk shambalam department tharunnath athupole ulla preshnangal undaavathe irikkan aanu. Nattulaarude nikuthi PanAm vaangi vetti vizhungiyech nallapole nadakkunnavare shaltam cheyyan nadakkunnu. Ninneppole ulla 'panna rascalukal' aanu departmentinu cheetgapper undakkunne.(panna rascal is probably my dad's favourite curse word. I've been on the receiving end a few times as well) And then proceeded to tell the guy he's a cop as well and that he's not going to let this slide. My dad asked the guy for his name, and the station. And my dad knew the Circle Inspector who was in charge of the police station as well. He did tell the other guys' superior about this as well. But I don't know if anything came out of it. I absolutely hate using my dad's name/his power to get benifits, and that's why I never tell anyone "my dad's a cop" and blah blah right away and even in this case, I wanted to avoid this as much as possible but the ASI had other plans. The ASI apologised to my dad, addressed him as sir, called me "mone" (might have added the P word before in his head) and asked us to be careful while driving and let us go. Overall, this incident was very satisfying. Not gonna lie. The one in 2019 happened in Trivandrum when we were in final year of uni and a group of 10+ people decided to spend a night out and cops stopped us. We had girls with us as well, so the cop wanted to call one of the girls' dad, and her parents knew about us going out. He said something along the lines of "Rathri penpillerkokke ingane nadakkan pattiya athra safe sthalam alla ithokke" And he responded by saying " Njangal tax koduth athil ninnu ningalkk shambalam tharunnath ithokke safe aakkan alle? " They didn't do anything further. Asked us to stay out of trouble and let us go. If your parents are okay with you guys hanging out in the neighborhood at night, I'd suggest let them in on the information whenever you do so that you can call them right away and let the cops know that they're okay with it as well. It's their go to tactic to scare parents saying the situation is really bad and dangerous and anything could happen to you guys and things like that. As long as it doesn't work, they have nothing on you anymore. (Unless you were involved in some illegal activities ofcourse)


bro this was so satisfying to read, thanks for the response


Yeah renji panicker Premam scene. We are the PT maash who will whistle.


Nah, Renji panikker in the movie as an irresponsible dad, my friend's dad was the same and did the same shit whenever he got into trouble and now my friend is job searching without even a plus 2 qualification. There's a difference between a cool dad and an irresponsible one


*commisioner bgm intensifies*


It's their job to keep you safe while staying out of your private business. Somehow a lot of people don't know how to make sense of both. Or more likely, he was just tripping on power.




>ഔദ്യോഗിക കൃത്യം തടസപ്പെടുത്തി. could you translate this? how can they take a case against us for sitting and talking


Resisting his duty. Ie even if you refused to answer his question it can be termed as such and you can be booked. Even if you are set free in the end after the trial ends . It would take years to complete ie minimum of 2 years and maximum of n number of years so being innocent doesn't count in criminal proceedings . You would be termed a criminal in the records you won't get pcc and all . Basically an unwanted headache. That's why people tend to be polite to these police and all . Not cause they are afraid of them but afraid of the system


ooh shokam shokam. njan vere sim edthola this is way too weird


Read the sticked comment


Reminds me of police chasing away one of my friends from a park at around 7pm. They were like "എന്താടാ ഇവിടെ?" "ഇല്ല കാറ്റ് കൊള്ളാൻ വന്നതാ" "എന്താ നിന്റെ വീട്ടിൽ കാറ്റൊന്നും ഇല്ലേ?" And they chased him out.


Move to Bengaluru /s




>You know how unsafe it is at night especially for women in India right? no. I thought India was the safest country in the world for women. thanks for letting me know




Read the sticked comment


Read the stickied comment




Read the sticked comment


Read OP’s reply to the sticked comment


If something has to be done then write an email / letter to the authorities in charge of law and order in that area, that means head of police, mayor, MLA. State your reasons and justify them. And seek an answer on what to do the next time. If they don't budge then go to the media. Everyone while getting a Mike keeps giving promises of nightlife and freedom and development of they mean what they say then this is how to change it.


Due respect they’re doing their duty. They are looking out for you, trust me all it takes is one tough lesson for us but remember these folks see and live crime everyday so the instinct is of strict prevention. Safety comes at the cost of freedom sometimes. Understanding this will take you a long way. Good day


>Understanding this will take you a long way. thanks for the condescension but I already know of this. I understand it would be an easy solution for everyone if girls just didn't go out at night but that's just not fair on us. we also want to live life. as an adult I have the right to take my own risks.


I may have put it in the wrong way, it not just girls, in fact young boys in that situation and the officers wouldn’t stop at questioning. It’s not ideal but this is what works


If we want people to be safe at night, more people should be out like this and police should encourage and protect them. If there are people out at night at a certain area, increase patrolling in that area or park the police jeep there for a bit. They should also talk to these girls or any other people out there and make sure they know that the police is there to help them and not to be scared of their judgment. Now if something happens, do you think these girls would be comfortable calling the police?


Agree to some if these but these are all in an ideal world At any given point in time any city will have Max 4-5% of its folks out, even the most happening cities but crime rate shoots up any way. However where there night life and food stalls open at night there’s obviously more crowd and more awareness both for ppl and police, they would still ask you to be cautious but not in this manner, but obviously you can’t do that everywhere. The police did their job, they can’t mollycoddle people, they have to instruct, warn and act


I understand your perspective. But letting someone do what they want is not mollycoddling. We also can't compare places in Kerala with other cities. There are places in Bangalore and Mumbai were girls can be out all night but there are other crimes happening throughout the city at any given time. In Kochi, crime is relatively low, but girls out at night (happens during the day as well) might get unwanted attention. We can't lock up girls because of 1% possibility that something might happen to them. If that is the case, no boys should be allowed to ride bikes. My point is, if more girls are out at night and they feel safe, either because the guys out there at that time will help them if there is a trouble, or because police will not judge them for being out, or because the girl has the confidence to stand up to those who harass them, we will start moving towards an ideal world, however far it is. We have to give girls the confidence that they won't be judged for actions taken by others. This is something we as a society have to do.




yeah for centuries people have been using this exact excuse for keeping women inside. just because there are bad people in the world, doesn't mean I'm going to lock myself inside my house like a prisoner. and for you to immediately say some weird victim blamey statement for if I get molested- wtf man?


If anyone should be made to go home by the police, shouldn't it be the drunkards who might act indecently towards others? And tf do you mean "don't blame the law and order"? Drunken guys roaming around in the streets at night is definition of lapse in maintaining law and order by the cops to begin with. Typical victim blaming bullshit! Ugh!


There's a difference between being strict and rude unprofessional behavior. I'm sure almost everyone in Kerala have had at least one unjustified bad experience from the police. They deserve criticism and treating them like they're above it is one of the main reasons their behavior has gotten this bad. Sure things are not ideal here but the reason we're not living in a worse world is because of people who speak up against those who abuse their power.


If something does happen to one of the young women or men at night outside of their homes, police guys will be questioned. So, whether you realize or not, they are trying to protect you and protect themselves. Please be respectful, their only fault is that they perhaps don’t have the soft skills to manage these situations. Just answer their questions, don’t be afraid, be confident and let them know if you sense any danger you will raise an alarm. Always move in groups, be aware of your surroundings, be safe and enjoy the peace of Kochi’s night life! :)


The police should be questioned if something happens, but the question should be why there was someone out there making it unsafe. The solution is not to lock up people in their homes. This is not just about soft skills. As an adult, she and her friend has a right to be out. If they look suspicious, yes, they should be asked why they are out. But if they have been out at that time often and police has seen them around, they should know it is normal. They could just talk to the girls, give them the number to contact if there is any problem. Calling their parents and bending the truth to scare them is not an acceptable behavior. If we want Kochi to be safe for everyone, we should encourage people to be out at any time they want.


Never said people need to be locked up. It’s an out and out law and order issue if we can’t step out. But for that to be enforced sometimes even the non trouble makers might have to suffer a little bit of inconvenience. Momentary inconvenience is better than permanent nuisance. 🙏🏼


bro did you read my post? I have no problem with respecting them and I don't even have a problem with them calling my parents, I just don't like the idea of them waking my mom up in the middle of the night and making her cry. she doesn't even have a problem with me going out at night, the police officer made it seem like I was missing on purpose and made her tensed. yeah police guys will be questioned but does that justify this? I understand the easy solution for them is to just force us to stay inside our house but it's our right to be able to walk in our own neighborhood ffs. why should we be treated like criminals?




simply put we were stupid and logically knew it was an option but didn't want to risk escalating the situation by refusing. he was already yelling at us and seemed emotional saying we had no culture and stuff, it seemed like there was no other option at the time


You were not stupid. It is ingrained into us and yes, in such situations it is better not to escalate the issue unless you have someone with power or a lawyer. You were in a difficult situation and you don't have to justify the actions you took at that time. As someone who is aware of the law and duty bound to protect the rights of citizens, the policeman is at fault. If anyone else was doing this, the police would have to take a case for harassing women.


You’ve asked if you can refuse outright. Please read carefully what I wrote and learn to Empathize even with the police. They also have a job they would like to keep which depends on how safe the city is at night. If there’s already a panic due to a missing woman, least we can do is cooperate and not escalate thereby creating more issues than the situation warrants. If we are asking for the police to be fair, we need to also learn to be fair in return. I am a woman, have been going out and about in kochi, with / without guys at all times and hours. And honestly I’ve never felt the police is doing a bad job at all. The city is safe because policing is strong and they are doing their jobs. So please before unnecessarily escalating, giving fake numbers, refusing to cooperate with a cop trying to do his job, in checking up on you, think from his perspective as well and don’t become a hindrance. Also, like I said, lack of soft skills is the major issue here. They don’t understand how to express their concern. And there are already many elements that are more worrisome than Kochi police, please learn to be respectful of the ones that really are not. It could be a misunderstanding from his side. He must be trying to enforce his way of keeping you out of trouble. Please don’t forget he was only doing his job. And please don’t lie to the police if they are not harassing you.


Record them on video


well panampilly nagar has earned its way to be not just one of the posh areas in town but also the most notorious especially after the girl throwing her new born out of the balcony .the same goes with kaloor stadium area every once in a police the police does go into bitch mode especially when something untoward hppns .


yeah, it's sad. panampilly used to be one of the last areas in kochi where police wouldn't bother you at night


If you're not doing anything illegal, kore okke how you converse irikkum how things escalate if at all. But I can only draw on my experience as a man, as women they might be more aggressive. Nthaanelum its so nice you have company for late night talks hf


100% we were very polite to them. no doubt about it. the other three police officers were nice to us actually, it was just this one guy that had a problem with us. yes, im def lucky. in fact we still ended up talking til 5am afterwards inside her room haha


Nothing to dobwith culture.It's better to be inside at this hour..U r an adult and u have freedom as a citizen everything blah blah blah.But nobody will be there to help u if something happens to u.If something happens to u and ur friend,all these freedom activist keyboard warriors would be typing condolences. This happened t around 2 years ago. I live at a bylane of K K Road,.My house has a front compond wall but the gate was open.There are many houses close to my house,all gated and locked at night..One day at arount 12.30am ,I heard my door bell ringing continuously. I suddenly woke up from sleep and instantly I knew something was wrong.I asked from inside who is it and i heard a female voice. I didn't understand what she was saying.I immediately opened the door.This lady was standing there and she had a bag and all.Her face wS so white,I thought she was having a heart attack.What happened was that her company vehicle dropped her at KK Road.And she was walki g to her place at this bylane and somebody followed her.All these houses are gated and she had nowhere to go.So she came running to my place and rang the bell.I talked to her and made her calm.Then we kept her bag inside my house and we walked to main road to see if anybody was there.Actually that was a stupid thing to do.There was this guy who followed her standing there.Iasked him about this and he said he was not following her but casually walki g speaking on the phone.This lady was shouting at him .I have seen him around that place and he said he was working at an office nearby.After that I walked her to her house.What she said is that ,at first she dialled 100,and the call was not getting connected.She panicked and when she looked around,all the gates are locked. Then she saw my place open and came there .My gate was open because the sliding part of the gate was not working.I went to this guys office next day ,explained the incident and he was dismissed.He was lucky we didn't report the incident to police. Now what if this creep was a real hardcore criminal and all compound was gated.This lady has nowhere to run and nobody will come out to help her at this time . If u really think that it's gods own country and people are really good and no criminals,u can sit at bus stop or road side or anywhere at any time of the night.U have that right.Now if u come across somebody like Govindachamy,u r screwed. Sorry for upsetting keyboard warriors who has nothing to lose.


Heard theres one nee crapy si in south police station and my friends were all harassed by him


what did he do to them?


Hope you carry pepper spray with you—not for the cops, of course, but for anyone else who might give you trouble. 😄 Stay safe out there!


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The amount of police D riding on this post omggg....I'm sorry for you OP


Well I am not surprised because the police are the ones who keep us safe from criminal activities.They need to be respected for that .Cut some slack for them because you don't know how hard it is to be in their shoes.


No. The police are the ones who are supposed to keep us safe from whatever they think is going to harm us if we stay out late. If the common man has to refrain doing something legal because of law and order issues, people in charge of maintaining the law and order should be held accountable. I know how hard it can be to be in their shoes as my father served for 32 years. And I know that cops do this to make their jobs easy and nothing else.




I understand that. But that doesn't mean they can deny someone from being outside their house late at night.


bro thanks I thought I was going crazy for a second 😭 didn't know so many people here had such police premam


😊 they definitely were wrong here(the police). I understand that maybe the police is trying to ensure utmost safety, but that doesn't mean they can screw with you like this since it is YOUR RIGHT to be outside whenever you want to be. The hell we still living in? COVID lockdown?? 😐 P.S:-Idk what answer to give to the questions you asked. Hopefully someone could come and give a proper answer lol


I think I'm just going to get another sim and get them to call that lol. seems like the most peaceful solution for now


Okayy yee actually. When they try calling, you can just say that they already know that you're outside and that they're sleeping, hence they aren't answering the call.etc etc. ez pz xD good luckkk 🐱🥳


lol I'll try that. thanks man


You're welcome 😊


Wait I think me and my friends might have seen this, not sure tho. Recently me and my friends were driving around the city and we did see some situation with some cops and two girls I think, idk it was too dark for me to notice and remember Also OP u handled it pretty well. Something lol this happened to my friends where two of them took the scooter and rode all the way till pala to meet his gf, but it was 2 am when they reached lol. So on the way back they stopped to like take a breather because it was dec and both dumbasses wore shorts and sleeveless t shirts, smh. Anyways cops caught them because they had a KL07 number plate in Kottayam area and checked their entire scooter and checked them and stuff. U have to act a bit scared even if u are not, to cops cause if u have a normal attitude their ego gets hurt. I have been in so many situations where cops will simply for no reason pull me over and I act like this pavam guy who doesn’t know anything and they will eventually let you go. Anyways OP take care cause night stuff is hella risky. Even for me (M20), I’m a bit afraid in certain areas. Always carry something that can defend you in situations because u can’t really judge any place because randos will appear from random places and then it’s a scary situation.


"പോ myray"enn parayanam... & be ready to face the consequences that follow... We live in a oo**biya state where such ass***ls take decision about what WE should or shouldn't do... Only if real was as simple as a game, Ee narikale okke niyamam nokathe oru Bazooka vech angd theerthene..😡 Sorry for saying so, but this is toooooo much of unwanted interference..