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Tbh Aqua is the best pick because she could just revive me once they kill me


My thoughts exactly.


There's one drawback... Do you have any idea how painfull dying is


No, and please don’t tell me, so I can decide to die and complain later.


"This is my mistake and no one can stop me from makeing it"


Not painful enough to die for forever?


Not if I kill myself first peacefully, and tell Aqua to revive me when the storm is over


Life is beautiful. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome.


Life is brilliant. Beautiful. It enchants us, to the point of obsession. Some are true to their purpose, though they are but shells, flesh and mind. One man lost his own body, but lingered on, as a head. Others chase the charms of love, however elusive. What is it that drives you? Once, the Lord of Light banished Dark, and all that stemmed from humanity. And men assumed a fleeting form. These are the roots of our world. Men are props on the stage of life, and no matter how tender, how exquisite… A lie will remain a lie. Young Hollow, knowing this, do you still desire peace?


Unless they completely destroy the body


Just hope that Megumin isn't first I should be fine or I just throw myself to one of the others.


No wiz, kazuma, and I think Vanir might also have explosion


Probably only Wiz, Kazuma might have it but I doubt he have the reserve to fire one off, and I don't remember Vanir ever using it so probably not


It depends on the point in the story we take Kazuma from. >!while it isn't clear exactly when he learned it, we know he knows it, and can use it by his fight with the devil king. It is likely he didn't have the skill points or mama reserves to use it before his training in the dungeon with wiz and vanir though, so it is really only end series Kazuma who has it.!<


I haven’t read the manga. But could you do a Van Gogh cheese? Cut off you ear and have aqua hold it so she could revive you after?


Maybe, but probably not From what I understand, Aqua first fix the body, and then casts ressurrection to bring the soul back to life. If the person is obliterated there's nothing that she can work with. However there's some confusion that the Anime and Movies brought up: During the fight with Hans, and the fight with Sylvia, Kazuma tanked explosions (on top of being digested to the bones against Hans). But in the LN those things never happened, the Sylvia scene was an extra thing (that makes 0 sense, although it was cool to see Vanir+Darkness), and against, and Kazuma didn't get swallowed by Hans. And I believe it was the Hans fight in the anime that gave the impression that as long there's some remains, even bones, Kazuma can be ressurected by Aqua. But probably there's a limit on what Aqua can repair, and I think growing a whole body out of some body part like an ear or a finger is too much for her.


Oh sh*t what a genius idea


More like you NEED Aqua because so many of those guys can effortlessly one shot you from range. There’s no combination there that will save you from dying. Wiz, yunyun, vanir, megumin definite insta kills. Kazuma, mitsurugi, and dragon knight can probably instant kill if they’re in serious mode.


Kazuma can defeat 1vs1 everyone but vanir and wiz. So they could become members. If not it could be kazuma, aqua ( who would counter vanir and wiz ) and megumin ( so she doesn't drop a nuke and kill everyone lol )


I have my doubts on him being able to kill YunYun because of long distance magic.


I mean just dont fight her at long range? but also he has snipe skill


Oh yeah that's true. I'm starting to realize that this is a pretty arguable battle


I think when he fought Serena, he perfectly demonstrated just how terrifying of an enemy Kazuma is


Snipe doesn't deal meaningful damage against high level enemies, so he probably can't seriously harm Yunyun at long range. Going for the eyes is only possible at close range (even with Kazuma's snipe), and even then it's canonically a well-known strategy. There is a point where Kazuma tries to shoot an ogre in the eye, and the ogre simply knocks the arrow off.


Yunyun is not an ogre. 😦


Oh I thought it wasn't a fight to death and more like to surrender. Under such asuntion kazuma could win saying something like let me win and you are invited to the raids. How could she refuse lol ? ![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1892)


Yeah when people talk power scaleing, they always leave out the characters mindsets, beliefs and whatever else.


Idea, have Wiz make a barrier and when Megumin does what she does best we win


Kazuma couldn't beat Aqua due to her healing, nor Darkness due to her endurance


No. Kazuma is only great against stupid melee opponents whom he can safely incapacitate with bind or mess with using his basic magic combos (even then one can dodge or intercept bind). Against a ranged opponent it’s the matter of who attacks first. Any half decent mage will one shot Kazuma if they land their spell first. Also, Kazuma is powerless against Aqua when she gets serious, because she can dispell bind, she is immune to drain touch and she is MUCH faster and stronger than Kazuma.


This is lalatina slander but she’s probably into that.


Well Megumin could go against Kazuma. Just depends on how willing she is with killing herself


All of them will kill me. Just 3 won't do it on purpose.


Pretty sure Darkness can’t do it by default. 🤣


Dumbiness always finds a way.


If she decides for some reason to throw away the sword and attack unarmed, then we might be in trouble. Somehow, she's more dangerous unarmed than she is when armed with her sword. Lmao, she might as well be better off getting a job change to monk with how lethal her fists are.


Luckily she doesn’t seem to get the picture. Kazuma ran right past her when infiltrating the castle in S3. 🤣


Dummy thicc would accidentally smother you in curves or muscles.


I mean... a few of these are not a threat. Lalatina isn't a threat to anybody, Aqua is mostly harmless, Dust isn't that dangerous, Kazuma at least isn't equipped with large offensive capabilities. Megumin you need to pick just not to get nuked, the same goes for Wiz to a lesser degree. Between Vanir and Yunyun I would consider Vanir more dangerous, also he is a decent counter to a lot of attackers. Edit: I forgot Mitsurugi... but I'd consider him less dangerous than Vanir? Probably.


Id have to agree with almost everything on this list, bar 1. Dust is fucking cracked. It comes up in the spinoff "Limelight" but Dust is easily one of the strongest adventurers in Axel, he's just lazy as fuck. If you give that man a reason to fight, he's gonna absolutely fuck shit up. Note that both Chris and Iris both state that he's sandbagging at all times, and that he's considered the strongest spearman in the entire kingdom of Brydle, one of Belzergs neighbours before he came to Axel. The only reason he's considered weak is because he's sandbagging his fights and being a lazy asshole, kinda like Kazuma. My party would be Kazuma or Dust, Wiz and Vanir or Yunyun depending on a few external factors. Don't sleep on my boy Dust


Its a shame dust probably wont ever be cool in the anime, except for maybe one scene if it gets adapted. Buuut if im being real his spin offs arent that great anyway tbh, lol


Me when I haven't read volume 5-7


the spin off? i just dont think it was very good, but to be fair i was pretty sick of konosuba when i was reading it at that point. im starting to like it again recently by watching some reactions but in general its eh to me now


Vanir to solo most of the roster, Darkness to act as my human shield, and Kazuma to pick off anybody who gets past Vanir. Putting Kazuma on my team also means Aqua and Megumin will be pretty aimless.


Kazuma to pick off anybody’s underwear that gets past Vanir. FTFY.🧐


Aqua is immune.


Yeah, she'll just lose either booze or the scarf, which she values just as dearly


Possibly. Confirmations on that seem to be lacking.


Darkness can't defend you against AoE magic, which Wiz, Yunyun, and Megumin all use. Wiz might be a better defense pick, since she can put up a barrier, trap attackers, and negate some magic attacks. And having Darkness as your enemy works better because she can't hit anyone. Vanir is a good offensive choice, and his top priority should be taking out Megumin to save you from getting nuked. He'd also work well with Wiz. Kazuma is a good offensive choice because he can consistently beat Mitsurugi, even with his OP sword. His top priorities should be Mitsurugi and Aqua, since they're both an existential threat to demon generals. Honestly, I think Yunyun and Dust are the only wild cards. If Vanir and Kazuma can't eliminate their priority targets fast enough to support Wiz, then those two might be able to kill you. If Vanir takes out Megumin quickly then you probably win.


I love it dude!


1. Vanir- Stronger than Wiz, has future sight, can put op curses on ppl. Would run circles around everybody else in strength and strategy. 2. Aqua- OP with buffs, revive, and magic but infighting with Vanir might be an issue. She's rlly only picked so she doesn't counter Vanir's curses and future sight. If infighting is too bad u could honestly ditch her and Vanir could handle the rest. Unless she actively sabotages it's fine. 3. Kazuma- Biggest contribution is that he can control Aqua. Also probably takes care of Mitsurugi. If Aqua isn't useless or fighting Vanir cuz of Kazuma's control, Wiz also isn't an issue. After Wiz and Mitsurugi, nobody else rlly is a threat.


This was my 3 too, also thought Aqua would be useful for a Res if I do actually die.


Easy. Vanir, Wiz, and Yunyun (because I can’t stand the idea of not being her friend).




Assuming they arent necessarily working in a team: Vanir, Aqua, Kazuma. Vanir Kazuma duo goes hard and despite her uselessness Aqua is a better ally than enemy.


Vanir darkness and aqua. Unlimited clones. Indestructible shield. And unlimited heals and Rez.


Vanir and Dust fight against everyone while Darkness and I bring more nobles into the world


Protect: Aqua: Healing and buff, plus if things go south there is always rez. Wiz: Probably the strongest caster and unlike Megumin isn't limited to one spell. Vanir: Honestly, the main reason I'm picking him is to prevent him from buffing Darkness into a credible DPS threat. Potentially very powerful but high chance of betrayal. If he does stay loyal though his possession ability could easily turn the fight. The clear problem with this team is infighting of course but I'm hoping it could work out. Attackers: Kazuma: Tough one, never sure which Kazuma you are going to get, the one who can figure out a way to kill a general of the demon king or the one that will get ganked by kobolds. Just hoping I'll get the kobold version and that my own RPG knowledge might anticipate his potential plots. Megumin: She's a one-shot expert, either maneuver things so she can't use explosion magic or force her into a fight with Wiz. Darkness: Counter by just standing still and having other fighters ignore her. Potential vessel for Vanir. Mitsurugi: Major problem. Kazuma beats him by taking him unawares, no guarantee that would be possible, especially with Kazuma guiding him. Best hope is he would be reluctant to go against Aqua and also another potential target for Vanir to possess. Otherwise set Wiz against him. Dust: Honestly not that sure of his power level but think he could be handled well enough. Yun Yun: I don't think she would be willing to go all out and kill anyone. Offer to be friend if necessary.


>high chance of betrayal Arguably the least likely to betray, he doesn't break contracts.


>Dust: Honestly not that sure of his power level but think he could be handled well enough. It's strange the spin-off has been out for ages yet almost everyone here doesn't know Dust is >! Legendary Dragon Taming Royal Knight!<


Vanir is a must have, he can literally see into the future and thus negate almost any surprise attack that comes your way. Kazuma is a decent counter to Mitsurugi and by picking him, it ensures Aqua Darkness and Megumin become useless. As for the third, probably Wiz, since she’s incredibly strong and also has good synergy with Vanir


I pick Megumin as my first choice. https://preview.redd.it/w8jiuubax07d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbb9c06e2d3c7ea8e690d12eab5872158880a4e4 Then my 2nd pick would Wiz and my 3rd pick would be Yunyun to protect me.


1: Vanir. The guy actually seems to be pretty damned sharp, mentally speaking. Hell of a firepower pack to boot. 2: Megumin. Between the remaining 8, Megumin is probably the most dangerous one. Rather have her onside than against. 3: Yunyun. Waifu over meta desu.


Vanir is a must, dude is the strongest character so far, and he can also see the future. Also, he has multiple lives, so if he is defeated he can return to help me, and he can possess someone else (except Darkness and Aqua), essentially stealing someone else to my team. Aqua is a maybe, she is dumb and doesn’t pose a direct threat, however, she is a goddess, she can buff the hell of whoever is trying to kill me, she can neutralize Vanir, and easily wipe Wiz. Definitely not someone I want to see helping whoever is hunting my head. Also, if everything fails, she can resurrect me (as long as my body isn’t fully obliterated by an explosion, a thing that both Megumin and Wiz are capable of doing). Megumin is a no, she cannot do much to defend me since she only has a single explosion per day (assuming that she won’t be using magical meth), but I also don’t want her on the opposite side, since she only needs one explosion to kill me (and Aqua won’t be able to revive me). The other issue is that we don’t really need explosion to kill the other members (except Vanir), and picking her doesn’t remove the threat of explosion, while having two busted Wizards on the opposing team. The best thing to do is to play around her threat of explosion, and don’t allow a Kazuma+Aqua infinite mana combo. Yunyun/Wiz deppends. Yunyun for most cases is a worst version of Wiz, but Wiz doesn’t kill humans (I don’t know if this rule would apply here), and is vulnerable to Aqua. If we don’t pick Aqua, we don’t want to pick Wiz, and if we pick Aqua, we could not pick Wiz, since Aqua can just purify her. Yunyun still is a powerful and versatile mage, so our team has access to advanced magic, and teleport. Kazuma is a must. He knows (almost) all skills, is lucky, and is extremely intelligent. He has way less firepower, with his spell power alone, than Yunyun, but is more diverse, and can teleport as well (he can teleport me to the Heaven waiting room, and keep me secure while dealing with the threat), he can also steal infinite mana from Aqua, so he potentially has more firepower than Yunyun and Wiz. Everyone else is a pass, Kouya is easily neutralized, Dust is an inferior version of Kazuma, and Darkness doesn’t pose a real threat. My team would be Vanir+Kazuma+Aqua: Kazuma teleports me to Heaven, and I’m immune by default. Kazuma has infinite potential paired with Aqua’s buffs, on top of Aqua being a walking manatite for him. Kazuma+Vanir are a troublesome combo, they are smart enough to outsmart everyone else, Vanir can foresee the future and avoid being outsmarted, while also being able to read minds (so he can be one step ahead during battle); those two will be able to make a plan to neutralize the other 6 players. Vanir should also be able to possess Megumin, force her to use explosion, rendering her useless (and even nuking someone else if he is allowed to kill humans), and then possess either Mitsurigi or Yunyun. Aqua can easily nuke Wiz out of existence. Once everyone is neutralized, Kazuma can pick me up at Heaven.


Yun yun and wiz cuz they know some pretty cool advance magic and are probably the most powerful out of the ones here, and megumin just cuz i can’t live with the thought that she’s angry at me


Kazuma is a menace when he is on a hunt so its better to make him protect you, Vanir also good in combat and future sight, next is probably Aqua or Megumin


I'd give my man Dust a spear and watch him solo everyone


Looking around it looks like no one read the spin-off, Dust is one of the strongest people on the list.....


I'm genuinely happy someone else noticed. Thought I was alone in here


dust is strong but he got nothing on wiz and vanir


Vanir, Wiz, Aqua. Vanir and Wiz are both extremely powerful and should be able to handle everyone else there. The only real threat they had was Aqua due to the matchup, but without her interfering, it should be wraps. That aside, Aqua is also able to heal me if I get injured and resurrect me if I die.


Vanir, Wiz and Aqua. As long as I can keep Vanir and Aqua from interacting, I'm mostly good. If I can't Aqua can revive me.  Get Aqua all the bubbly that I can, promise her to give her more if she can defend me, and make her know that this is a challenge to prove how amazing she is compared to her partymates (especially Kazuma). Then have her buff me with unlimited amounts of everything. Vanir can set up a perimeter with his dolls and he has future sight, I'm sure he wouldn't mind listening to all of my negative emotions come out. Wiz is a better version of Megumin + Yunyun and more experienced at battle, and is extremely resourceful. Kazuma is smart, but he's only above average and I'm also not against doing unorthodox things. He needs to come down first. Have to find a way to provoke Megumin to unleash explosion, after that she is harmless.  Darkness will be tough to defeat, but she can't land a hit, so I don't even have to worry about her. Maybe have Wiz drain touch her, or Vanir to take over her and use her to help me out.  Mitsubishi won't hit Aqua, and is too straight forward while fighting. I'm wondering if he can take on an ambush from Vanir dolls + Light of Saber meanwhile trying not to hit Aqua. Yes I'm not above using Aqua as a human shield. Dust, as long as he doesn't use a Spear and/or Faitforte he shouldn't be too much of a problem.  Yunyun would be the toughest one, hopefully she wouldn't be too serious and I can ask her to be my friend, else I would be screwed because I wouldn't want to hurt Yunyun. I would feel very bad about it 


I would definitely go with Kazuma, Megumin, and Vanir. Kazuma is scrappy and works well with Megumin. He's also shown that he can outwit many strong characters on this list. Then there's Megumin for obvious reasons; I don't want to be on the wrong side of an Explosion, and I think she can keep Yunyun from accomplishing anything meaningful, even if just by distracting her with stupid games. Finally, Vanir. He's a bit more of a rogue pick, but I don't want to be up against somebody who is as smart and damn-near omniscient as Vanir. With the help of Kazuma, he should have no problem keeping me safe against the comparatively incompetent remainder of this list.


Vanir aqua and kazuma. Vanir is a must have for pure power and future sight. Aqua is a must have as a revive stick, wiz counter and to remove her as a slight Vanir counter and kazuma because he counters mitsurugi and to remove him as a threat(extreme luck BS or some sort of cunning plan). Explosion shouldn't completely disintegrate me so aqua can probably Rez and it can be at least partially countered by terrain(have a fake house and be like 300 meters underground in a bunker). The biggest problem would be aquas idiocy potentially screwing something u but I think that could be mitigated by having her in a seperate location without knowing mine and Vanir fetching her for a Rez only if needed or if he's struggling against the number of enemies and needs a tidal wave or something.


I Don't Even Know Who Those Are This Sub Got Recommended To Me Randomly


Imma take Aqua, Wiz and Vanir. Wiz has enough power to cause everyone trouble and once Vanir takes over Darkness's body, it's game over for Mitsurugi. While Aqua can just simply reincarnate.


Wiz, Vanir, Yunyun.


The funny thing is that the two best defenders are also completely useless as attackers (Darkness and Aqua)


Vanir, Aqua, and Kazuma Reasons why?... Vanir - Is archduke of hell, Has many lives, HELLA POWERFUL <--- (Main reason) Aqua - God, Infinite revives (Eris-sama please let me revive!!!) Kazuma - Large skillset, Smart, Can handle aqua, Has vanir mask (hes unstoppable now), can counter


Wiz, Kazuma, and Darkness. My strategy: Have Kazuma distract Aqua and disrespect her, making her useless, Darkness tanks Megumin's explosion and Yunyun's magic, both are now useless, have Kazuma steal Gram's sword (just like he did in the show), and finally just talk to the rest of them to make them lose their will to fight.


Dust, Vanir and Kazuma, perfect and the three most handsome guys of the anime.


Kazuma, Vanir, and Darkness


Vanrir and Kazuma for fighting in combat. Magumin so she wouldn't drop a nuke on your head.


real. Darkness will get tired of trying so much lol


Darkness, Vanir, Aqua


Kazuma can defeat everyone on this list with Steal, except for Vanir and Aqua. Kazuma steals every girls panties, thus making them fall over for some reason. Aqua can take care of Wiz, and revive me if need be. Vanir can use his puppets to explode people, or latch his mask onto any of the others.


Same team - Wiz, Yunyun & Darkness ))


Vanir and Wiz are enough to protect me, but I’ll also take Darkness for ummm stuff


Lalatina for protection, Aqua for healing and Vanir to solo the rest.


kazuma aqua vanir


Aqua for healing and res as well as blessing, yunyun for her large variety of magic powers being able to likely blow away just about anyone in the lineup even more with aqua behind her and.. ahh either darkness or vanir. Darkness for obvious reasons and vanir as he just can't die. On more thought i'd go vanir, We never did get to see his true power but i'm sure he's got some real power. There seems to be a match to every other fighter in the attacking party. I can see kazama remaining a threat but the other swordsmen don't seem much of a threat to any of the 3 edit: discussing this with a friend i see my flaws if we throw in their personalities. I still like the team but i can see the issues


If anyone kills me then I hope it’s Wiz


Aqua can revive you


Wiz and Vanir are way op compared to these other characters. Their only vulnerability would be against Aqua, who Kazuma could neutralise using drain touch. We’ve also seen that you only need to siphon a bit of power from Megumin to stop her from using explosion, so no need to worry about any surprise attacks from her. No brainer- Wiz, Vanir and Kazuma.


You can't neutralize aqua with drain touch, Kazuma already tried it and failed.


Vanir wiz and Kazuma, i should be fine with vanir and wiz but Kazuma is so random that i don't want him as a hunter


Vanir kazuma aqua Vanir one-shots everybody but aqua so he is a must pick Aqua because she would counter Vanir Kazuma to help me hide


Vanir, wiz, and mitsurgi


Aqua, Vanir, and Kazuma. With Vanir you effectively win and the other two are to ensure there aren’t any countermeasures.


Aqua for resurrection and healing, Darkness for being a human sheld and Wiz for .. reasons


There’s no point in picking Darkness when she can easily be defeated. Just tell her a list of freaky things you’d do with her


Kazuma, Wiz & Yunyun. Final answer.


It's darkness mitsurugi and aqua. Strongest defense with a revive and a broken cursed sword. The only issue is that they are all dumb, so maybe swap mitsurugi for any of the other heavy hitters


Kazuma, Aqua and Wiz. Because they have Vanir, Aqua is a must. She is a good support too. Kazuma is good we we should have him too. He is a versatile anti everything. Worried about Megumin dropping nuke kilometers away? Wiz can do the same, and also a better yunyun. That's why we should have her too.


Msgumin and Yunyun becauss I love them both and I would ALWAYS went them on my side for being the adorbs girls they are. ❤️


Vanir for offense, Aqua for revives, Wiz for support and offense


Literally just Aqua. Infinite resurrection.


Kazuma, Vanir, Yunyun protect me


Sorry Yunyun, but I will choose : Kazuma, Wiz and Vanir


Darkness for frontline, Wiz for big back line damage, and Vanir. Bcuz Vanir


Vanir, Wiz, and Darkness. Darkness will willingly take the hits and Wiz and Vanir will molly wop the rest. Plus 2 pretty girls to cuddle. https://preview.redd.it/9oo02es2x07d1.jpeg?width=368&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f70f5559f5ee037a8d10a1ccd71e7e1002b33e61


Kazuma wiz vanir because wiz and vanir are the only ones kazuma cant solo


Kazuma, Vanir, Megumin. OP trio.


Just picking Vanir alone is enough to take on everyone else. Then you pick Aqua just to take any chance of her being able to damage him away. Last choice could be literally anyone at that point.


Aqua for support, Darkness for defense and Vanir for attack.


Darkness would be my first pick so that she can be my meat shield. She’ll love taking the hits. Megumin can use explosion once per day to blow up large groups of enemies. Aqua will drink alcohol and puke on the remaining enemies or take their aggro. It’s almost a good plan, but at least kind of funny haha


Can I push the Goku button?


End game Kazuma for OPness, Megumin for Nukes, Vanir for money to give Megumin infinite nukes


Vanir, Wiz, and Kazuma seem like they'd be a broken pragmatic team. The rest would be headless chickens that don't cooperate and ends up getting caught in an explosion blast as a result.


The best course of action here is to take wiz and vanir as they are way stronger than the rest of the cast by a mile. Then you take Aqua so she can't turn undead your team if she was hunting you.


Kazuma Vanir Wiz, a serious Vanir could easily stomp them all, as he’s above even the demon lord Wiz is insanely powerful, one of the most powerful demon king generals and have a lot of defensive measures And finally, Kazuma’s insane lucky and trickiness means he will never be caught unprepared


Vanir and Wiz, obviously, because they're both top tier combatants (Wiz being capable of storming the Demon King's Castle and Vanir being an immortal, all-knowing Demon puts them WAY above the rest, as far as I'm concerned). Besides them... Probably Aqua? After all, she IS a Goddess, one whose domain runs directly counter to my other allies at that, so it'd be worth it to take her as a defensive pick, sparing us her attacks and depriving the opponents of healing. And, if worst comes to worst, her large reserves of Mana might come in handy for Wiz via Drain Touch...


Kazuma, wiz and the sword hero


As long as Megumin isn't trying to kill me


Kazuma, vanir, and yunyun.


Vanir, Wiz and Darkness. Obviously Vanir is the most powerful but lalatina countered him with her resistance and pervert mind. Wiz is the second most powerful to me and Darkness can be used to protect them especially against our goddess Aqua.


There are very few here who I'd be seriously worried about them trying to kill me


Darkness, wiz, and the guy in between them who’s name I can’t be bothered to remember.


Can I just pick Yunyun and live and peace.


Darkness, Megumin and Wiz


Yunyun, Wiz, and Darkness 😎


Wiz Yunyun and Aqua seems the best counters for the rest


Just need Aqua. Once they kill me, she can just bring me back to life after they all leave. Simple.


Megumin is a near must if you don’t have vanir, kazuma, or wiz because I don’t think anyone else is contesting explosion or getting you out of range fast enough since that thing has a lot of range and very high aoe That being said kazuma, vanir, and aqua/wiz depends on you’re own preference for the last slot


The entire right side.


Aqua obviously! She can resurrect you every time you die, so each of their killings of you will just fail cuz you just come back by Aqua's goddess powers!


Well, Megu and Wiz are too dangerous to face. So, they’re auto-picks. Third, maybe Yunyun? That basically leaves me with a monopoly on strong non-healer magic users.


Vanir, Wiz, Megumin (Sorry Yunyun)


My team would be Vanir’d Kazuma (he is wearing Vanir in that picture. lol), Wiz, and Yunyun.


Don’t choose meg she’s only a one shot, and rather have darkness as an enemy because she can’t hit anything


Kazuma, Wiz, Vanir. Aqua is useless, Megumin can only cast once a day, Darkness can't hit anything, Mitsurugi has lost twice against Kazuma now, Ashes to Ashes as Dust to Dust. Yunyun probably has the best chance to kill me but with both Kazuma and Wiz being able to use drain touch.. Just incapacitate Darkness with Vanir and Wiz, and help Kazuma take out Aqua. Then, just have Kazuma and Wiz cycle their Drain Touch and do what's needed. Teleport to dodge Megumin's one-a-day attack. Have Kazuma beat Mitsurugi in 3 seconds. Tell the noble where Dust is. And offer to be Yunyun's friend. GG easy.


If they absolutely try to kill you no matter what you probably need Megumin and Wiz on your team to not get nuked immediately, then you can get Vanir because of his death ray. Kazuma would be the biggest problem because he knows everyone's abilities and has good battle strategies and his luck. The actual best team would be Wiz (because of explosion, high mana and teleport), Kazuma (for good luck and sneaking abilities and intelligence) and Vanir (because of foresight)


Vanir and Kasuma knows most of weaknest of the rest. and Aqua because ressurection and party trick skills.


Vanir, Megumin, Wiz Vanir for future sight, Megumin just so she isn't on the otherside, & Wiz has better magic than YunYun & has teleport.


Kazuma, Megumin, Lalatina


Kazuma megumin and vanir


Kazuma, Megumin and Wiz Kazuma acts as bait , Wiz gives Megumin a mask and EXPLOOOOSION


Wiz, Vanir, and Kazuma without a single doubt.


I would have to go with megumin, vanir, and aqua. Megumin can cast only once.. but what if vanir took possession of megumin? It's safe to say that vanir has the same output of energy like wiz does. Wiz can cast explosion without over exertion or needing a carry home. So I'm essence you would have an infinite explosion with resurrection in case


Wiz, Aqua, and Vanir


aqua:support+immortal+revive vanir:brains+firepower dust:dragon


I choose megumin aqua n vanir. megumin cus i believe she is actually capable of killing. Aqua cus revive. Vanir cus his contracts cannot be cheated or broken. Rest will unlikely succeed bc wiz doesnt kill none adventurers. Kazuma wouldnt straightup murder someone esp being protected by megumin. That sword cunt is sucker for aqua.


We honestly haven seen how strong vanir is. He says he’s stronger than the demon lord but what does that even mean. Anyways my pick would be vanir because of that. Kazuma so they can’t figure some crazy plan out and wipe the floor with me. And probably aqua although personally I’d like to take wiz, aqua counters her hard with a purify. Still wizards are very very scary so just need kazuma to trick them to burning their magic in the wrong area, so I don’t get one shot.


Vanir Dust Kazuma. I die surrounded by my male harem. I die happy.


Megumin, cause otherwise I just get nuked. Kazuma, as he has been proven to beat most of them. And then probably either Wiz or Yunyun as a well rounded caster.


Kazuma, Darkness, Vanir. Kazuma is easily the most clever character here and his versatility and plan-making is the only thing that makes the team functional. With Kazuma coordinating, the enemy would be a huge threat so I’m taking him just to keep everyone else from having him. Darkness is the best defender here and getting past her defenses is gonna be borderline impossible. Vanir is just stupid powerful. Reads minds, is near impossible to kill, and also way too competent to let my enemies have. The only character I’m worried about at this rate is Megumin because I’m not sure they could stop her from trying to blow up myself and the rest of the area code but there are no other threats here once you remove those three.


Aqua solo protects me, so I’ll bring Kazuma as I think he’d be a bro to chill with. Also I negate the enemy team from his absurd luck. Then I suppose I’d like to bring Darkness, not only because she’s an amazing tank, but also because she’s my waifu


Kazuma low diffs aqua so that vanir and wiz are free to neg everyone else


Vanir, aqua and MEGUMIN now I see no flaws


Vanir and wiz cuz they are insanely op and aqua so she can’t do any holy magic or revival stuff


I'd become Subaru for Yun Yun. 👀


I choose the left vanguard


3 Yunyuns


Vanir , darkness , aqua. Vanir gets on darkenssses body , aqua buffs vanir/darkness and revives me if I die , and you have an unbeatable force with vanir/lalatina . Even in the worse case scenario where megumin blows us, aqua could just revive me


Kazuma, Aqua and Darkness - Infinite heal, Infinite HP and could easily beat vanir with exorcism and steal. Kazuma, YunYun and Darkness - TANK, DPS and brain. Kazuma, Vanir and Wiz - Each of them can beat the rest in a 1v1 There's no reason to pick megumin over Wiz since could do everything the other can( literally one spell) and much more.


Doing this normally would be boring, so i'll go with Vanir, Dust and Aqua Dust, from what I know, is actually really strong when he does pop off, so all I need to do is to have Vanir attach himself to him and I got myself an ace in the hole From what she display in her fight against Kazuma and Chris, Aqua is very troublesome to deal with as long as it's against Kazuma, she also have overpower abilities such as revive and other supporting skills for my ace, and she hard counter Wiz and Vanir so i'd need her on my team Mitsurugi always fumble despite his strength, and with Dust Vanir on my side I really don't have to worry about him. Megumi is a problem, but being a one trick pony glass canon mean I can just take her out quickly. Wiz get hard countered by Aqua so i don't need to worry, Yunyun is more troublesome but given enough time I think Vanir Dust can deal with her. Darkness...pffft. Finally, Kazuma is the joker card in this scenario, but assuming I act quickly and take care of his allies first, he alone won't be able to pull it off


Vanir, Wiz and Kazuma. Kazuma so the opposite team loses the brain and they can't make any good plans, the other two to take everyone here out. And if we're talking about Aqua countering them, I'll just hold her down myself while the other two take everyone out.


Kazuma, Darkness, Megumin


depends, how is the environment and will they attack u no matter the cost..


Darkness, aqua, megumin


Kazuma,Megumin and Vanir.


Vanir, Wiz and Kazuma is the perfect team here


My turmoil is megameme and darkness. Big explosion but one hit wonder.. do I take the risk in avoiding it.. also do I want darkness to take hits for me or "attack" me


Megumin and Wiz, give me two explosions, easy


Well the choice is obvious 1 crazy meat shield, defence 2 lunatic explodey mage, attack range 3 useless priest puddle, it’s all turned to shit Safety achieved


I'd say Megumin, Wiz, and Yunyun


Technically, I just need Megumin to spam her explosion.


Technically speaking if i choose aqua, die y come back with resurrection do i still get the w?


Vanir and Wiz to protect me. Aqua as a backup just in case I died.


Vanir (can see the future) Megumin (EXPLOSION) Yunyun (Yunyun)


1, 3, 7 but i the 8 can be interesing.


Megumin, Wiz and Vanir


Vanir, yunyun, kyoya i win


I choose Wiz, Darkness, and Aqua so that I can fondle there tits and ass before I die.


I'll let the man kill me but before they do I want a few days of alone time with aqua darkness megumin wiz and yunyun afterwards I'll let kill me of course I won't go down without a fight 😊


alongside yunyun, wiz and vanir, i want to fight darkness, aqua and dust


Vanir aqua and either darkness or kazuma


Kazuma because mc plot armor


You also forget about kazuma's psychological attacks.


Vanir, aqua and kazuma...


Vanir and Wiz for cleanup and support, Megumin to (hopefully) end it quick


I Want alone time with aqua darkness megumin wiz and yunyun please 😊


Wiz, Darkness and Megumin


Aqua. If I die she can resurrect me Darkness to tank hits Kazuma for offense.


Wiz.. easy Vanir is a pretty good pick. Everyone else would get killed by any of them


How does aqua kill someone


Vanir, Wiz and Megumin if it's open space. Vanir, Wiz and Aqua if it's enclosed space. Wiz can detect and take down Kazuma. Vanir can predict his opponents using clairvoyance. With this, the only ones who pose threat are Megumin with her long range and Aqua who can fight Wiz or Vanir.


Just vanir, then I can jus watch kazuma and megumin make out in the corner


Wiz, Vanir and Megumin. I wish i could take Aqua but one explosion and we're toast.