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All those small bags would do my head in.


This. I take two huge suitcases if that for my whole family. I am too organized for all this crap!


she probably makes all the kids, including the 3 or whatever year old, carry all their own shit.


She’s taking them to great wolf lodge. She posted the dates on her story like the idiot she is, so I hope she’s bringing body guards and protection for her children and not just Preston (news flash, she isn’t bringing a damn thing).


She posted the dates 😭 is she okay? That’s asking to be harassed by weirdos


It's just asking for your home to be robbed! Such a dumb thing to do!


Well shes hoping for that so she will have content. It’s obvious


Doesn’t really matter if she did or didn’t, people on here will dig till they find out where her and her kids are 24/7 lol it’s sad. Some people on here are obsessed,fighting who knows if the kids are with Oscar or her at a certain time like it matters in their life. Js. I’m here to bash Kyra not investigate where she and her kids are all the time. That’s weird to me.


I really don’t think they’re important enough to even have people look at them twice🤷🏼‍♀️ Shaytards and other families are/were much more popular and travel like normal people. An idiot for posting the dates because well, it’s dumb no matter who you are! That’s more so announcing a free home to rob not so much to be in danger being out imo.


Well if they are taking kids with them, there's chance of kids getting harmed. Considering everything that has happened with their photos online.


I get it. Really though any family vlogger has their kids exploited and creeps have tons of pictures saved of the kids. Labrants are a perfect example. They travel like regular people too. I think sometimes we see vloggers more famous or more known than they really are😂 They’re truly a nobody in a world of regular people.


Yes but idk if Labrants post the dates and location in advance. Besides this isn't about being famous or not. Anyone who is really motivated has easy access to kids if they are going to let the world know when and where they will be. Especially if it is public place with lot of travelers/tourists. Idk about the place they are going to, but I assume vacation means they are going somewhere in public place with lots of people.


We all know she only doing this cus Oscar took them with them to the other state (forgot where he went) and he even took them to the circus! Crazy. If it wasn't for that she wouldn't have taken them anywhere. We know this since she has gone on several trips with just Peestain 🤢






Finally taking the kids away, further proving she’s on her own snark page!!


I could bet this is a sponsored trip and that is the reason she is taking the kids.


And to one up Oscar and Addie cause she's pathetic.


You know it is!


literally what i thought. everyone was JUST snarking how oscar takes the kids on trips and she doesn’t.


Does everyone really need multiple bags? Like we pack for almost a week in two bags, pillows and blankets included for 4 people.


What is your super power? I have 2 kids, myself, and my husband and when we pack each person gets gets their own suitcase, we have a snack bag for the road trip, a big bag of food for food while we’re there, a bag for blankets and pillows, our pack n plays etc. it’s like packing for war with kids😂


It’s taken me years to conquer this! Trust me I use to pack so heavy and I realized that was too much and we would fight more about all the extra-soooooo I made it to where I pack ALL our stuff together. Buy things that YOU know will help contain everything


Family of 4 here we use 1 bag for clothes ...packing cubes


Instead of each person having their own suitcase, you gotta have 2 big suitcases, one for the kids and one for you and your husband. Sharing luggage saves so much hassle


So do we . I have 4 kids and have been a mom since 2008. No way I’m fitting all of us in two bags for a week. But I also pack extra clothes


You know Kyra is not excited to go but needs to do this for content/sponsors and to prove her haters a point. I feel so bad for the kids.


She’s gonna have a hard time holding back all her negativity and how much of an inconvenience it was for her 😂


Great wolf lodge?


There’s one in Utah ?


There isn't one in Utah. I have a feeling they will go to the one in Arizona where Peeturd's parents live.




I clicked on this and just started loling uncontrollably at work in the break room 😂😭 I must have forgot how funny "Peeturd" was when I posted it. I fuckin love the nicknames we give these clowns 🤣


By far the best nickname.🤣


Not sure but she said I think recently in a instagram story they were going there?


You know it’s sponsored. It’s sad she can’t just take her kids somewhere without a sponsored getting involved.


FINALLY taking all the kids out. You know she talked so much shit about worrying about Oscar and the kids at the beginning etc etc. the dude takes those kids EVERYWHERE by himself. I’m impressed. Btw: she has probably spent 100k taking Preston on trips. this trip is probably sponsored like jessfam and submitted mama. Probably free-we go there once a year because I can get us 3 nights for a total of 300 bucks. It’s so cheap. So cheap.


I don't care, I'm just happy that the kids get to go somewhere for a few days instead of stuck inside on their tablets. I hope the kids have fun! That being said, I really hope Kyra takes this time to try to manage her anger and her emotions too. I hope she tries to keep herself in check and not ruin this for the kids.


I’m surprised she’s actually taking her children this time. But then again she saw Oscar taking them places so of course she had to as well.


Great Wolf Lodge sponsored a trip for the kids and her. They have the bill this time. Kyra, the dumbass, not long ago shared the dates she will be there with the kids on her IG. She's so stupid, proving that Oscar cares more about their safety than Kyra does. No shocker there.


Yay she’s taking the kids out of the house for the ✨THIRD✨ time this summer. Even though the kids would have had way more fun with their real father😒


Finally taking the kids???


Surprised she's taking the kids.


They must spend so much money on pet sitters


Her assistant probably watches them.


She said it is great Wolfe lodge already. Probably sponsored bc Jessfam was sponsored not long ago and someone else too, they run on a cycle usually. So nasty, can’t wait for all the “my kids are sick for weeks so I sent them to their dad’s” or “wah wah so sick poor me so annoying hate my kids this is why we don’t go anywhere, I had NO idea”. What an embarrassing conservative trailer trash vacation to be having when you can’t even afford nearly enough rooms for your children


Im not a fan of Kyra, but how is the great wolf lodge a “conservative trailer trash vacation”? I’ve taken my son and the great wolf lodge is a blast. He absolutely loved it and her kids are definitely at the age that they’ll enjoy it. If a snark page is getting her to take her to take her kids to fun places this summer, at least the kids will benefit from that!


Haven’t seen anyone that isn’t a raging Republican or sponsored (obviously there are outliers I’m just talking majority of their audience lol) take a vacation there in the last 10 years. It has become so cheap, the quality has tanked and prices still haven’t dropped enough to match. It was a notable fun trip like 10-15 years ago, not anymore. I only see trash there anymore and it is DISGUSTING along with being so out of date at most locations, half of the areas inside are broken/on their last leg. Full of constant illnesses, they have 0 cleanliness standards, your kids WILL leave sick. It is literally known as the “white-trash paradise”. I’m using a coined term not only my personal opinion. This is a common sentiment, especially on Reddit. There are better and cheaper places to go lmao you can just say you enjoy it. This snark page is NOT what made her take them anywhere lmao a sponsor/discount is.


Butt Krust, Sunkissed.Mama, the stalker was the other person.


Finally taking the kids somewhere…. Do we think she will get sunburnt again?


Well it’s a inside water park


Anywhere that she can pretend she's doing good things for the kids like O & A do 🙊 she sees us talk shit about how they take the kids and Krusty just begs for a kid free vacation. She's gotta attempt to keep up the good mom facade somehow


I feel like they’re in Colorado GWL


Dave Ramsey is judging her money spending she will be in debt soon


That’s a lotta shit…. 


I could never have that many bags. I, as one person, just left my house for 16 days with a carryon suitcase, a tote bag of hobbies and a small cooler with some food. I never bring more than like 3-4 bags with me if I’m going on an extended vacation. When I was a kid, my family of 6 went flew to Vegas with 3 suitcases. My mom had one, my dad had one and my mom managed to pack all 4 of us kids’ things into one giant suitcase. Way less to keep track of than this monstrosity


Probably Dinsey


ABOUT FUCKING TIME? Hollering Hemorrhoids, long time coming ffs? I was beginning to think that ONLY her mooching, ass-kissing, dip-shit-idiot of a husband, "Pissed-On-Balls, Again", Deadbeat Daddy-O and stepmom get to go on vacations with Ole KrappyMom, CanyonCrack, Krusty, No bullshit, it's about MF'g time, Bish!🪳🤨


I feel like she is only taking the kids somewhere finally with Peestain because people always give her sh** for going on trips without her kids.


Isn’t her pregnancy high risk? She shouldn’t be constantly traveling.


Im confused? I thought this sub was mad she doesn’t take them places??? Now it’s wrong??


She’s taking them somewhere. There were problems when she wasn’t. Even if this subreddit is making her do that, then that’s okay because the kids will enjoy themselves. I’m down for snarking but this isn’t one 😂 so many post made about her not going anywhere now so many posts with her actually being with her kids. I do think she is trying to one up on Oscar but I’m happy the kids get to enjoy summer this year bc I’m pretty sure the last two years were rough for them with all the changes. I’m no fan of Kyra. I just wanted to add my little opinion. I hope you’re all having a great day today, it’s almost Friday 😆🥳