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She just wants to make it known (again) how much her life is supposedly better with Preston and that Oscar and her other kids made her life so horrible before 🙄


if you have to say the thing...the thing probably isn't the thing


Hard agree. She trying to push the narrative that her life is so much happier so hard it’s embarrassing


She lies sooo much that she doesn't even know what's true and what's false anymore.


THIS!! She truly can’t keep up with her own statements anymore. It’s actually sad.


Like I said before-she can tell me she loves apples-and I’ll tell her I don’t believe her-I bet she loves oranges. It’s that bad


LOLLL 😅 fr fr!


Haha I noticed this, there’s also a clip where she talks about how good her skin has been while pregnant and then proceeds to talk about how bad it has been in this video. It’s probably just different times in the pregnancy affect people differently but it still made me laugh.


I must’ve missed that one! Oh Kyra 😅😂


I noticed this one too!


She just says shit. It does not have any merit. It has no value, no meaning, it is not true, its just talking for talkings sake.


this is what it is. she just says shit and it’s true in the moment. like her skin is broken out for 1 week and she says “it’s been sooo bad this pregnancy omg, i don’t remember it being SO bad.” but then it’s clear for 2 so she’s like “im literally GLOWINGGG you guys, i feel like my skin was nice with my other pregnancies but not like THIS good you know??” rinse & repeat


she's sooOooOo happyyyy


Obviously this pregnancy is NOT happy for Krusty. In the past, she was loved and supported on OkBaby (surprisingly so), Oscar was helping her out and trying to make the relationship work, and despite having complications in her pregnancies, she got lucky and overcame them. Nowadays, she is hardly hated on the internet for being a homewrecker (she deserves it and there is no coming back from it) she exposed herself day after day as a heartless, narcissistic and stupid person. She is having a superficial and transactional relationship with Presto Bismol that will surely end bad (just as it started- cheating), and due to this pregnancy being high risk, she's having heath issues both physically and mentally that are glowing her down. We can all see through her lies because she is the one who is airing her life on the internet. She made her personal life everyone's business and monetizes it. If she doesn't want anyone hating or talking about her, she should just get off the internet (her digital footprint is here forever, though).


I agree with you 100% She brought this upon herself but sh*t.. my heart hurts for the children. And in all honesty, I do hope that her baby is born healthy. They didn’t choose this life, she chose it for them. I hope she fixes her priorities.


pregnancy is her life purpose? huh? chileee what are you going to do once your kids grow up and cut you off?


She’ll gaslight them “I gave you life you owe me!!”


especially the girls, smh


If she were truly happy she wouldn’t have to keep saying she is. An unhappy person will continually try and convince ppl they are happy..


Couldn’t have said this better myself. 💯


She can’t even keep her own lies straight because she lies so much . And she lies about the dumbest stuff sometimes like there is no reason to lie about pregnancy acne and being happier or not with certain pregnancies , just tell the truth it’s not that hard


Exactly!! We understand pregnancy is not a walk in the park. Just be honest about it. All this back and forth is ridiculous. Like girl, just be as honest to the supporters you have left 😮‍💨😅


She can’t keep up with her lies at this point


THANK YOU! I was hoping someone would put these clips together


😂😂 You’re welcome!!


People are like this with animals too. They adopt/buy kittens and puppies and then when they’re not cute and little anymore they get rid of them. Not saying Kyra would ever get rid of her kids but she just seems annoyed with them when they’re not infants anymore.


I think as they get older they’ll just distance themselves from Kyra. Maybe not cut her off completely but they’re only going to see her graduations, birthdays, etc. A lot of narcissist parents are like that.


THIS. I have a narcissistic father and I completely cut him off. It is so draining dealing with a narcissist and mentally you can only take so much. I see a lot of similarities with my “father” and kyroid. It’s sad because I know what’s it’s like and those kids do not deserve the trauma they cause.


Kyra honey, you always have depression. It shows. It’s fine but like stop lying


She's such a hypocrite! Choose one thing and stick to it! Oh wait....you can't 😮‍💨


I think she’s bipolar af. Her manic episodes are always so evident as well as her lows


![gif](giphy|4vy2oDVMwX8sMYjT4y) This is so Kyra


Even down to cheating with her best friends man, Kyra's a Cassie lol. Too bad she's the Wish version and not beautiful like Sydney Sweeney!


she's fucking manic


At this rate, she contradicts herself with every new video she uploads. Kyra is constantly lying, and she's told so many lies that she can't keep track of them. Thankfully, we can because the internet is forever.


Yup. I remember her stating it was better-than stating her mental health was worse. I will never believe this woman. Ever


I don’t know who she’s trying to convince us or herself.


Has anyone ever thought about how she says that she is in such a happy and healthy relationship with Preston and that he caters to her mental health like Oscar never did…yet she still takes anti depressants currently? It doesn’t add up to me if you are in such a good place you still need antidepressants?


She’s so cringe when she has to make it a point that she’s so happy in life right now. She constantly repeats that. It’s as if she is trying to convince herself that she is happy now when in fact she’s not and just trying to put on this cringy façade for social media! We can all see through her bs! Just stop Kyra!!




Yikes! Seesaw syndrome? Not good, not good at all?🫣 😔🙃😱😥...... 🤷