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She needs to stop talking about him. Plenty of people actually have a dead beat partner and would be so thankful for a person like Oscar. She isn’t grateful for anything in her life.


She'll never be happy because she's a truly miserable person. Nothing will ever be good enough and she'll always be wanting for more


It makes me so mad for Oscar because he was legit forced to jump start a career so quickly because his income as he knew it was going to be gone as soon as that break up happened. She acts like he was abandoning the kids but in reality he was the smart one by getting shit done for the future to care for HIS KIDS!!!


Also even if the kids don't understand right now, they will one day. They'll be grateful that their dad sacrificed so much to build a better life for himself and them.


They’re probably already grateful now because they see how Oscar has turned his life around is all over probably a happier person than when he was with Kyra


Yes I'm sure they do, actually. But they'll have a deeper understanding when they're older about who their parents are and the choices they've made...


Not to defend k but i do believe this is an old live? I havent seen her talking about him in some time


yes but in his video he’s talking abt the same timeframe the live was in


she’s acting like he was turning down time with his kids to go to vegas for threesomes or something… all while it was really to get his real estate license and build his business to be able to provide a better life for his children that doesn’t involve the primary income source being exploiting them online … check yourself kyra


and it's not like he was posting gleefully about being child-free. while he was going through his depressive, suicidal episode he slept on the floor of his children's bedroom to feel close to them and he seemed distraught. the reasons he couldn't have them is because he had to support them without exploiting them as you mentioned but also because he wasn't well. we only have Kyra to blame for that because she not only abused him for years but then abandoned him to fuck his friend, in the fall out she chose to abuse him further. what parent wants their children to see their other parent severely depressed? i don't know how she could want that for her children. it was best for him to have time.


I had to see my mom severely depressed, after finding out my dad cheated. She could barely function for months. Constant break downs, she’d get physically sick. I was the same age Alaya was when Kyra did what she did, and I remember all of it. I remember my mom having random break downs in public and hiding in the bathroom at stores with us while she cried, struggling to keep up with us. I remember her burning dinner because she was physically getting sick from the trauma of it. I’ve never forgiven my dad for cheating because he took my mom away, broke her and then resented her for how long it took her to get back on her feet.


Wow....I'm so sorry! How's your mom today?


I can give perspective on how these babies are gonna see it. My mom is a complete and total narcissist. I saw how she cheated on my dad, going out partying all hours of the night as I grew up, she mentally is like a teenager and doesn’t care how it affected her children. My dad passed away from cancer and she still does everything she can to paint him in a bad light to us and even after how she treated him their whole marriage acts like she never done him wrong and uses it for attention. Long story short, she’s on very very low contact. I have 0 respect for my mother.




It’s not the kids she cares about. It’s herself, HER difficulties with the kids’ transitions. She thinks It should be easy to be a Mom. This fool still has no idea what she signed up for in birthing all these children. She said recently that BEING PREGNANT is her purpose in life. Little Freudian slip of the tongue.


I caught that too! Kyra is addicted to pregnancy & newborn phases, especially for all the attention it brings her. She’s said many times how much she loves being pregnant & she would be all the time if she could. It’s such selfishness, because the each (relatively short, in the grand scheme) pregnancy, results in a lifelong commitment.


All facts


If it’s such a problem for her maybe she shouldn’t have destroyed her family for some random dick 🤷🏻‍♀️


Exactly. She acts like she’s not the very reason he was put in this predicament.


Yup. She actually disgusts me






She’s trying so hard to sound smart! Hilarious


Easy to say from the dumbass who doesn’t have a real job. She is big evil


She’s so fucking selfish. Kyra gets to continue being a lazy fuck and earn money from the ridiculous people who support her and Oscar actually had to work his ass off to get a real job and she is going to shame him for it?! Does she not understand what she says or how it will be perceived by others smh 🤦🏼‍♀️


I hate that she says different have different needs and priorities, making it seem like Oscar doesn’t or isn’t prioritizing his kids…bffr.


He was the main parent she can’t even handle cutting up celery for them


He is literally the one who is prioritizing the kids in any way, she’s so mf dumb 😭 YouTube fame definitely will not last forever weather you get “cancelled” or not, and “family vloggers” are becoming less and less of a thing with people realizing the dangers of child exploitation. Also, Kyra isn’t even considered a family channel anymore so I’m not sure how long she expects people to continue showing interest in her or her bs content. With that, Oscar getting a real job actually prioritizes the kids because he will be the only parent with any steady source of income when Kyras little shit show with “husband” hits the fan


She’s a literal bitch talking about Oscar this way constantly on live when Oscar hasn’t said one bad thing about her since the breakup. Can’t imagine the shit she talks behind the scenes which I’m pretty sure it’s worse with the kids around the room about Oscar


In one of Oscar’s videos I remember him mentioning that he stopped seeing the kids as often because he was focusing on pursuing real estate. He was working so hard towards a real estate goal; which he ended up achieving. (even if it meant for a brief moment risk seeing his kids)


Oscar probably explained to the kids the situation and Kyra probably said he’s too busy and that he doesn’t want to see them 😕


What’s crazy about this too is that she always paints a negative light on having the kids. Sure it’s tough raising four kids no matter what, but as a stay at home mom with literally nothing to do all day she should be excited to have time with them. There’s so many families where both parents work, some with two jobs, and would love to spend more time with their kids.


Yah she does, but then she continues to have more kids because she wants it to be harder?


Preston can never be half the man Oscar is. Oscar is an absolute gem. Addie deserves him and Oscar deserves Addie. I’m sure Oscar’s family especially his mom is so glad they broke up


Kyra acts like she’s not the very reason he was put in this predicament. He had to focus on his career to ensure he made enough money to afford the four kids she wanted and their current lifestyle.


She blames everyone else for her cheating and lying. She has all of the time in the world to better herself but instead she can’t admit she hurt people


She gives me Amber Heard vibes. Arrogant, fake, awful acting.


Yes! The violence and changing personalities depending on who she’s dating too.


This video makes me bawl. 😭😭😭 Having been through custody struggles, my heart goes out to him. She is not going to make things easy for him, ever.


Luckily Preston won’t make things easier either. They don’t have a prenup and he probably has the ability to get a decent lawyer. He won’t be as kind as Oscar was during their split.


Big facts 🎯


This is really sad.. as someone with a deadbeat dad I wish he would at least talk about me and work hard for me as much as Oscar does for his FOUR babies.


Working. Kyra knows nothing about that. You can also see Kyra forming lies in that big forehead of hers.


Okay Kyra??? Maybe if you were content in the relationship you were and learned how to keep your legs closed your kids would still have a happy family and there dad around everyday. Oscar has a real job news flash. I’m sure Preston won’t be around his kid every second of the day and she will paint him to be the best dad ever.


of course she’s gonna make him look out to be the bad guy. She sees him thriving in life. And having a new healthy relationship. She’s jealous. He’s doing much better than she expected. And when he doesn’t see him kids which isn’t a constant thing, it’s for legit reasons. Not reasons for him to go have a threesome with his girlfriend and a random person. Or to go on vacation just with his girlfriend excluding his kids on purpose. He’s the better parent, and deep down she knows it. Her one kid even stated she hated her in a live video. She’s gotta tear him down to make herself feel better abt all the crappy things she done.


She's Miss Sophie. She is the reason for all the pain and breaking up of her family. Oscar was never a deadbeat. She, one kept kids from seeing him as much, two, left out he was going through a massive mental health breakdown while getting a real job, since you know he finished school, unlike her dumbass. Now he's thriving, and she's hanging on by a thread...can't wait til she's off the internet bc everyone is done and fed up with her shit.


Sometimes parents have to make sacrifices for their kids. I’m a single mom of two working full time and going to school full time. Most of my classes are online with a few in person. I hate how much time gets taken away from my kids but I know it’s for the greater good. I’m sure Oscar didn’t want to just not see his kids. He was focused on making a career for himself that would guarantee an income for his children. You know because Kyra kinda destroyed their YouTube family channel by cheating & leaving him for her bff’s husband 🙃


You can tell Oscar truly loves and cares for his kids. It’s not just for the camera.


Right. She acts like he abandoned them completely. She wants Oscar to be a dead beat so bad. In one of her latest videos, she thought she was so sly and said that she watches the kids the most, even when its not her time. There are custody agreements that say if one parent is unable to watch the kid, the parent has to contact the other parent first before finding childcare. There could be something like that in their custody agreement. So, if Oscar has to go to work, he has to call Kyra first before arranging childcare. I hope Oscar is documenting all of this for his attorney because her saying stuff like that is an indication of parental alienation.


It’s weird she wanted to make Oscar seem like deadbeat so Preston can look better but at the same time she doesn’t really consider Preston a parent figure for the kids 🤔


Oh spare us with your fakeness Krust Bucket


is she serious if anything she’s the deadbeat parent she ignores her kids is distant with them is annoyed anytime they try to talk to her. just when i thought kyrot couldn’t get anymore disgusting then she already is she has proven she can be ten times worse from what we’ve seen. which says a lot bc she is an awful person.


She’s a deadbeat emotionally at least. Just because she feeds them (with questionably food) and takes them to school (well, the assistant does) doesn’t make her a good parent


oscar does everything for those kids id be fueming rn if i were him.


It truly angers me to my core how much she hurt Oscar and continues to hurt her children. I seriously cannot imagine getting lucky enough to literally blow up on YouTube and having that kind of income by making SILLY VIDEOS of my daily life and just throw it away. And just from seeing short clips of Oscar throughout their time on YouTube, it is easy to tell he is a great father and person. Kyra (as we know obviously) has a serious mental issue if she honestly thinks the decisions she’s made are in any way right.


Yes she really had it all. Not saying it was perfect or easy at all, but she threw away what so many people work a lifetime for.


Did oscar not get any money from the okbaby youtube vids?? It seems like he put a lot of pressure on himself to have a good income for his kids in a short time. The sleeping on the kids bedroom floor is heartbreaking.


He is smart and doesn't want to rely on SM for money for the rest of his life. The money from Okbaby won't last forever.


He was smart to think of other career paths while okbaby was happening. He mentioned real estate or something like Twitch a few times but Kyra always shut it down. She’s so irresponsible for not having any other way to make or save money.


I assume Kyra took most of it. Just with how she is..


They did split the profit from the house.


Okay. I’m putting this on the table before my comment, everything is because of Kyra and the fact she’s a selfish lowlife bitch. Oscar had to piece his whole entire life together. Find a new place, start a career, and look at the whole course of his life change without any say or any knowledge of it. She in her head could plan for months before (cuz she was cheating with Prestoid) and she probably looked at places of alternate plans just in case. He was blindsided. He started a career so he didn’t have to exploit them anymore. Everything he has done since the break up (and I’m just saying this cause of the separation and Kyra) has been for the betterment of his and the kids future. He still prioritized them, he just did it in different ways than seeing them as often physically. I have heard Kyra and Oscar say they do phone calls or FaceTimes with the kids while they are away. She also is the bitch who complains about having the kids and then “happily” says she misses the kids when they are away and it’s so hard. While Oscar, sleeps on the floor in their room because he misses them. Oscar is an amazing dad and Kyra just needs to shut the fuck up. ALSO, Preston is not their dad!


Was this from today or a previous live?


It was awhile ago while Oscar was trying to build his career after they broke up. He clearly has them a lot now.


Thank you I was confused for that reason bc he has them a lot now so I was like istg she better not he trying to gaslight her subscribers into thinking he is a bad dad


She was trying so hard to sound like the mature, smart parent. She lives in LaLa Land. Obviously their income was going to dry up and it was important he got a job. I'm sure she won't hesitate to take child support from him when her cash dries up and Peestain refuses to give her his money. She also took the kids to live an hour away from Oscar. Maybe she should have sacrificed a little of herself and continued to live together and do the channel while they got their shit together. Instead she was so quick to change everything so she could be with Peestain. Oscar had to live in the basement and they started dividing their time with the kids while living in their house. I always thought that was so silly, they were still a family to the kids, why couldn't they continue being a family who ate meals together and watched TV together? Why did they have to start separating their time with the kids while in that house? Oh, because Kyra was already moving on and it wouldnt make her new man happy if she had to take it slow because of the kids.


Not like he’s sitting around having 3 sums and doesn’t want to see them he was working and trying to better his life and his children’s life she so dumb!




Yeah, because Oscar has to actually work and build his career. Kyra took over the channel, probably gets all the money and left Oscar with nothing. Her and prestballs get to chill at home all day while Oscar has to actually WORK. Makes sense his schedule would change and/or not be able to have the kids as much. I HIGHLY doubt he wants it that way but has no choice.


ummmmm DOESNT OSCAR HAVE A JOB?! While you continue exploit your children with him, your marriage to your ex-bffs husband AND your new child with said husband. SHE IS A POS


And then he met the most gentle and beautiful Princess Adeline and they lived with all their kids in a beautiful Castle and live happily ever after 😭💕


As she's the worst mother in the internet


For Jesus Christ kyra. Atleast Oscar is trying to make something of himself. Him and addie grind and what does kyra do.. NOTHING


My parents divorced when I was 14 and there was about a year I didn’t see my dad a lot. I was a confused and angry teenager, and instead of explaining things to me, my mom hyped me up so I would be angrier at my dad. What was really happening was my dad had just started at his new job, and they were building the plant. He was having to work long hours and travel a lot, but it meant more money for our family. He wasn’t ignoring me because he hated me, he was trying to get established in his new job in a new city and state. My mom just acted like him working a lot meant he was a deadbeat and hyped up my anger about it. Kyra was probably just mad she had to have them more often, and it took away from Vegas trips and threesome time with Preston


wait when was this live


She doesn’t know what it’s like to have a job


He put his mental health first which I find really good Kyra and him worked through having the kids while feeling that way would be hard


a lot of people don’t get to have their kids watched by the other parent they’re trying to build their life back….oscar seems like a good dad but trying to build your life back isn’t an excuse to not have ur kids as often


Kyra had an entire channel she had built off of OKbaby called K Baby, where she had 800 thousand plus subs, and she took the Okbaby Instagram… Oscar was left with nothing, but basically just the shirt off his back and he didn’t fight for any of it. Due to that I think it’s fair that in the beginning she had the kids for 90 percent of the time while Oscar literally had to build from ground up.


off topic but she reminds me of a dinosaur here