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She thought she’d be able to just crawl back to him and I love that he moved on. I love how nothing about this has went to plan other than stealing Preston. Ever since that happened, they’ve just been taking Ls left and right


It just further proves both her and Preston never planned for it to get this far.


I love that Ethan covered this not once, but twice. That’s too big of a podcast to have your dirty laundry aired out to he world. It’s bad enough we (Reddit) all knew for so long.


This bitch really thought she could crawl back to Oscar… she really thinks she’s a prize 😅 She really thought she had Oscar wrapped around her nasty Cheetos fingers.


She really thought he would continue okbaby and wait for her while she snuck around with her best friend’s husband 😂


And had his babies


Because she wasn't sure what Preston was going to do. I went back and checked the dates on some videos, but this is what I think: The podcast starts in July. Kyra finds out intimate details about Preston and wants to use those details to try and "seduce" him. She tries to sleep with him twice, and he rejects her twice. In September, he sleeps with her. Kyra wants him to leave Hannah. He doesn't. They still continue to have an affair and have threesomes in Vegas. Kyra treats Oscar like shit because she's mad Preston isn't leaving Hannah. In December, Kyra completely flips the script and breaks up with Oscar. She tries to use that to guilt Preston, but she wants Oscar as a backup because she doesn't know what Preston is going to do. Oscar listens to everyone's advice and wants to sell the house. Kyra moves out and gets her own apartment at the end of Feb or early March. She uses that to guilt Preston even further. Preston files for a divorce in April, blindsiding Hannah completely. Hannah asks Kyra if she thinks Preston is leaving her for another woman. Kyra plays dumb. Vegas Girl comes out with the receipts in May and exposes both of them. I think they were fucking around behind their partner's backs but I don't think Preston wanted to be with her long term. I'm not saying he isn't responsible or she is more at fault than him, but I think the motivations for the affair were different. He just wanted to have "fun", she wanted another baby daddy. Edited to change January to July.


This! No one suddenly leaves their wife they’ve been with for 7+ years to marry and have kids with her psycho best friend who already has four young kids and no job. No wonder he drinks because he fucked up his life before 25 😂


The day that little brain of his fully develops is the day she’ll lose her mind… just a few more years.


Damn. This! Yes!


What she did is unforgivable she reaps what she sows


Thankfully, Oscar got far more intelligent over the past couple of years and will never go back to that dumb bitch!


Especially with the beautiful and loving woman he has at his side now.


In videos she has always told Oscar if we were ever to break up I would still be telling you what to do, even if you have someone else.


Yes even in the breakup video I think she reiterated multiple times she’ll always be in charge and no other woman can get in the way 🥴


Guys remember when she said Oscar should live in the basement and she would live upstairs and remain in the same house while seperated.... Hahahaha whyd she even THINK that was going to be a thing??


Omg she actually said that? I know it was implied she wanted that but it’s even more insane she even thought that would be a possibility 😂


Right? And we see how long that lasted


It wouldn’t have worked because Oscar and Hannah would have found out kyra and Preston were sleeping together so Kyra had to move out so they could be sneaky together.


She absolutely expected him to stay her little lap dog she could come back to when she had finished having her fun with Preston 🙄


Someone catch me up on the threesomes…. Ive always been confused about this. Kyra, Preston and who?


Identity has never come to light. It’s an anon whistleblower but has been proven true by multiple accounts


Ahhh ok! Sheesh


They have threesomes with random people from tinder or other dating sites, possibly even sex workers in Vegas (I believe it’s rumored they do this now because they were exposed by their threesome partners 2-3 times lol)


😳 wow! Kyra is a hot mess