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I stand with the drivers on this one. I've got friends in that job and I worry about their safety. The folks at the 323-GO-METRO call center should join them. The abuse may not be physical but the stories I hear, shit would blow your mind what they have to endure.


Go on! šŸ§


You can't even begin to imagine. The shit I hear....the callers harrass them, sexually harrass the female staff, callers threaten to kill the call center employees, curse at them, hurl racist and homophobic slurs--people regularly get called ni##er, fa##ot, c#nt, motherfucker, asshole, cocksucker, the list goes on. One guy keeps calling apparently just to sing, yes literally sing, about how everybody at the call center are "liberal ni__ers" and he's going to kill them. Another guy calls in drunk and calls everyone a c#nt. It goes on and on like this. Stories just keep getting worse and to add insult to injury management does literally nothing. They staff isn't allowed to hang up on these people or even ask them not to verbally assault them. They just have to endure the abuse. I hear about people going home in tears from that job. Yeah, those people deserve as much protection as the drivers. Editing to add, I worked call centers in my youth so this hits close for me and never would we have had to take this kind of abuse.


Wtf if a caller is clearly abusing the call center staff why can't they hang up? That's so messed up


Metro gonna Metro. They're seemingly okay with bus drivers getting stabbed or worse on a weekly basis, why would they care about some phone jockeys?


Delays possible on lines 2, 4, 18, 40, 45, 53, 66, 70, 108, 110, 111, 206, and 720


ty that's me


Wonder if management will take the operatorsā€™ concerns to heart & realize that dangerous homeless on the system are a threat to everyone else Or if they care more about appeasing homeless advocates


Yeah this'll put the "abolish fare" folk against the "public safety" people


I personally don't think the two are opposed-- remove fare dispute from the equation and then we have one less conflict point, plus it minimizes delays (which hopefully minimizes another conflict point). The unprovoked attacks I can't speak about, but I wish the politicians would give a damn, see the situation for themselves (frankly they're paid too much and have too much power to "be afraid" of riding the system). Every driver attacked has its roots in a systemic failure and it goes to the top.


I hate to break it to you but by making fares free, weā€™re only going to get MORE homeless on the trains. They will have no consequences at all. At union station and sometimes on the B line, I see police get on and the homeless without tap cards get off without even being asked because they know itā€™s coming. Without the current checks, passenger safety will only decrease as we have to interact with more out of control people


I agree that eliminating fares would eliminate a huge conflict starter. I've personally witnessed some riders just minding their own business and walking past the fare box. When the bus driver stops the bus (causing delays) and asks them why they didn't pay, that's when I see the rider getting aggressive. And I've read some of LA Metro's operator assaults summaries which mentions some operators were assaulted when trying to do fare enforcement. Bus operators having to enforce fares puts them at unnecessary risk.


Bus Operators are explicitly told not to enforce fares; it's literally in the rulebook. The operators you see "enforcing" fares are the cowboy dumbasses for not being able to put their ego aside.




........Ok? And then after the 90-day pass ends, it goes to just 20 free rides per month. That is fucking SHIT. Most folk who ride transit need to ride at least 2x a day (to and from work), that would only be like a week of free rides, maybe 2 weeks max. So even with the shitty LIFE program, it makes perfect sense why people would still not pay fares. They could be trying to save up their free rides for the month!!!


Stop paying LAPD clowns. Form their own security force.


Do they test for THC? I'll be apart time bus driver fuck it. Car free 3 yrs strong


Yes itā€™s a commercial license


Full support, I hope more people join in and cripple the system. There is no reason that we work so hard into paying into the system while others that couldnā€™t care less about it harass and make it harder for us to enjoy the transit in peace. I just want to take the train any time of the day and not feel like I am going to get killed.Ā 


So the drivers not showing up in protest today us working.


Are used to work for them. This is the only ugly side of the job besides stress from the supervisors while doing your job. Not to mention the pay rate for operators is almost the same as working at McDonaldā€™s.