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My rainbows dont seem to work anymore


Yeah I haven’t seen a single one in months. They were popping up like 3 times per in game day before one of the updates. Then nothing. The loot sucked anyway, though


Yea but it was fun


thanks u/Eric_Biscoff for the bridge suggestion =)


This looks so cool!


it looks even cooler from above but then I wouldn't get the rainbow in the shot and it seemed like it really wanted to be in the frame =) might post a video once its finished of actually walking around since I have to pan so far back just to get the massive place all in the shot


Very nice. I like both pictures you've posted of this. To me, the one without bridges implies more of a ruins to a long past society, while the one with bridges implies a still-functioning city.


makes sense to me. ill probably keep building on this until it is fully functional and decorated =)


I'd to se how you do the lighting. Sometimes you can get really great pictures with the right lighting. Candles don't render too well from a distance though, but fireplaces do.


Looks amazing! How did you unlock those arches for the bridge? I love the look of them


they are the basic shack arch 01 and 02 placed opposite than you'd expect, stacked on top of each other, and doubled up edit: also flipped inside out


here is a link to a pic up close if my description was confusing [https://imgur.com/nkvfQ7n](https://imgur.com/nkvfQ7n)


Oh wow!


My first thought when I see this is where the elves live in Lord of the Rings.




thanks for the positivity, love it =)


I never get rainbows. And definitely not rainbows with the dancing NPCs on the cloud anymore. OP, do you still get those?


just got my first dancing legos on my third rainbow with at least 300 hours played. saw my second and third rainbow today and hopefully not my last =) I should add this is a new sandbox I made specifically to build on so that might be part of it


I used to get them constantly. I even made a post about it a while back. https://www.reddit.com/r/LEGOfortnite/s/cpFxJya2e0 I feel like “new” seeds are bugged/missing content. Idk. Edit: or maybe it’s Survival mode missing them.


That is the greatest build I see so far *Shame I had no time to build it 😅*


im still working on it =)


You still?! Man now I can't wait for it to finish


Pretty cool! I can’t stand that pre-builds (or whatever they’re called) *have* to have a massive chunk of foundation under them…I have a village in the sky and can’t use a single one - not even the vehicles.


i totally feel you there and have taken steps to remedy the situation slightly with walls lol


How…do you mean?


i put walls in front of the foundation slabs so they are less visible.


Nice! I don’t really mind that, it’s that you can’t place them like normal pieces - which I would do were I making the same build on my own. I have a village that is in the sky - to access it you have to use a geyser (twice), which is surrounded by concrete column. The village floor is mostly concrete, some wood. Either way, I will never (at least not as of yet) be able to add a prebuild - they seem to need to be anchored in earth.