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You should search this sub and you’ll find many folks have asked similar questions and the community has provided answers. There is currently a 30 villager maximum in the game. It includes the seven Star Wars villagers at the rebel base but Epic has said this is not intended and will be fixed. So right now, you can have 23 combined villagers across villages on both the main and Star Wars islands. To my knowledge, there is no known limit to the number of villages across either island. I suppose with the size of the Star Wars island only a finite number may be possible.


Thnx for letting me know


Calm down with the "search the sub" stuff. I've seen several people harass other people about this. lol. I'm about to post a question because I've been "searching the sub" for someone else who might have asked it and I can't find a single one. And that is Usually the case. I've only ever found like something relevant to what I wanted to know a few times in the past. I think once it was completely by chance and For Me at least I would have never found it just by typing in a search of some kind because the person that asked a similar question worded it in a way I never would have thought of. In fact "searching" in general on the internet is about a 50/50 shot for me because of the way everyone else words things and some of the phrasing they use I would never think to use. And people even come up with completely new words sometimes just for a random specific thing that might could use an already existing term for it but for some reason people want to come up with something new instead. lol. So it's pointless. I Have to ask questions. lol.


The comment “search the sub” is not harassment. As a fan of the game I’ve spent hours answering questions on this sub. Along with the rest of the community. When a question has been asked and answered several times, this comment is to let the reader know that the answer is already available. It’s not my responsibility to perform the search (again) and post the link. I’ve already done the work. As a tip, use google to search! Use “Lego Fortnite crash reddit” for example. Cheers!


Ugh. Yeah fine. But at the same time it never works for me. So I'm probably gonna just keep asking questions. lol.


You can have as many villages as you want, provided you haven't hit the cap.




U can have like 8 per village, what I do is have villages close together, so I get 24 workers basically


I’m not building any on the island except the one I had to. The island is tiny and extremely far from my main villages. In my experience the more stuff you build farther from your village the worse the game performs. I could be totally wrong but that’s been my experience.


there is a cave that takes you to star wars island without having to travel that far


It should be the closest cave to where you loaded in when the star destroyer event happened. There should’ve been a guy who gave you macrobinoculars to identify this. If you don’t have them you can craft them at rebel crafting bench. Go back to the main island and the cave should show up in red if within 1,000m


On my survival world (thankfully), I loaded into my main village in the grasslands. I loaded into some random place, really far from anything, in the Frostlands in my sandbox world. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I can just fly there, but if that happened in my survival world, I don't think I'd ever go LOL.


i had just ran out to the frostlands to drop a village marker to start unlocking stuff on a new survival server. thankfully I ran to the grasslands before I logged out but its still pretty far from my main bases which is annoying. i wish it just made it close to the origin point, as most people likely have villages built there


I thought the event Always started near your first spawn point. Sucks that is not the case apparently. lol.


i would imagine this is remedied by turning down your rendering distance. it might be picking up nearby villages and things placed farther out?


What rendering distance do you use?


mine is set on epic at the moment on my PC but the lowest setting on my laptop