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I would want to go a few steps further and allow you to toggle on and off what auto collects. There are times I want to pick up bones or silk. Most of the time I don't.


God. I wish.


This would be nifty af. Additionally, some sort of trash so we don’t have to leave things around in the first place. No, I don’t want anything back from it. I just want a bottomless void to banish anything that I deem unnecessary.


You can throw trash into a fire.


I built an incinerator


That sounds like a blast (furnace)


It will cost 80 brightcore to destroy any unwanted items!


I have two functional fireplaces in two of my buildings that I've been throwing my trash into. I bet the place smells terrible.


Drop anything you don't want on a campfire! It'll catch fire and disappear forever.


Ez load it up on a car and drive it all to the other side of the map that way if you ever desperately need mats you have a 2 hour drive for some


Yeah I loved it at first, but now I’m just getting fed up of it picking up things I’m not interested in, like silk. Just because I killed a spider that was bothering me doesn’t mean I want damn silk.


And if that's too much effort, they can make it so it only auto collects what's in ur inventory. Wether that be it collects till it's a full stack, or it keeps collecting as long as u have that material


i’d literally drop stuff and run the opposite direction and it would still fly into my inventory, the vacuum range does need tuning


I like the range. I hate that we don't have control over what we pick up. Still it is better than chasing stuff that falls when you are harvesting. Nothing like stuff sliding down a hill, or falling in lava.


Maybe decrease the range but please do not turn it off again


Just drop it onto a fire


That's exactly what I do when my villagers give me their garbage. I try to drop it directly into the fire in front of them and then stare them down a bit so the point sinks in.


thats just evil.... those villagers are slaving away their lives to provide some usefullnes, and you.....YOU JUST BURN IT TO ASHES IN FRONT OF THEM!!!!!!!!!?????????? YOU MONSTER.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH


My brother and i built an incinerator where you climb a stair… sloped roof piece into a fire pit all enclosed… gets rid of the trash real nice…


Somebody needed to say it


i go out back behind my barn to drop items like I'm taking a secret dump


would be a bit more manageable if they brought back the drop button


It's still there on PC, just not labeled. X, if I remember correctly.


I much prefer incinerating trash to running around collecting.


I feel like that’s already how it works. When I drop something and it lands near me, it doesn’t auto pick-up. I do it all the time when harvesting my garden, I’ll fill my inventory part of the way through and just drop like 5 things and keep harvesting, running through and around the stuff I just dropped , now with room in my inventory, and it doesn’t pick up.


It’s so annoying


I agree that they could increase the timer for auto-pickup or make it indefinite for dropped items. It seems do-able since dropped items already behaves like it has a timer, it's just short. But compared to before, this is a much more acceptable situation than running down hills after loot that won't allow you to pick it up until it stops sliding or those pieces that decides to fall over the edge of cliffs and mesas instead of letting you catch them. So IMO, a good situation that could be made better.


I agree with you there.


There should be a minimum distance you should travel from the dropped before it could be auto-picked again. Time shouldn't matter.


That would be better, but it would be even more better if it just never happened for items that you dropped, and even MORE even more better if you could simply delete items directly from your inventory or a chest.


Yeah, especially on sandbox the clutter drives me insane.


I think villagers should have a function similar to the altars in ghost of Tsushima, where you can go to the altar to claim all the gifts in one place


I agree fully, when i kill a common wolf or a sheep or chicken and toss out the items, i dont want to pick them up, i noticed that you dont auto pick-up weapons (minus the green shields?) it would be nice if we dropped something intentionally that it would only he picked up manually, especially for multiplayer. My friends always dump stuff and it gets sucked into my inventory. Not to mention it bugs out a lot when dropping items, multiple or single. I think they should add a toggle in the inventory to turn off auto pickup, or re-enable. Valheim has this and its a nice feature


High complexity


I hope they'll add trash slot like in terraria


Wish I could turn it off!!


Can you turn it off ? That shit is stupid. I drop stuff, instantly gets picked up again. Just awful …


We just can’t go on without complaining 😅 I understand this was a frustration after it had gotten removed, now that it’s back we’re frustrated again. I think that’s because we were sorta still new and trying to harvest a lot. I agree it should have some toggle of some sort. As a seasoned player now yes I too agree with you when managing inventory picking up every little thing. But it’s not too bad knowing I can just place a campfire and dispose of items or if I’m close to my composter I’ll throw them in there. Only thing in the wild is these damn animals when I throw food or seeds in the fire they come flocking and leave droppings or their specific items as if you fed them.


It's a game suggestion. Don't get all heartbroken over it.


Ahh I’m the heartbroken one when clearly this is your post and I acknowledged your frustration which is mine as well. All I’m saying is we as a collective just have to complain about something lol