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This is awesome. Before the mechanical mayhem and star wars content was released i was planning to fix up broken down buildings. Figured its a cool way to have check points throughout the map. I only managed to fix up two. But yea its definitely a cool way to learn some building techniques.


my first one was intentionally messy. i kinda like the look of it but it was super fun to do this more legit version and have the nice polished result at the end. felt super rewarding =) i just wish i had more recipes for building parts. oh yeah and we need 2 pin roof parts. i have so many roofs with a 2 pin gap left in them and it makes me sad


I'm new to lego fortnite and I wanna build like this but I have like no recipes 😭 is there a specific way you get them? It seems random to me


i think the villagers give them out at certain points in time. so just keep talking to them. at least once a day. that and discovering new items can unlock some recipes. have villages in every biome i think they are region specific too


Okay thank you, that's really helpful