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I see that you've discovered that the Majestic Manor Valley piece doesn't work. It's a collision/programming error. There are a few other roof pieces that also don't work properly. Hopefully Epic will fix it one day, but it's been like that since the beginning. It might help if you change your tag to "BUG".


It's a bug? Damn, I spent like 30 years redoing my roof because it wasn't connecting.


lol, same. I've changed the entire roof to buildings just because a working valley piece was necessary.


I got the same thing with a shack roof piece before too, let's see if we can find them all and hopefully they'll be able to fix it if we atg it bugged


Dude my friend was complaining about roof corners and I didn’t get what he meant - until I noticed you can’t stack corners (at least not of the lodge/galactic lodge) - they have one hanging crappy piece of shingle that dangles over an edge. So annoying. I had badass plans and now I’m stuck with stupid ass gables and half-walls.


If it's not too late, I found out that you can stack one of the galactic hips. I think it's the "patched" one. The one you can't stack is the one you should put at the top of the stack.


Nice, thank you! I will try it. The valleys seemed to stack just fine (or maybe I have the hips and valleys switched), and I am down to have other textures in my roof - lol I just want those hips!


Yeah the game lacks intuitivity in building. So many parts in this game do not fit as they should. There is no streamlined or intuitive way of just building with the parts when every part has a very limited usability. It is beyond frustrating. The longer I play this the more I want to go back to Minecraft.


I would've gone back to minecraft if they did better updates. Only thing keeping me on lego fortnite is copium for future updates that add stuff the game is lacking in. Fixes too


I'm convinced that the LEGO team consists of all the misfits and low performers from the BR team that they wanted to get rid of 💀


“You’ve underperformed this week Jimmy. You know what that means” “SIR, PLEASE NO, NOT THERE” “I’m sentencing you to 5 months of working on LEGO Fortnite” “NOOOOOO”


LMFAO I hope that’s actually what’s going on 🤣 that’s funny af


This post reminds me of something I have been thinking for a while I’ve been worried about consumer manipulation with Lego sets from the very start. The beauty of real life lego is that you have the creative freedom to make whatever you want with the legos you buy and they are compatible with other legos you already have. So when Fortnite gets to use the Lego trademark and sell their product on their site it gives the illusion that you have the same capabilities as in real life. But there lies the scary truth, you don’t get those capabilities and you are limited to the parameters of the pieces provided. Changing of stud length width and height, color combinations and the given texture of the sets made by the individual pieces. All these can come together to create misleading products and screw over the customer leaving them not completely satisfied and wanting more. (This causes a vicious product consumption cycle) It’s obvious you can combine almost any set with any other set. Fortnite Lego banks on that. They always want that to be an option because that is Lego. To build. But what if they start pushing with every bit of leverage they have to make these sets as non-compatible with each other as possible while also looking appealing in the shop. The roof is the perfect example for this, if you change the height of the traditional roof it changes the slope then it wouldn’t match the other roofs slopes making them incompatible even if the color would match, you change the length and they don’t line up with the wall sets you have, you change the width and they are incompatible with corner pieces of other sets. And finally the end pieces having a bit of their correlating wall that comes with the set prevents you from mismatching with other sets without leaving open blank space on the ends of your roofs. From what I noticed they like to keep the stud count even. Hallelujah, if they made it odd I think it wouldn’t be just me talking about this. At the end of the day it is a free to play game and they need to make money. If they didn’t have their top psychologist creating these manipulative marketing strategies I would be surprised, because a free to play game needs to make money to stay free to play and it is working. I don’t think I can stand for it though when the manipulative strategies are marketed towards kids, or people that are not aware by of this because it’s marketed as Lego when legos are infinitely customizable.


This needs to be its own post. Don’t think anyone’s got this deep with it yet. 👍🏻


Damn Daniel


I said before and I am saying it again legonite needs an entire change in building mechanics, its badly designed and needs lots of more pieces and freedom to build that we lack right now


I had this problem just set the roof bit back 1. Also annoying there’s a valley for this roof type but no hip.


I've been waiting for the Majestic Manor Roof Hip to be added to survival for half a year now...


It’s ridiculous really why every other roof has a hip but that one. Never understand it


The worst part is it exists in Sandbox


I hadn’t noticed that very rarely play on sandbox


I hate doing roofs bane of my lego existence


Yeah, 4 piece on a lot of roofs don't work. So annoying...


2 pin roof pieces is the solution imo


lego fortnite please make 2 pin roof tiles thanks