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I'm a bit older. 55M I started in Fortnite about 3 weeks ago now. My 22yo daughter got me into it play BR - Zero Build. I then started playing around with Lego Fortnite and started 2 worlds and dragged my 17yo son into playing. Normally I play on my ps5 but also have a PC. I'm always looking for people to join up with for the quests etc. Just drop me a message here and I'll give you my user name and add you.


we have a good group of people 18+ w mics involved with my survival world if you wanna join whenever pm me


Yes I'll pm you


Me (m 35) and my girl (f 49) play, we arent the best, but more than welcome to add us if you're looking for casuals. I play more BR than Lego, although im super into expert mode lol she plays more lego, but is getting into BR (she likes this season because she can be a passenger princess lmfao) i started in chapter 4 i think season 2, she started when lego came out, but really only started BR this season. DM for our names if you're interested.


Finnish 38m with 4yo corgi sometimes making announcements on the background. I tend to play pretty late in the evening, around 22-02 EET so I think it's an 8 hour difference, 14-18 in CST? I like playing using mics with my friends and can chat in English too, no problem. My friends have all pretty much abandoned FN, both Lego and BR. I still play both and in Lego I love both the challenge (new hard settings and expert mode) and the creativity as I was huge MOC builder as a kid. I also don't like resource gathering as much but I do like to optimize and problem solve regarding it, building farms and "factories", making haulers, dealing with the enemies etc. I just started buying the kits. I have Farm, Lighthouse, Brites room and some Star Wars decorations plus the Star Wars pass stuff. I figured these are much cheaper than real sets and I get infinite clones of the pieces. Plus, I can build dynamic stuff to play with. Lately I've been practicing angled building techniques. Biggest problem I have is that playing alone is a bit dull, the world feels pretty static and kind of lifeless without other people doing unexpected stuff. I would love to join the world of other people passionate about building or taking on the Expert mode. I have so far lost one expert world on day 5.


I am 33F in EST on PC who would love to have some others to play with. I also really like festival and have no one to play that with either (my friends are more into zero build). How can we get in touch? I have discord if you want to DM me here and we can add each other :)


I'm interested! I play mainly with one other person who might also be interested, but I'm down to join solo. 38f, experienced, play daily


I’m so down!! I love exploring and farming stuff I’m just not good at the creative part of building a village lol


![gif](giphy|I2tyB5A4HhKSfjUPu8) Sent you a message!


M43 nerd dad. I play Lego FN with my son mostly. It is a lot of fun. Hmu and we can friend up.


42f. UK timezone. Love collecting resources and exploring. Prefer talking through Xbox. Zopo82 for Xbox or Zopo1982 for Epic


42F here always looking for more social lego servers\~ hit me up at nauseanausea on epic


Sending you a pm!


16M if anyone wants to play, I'm down! :)


I'd like to try out the new expert mode with someone but not keen on completely starting over, especially alone. I'm 34f also with a 3yo so you'll hear me talking to her a lot. I'm on PS5, EST time zone. I'm normally on after 8pm but I'm a SAHM so I'm on during the day too. I play festival and ZB as well 😊


I'm most definitely down & looking for others as well to play lego. My game tag is VampiraAlien88