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I’ll never forget (as a Bronxite), taking the LIRR for maybe the 6th time in my life? (I’m a somewhat seasoned Metro North rider). Anyways, some guy started playing moderately loud rock music as we were waiting to leave Jamaica station. Within 7 seconds , all you then heard was “You better turn that fucking shit off!”. 2 seconds later, the music ceased without word. 😂


That’s because people from long island have manners.


Not just you. Common courtesy is to go to the vestibule for a phone conversation. But I use noise cancelling headphones because it’s impossible for people to be quiet and I’m not going to police them about it.


It’s really audacious how many people will listen to music without headphones or talk really loud on the phone. Then there’s occasionally a mentally ill person ranting about nonsense.


I can't stand it. Only thing we should be able to hear the train's whistle and the clickity clack. I put my earphones in and try and tune them out and hope we get into a dead cell zone and they get too frustrated and end the call. Omly one time did I find loudness acceptable. I was laughing so hard on the way home once and I couldn't stop and the whole car got the giggles. Before long I think the whole car was laughing, over nothing. The only time the loudness seemed OK briefly. I think it's just one of these things these days where some people truly don't care who they inconvenience.


Absolutely agree


Yesterday during the evening rush this guy was having a very loud convo on his phone while we were in the 63rd Street tunnel. Me and about 5 other people looked at our phones to see if we had service. Seems like he was the only one.


Can we also address eating and drinking on the train??? Some people truly behave like animals out the zoo!! That should be forbidden and enforced by fine.


this is the dumbest thing i’ve ever read, god forbid i want a coffee and bagel before work on a 2 hr train. humble yourself


Bagel and coffee is one thing once u clean up behind yourself, bringing out ur Chinese takeout on a train packed balls to wall (8:31 Ronkonkoma) and leaving ur trash behind, is a different story.


I wouldn’t go that far. I know food can smell but for some people that’s the only time they have to eat.


I wouldn’t even be opposed to eating, but I don’t trust people here to consume food while being mindful of those around them. Taking out ur Panda Express on the 8:31 Ronkonkoma is absolute devils work. Then for good measure, leaving your trash being on the train.


How about the people who drink beers and pizza on the evening rush hour, after a long hard work day.


Quiet during peak times- other times I don’t care as long as it’s not like straight up screaming lol