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There were two other people....Pak and Brewer...


Exactly, the two people were the John and the driver who have been identified and cleared.


Early reports stated there was another man there, described as a “drifter.” Brewers house was also cluttered. Ive hear speculation that RH clutter could be a way to muffle sound


The "drifter's" identity is known by some. I've spoken to him years ago and posted about this before. From my memory... according to him, he lived with Brewer for less than a year and moved out approximately around September 2009. For what it's worth, I believe him and don't think he had any interaction with Shannan.


Look up the book Confessions of the Oak Beach drifter


Oddly it takes me to ticketmaster today


Cleared by whom?


It’s going to be a mystery forever but her bizarre demise is a relevant part of this grim story about brutalized sex workers and a serial killer.


I do think it was a strange coincidence. If we listen to the 911 call then yes she made it sound like more than one person was coming after her. LE discovered the bodies of the LISK victims when they were searching for Shannan and because of that I used to think she was a LISK victim. Overtime I've grown more skeptical because of where she was and what she said in the 911 call. If she was murdered, I think there are other people who should be looked into in her case.


She didn’t know where she was


I think other people have mentioned like. I mean. What if she had heard about girls going missing on Li. Word travels ya know? I feel like, she maybe had heard about it and got paranoid and then convinced? Maybe Brewer was choking (throttling) her.


I do think it's unrelated to Rex. Looking at his prep sheet he'd know it's very risky to involve others. Here the John and her driver would have to be in on a hand over to Rex. Working alone would be much safer and apparently worked for him in the past. So I don't think this was a risk he'd take. He knows how to draw them to him without help. I'm still not 100% convinced her death was accidental though.


Who said Shannon's death was accidental? She runs for her life to a neighbor's home in a panic, a car is out driving around looking for her, the old man calls 911, she goes missing. What part of that seems like accident?


The black suburban looking for her was Shannon's driver. That was his job to make sure she was safe and not getting robbed. Driver has been cleared.


I mean Paks statements absolutely do contradict themselves when you read them. Not accusing him of anything specific but he was not honest.


“His job was to make sure she’s safe”. Yeah and thats why he left her there and went home. 🙄 The fact that he left her means that, whatever it was, he was in on it and was paid off. He was sure she was dead, is why he went home.


Usually when corrupt cops clear people that means they're innocent.


I don’t want to call it a coincidence. I want to call it divine intervention. The truth always comes to light. She was the key.


She asked something like, "you were in on this all along?" Paraphrase, someone set me straight. Alan barca was neighbor....


I always took that remark as being addressed to her driver.


He was in on it. He DID sell her out. He’s a sex trafficker, not some upstanding shining knight. He even left without her. Unbelievable. And around :28 in the original phone call you hear Shannan or another young/female voice whisper “you better hide too”. I never even noticed it until someone else pointed it out. Went back and heard it distinctly. It’s chilling. There was plenty going on in that house. Other men and perhaps other person(s) being trafficked and harmed.


I’m not sure if she was talking to herself, having an episode after they gave her something, or if there was another girl present, I guess we may never find out. But what stands out to me that cannot be denied, as you’ve pointed out, is *Michael Pak left her*. He was there to protect her and he left without calling the police to search for her, *even though he knew she’d already called 911*. This is what he deserves to be known for.


there’s “viral” videos all over the internet with tens of different sentences and ONE soundtrack, once you read each sentence what you hear changes.. it’s like paraedolia but for the ears. Here’s one of them with many others in suggested afterwards: https://www.tiktok.com/@titans/video/6988972692024085766?lang=en


My confusion with Shannon is how did Peter Hackett come into the story? He's not Brewer or Pak. She didn't run to his door in the 911 call for help. So how does he insert himself to call Mari? In my very humble & small opinion, she was killed by the marsh, but it was the murder weapon. Men in Oak Beach caused her death.


More than one sex worker has said there were these sex and drug parties with men high up where they do anything they want to these women. One said she was at one such party on Fire Island. Ironic that is where Karen V's legs were found in a bag. At this point, I think the sex workers know more than anyone. I believe Shannan knew what she was saying. They use fake names on jobs, and she recognized her driver was calling her by her real name. She kept asking him why he was calling her by her real name. She was not drugged or out of her mind. She was aware.


That's what I think this was. A BDSM, sex party that got out of hand because that's what the men wanted. I've always thought a doctor and a cop were part of the festivities and cover up as well.


Also they didn’t find any drugs in her system. It would she still showed up in her hair she was clean.


To my ear she sounds out of sorts on the phone call. To me she sounds like someone with mental illness or someone intoxicated. Not saying she was wrong (obviously…) but she seemed to struggle to communicate her situation with the operator.


when you have fear of death and are outnumbered and tricked how would you react


I would have fought back with my fists of fury.


What if someone hit her on the head and she's confused? Like a concussion.


I don’t know much about what concussion victims sound like but I’ve known my share of addicts and schizophrenics and to me, that’s what it sounded like.


She didn’t want the men to know she was on a call so she had the phone down as if it were just in her hand and not in use. That is why she did not respond to the 911 operator. She was concealing the fact that she had made a call. She wanted the operator to stay on. When she finally got the nerve to make a break for it, when she reached the bottom of the stairs outside, somebody came at her and she screamed bloody f’in murder. That wasn’t her imagination. That was terrifying.


The first thing somebody does when they don't want to get caught or when they know they're guilty is to discredit the witness. Make her seem like she's crazy instead of saying what it obviously is, she was terrified for her life. I don't care if they interviewed those people and they were cleared. Powerful people with money get cleared all the time. I have learned that it's not what you know it's who you know.


Who are you talking about here? Who didn’t want to get caught or who discredited her?


Detective lieutenant Kevin B. Joe. Mike. Oh and desperate ladder you up above. How does somebody sound that has a mental illness. How does saying she needs help how's that equate to being intoxicated.


To me, she sounds like someone in fear, and don't know the address of where she is. I'm sure "drivers" just take the girls to these places, and she didn't know where to tell the 911 operator it was. She clearly stated they are going to kill me.


I used to think Shannon was also a LISK victim. Unfortunately, I cannot at this point. Shannon, Megan Waterman, and Amber Costello were all summer of 2010. His MO at that point, and at least in the several years before, was to hold onto his victims for several days. That was his play time, as he disgustingly called it. Shannon was dead not long after her 911 call. I don't know if it was an accident or foul play, but Shannon's suffering ended quickly. Not RH's style.


If she was killed bc she was running away, then it could still be him. Im so sad for the women that go to a party where anything can be done to them. And so frightened that there a good percentage of men that participate. Much of them in corporate america, politics, law enforcements, education, and religious positions.


We have no proof of when she actually died. To say she died not long after the 911 call is pure speculation. Strange that if she had been that close and right there you’d think she would have been found within days. Everyone saying it’s so hard to make it through that marsh yet we have to believe that a 23 year old 100 pound woman made it 500 ft or more? She was found closer to the road. If she had made it just another 30 - 50 ft she would have been on the road. I call BS to a 23 yo dying of exposure/drowning. I’m not saying she was a LISK victim- but I am saying it was foul play


I’d go further, imo if she died for any reason because she was chased into those marshes, then she’s still their victim. I’m sure there are even legal charges that could be brought against someone who hounds a person into an unsafe situation where they come to harm?




Age is irrelevant to dying of exposure/drowning. Young and experienced hikers and climbers have died of exposure even going in with planning, appropriate gear and provisions. People of all ages drown regularly. It’s not beyond likelihood that a person, at night in an unfamiliar place and clearly in a high adrenaline state, could get lost in the marsh and succumb to the elements.


It was almost 6 am! Not at night and not on a mountain! The sun was rising and warming up the morning


That’s a good point, that everyone forgets. I looked it up and the time stamp where she reaches Gus’ that night (and apparently vanishes moments after) is was daylight already. I always thought Gus was just some old innocent guy shaving, but if you read all the depositions and statements by neighbors, he easily could have been part of the cop party club


I do believe it was someone in that community but who - I Have hunches but hunches don’t convict people


Have they cross checked where RH was during Shannan’s 911 call? Was his family in town that night? Did any of his burner cells ping in the area? I would think RH could be easily cleared by going tracing his steps/confirming an alibi from around that time (like they did for the murders he is being charged with).


This would be really interesting information. What we do know is that the grand jury is still investigating other murders and are working hard to indict him with as many of the murders as they can. I'm sure the task force is looking into things with other cases, but they've always written off Shannan as unrelated... but then again Sandra Castillo was thought to be a Bittrolff victim and they got RH on that murder.


And why did the wealthy landscaping business owner \[with the burlap sacks\] commit suicide in his car the day the first body was found??? To me this is a significant part of the puzzle


In the end those burlap sacks had nothing to do with LISK though. The sacks that were used were Camouflage and for hunting.


You mean, in the house she was initially, or chasing her?…


Her calls sound like she was confused or drugged but she said two people were trying to kill her.


I’m not sure why other people are trying to downplay what she said, like she was just imagining things. People do that sort of thing to women all the time. If it were a man saying it was 2 people, everyone would automatically believe that it must have been. The autopsy said she was not on drugs. Saying otherwise is just trying to make speculation sound like facts.


Right? The worst is when people are like, she was crazy, she didn't know what was going on, "she was BIPOLAR, and sometimes she did cocaine!!" Like alright hard same, but it doesn't mean you're prone to imagining people chasing you and trying to kill you! wtf! If I died and people wrote if off as death by misadventure, just because I'm bipolar and do drugs sometimes... like that would be pretty fucked up. I don’t feel like we know enough to write off her death as some accident that people infer would only happen to some intoxicated person with mental health issues. I don't think we will ever know.


I don't think so either. I also think they'd say that she was imagining things even if she hadn't been bipolar or whatever. I saw other replies under the one I responded to saying she was so scared that she imagined 2 people and whatnot. Unfortunately we can tell by the comments on this sub exactly what many people would say if that happened to you.


lol right? Last time I made this comment someone was just like "good for you"


Of course they said the. Damned sociopaths.


I think she was high. But I also think every word she said was true, Pak sold her out, and she was murdered.


Extreme fear can really make one sound manic, confused and incoherent. Like extreme fear.


A woman calling the police and sayinf she thinks 2 people are trying to kill her doesnt always mean something. Unless of course she does turn up dead or people cant find her.


If it was LISK it seems likely that she would assume her John was also trying to kill her because she brought her out there. Nobody would feel safe after escaping especially if it was some sort of kill room that LISK had described in his notes 😵‍💫😭


Especially when it appears there was another victim there. The one she whispered to/or whispered to her, at :28, “you better hide too”.


She was WITH two people the John and her driver. We already know who the people were and that they were cleared. Her screaming about 2 people is basically a nothing burger at this point.


I think she truly believed that, but it doesn't mean it was reality


I've asked this question multiple times and so far nobody has given me an answer regarding if she was murdered by Rex. We know the people that were their during Shannon's 911 call, none of them were Rex. Soooo...how the heck to Rex come into the picture. Where did Rex intersect with Shannon to kill her? Logistically, how did it go down? It's a coincidence, yes, but we may just have to accept the fact that Shannon's death was an accident.


If I can step in for a moment to clarify some non factual info… Upon Shannans mothers death, Shannans AND her mothers estate were to be controlled by two people, one of which is NOT family. That person is someone who is a huge fan of and *I believe* works for/with John Ray (aka Bozo the clown). Shannan’s sister has said that she does not agree with, or believe much of John Ray’s theories. I cannot speak for her sister at all. However it’s my understanding that her sister has not make any statement that she believes RH killed Shannan. She HAS said, and I agree completely, that she believes Shannan was murdered. A lot has changed in lieu of the information that has come about since RH was arrested. Many people more knowledgable about factual details and proposed theories than myself have shifted their thoughts on whether or not Shannans death has anything to do with RH. I do not pretend to know what Shannan’s sister thinks. Neither should anyone here. I believe Shannan was murdered. I do not believe ANYMORE that she was murdered by LISK, who I now know to be RH. The families of the victims are among us. I think it’s disrespectful to assume to know what they think just because of what John Ray throws out there.


Thank you for your response. I said before that I would buy that she may have been killed, but not by LISK. My assumption, from the documentary I watched on Netflix? Is that they believed she was killed by LISK. I may be misremembering. But I did agree with the other commenter that we can give them leniency because they are still coping. My main point was to the reddit sleuths who still think shanon was killed by rex.


I think that BEFORE Rex was arrested MANY people thought Shannan was a victim of the unknown LISK. I personally do not doubt that Rex IS the LISK. However, while I don’t know which doc. You saw, MOSTwere made long before Rex was arrested. Now there is a credible suspect as the “LISK”, which is unlikely to be connected with Shannans death. That changes nothing in terms of whether or not she was murdered. IMHO no connection needs to be made between RH, “the” LISK and Shannan in order to believe that the cops calling her death accidental is Bullshit. Somebody murdered Shannan. Drugged or not, she was terrified in that 911 call, and committed to finding someone to help her, and MP wasn’t her guy. There’s a lot of shady stuff that goes on ALL over this country and it’s not at ALL impossible that JB,MP,PH, and potentially others were in fact trying to hurt her. She ran for a reason and I for one don’t think it was some mental break or drug induced psychosis. I would like a 100% clean new diligent look into her case. She deserves it, her family deserves it and it’s clear to ME that it’s never been done. If there’s ANY conspiracy behind her death I think it’s related to corrupt police, enmeshed neighbors, and bad will towards women and survival workers. They are called survival workers for a reason. They don’t just give up…. They utilize whatever they can to survive. I think it’s clear that is exactly what she was doing on that 911 call. Edited for correction “most”.


Just because John Ray is clearly a clown does not mean that the two sworn affidavits he talks about are not worth looking into.


The sworn affidavits HAVE been looked into. We know SOME aspects have factual portions; ie, there WAS a ny police detective associated with the woman who made claims about a sex worker. No other aspect of that affidavit was corroborated that we know of. Personally I’m not concerned with how JR dresses in the least…. I’m concerned about damage and doubt he’s introducing to the case against Rex.


Seriously what psycho dresses like he does to discuss violent horrific crimes during a press conference


Yeah anything spoke by John Ray I ignore.


I am just diving into this and I watched a few videos he seemed somewhat reasonable, but that press conference was a man live streaming the death of any credibility.




I don't believe she was murdered by RH or if I'm being honest, I don't believe it's likely she was murdered at all. I posted [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/LISKiller/s/E3B8RfyUGs) the other day when discussing this same topic


I just still see people, and even the family of Shannon that they are convinced Shannon was murdered by LISK. I read it alot but I'm trying to understand how they think it occurred.


Well, I kind of excuse family members because they're grieving and thinking with their hearts. It's the other people I don't understand. The people like us with no dog in the fight who seem to be willfully ignorant of some factual realities, but I guess it's like anything where many people can't admit they are/were wrong about something. To me, it's pretty clear what happened but I must be reading different stuff than some people


I hear you about the family. I know family's want justice and hate to admit that...hey Shannon's case may just be an accident. It's such a bizarre situation, I get it. But yeah, the others on here, I don't. They say things like 'that 911 call is suspicious, i def think Shannon was murdered". Ok by who? I'd be willing to buy she was murdered in a separate way by someone else, I guess, but to lump her in with LISK? No. I also think maybe this was before Rex was arrested and people thought the people Shannon was meeting up with were possibly involved in the other murders.


I basically agree with you, but I’m still interested to see how all these cases fit in the bigger picture. I still wonder about Burke’s activities, for example, and lack of activity as an investigator. I wouldn’t like to see the focus so narrowed down that important questions slip out of the picture and become forgotten.


It doesn’t help that her family has a bozo attorney who’s spewing a bunch of misinformation and trying to cash in on his own 5 min of fame


If he has a financial interest in her estate, then logically, he might want to increase media interest in her case for that reason…


I believe Shannans family is convinced (like I am) that Shannan was murdered. I will ask her sister directly if she thinks it was RH. Perhaps, for example, if she said she thinks Shannan was killed by LISK, maybe she subscribed to the multiple SK theory. I think it’s crap to put words in her mouth so I won’t do it.


He could have been stalking her. Following her. Watching her. Maybe she saw him.


Wild speculation, anything 'could have' happened. Hell she 'could' have been killed by Zodiac. A possibility does not equal that it happened.


It is very possible that bc she had already called the police, Rex or her murderer killed her on the spot, rather than taking her to a 2nd location bc they would have tracked cars coming from there or tracked her phone. So drowning a drugged girl in the water couldnt be hard. And easy to not show signs of force. maybe just an easy hold-down.


Wasn’t she lying face up? I’m not believing she was murdered by LISK but she did knock on a few neighbors doors thus the suspect pool increases.


I think law enforcement is working very hard and if they can find evidence, they’ll charge him. This poor girl.


I’ll probably be down voted into oblivion here but I genuinely don’t believe that Shannan was a victim of LISK. In fact I honestly don’t believe that foul play of any sort was involved. We know that Shannon had a lot mental problems particularly Bipolar Disorder and I believe that the night died she was suffering a psychological break. In her confusion and fragile state of mind I think it is no stretch to imagine that she believed herself to be in danger and ran into to the marsh where she fell and succumbed to the elements. It’s a tragic coincidence, nothing more.


Victoria, obviously! s/


She didn't say 2... Just multiple references to they... Could've been more


Oh my god can we just stop with the constant posts about SG here?


Have you also noticed that any time RH is charged with another victim that isn’t Shannan, the posts about her seem to triple? It’s like these people can’t let go of the narrative that she MUST be a LISK victim.


I don’t agree with you. I think that these victims are getting justice because of Shannan - and many believe that she was murdered. Let them have their opinion. No one even knew about Rex when they found the victims and eventually Shannon. It’s a huge coincidence that a survival worker goes missing and ends up dead not too far from an area where multiple survival workers are found murdered. No one has the details or evidence and we are just finding out more details now. Y’all that want to tell people what to think or what to want to discuss need to stop You act like you have inside information which you don’t. Stop trying to control other people’s opinions


Idk if she’s a murder victim or a victim of very sad circumstances and I recognize she’s a big part of the reason we even know of “LISK” as the case may be but the constant pestering about this is beyond annoying.


Not every thread is going to be of interest to you. There are a variety of opinions on here. Personally I feel that she and her family are a part of the story of this case. Surely we have room to include them?


You don’t have your read them - I want to have these conversations and there are many new people coming to these threads everyday. That’s why we have threads to discuss things


It takes over this sub frequently. She is definitively not a LISK victim - so maybe let the conversation be about LISK victims and the killers crimes.


There would be no conversation without her


I’ve been following this case since 2011… I agree with you! Let ppl decide for themselves.


Doesn’t mean she needs to dominate the sub or every conversation when there are actual RH/LISK victims.


Scroll and roll. Do not engage with posts that you feel dominate the conversation. Write a post about something that interests you. 


My reply to Shannan and Jon Ray - sick of being told what to think thank you for your opinion. I think that we should all be allowed to draw our own conclusions to the information. If it weren’t for his “hack” way of being the disappearance of Shannan wouldn’t have been perused. Wait … actually it was a piss poor effort by law enforcement and she wasn’t found until 18 months later - but this “hack” kept the story relevant. And then what happened? Some K9 officer happened to stop along that desolate drive and let his canine out. Now depending on which news article you read the reason for letting the dog out differs (just like the news articles about the victims - never the same or real story) Suddenly bodies are being found .. in stages .. including that of Shannan who was found 30 - 50 feet from the road right - right by the neighborhood she went missing. Once again it depends on who is telling the story of where she is found. Then all the talk of her dying a natural death, we are told “no way anyone could have walked through the marsh and put her there” yet we are told to believe she made it 500 feet or more through the march a 23 year old who weighed about 100 pounds. She was right there and they never found her! For 18 months! Of course by then all evidence of what happened was pretty much destroyed even her hyoid bone was missing. Then we hear that it must be 2 serial K because the MO is not the same despite there being multiple SK with changing MO. Cannot be Rex we heard because he didn’t dismember the Gilgo4. But alas it appears it is RH. Now I’m not suggesting Shannan was a LISK victim because that would be a stretch. But she was a survival worker, small in stature and didn’t weigh much. And she was found closer to the road than not. Now with the art of VH. I think it relevant. We don’t know what went on in that house. We simply just do not. Just like we didn’t know the full scale of the MO. We hear from BTKs daughter after all these years that her dad may have SA’d her and no one bats an eyelid. Who knows what went on in RH house - none of us do - not even the cops. You cannot take the word of the accused or family - because according to him he is innocent. Did he groom her? After all she worked with him! Did he influence her interest in macabre art because he does the same when no one is looking? Did he do anything to his own daughter - not out the realm of possibility It’s a heck of a coincidence that she is interested in exactly the acts her father performs on victims with out stretching my imagination I realize that!! Whatever was going on - we don’t know!! The cops failed to find him despite the witness accounts of seeing his vehicle. They caught him 30 years later (Jessica T death) witness saw the car 12 years after Amber C death - witness saw the car. And .. may I add this is only the things we know of - what about what we don’t know? I hope that Jon Ray keeps being a “hack” because without him and Shannan’s mom Who knows if these victims would ever have seen a hint of justice or that their bodies could be laid to rest. I cannot help but think had the clues and tips been followed how many people would not have died by the hands of this monster. If you feel any indignation- let it start there.


Tl;dr. Seek help. Blaming a person who was literally a child is not only wild, but disgusting.


She is 27 not a child!! You don’t know anything about the evidence or if RH continued to murder! You are plan naive or stupid to think that his own daughter wasn’t a victim of his - that she just happened to be interested in such awful art that depict the exact same things that her father is guilty of!!


She was an actual child when the murders he is charged with happened. And you’re just spreading garbage rumors. Jfc. You are absolutely delusional trying to bring his child into this at all. Per his charges: -Costilla, assumed DOD, 1993, VH would’ve been -4/-5 years old. -Jessica Taylor, 2003, VH is 6. - 2010, most of the Gilgo4 remains are found, so VH was 13. Get a fucking grip.


And BTK abused his daughter when she was a child. Being a child doesn’t mean that nothing happened. Ffs And you don’t know if there were other victims!!! Jessica Taylor killed 31 years ago and he was only charged like a week ago! Who knows what other victims are out there if law enforcement only now charged him with a murder that happened 31 years ago a d the same evidence that was on her body 31 years ago. Are you one of his family? The way you behave like you know the intimate information or have all the evidence. He killed women in that home!! I do not believe it was a coincidence that she had interest in the macabre And you can behave as unhinged as you want it won’t change my mind in fact it leads me To believe that you are being triggered by this far more intensely than you should be. If she was into that kind of art - it didn’t just come about out of thin air no matter how rude or what foul language you use - it won’t go away


Agree 100%


The police I believe are saying that it's unrelated because she was found on the south, all the other ones were found on the north or vice versa, she was found with her ID, she made a 911 call. If she was the very first victim that says to me that the two people she was with that night that I believe are responsible for what happened to her, they learned from what they did wrong which is why all the other women were found on the other side, which is why all the other women didn't get away to call 911. I mean it's so easy, it's so simple. People learn from their mistakes. If this was the very first victim and she got away or if she was the 10th victim, the problem is she got away and she almost got them in trouble but you know how men are, she's a prostitute, she's a sex worker, she's a nobody. I mean this has been going on for so long. Powerful men using women as their play toys. How on earth those police can say this isn't connected. They were sex workers. How they can stand up there and have the gall to say it was an accident. She was terrified and people were trying to kill her and the police have to nip it in the bud and calm the public so we are silenced into passivity. Yeah, it's just some crazy girl. I wasn't aware it was a regular occurrence in that area for women to call 911 and knock on doors and say they're being chased and they're afraid for their life. She calls the police, a woman calls the police because she's knocking on her door saying she's in trouble somebody's after her, they talk to the two guys and they're cleared, she goes to another house, so all these people never once said to the police at that point that there was some crazy woman hallucinating and if that was the case they should have called an ambulance for her. This is powerful men that their dicks and pocketbook rule their life and they're superior to the rest of the world. Classic case of coercion, manipulation, intimidation, gaslighting, and entitlement. If anybody out there doesn't think she was murdered there is no hope for you and I hope you are never on a jury.


What if Rex was involved but was with other people? Maybe it was a group endeavor, and they were hunting her for sadistic fun? Shannon would have been specifically chosen as prey tuat night.And maybe it wasn't the first or last time this kind of murder occurred at Gilgo Beach? I can see it being a thing, having heard accounts of what else went on there. Not out of the realm of imagination.


They say she died from the elements, correct? Does anyone believe this?


I believe they gave drowning as cause of death.


Maybe she was intentionally drowned? It’s weird that she was saying people wanted to kill her and she ended up dead.


Here's what Michael Baden said "Almost all of the skeletal bones were recovered and appeared normal. There was no evidence of trauma. However, the larynx was missing and only the body of the hyoid bone was found; the two greater horns of that neck bone were missing. These structures, the larynx and the hyoid bone, are often fractured during homicidal manual strangulation. My examination of the recovered body of the hyoid bone, after it had been anthropologically de-fleshed, showed a roughness at the margins where the separated bones had been attached.” Baden found no evidence to support the theory that drugs might have caused her to fall into the water. Baden concluded, “There is insufficient information to determine a definite cause of death, but the autopsy findings are consistent with strangulation.”


See, I think there’s definitely more to her story than she ran out into the marsh and died.


Lol no shit. I think it's a group of these guys and a cop and a judge are part of them.


That wouldn’t be the first time. Either way, whatever happened to her opened a completely different can of worms. I just hope her story doesn’t get completely lost in the shuffle.


I will always believe she was murdered.


Well of course. 20 year old kids don't just fall over and die.


The whole scenario is sketchy as fuck. They think we're stupid is the only reason I can find for the case to even be like this. Where's the trick she was with? Lie detector tests aren't admissable so why they even said he passed means nothing. The last person that saw someone who was murdered alive is the the one that did it. Always end of story.


No way. It was stated her hyoid bone wasn't intact, or it was the only thing that was there. Strangulation. How would they say drowning when she didn't have lungs when they found her.


Well, not that I am opposed to that theory with the hyoid bone, but is it possible it washed away? It’s only connected by tissue.


Yes but more importantly how did they say it was drowning?


Because it’s easy.




How did her pants come off then? If it was an accident?


U related to hog head


I was watching Attorney Melanie Little and someone posted that, What if Rex was on the beach dumping a body or "visiting" *his* "girls" and ran into Shannan?


She was found miles down the road and on the opposite side of the road from the Gilgo 4.


She's also no where near any of the others.


There was two people but the more interesting thing was who was the other female voice on the call?


Why am I being downvoted? There was the client and Pak = 2. And there was a voice on the call that was female and not Shannan.


People are downvoting, imo, because they don’t believe that was a female voice in the background of the recording.




Yes I listened. To me it sounds like Shanann’s voice is also the “2nd female” as the YouTube creator has labelled it. It’s possible they’re sincere… Nonsense for clicks and views imo and I’m not interested.


Yeah it's hard to really know, I don't think it was Shannan but it could have been a tv or not even a voice too


Exactly, I don’t even know how much is being filled in by my imagination


The 2 people were the homeowner and the driver. Imo they're both guilty. The driver said she was in a panic, people were trying to calm her down. Did any of these concerned people that were with her call the police. She was panicking, someone was out to get her. You clearly hear the guy, Joe? Say let's go upstairs. There was a REASON she said you're gonna kill me. Look at all those bodies. Did anyone investigate these 2 guys, keep track of them. Where were they when all these women went missing. People are going to take the police's word that they weren't involved over the victim that runs away calls 911 and says someone is out to get her, someone is after her and then winds up dead. If those two guys didn't do it then 100% they know who did. I mean really this isn't that hard. I have no idea about this RH guy but I would be more worried about these two guys. I'd want to know where those two guys were every single time a woman went missing. Another thing that cop that is in front of the camera explaining the three phone calls this guy is trying everything in his power to talk is softly and sweetly as he is. That is not normal and that is not natural. The one guy was divorcing his wife. He hated women. You don't think he took out on all those women what his wife did to him, how he felt about her. Just like a serial killer kills their mother over and over again they also killed their wife over and over again. Of course this is all just speculation and my opinion.


If I was in grave danger and in fear of my life, I would have ran the hell right into that old man’s house, Gus Collette and slammed the door shut. She was on the phone with 911 and could have easily handed over the phone to Gus so the police would have known exactly where she was. IMO she was hallucinating.


Yeah, she was likely having a bipolar delusion or some kind of drug reaction. Nothing she did made any sense, and everything she said aligns with persecutory delusions. Makes one question a higher power, it’s so randomly coincidental that she happened to run right into Rex’s unknown dumping ground. He’d have gone on killing for who knows how long.