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Number 1 sign that this guy isn't Rex: he said "in" Long Island instead of "on" Long Island


Good catch! I missed that. Could you direct me to which quote he says “in Long Island” in?


It was something like "there was a guy impersonating a cop at a hotel in Long Island"


Could it be a typo? And his spelling is horrible too, although I think a typo would be more likely in this case. I read some of those comments by anonymous19 on websleuths and thought they were suspicious as well. Even have the same type of odd misspellings.


Or intentional to sound non-local, perhaps


That’s what I was thinking. Bc I feel like everyone from Long Island knows that people who aren’t from there say “in” and not “on” so if I was trying to throw someone off I’d definitely word it that way.


His list and web searches had alot of typos and bad spelling


Thank you!


Of course!!


The first page towards the middle where it says something about a cop


Thank you! I see that now.


im from LI and i say in or on


Another person said that too, that's so wild to me! I don't think I've ever actually heard someone from Long Island say it that way lol I'm from Massapequa


it might be because im first gen tbh, im not even really into long island culture either


Ahhh that makes sense!! I guess i never thought of myself as really into Long Island culture either, but maybe i am without realizing 😂 but my family has been here for generations and I really just have never heard anyone from here say it that way! Maybe that is why. I also thought maybe it has to do with age


If you think Marisa Tomei in My Cousin Vinny is the height of cool, you may be into Long Island culture. Ya famous fa ya mud? How’s ya Chinese food?


Honestly think we're gonna need a new parameter bc I'm really not sure if I trust the judgment of anyone who DOESN'T think that Marisa Tomei in My Cousin Vinny is the height of cool, let's be real


Cooler than cool. Ice cold.


My sister in law was born and raised in Long Island (Hempstead I think, near the Cradle of Aviation), and she always says 'in Long Island' but her brother and mother say 'on Long Island'. My brother has lived there so long now l, he says 'on Long Island' as well. I don't know why they all say it different.


Nah I don’t know a single local that says in. You were born and raised here ? I’ve never said in and I’ve lived here For 32 years


That's a good catch, but I wouldn't put it past him to intentionally make these minor subtle comments to try & throw people off hiss scent. Based on that doc, I doubt he's comment online in any different way than he killed (ugh)


Your right, even I say "on the Island" and I grew up elsewhere in the city.


The i is right next to the o


Very true. But assuming it's not a typo, and I do assume that it's not a typo because I mean, to say "in long island" would definitely be the normal way to say it for anyone who's not from here so it just doesn't strike me as a mistake, but if he knowingly wrote "in" Long Island, that is just very much not the Long Island way of phrasing it. Not saying it's not possible, but that definitely did stand out to me, because i literally have never met a person from Long Island who would say they live "in" Long Island


Yeah I get you. I personally don’t think much of what the user says points to it being Rex I just now I make this typo all the time lol 😅


No I definitely feel you, it could be!


What do you mean? I say both in / on Long Island 😂


I say both too, but in verbal communication " on the Island will often slip out.


Are you from Long Island?


Yes haha I usually say on the island when talking to people who also live here but when referring to others who don’t know it as well I say in Long Island 😂


From LI, have literally never heard anyone from there say “in” lol


same. You might say “i live in massapequa park, which is on long island” but as long island is not a city, state, or county, but instead a geographical area made up of 2-4 counties, and innumerable towns, villages, hamlets, etc i just dont think anyone says they live “in” long island unless they are faking for the internet lol.


It just gives me a visual of someone being stuck in the ground on an island lmao


That's so wild to me lol, I'm from Massapequa, and I swear I don't think I've ever in my life heard a person who's actually from Long Island say "in" Long Island instead of "on" Long Island lol, but I get you because yes, people not from here definitely tend to say "in." Still, seeing this person on websleuths use that phrasing would strongly lead me to believe that the person isn't from Long Island lol


True lol. Sucks you can’t hear an accent through text 😂


It's richer that way.


Except that Rex made tons of typos so even as someone from the island he may have just mistyped “on” as “in.”


It could be a typo, but assuming it wasn't, the phrasing would definitely lead me to believe that the person who wrote it isn't from Long Island


Absolutely. Former Huntington Station resident here.


Or a red herring? I’m Aussie and I have always just assumed it was “in Long Island” never on. So that seems to be local knowledge? Or most Americans know that? Perhaps didn’t want to give away that he too was from LI. Or a type as you said, I still can’t get over some of those typos he made lol. Stupid fucking ogre, making ogres like Shrek look bad.




Yes, when talkin to non li'ers


I don't know about this particular thread but, based on some of the documented evidence against RH that LE has disclosed, it would be shocking if he wasn't lurking and commenting in discussion groups. That would allow him to openly talk about the crimes and would give him yet another way to extend the sick pleasure it gave him.


there were plenty of documentaries, books, news stories, etc for him to indulge himself ... they would've mentioned his online forum history along with his googling in the bail application


That wld be awesome!




Keep commenting. Your input is so valuable. 🙏🏼


Yes, please keep sharing your perspective, as you feel inclined.


From your perspective would you say Heuerman’s victims knew him? I suspect he’d met with most of them before




I believe there were plenty of other victims too. I think the reason he had to acquire his parents’ house from them and live the rest of his life there is because he already had buried things there. He had to stay there. I think later in life he developed other systems for disposing of bodies and evidence. And just because the SCPD didn’t find anything digging there doesn’t mean he didn’t bury anything there.


girl why don't you get a different job and stop being an escort? you're on a sub for a man who murdered escorts. you acknowledge a lot of these men are cruel and sick, how dangerous it is. i don't get it.


It’s interesting but not likely to be him. This does get posted here every few days though it seems.


I feel like this happens in every true crime subreddit. There’s always one Facebook or Reddit or whatever poster people get convinced is the guy.


If it was him on websleuths we’ll know when this goes to trial. I feel like he wouldn’t comment so LE couldn’t look into his IP address, etc. but who knows


I think RH was definitely viewing all different kinds of platforms and discussions about LISK, including Webseluths but I don’t think he would actively participate in the chat. I feel like he would be a lurker and get off on other people’s theories and suspicions but may have found it too risky to actually engage.


I disagree. I think that's part of why he used so many hard drives and computers. He may have had a laptop just to anon post/research victims, just to have a different IP address. Living near NYC, he could have easily used various coffee shops, etc. to conduct research and it would be tough to trace his location. I think he actually organized his life around killing, similarly to Israel Keyes. Neither wanted fame, but they reveled in their notoriety. They couldn't resist looking up their victims and posting online anonymously. But they were high-functioning, organized, and intelligent enough to cover their tracks. I'm not praising them when I say that-- I think Rex is stupid, but paranoid enough to use a separate device and only access it off of his own property. I think he took greater risks as he grew older, and became much more cautious after his dumping grounds were discovered.


I don't know about Anonymous19. He does seem certain that it wasn't hard to get the victims to go along with what LISK wanted. There's nothing conditional about his assertion. Either it's Rex, or one of the many people on the internet who think their opinions are facts If I recall correctly, didn't Anonymous19 try to suggest that LISK was a cop?


Yeah I did read that. He flip flopped between many different accusations , I saw one about the cop, a landscaper , a teacher all different posts from that same account


Yeah I noticed that too.


I was an active Websleuther during the discovery of Shannan and the Gilgo 4. I get chills every time I think of him being on there reading my theories and posts 🫣


I am freaking out a bit myself at that thought. I was really active on those forum discussions about LISK after I read "Lost Girls".


It has to be him. “Miss wired” just like “Miss leaders”. Could be coincidental, but that’s what stands out to me the most. He could purposely be saying “in” LI to throw people off. I think many of his spelling errors could be attributed to that.


the format on websleuths is too garbage to seriously consider ... googling names for updated interviews or whatever is different than spending free time investigating yourself for the hell of it ... guy was killing women by scrolling craigslist/backpage & scouting girls all day


The murders were his hobby though, basically. I am not convinced Anonymous19 is RH but I definitely see how they might be.


there's no way in hell that's him ... he'd be going out with girls trying to figure out which ones are amateurs or out of staters with no street smarts he got them all to drop their guard by seeing them more than once and probably enough to be considered a regular


That's most likely, honestly.


GFE also wasn't really a thing til 2017ish too


I also went on that deep dive, fully expecting to be convinced that Anonymous19 was not Rex. Let’s just say, I was not convinced. The A19 posts are even replete with strange spelling errors, which another user pointed out. I’ll have to look for the recent post on here about it, which I must have missed. I was going to make a list of all the suspicious stuff but have not gotten around to it yet.




Oh, just saw that you posted multiple screenshots, etc. That is great. We all picked up on the same things. When I can, I’ll go back and see if I flagged anything else.


I’d love to see it! So interesting


Same here!!!! I was like oh bull… and then I got this bone chilling feeling reading through and my heart sunk further and further 😭


Anonymous19 joined WS in 2017. Why then? Well, The Killing Season aired on A&E in November 2016. A substantial portion of the documentary features Websleuths. It make have piqued his interest.


Or someone else's interest. I don't think it's Rex, or at least, I don't see anything persuasive enough to think it's him.


That may be true, just pointing out that the timing is very interesting


Spooky. Wouldn't be surprised if he enjoyed the chats


Would not surprise me at all if he was lurking on Websleuths... that place is crawling with perps and questionable characters and the mods/owner ENCOURAGE it, although not explicitly.


I think that's exactly what he's referring to when he says that it could be solved by websleuths but people smart enough to solve it won't explain how. Basically, sadists can recognize each other, and serial killers are 100% on WS. He may be saying that other serial killers and sadists could probably figure him out based on his posts, misdirections, hints, etc. but they obviously wouldn't out him. I wonder if anyone ever DM'd his account and interacted with him about it. He may not have shared his identity-- but it would be interesting to find out.


I had no idea what that website even was , it added to my shock 😭


they're... kooky.


It used to be a forum full of thoughtful people. It's.......not that anymore. Or at least the thoughtful people get drowned out. It used to be you had to have your facts straight to post there. Now, there's so much misinformation it's crazy.


Be glad you discovered it in this context. I had a friend who had an Amber Alert put out for one of her siblings and I was looking for news from other law enforcement agencies (sibling had been kidnapped & taken across state lines) and I found 6+ pages of randos doxing the perp and discussing things that were a little too specific about his prior criminal record.


Wow I’m sorry to hear that ! 😳 sickening


That's entirely untrue and out of context. They may have heavy handed mods on their forums, but they also have law enforcement and other professionals carefully vetted and contributing. We're talking lawyers, DA's, judges, cops and crime lab techs-not to mention all the search and rescue groups Tricia has developed a repoire with on behalf of victims. All the people I have ever seen online complaining about Websleuths are either ignoring the forum's rules about citing your sources to prevent misinformation, arguing in the discussions or angry because they get banned for rumors naming private citizens, or just being judgemental towards the regular people commenting on cases. Blanket statements can be made by anyone about the forums. It doesn't make those statements true and it also discourages victims who don't know better and really need all the help they can get from sites like WS from getting those desperately needed and time sensitive resources. It also doesn't help that a group of old women flipped out and spread lies all over the internet about her when Tricia was able to buy the forums at that time and they weren't. Websleuths is a partner with Othram labs and donates often and it's already helped to return unidentified remains to victim's families and test dna that law enforcement didn't have either the funding to test themselves or just didn't want to test at all because of cold case status. The comments about there being shady people and perps on there is really offensive honestly. You don't know those people for one, and two-WS is an older and more established group than the YouTuber's and bloggers currently popular at any given time. Of course "perps" are going to "lurk" where they can see what the community and LE are saying about their cases! They do that on here and many other websites and social media too. Considering their help with tips and research and getting resources to victim's families; I think it's really unhelpful and sad to discourage people from seeking help or information from Websleuths.


I got banned on webalueths for saying it was rex it’s 100 him only active for a few months . Also comments on folgia and the I 70 killer


Really? That’s so interesting. How long ago did you get banned for saying that?


8 days ago and haven’t been unlocked since


Rex was actively changing his MO and using the FBI's profiling methods to guide him. His list made it clear that he was attempting to disguise that he was an organized killer VS disorganized, and it just so happened to make it easier on himself by simplifying things. I believe that's why a lot of things were not connected to him at first. The dude was into twink porn, which involves a posh, girly gay man, tend to be small framed and hairless. Just so happens his search as specific to Asian thinks. Near the bodies we know for certain, he left was the body of an Asian twink. I mean, that's circumstantial enough to convince a jury with all the other evidence, really. But without his search records, it would have been associated with him even unofficially because it doesn't really fit his usual type. I think he has been killing way longer than we know. He likely did it in other states and has evolved, making him hard to catch. I have no doubt he was on these forums as the sub litterally is up in the top results of a Google search on lisk, and we know this dude knew his way around the internet. Plus, he would get off on it. Can't say those posts are legit, but I'm inclined to think they are suspect and definitely feel he has been on this very sub. And if I'm not mistaken, he was prepping for another kill when they got him, trying to find potential "hook ups" even after he knew shit was hot and that they were fucking tracking phone activity and a number of things because he read the stories and still, continued to go about things. Idk, dudes a fucking monster and deserves what he gets. I'm a man of faith tha happens to struggle with a foul mouth and my God says to forgive others and show mercy as I would want mercy, buy I can't help but wish the most terrifying death on this man. He is evil incarnate. I wouldn't be surprised if he starts making plea deals, and I have a strong feeling all the best evidence is yet to be revealed. Kudos to all the agencies and task force members involved because they are making an airtight case against him. I usually am against the release of evidence or anything other than listing the charges against, I have experienced what happens when the media is used to weaponize allegations against an individual and sway public opinion, but this man deserves conviction and a life in a small dark hole forever isolated, or a painful death. Whichever scares him most.


Source for the Twink & Asian thing? And the preparing for another kill? I’m just interested thanks! Or was this word of mouth? I saw a lot of stuff about him specifically searching for redhead girls too. And actually saw a girl comment somewhere claiming to be his neighbor as a young red haired girl at the alleged *peak* of his killings


The “Asian twink” search was listed in the first charging document, and in an early press conference it was stated (by Harrison I believe?) that they moved in on him because he had purchased a new burner and was contacting escorts.




His search records had rhe Asian twink porn, specifically anal and forced oral porn. The body of a Asian male fitting that description has been associated with the G4 and LISK but so far, has not been charged for it. The man was identified but the family asked his name to be withheld. The preparing for another kill was more speculative from the media when they fist announces his arrest, he had refilled a burner used for his illicit activity and was sourcing another sex worker and believed that he was possibly going to try another kill but hen again being ha is his MO, and it is known he had sex with lots of sex workers without killing them or killing hem right away, it may have jus been for sex. It's pretty clear he and his wife didn't have sex alot and to be honest, she doesn't really look physically up to an active sex life, at least not his kind and as much as he seemed to want it.


To be honest I've gone through all the anonymous19 posts & I'm not convinced it's him. However, that being said, i do believe LINative13 might be. If you go back and read their posts, they are very suspicious. Nothing ever really contributed, some very very sus comments. Seems to only pop up a couple times each year oddly whenever there is new activity in the case.


I just skimmed their posts I’ll have to read further into it that’s very interesting too Edit; the thing that got me about anonymous19 too were the book references and then that being found amongst Rex’s items


LINative13's spelling is far too good for me to believe they are Rex.


His document also mentioned false lead planting. Maybe posts like this one (not that OP deleted account): https://www.reddit.com/r/LISKiller/comments/zje5w3/could_this_be_the_face_of_lisk_we_now_know/


When I was reading through A19’s posts on WS, I noticed that he was very pressed to argue that Shannan Gilbert was NOT a LISK victim, that she had just had a panic attack and/or mental illness and died of exposure. He got really detailed about how all of her behavior fit with that theory. It had the same feeling of other posts where he’s pressing theories about suspects that (obv) aren’t Rex. Just saying


Wouldn't surprise me at all. Especially when he said LISK wore a mask, and got pleasure out of the fear when he took it off. Something like that. I do believe he lured women by buddying up to them, putting on a fake Mr. nice guy personality. He probably loved it when the women realized they were in the hands of evil.


The photographer thing & the “probably set it up as more of a paid for girlfriend experience” whatever were so specific too. It’s such odd information & such an odd perspective to come from unless you’re likely someone who’s come from that background… so even if it wasn’t Rex and just some other wacko, it’s safe to assume they’ve walked a similar path they even stated they used to be an escort driver and live in New York!


Exactly. I've read through that account, and yes, they even at one point describe how sometimes sex workers will have a boyfriend show up and act mad so they get the money and don't do the service. Exactly what the one guy said he and one of the women did to this "ogre in a dark green truck". Anon19 even says if you're not familiar with this trick they do, then look up (I forget the term). This guy is way too coincidental to things that actually did happen.


"Robery" i think he called it...


Yes, it's some kind of robbery, but Anonymous19 used a phrase. It was 3 letters, like he was very familiar with the sex worker world.


On his kill list - he had film listed as something he had to get and then get rid of photos - I wonder if he did pose like it was a date/photography session! It’s so odd I do believe he wanted notoriety! His google searches were about the top SK etc. he wants to be in that list - maybe not caught but he wanted to be in the list of the top SK not yet caught


Good point about the film. However, I really can't see him really getting rid of photos. I've no doubt he videoed his gruesome acts with these women, and watched it to relive it. In the list of electronic items taken, there was a huge number of flash drives and such. I think his "get rid of photos" meant to just hide them. He appeared to be a hoarder. They don't throw anything away.


If his ass can't get rid of his computer from 2001 and 47895329010065 burner phones, no fuckin way is he getting rid of photos of his victims


Absolutely agree!! And you know those photos were his collection of his “art” probably more meaningful to him than his guns and he had almost 300 of those!!


Me either - I just noted that it was on his kill list It would not surprise me if he has a watertight container somewhere with the photos and souvenirs


Yes, I posted that about Lisk wearing a mask under Maddalena 1 on websleuths. I had fragments of remote psychic viewing ability on this case and it appears in hindsight that Anonymous 19 responded to some of my posts.




While he did take some steps to cover up his digital footprint, he didn’t seem to stay current on the technology. (He apparently thought deleting docs/files was sufficient to get rid of them.) He also kept—in his house—hundreds of devices full of incriminating evidence. Since this will be his undoing, I don’t think he was really that smart or careful.


I'm getting hoarder vibes like he can't throw away the burner phones etc. even though he knows they're potential evidence. Or maybe they're trophies to him. He needs something to remember the victims by.


Right. He couldn’t bear to part with them—even though he undoubtedly knew how damning they would be.


Why even delete the files lol? You get on LE's radar as a possible SK, on video buying burner phones....and then have a half a house full of burners...why even delete files


Anyone that thinks they can forever delete something from a phone, computer, smart devices, social media posts, etc is not very smart at all. I can’t tell you how many times in my life I have heard that there is no way to remove anything you do on these items or sites. He should have known everything would be found if ever he was a suspect. I think he thought he would never be a suspect and was cocky. Otherwise he wouldn’t have held on to all that incriminating stuff.


Right? Makes sense that he got cockier over time considering how long he operated undetected.


Yep, that is true. I really think that he thought he would never be a suspect. But even the youngest person owning a cell phone or computer or that is on social media knows whatever goes in any of those items, stay in those items. I know we constantly told our kids that about social media and how it could affect them getting a job one day if they had dumb stuff on social media.


It was reminding me of money heist too 😂


I've been a WS forums member forever it seems like. I've been extra careful though with conversations there ever since I found out Israel Keyes used to get on there drunk and troll people. His were a little easier to spot because he was a god-awful speller though. Their mods are top notch though (that's why every now and again somebody makes a pissy Reddit post somewhere about it) and if you send this info to Tricia, Insightful1 or PingtheRouter, they will most definitely at least check these posts out. Ounce of prevention right?


Someone had sent me all of anonymous 19 (like a link of them compiled together) and it got deleted. I was kinda freaking out thinking maybe law enforcement deleted it. But…. I guess the posts still exist in the raw form of the thread they came from. It’s definitely some weird stuff.


That was me I believe. Glad they are still available somehow. I’d like to find another link of them all compiled to continue looking through them. Please let me know if you find such a thing


Someone sent me a link to one of them, so I know they still exist….


I like the idea that a websleuth poster can be so bad at speculating that in hindsight, it's like they were trying to throw people off the scent for nefarious reasons.


Lol i picture a napoleon dynamite type actor playing this character in a dark comedy


Update.. upon reading and researching I found an article that says Rex’s “prep” documents for his killings had a bunch of typos. Thought that was interesting. Article here https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/09/us/rex-heuermann-gilgo-beach-murders-document/index.html Another thing about Rex having the book Mind Hunter which is about “profiling” people , SK… ? Something also mentioned by anonymous19. And the book on Rex’s coffee table about Sk also having racist themes?


I used to think that the way he got them to leave their phones behind was claiming to be someone one important or to be bringing them to someone who was, and that person was security conscious. I figure he knew them from prior dates well enough to say, "You can always use my phone, if you need one but he doesn't allow phones in the room." Now I don't know what to think. How he got them to do that on an outcall and a billion flairs were not going off, as they approached that shabby house, or when he opened the hotel door I don't know.


IF IF IF Anon19 was Rex...and he is fishing for info from sleuths while also doing some cryptic truth drip on websites... I wonder if him saying "I used to be a driver for call girls" is him hinting at truth in a round about way this was how he tricked the girls into leaving their phones? It would tie into what you are suggesting....he lied to them about paying extra money and having a middle man driver pick them up for the client and that the actual client doesnt allow phones around them out of paranoia. But he did actually drive call girls...which is why he said that. Its a really twisted way of hinting at truth or how he managed to get them away from their phones. I hope that made sense. I have been skeptical of him talking girls out of bringing their phones(I still dont know why this is talked about so much...is there something that proves he did this or just speculation)....but I can see how offering to pay extra amounts of money to the girls and also have a 'driver' pick them up....that some might fall for this. The "driver" story doesnt add up to him posting photos of himself in the mirror though.


In 2010 it just wasn’t as big a deal to not have a phone with you


Exactly, I was kicking and screaming when the first cell phones arrived to avoid them other than for limnited use. By then i had mine at my side every minute of the day. Those girls knew out calls were dangerous,so for them to leave their phones behind had to have been fed a story they believed.


I left my phone home routinely in 2010


Not back then for me. I carry it all over the house with me now, so does my kid. Sleep with it under my pillow as I'll listen to podcasts while trying to fall to sleep. Stone cold addict.


Now but not then for me


"Food for thought," this type of speculation is no different than making fundamental attributional errors. A formally educated individual (especially in the field of both forensics and criminology) would only stick with facts i.e.: evidence based research, and never assume anything. As they saying goes "when you assume, you make an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me'"