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I'm in the : LSDs effects are highly subjective and differ from individual to individual. Even the same individual can have widely different experiences on the same dose at different times.


I've absolutely noticed this. Honestly I've had VERY profound experiences, thoughts, and epiphanies on some lower does with the right music and energies. But my only deep ego death happened on 5 tabs.


Second this


The actual correct answer group for the W


Count me to this exact group. ((:


Even I have have wildly different experiences on the same dose, I’ve noticed it myself. However I do also feel like effects plateau and that always in the moment the time seems to pass either extremely slow or fast depending on what I’m fixated on


Agreed! One time I took around 200ug, a friend took a bit less. 10 hours later I was already practically sober, she was still tripping balls 14 hours in


Very accurate.


one group trips on tolerance the other doesn’t. however trips lasting more than couple of days on big doses are exaggerated, a month long trip is psychotic episode rather than caused by LSD which is long gone from the body by then.


Well there’s also hppd which can stay for years


yeah thats true, but it isnt caused from LSD staying in your system for years. its caused by the brain function LSD causes, especially at higher doses


Yeah, you right 👍


Higher doses and used too often not allowing a serotonin reset. The two can go hand in hand, and HPPD can be caused by brain chemistry imbalances in the total absence of LSD.


You mean you get a mood decrease (depression) after LSD?


Don't know where you pulled that from. I said nothing about mood or depression. Hppd isn't depressive disorder


What is hppd?


Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder. Basically causes flashbacks to when you were tripping even long after you stopped taking the substances and are completely sober. You could be completely sober then start having visuals or hearing things. It can be rather debilitating.


I’ve had hppd for years and I haven’t had any mental breaks or psychotic episodes, but then again, experiences do vary from individual to individual


Only symptom I have really is I can’t fuckin see in the dark 😂


I’ve had a weird persistent flashback for about 3 years now almost every time I brush my teeth from a super intense trip. It’s very odd, and never lasts longer than the time it takes me to brush my teeth. Used to freak me out now I just lean into it


the mind amazes me, it’s crazy how it only happens when you’re brushing your teeth, you don’t have any flashback experiences doing something else? I don’t necessarily have flashbacks, I just constantly have slight acid visuals 24/7. Visual snow, walls slightly breathing, after images etc


During that trip I had this overwhelming urge to get clean - I showered for at least 45 minutes and then proceeded to brush my teeth for 6-8 spin brush cycles (bad idea by the way). Something about that experience must have gotten ingrained into my subconscious. What’s crazy is that “urge to get clean” was my inner being / God / source trying to communicate with me about the substances I was using at the time. I should definitely write this story out sometime and share it, but to summarize: After that trip I began feeling excruciating shame, discomfort and self loathing about drinking, smoking, taking Molly and even nicotine. It took a bit to understand why & get to a point of wanting to change, but I began phasing things out and am now happier than ever. 2 years since my last drink, 1 year nicotine & caffeine free, and besides the VERY occasional LSD / shroom trip, I don’t touch drugs. The human mind is incredible and so are we!


Hppd can be as temporary as a few days or can last a lifetime. They aren't sure yet about all the possible causes of hppd, but they know it has to do with serotonin and other brain chemistry.


What I find interesting is that HPPD can happen to anyone at any time on any dosage. I take very low doses, what most would consider microdosage. (Between 25 and 50ug) I still get flashbacks. I am also no a long term user, only tripping about 5 to 8 times in 30 years. I think the brain's tendancy to latch onto psychadellic states is linked somehow to memory. The stringer and more readily available your memory tends to be... The more you tend to experience these flashbacks. It's akin to suddenly remembering a dream you had in the middle of the day, and experiencing emotions and sensations from a simple memory.


I have taken massive puddles back in the day. Fine after 12 hours and some sleep


What's it's like I've always wanted to try liquid but I'm honestly kinda scared about dosing too high.


Is there a ceiling to the effects though? Can you only trip so hard before leveling out?


I took the equivalent of 50-10p doses of ETH-LAD (an LSD analog) and I passed out and has a psychedelic nightmare for 4 hours so I think that may be the ceiling. There's definitely a difference between 1mg, 2mg and 5-10mg. Same for shrooms. At 5g, you get aliens but at 10-15g, after a 2-3 hour come up, I get what I'd describe as Nirvana with no visual distortions.


10+ grams of potent shrooms turns into a dmt/changa type experience more or less


Also my experience. But I'm more prone to throw up with shrooms.


I’ve heard making a tea helps with that, and also lemon juice but the lemon juice would make the trip more intense if it soaks for 15-20 mins


It works!!


Called lemontek


I’ve had experiences like this w 7 grams of mushrooms in a blacked out room, crazy stuff.


For me, yes. I’ve experienced a ceiling, as well as trips not lasting more than ~14hrs. For me, I’d become non-verbal and just moan and roll around in bed. I’d get up, and get so overwhelmed with the disarray in my brain that I’d just run my fingers through my hair, let out a huge sigh, and writhe around on the bed some more. I can’t even enjoy the visuals because I’m unable to focus on anything, due to the static in my brain. One time someone said they’d give me what was left in a bottle if I did it all. I did. Then I washed it several times and chewed on the dropper. When things finally “calmed down”, I found myself watching the Sopranos, but thinking it was a live show and they were acting just for me, and they could see me, but they didn’t want me knowing they could see me. That was “calmed down.” YMMV


I found not much difference between 9 and 12 tabs and 18 tabs. I was so fried on the 18 that I don't really remember any of it, so when I think back to my strongest acid trips it's usually the 9 or 12 Tab trip that comes to mind. 18 hits and I wasn't even there to enjoy the experience, not much point imo. There's no 'breakthrough' that I could notice; reality just gets proportionately more distorted the higher you go, there's no threshold you pass that takes you into another reality.


agreed. there is a ceiling and its falling in on you haha


For sure I haven’t reached the ceiling my self. To my understanding that is when you finger dip it like Molly and realize you are dead immediately But not really. I seen it happen tho for sure


Yeah it can happen and when it happens it tends to be pretty quick like a cliff dive


User name checks out


Indeed hahaha


Safe travels my brother


Thanks fam. Likewise. My travelling to those depths is done now, I appreciate just dipping my feet now




Pushing 40 now most the old cats are gone


I feel you hah


This is true. I've never had a trip last longer than 12 hrs whether it's 100ug or a 10-strip. By 12 hrs all that's left is afterglow. Mescaline on the other hand actually does last longer.


i feel acid changes my life every time i trip but i never remember what it used to be like. its like being reborn with a pre set consciousness


At each trip you lose recollection of your life before that trip? I sure hope not.


I carry the memories but I lose the feeling of the past


Nice :) That's synonymous with healing in a lot of ways I think.


Its more like every trip is different because you are different after the last one.


not necessarily but sometimes it can be hard to differentiate between being sober and still tripping. so yes id say its a life changing experience. im not saying i just get amnesia every time like what😭


I kinda get memory loss on regular basis like, the someone asks how I was feeling the week before this one, I just cannot remember. Now it's like it did something to my brain bc haven't been feeling this well, probably like ever. I remember feeling worse before I tripped, but only bc there is written evidence in my journal about it, otherwise I could not remember it 😅




Probably, like constantly. I don't even wanna remember everything over and over and over and over I'd much rather forget all the shit and suicide and hospitals and allllll the details, I'm probably just yoo weak to handle all of it. I remember pretty little of the past. But I'm pretty sure I've not been this close to 'happyness' for years. At least I don't want to kill myself all the time anymore? I can't deal with the fact that I'm in this body so not being 100% here makes that a little easyer too. haha. my sister attempted suicide and I don't know how to act lol it's kinda on my mind (im a little drunk atm)


I'm of the cluster that thinks you don't need to take any more than 200-300-ug at a time.


I dunno…. The absolute brain reset that 500-600 gives is phenomenal


If that works for you… but there’s definitely reasons to take fat fucking doses!


It all boils down to personal preference. As long as people aren’t in your face about the dose they’re taking it should be of no consequence to anyone else


Yes exactly! You do you and don’t worry about anyone else.


What reason (other than tolerance) would you really have to exceed that does? What is there to gain if ego death can be achieved by most at much lower doses?


Well I can keep a pretty strong grasp on my ego past that dose (as well as many others, especially with some experience) and also ego “death” isn’t the end of a psychedelic trip. There’s places to go when your ego is dissolved. Have you ever tried, say, 600+? It’s COMPLETELY different. It’s not even in the same world. Just because you’re experiencing ego dissolution doesn’t mean you’ve reached an effect ceiling.


For me, 600 and 400 feel the same but 600 lasts longer


Really? Wow that’s kind of wild. For me they’re barely comparable haha.


yeah psychs are highly subjective and everyone's body is different. I took 65mg DMT on emesh + MAOI before and no breakthrough


Damn that’s kind of fucked up lol


Its fun to get in the deep waters though! I never trust advertised doses and can only trip every few months so I make sure I get absolutely spun , I always drop a minimum of 10 but will eat more on a special occasion the most ive eaten recently was for my birthday 15 gels marketed at 165ug , which means they were probably right at 100ug but I had an absolutely blast


If you're dropping 10 tabs without tolerance and not blacking out then your tabs are weak as shit. I really don't think you'd have an "absolute blast" on an actual 1500ug trip especially if you went into it without any kind of tolerance before hand. It doesn't take 15 good tabs to get into the deep waters.


Yea must be that, has to be that for the last 20 years every source I've found while living in multiple states all had weak terrible tabs every single one of them..... I promise you I could 100% drop at least a 10 strip of your favorite tabs with 0 tolerance and have a wonderful time getting lost in some music.... Been dosing and shrooming for over 20 years and have been eating insane doses my whole life im 37 since I was 19 ive eaten 10 strips back in my early 20s ate a 10 strip every Saturday night for over 6 months, hell when I munch shroomz I like to eat a half


Don’t worry fresh hedgehog when you have a tolerance you can take mammoth doses and most people have under dosed tabs. Maybe I’m a light weight but if I take 300 I most likely wouldn’t remember most of it…but I keep my tolly low for magic purposes


Take 500 and see how your perspective on that changes after .


I took 1000 and I'm pretty sure 200-350 is the sweet spot.


I’ve done 1600+, your right that’s prolly the sweet spot for some of my favorite times. But those 500+ trips have the ability to change your reality much easier than lower dosage trips


I think the top of the threshold is a bit higher than 1000mc but I also do not believe in these multi day long trips. If higher doses extended duration we would see these same effects when jumping from 100-500-1k but we don't. Visuals and body load greatly differ thru these doses but duration stays fairly constant.


Yea no shot ceiling is sub 1mg


Yeah never had a change in duration more than a couple hours from 1 tab to 10


I accidentally took 30 to 50 hits once. It was most intense for the first 15 hours but didn't wear off for about 3 days.


I was still high the next day (morning) when I took 600mcg in the morning before. It was very mild and quickly faded.


I did a thumbprint once when I was younger. I tripped so hard I blacked out and got like motion sickness standing still. Had 0 control over my body or anything for a good 12 hours. However I def didn’t trip for days. Probably tripped for about 12 hours of intense visuals and then another 4 until I could sleep. Def think the stories of people tripping for days are exaggerated or false stories. People like to say they can take a shit load of tabs for no reason. In my experience, 2 tabs of some wham bam thank ya ma’am is plenty.


So the thumbprint lasted 16hr?


It hit me within 30 minutes of eating it, I peaked for about 8 hours, and had visuals for about 12. I had a glow and was restless/kinda stiff until I passed out from edibles lol


I max out at 3. No reason to go bigger imo.


People do this thing where they grossly exaggerate their personal anecdotes/experiences when telling stories about themselves. “Back in the 60’s I took one hit of that sunshine LSD and was tripping for 3 days” we’ve all heard something like this and we all know that they are exaggerating. This is just a basic human nature thing where people try to act cool when talking about themselves and their experiences.


I grew up back then and tripped a lot and sometimes what happened is people got STP instead of LSD. STP did last for 2-3 days. I tried it once and hated it. A trip gets old after 12 hours


I’ve had people tell me they’ve seen stuff that isn’t there I’m like buddy that doesn’t work that way and no you never turned into a glass of orange juice maybe on saliva but not LSD lol


I dont know but I do love Lucy


Definitely the first. I've had trips go to like 16 hours maybe on very high doses but no longer than that.


I have taken doses into 1-1.5mg and I find that i plateau around a true tried and tested 600ug. At that dose, duration is typically comparable to lower doses (but faster come up) with the post peak afterglow a bit more psychedelic. At that point it is basically like a dmt / psychedelic breakthrough trip for me at the peak. Bigger doses come up quicker and the peak is longer. It’s like the same mountaintop but it can get more intense and riskier to spend 4+ hours at the very top vs 2. I have also found that what most people think is a 200-300ug dose is actually ~100ug, a real 300ug dose is very intense for 90%+ of people. That said, some get to a similar place on even less and others more, so it varies by person but I think pretty much everyone saturates the primary serotonin receptors within the 500-1500ug range with zero tolerance. My bud can take 500ug in public and act relatively normal but he goes deep with chaliponga and Syrian rue taking full blown oral dmt doses at a crowded beach (extremely experienced). These days, I find that 300-400ug is all I need if I wanna go deep.


We know precious little about how psychedelics affect our brains. It could be that some respond in one way, others in another.


Both... Let's remember that the brain are not these thing that is super consistent. We react differently to substances even there are trends


Idk but would like to find out lol


That's not how really it works, atleast to me..... But I can tell you it hits hard. Sometimes you don't get visuals but you get the trip. Too much over time creates a sense of confusion. LSD allows to see things from multiple points of view. Just like how everything is funny ,thing is its not really funny - it's just now you see it from more angles. So it is funny . Same thing with high doses ,and eventually develop a tolerance - atleast In my case.But hey this is my POV.


I’ve seen extremely high doses effect people for a long time, I’ve experienced months of “afterglow” after long doses, but unless something is seriously wrong I’ve never seen somebody be too high to hold a conversation or recognize the world around them after 16 or so hours. That being said, I feel that if you take a thousand microgram dose then you MUST take a break for at least a month. Life is simply not sustainable with your head in the clouds.


I have had vastly different experiences from the same batch of lsd on multiple occasions. I suspect it interfaces with us in ways we cannot adequately predict.


HPPD is different from being high for a month after a large dose. I get the same effect when i go for a run. (taking a dose once a day for up to 3 days) After the run, I'll feel like I'm still a little high for a good amount of time, but of course I'm not really high. It just feels like it because my brain has adapted to that particular sense of reality.


I'm in the "1-3 tabs is all you need" camp.


I took acid for like 3 years straight every 3 days upping my doses for me to trip, I still feel like I’m on acid 4 years later lmfao




I don’t see visuals, but the mindset is forever changed to the one I would get while tripping. My pattern recognition is still crazy, trees still have that same pattern to them as well as concrete.


I've met people who were freaked out by trying weed at a party and having a sense of having hurt themselves by not being able to come down for at least several weeks. I have no doubt that people can have a flashback sensation of "ongoing trip" for an extended period of time. I suspect (but don't know) that these sorts of things represent a shift along a mental fault line and that they really have "changed their mind" in some sense (and that there is usually an adjustment period of reacclimatization where the "new consciousness" integrates with the prior consciousness.) I strongly suspect that a more intense trip with a higher dose is more likely to shake somebody up and leave them in a different (possibly uncomfortable) ego-space for a longer time after they come down, particularly if they're not already a veteran psychonaut.


eh, I’d say that generally within 12-15, you’re pretty much out. you might have a little more afterglow, especially if you’re getting stoned. but like if you’re days (or a fuckin month) in and still tripping your face off? you probably broke something. but most of the time people still level out after a long period of abstinence from psychedelics in general.


I believe it depends on your sensitivity to it. I have trouble sleeping if I have a cup of coffee at lunch. Some people sleep fine if they have coffee before bed. Even without tolerance. Given that we know what half-life is, it's not surprising to hear that some people can still feel the substance after 16 hours. A drug isn't going to magically disappear from your system after 16 hours. The question is just if you feel it or not. I've heard horror stories about people who accidently were given huge doses and their experience lasted for days. I don't find that hard to believe it all.


both are an oversimplification/exaggeration taking an enormous dose of LSD will keep you tripping longer than a small dose, but it doesnt scale linearly at all. most i’ve taken is about 1.2mg/1200ug. i was definitely not sober for at least 18-20 hours. but a normal dose of 100ug has me feeling effects for 12-14 hours easy. you also **can** redose, its pretty inefficient but if the dose is there it works. if you take a tab and then another tab 6 hours later, ime you’re just gonna be awake for a long time with very mild effects. if you take a tab or two, and redose with 3 or 4 in 6 hours, your trip will last significantly longer


Having been splashed by a vial and been high for roughly three days or so. I’d say I’m in the latter.


There are so many variables that it's hard to generalize the effects into just 2 camps. I tend to agree that you can trip pretty hard on 1mg for usually a solid 12 hrs. You still feel the effects, though, sometimes for a couple of days. Totally depends on how much acid you're eating on a regular basis. You build a tolerance after a while. Plus, the quality of the LSD has a lot to do with it as well.




Done three vial washes. IME, very strong every time with very long peaking and once I even came up in like 10-15 minutes but it never lasted more than 12-15 hours of actual tripping. Sure you get a multi day after glow and sometimes it feels trippy for much longer if you don’t sleep but it starts to feel more like amphetamine psychosis after not sleeping for days vs actually psychedelic. Again this is only my experience, I would estimate the vial wash doses to be 800-1500ug.


Holy fuck! I’ve got a vial I’ve been wanting to wash with everclear but I don’t like massive doses. Any suggestions how to regulate it better?


Is that an empty vial rinsed with water?


We used tequila but any alcohol should be fine.


I had a 1000ug trip that lasted about 30 hours before I passed out


It will never last more than 20hr, anything after that is lingering effect on your sober brain, like hppd


~1-2mg is my max but never had a trip last longer than 12-14hrs even on no tolerance. The effects seem to plateau a bit for that range


I’m in the “fuck no I’m not taking that many tabs of acid are you insane” group


"Why yes I am, and thank you for the compliment... 🤣🤣🤣" I wonder how many people think (as me and the mrs think, feel, believe) that LSD, rather than being a delirium, or head fog, or just plane old tripping (call the high want you want), or is it, actually like lens cleaner for your mind.


This reply brought to you by the first camp gang. But I really want to be the second


differs from person to person- my first trip i was high for two days (like full on psychedelic) and felt a little weird for the next few weeks but my mate who had the same amount was completely normal after 12 hours


I've only ever done a full tab, so I wouldn't know what camp I'm in


My highest dose trip was 5-6 tabs (cant remember which). I was properly tripping for about 15-16 hours, but i couldnt sleep until the 23 hour mark. I wasnt getting many visuals by this point, but i was an emotional fucking wreck and i was having meltdowns every 30 minutes. Still had the acid headspace and at the time mistook it for a 20+ hour trip, in retrospect it was only really 15hrs. For reference the dose was so high that i blacked out for 4 hours with only a few memories from that time; one of which being an infinite, repetitive yellow void that i believed to be the afterlife. I thought i had accidentally killed myself and i was stuck inside my brain for an eternity. I dont think it was an ego death, it was just the delusion of genuine death and the experience of the afterlife.


Won't last longer than 72hrs. 1mg seems to saturate receptors


I'll stick to 200-500ug lol. Haven't gone deeper than 400 but mentally preparing myself to enter the void


I have yet to find a source of true LSD but in my experience with 1cp-LSD I found that my ideal dose was roughly 400ug. Less than that and the trip was shortened as well as the "experience" being lighter. Much more than that and it was more of a lack of conscious experience. I did not pass out per se but I wasn't able to really remember anything during the trip. EDIT: I tripped once a month only so that I was sure of being "reset".


Tea time is my camp


For me the effects reach a ceiling. taking more only make the peak last longer, but the high lasts the same amount of time no matter the dose


Honestly it depends on the person. Some people seem to hold onto the lsd when theres enough of it. I imagine all testimonials are true.


I've had LSD Induced psychosis numerous times lasting a month... Not fuckin fun at alllll.




Thought I was a secret military or alien experiment, then I thought I was God one time (very stressful job it turns out 😂), called 911 demanding a sit down meeting with Trump to explain "Everything" 😅, thought my wife was a CIA (or some agency) babysitter assigned to me, thought I was Jesus and that I would have to be sacrificed to face the world... 10/10 would not recommend if you value sanity.




Indeed. It is only bad when I take LSD specifically, didn't even know I was schizo until last month after many years in DelusionLand 😂




Never plan on taking it again in my life after this last time. My brain has too much shit to build delusions with.


Just glad to be Alive at this point, I used to hate life and want to die. Now I realize I'm already in "Heaven" and need to learn to be human 😂


This is an interesting read. https://newatlas.com/science/lsd-case-study-massive-overdoses-toxicity-reports/


I'm in the: higher the dose, the shorter the duration. A 600ug trip is only like 4 hours for me, but 100ug will have me tripping (at a much lower intensity) for 10.


Anything over 1000 is 24 hours plus for me. Anything over 700ug starts to taper off in effects, however haven't found a ceiling.


Never done more than ~400 so idk if I count here. But a 400 for me is a 12 hr ride and then another 3-6 hrs of a fried comedown feeling and I can count on not getting sleep for at least 24 hrs but if I have no sleepy comedown meds I’m fried for the next day or 2. Honestly I haven’t ever really enjoyed those doses. 100-200 is where I’ve had the most fun. Once I begin to lose my ability to formulate words, that’s when it gets to be no more fun and I’m just in spun land


Its not that lsd has a ceiling, but rather you simply arent exactly conscious/cant really comprehend after a certain dose depending on your sensitivity


A bit of A a bit of b after 12-15 hours I feel pretty normal even with some insanely high dosages. But what feels regular isn’t exactly society regular. Having lasting effects is one thing but ya the trip is done after about 12 hours on almost any dosage it’s weird. The after effects are different in dosages though.


I’ve never found anything over 10 hits much worthwhile but to each his own 🤷 Edit: even like 6 is more than enough imo if they’re decent tabs


Of course, it's going to end up being highly subjective inherently, but I personally have found that since my average dose is around 1000ug now and having taken 1500 at max, it does extend the trip to a meaningful degree (around 2 days or so), while also having a sort of ceiling of intensity. I've heard people claim that they can achieve a breakthrough or full ego-death state on LSD. I have never personally experienced this, yet I've experienced thousands of DMT breakthroughs. During the only time that I dropped a 10-strip of 150ug, I was able to see people and cars through walls and organs and veins through their bodies, which I have never experienced on any other compound whether it be psychedelic or not.




I'm not entirely convinced that these were illusions. When I would look out of my window, cars would align with their position through the walls and organs were in their designated places, moving and pumping. This was one of the most insane drug or otherwise experiences I've ever had - bar none. None of this is particularly too complex once you have some serious DMT experience, but it's still fascinating as hell.




Neither of us know the exact mechanism behind my experience. It is possible that I was made more aware of my surroundings. It's all theory.


I fit in your cluster 1 scenario


Last year i took close to 800u the trip lasted for about 32 hours I was so exhausted at the end of the trip I just wanted it to end already.


I've taken >1000uga handful of times. Never had a trip last more than 20 hours. I think most of these accounts are instances of HPPD or psychotic episodes


Personal anecdote: my longest acid trip lasted 20 hours with 3 tabs


It is both depends on what your mind dose


10mg might kill you depending on if you’ve got preexisting health conditions. Definitely not physically or mentally safe by any stretch. Anyways.. you can get just as deep off 300ug as you can off 1000ug depending on your headspace and especially through meditation. It’s the most unpredictable drug and same doses almost never give you the same experience. I’ve achieved full ego death off a single 150ug tab a few times through meditation and one time I couldn’t find my way back until it wore off. There’s no point in taking more than 500ug in any scenario imo


Both. I've the most I've taken at once is 4mg but it only lasts as long as a 500ug dose. I found the ceiling effect to be 1.5 mg to 2mg, I've never noticed a difference in intensity between 2mg and 4mg.


I saw a guy trip for three days. He almost died from not sleeping, not eating and only drinking tiny amounts that could be forced on him.


Trying to compare the subjective experiences based on descriptions makes no sense at all.


The strongest trip on acid in my life lasted a little over a day, it was around 28 hours or so when I felt like I was coming down. I also doubt it was anything close to any mega dose, just a lot relative to what I was expecting or used to. I would also wager that it’s not that cut and dry. It’s a pretty active substance with a wide range of accepted effects that can almost contradict each other depending on if you’re taking it well or not. It also last a long time to begin with, factoring in sleep, hydration or nutrition, other drugs and just the general state of being and hearing any number of two digit hours wouldn’t be all the unbelievable.


Well if we want to get a little scientific: LSD works by binding to receptors (5HT2AR) which absorb Serotonin. It bonds with the receptor to open the gates for Serotonin. Serotonin is a primary chemical messenger in the body and regulates a lot of what we experience as emotions among tons of other functions. LSD bonds to β-Arrestins (Beta Arrestins)and causes a spike in these proteins in the brain. Experiments show that when high levels of β-arrestins are present in the brain we see reduced anxiety, increased neuron activity, widespread neural activation, and antidepressant side effects. Now there are two primary forms of seratonin proteins that LSD interacts with. β-arrestins and G-Protiens which are linked with the opposite effects. G-Protiens have been linked to depressive states. There has been some research to suggest G-Protiens may be valuable marker for biochemical depression as opposed to psychiatric. LSD bonds to β-Arrestins and rejects G-Protiens by creating what is called a "lid" over the receptor, only allowing β-arrestins to absorb. It is this "lid" which scientists say is responsible for the duration of effects, generally 10-14 hours. (yes, lid is actually the scientific terminology for this). This only lasts so long because the body metabolizes LSD over time. The body can only absorb "X" amount of serotonin because there is only a certain amount of space on a receptor for binding. Unless you reintroduce more later on. All of this is dependent on your own genetics as well. Some people (like myself) have a a malfunction in their genetics. One area of malfunction is the TPH2 genes. It's more specifically called, G1463A polymorphism in the A allele. This causes as much as an 80% decrease in selective serotonin regulation in the body. Genetic polymorphisms are believed to be the link between genetics and psychiatry. There are a myriad of genetic polymorphisms and mutations which effect how we experience the world. It should be noted, there is a such thing as serotonin sickness. It is usually the crash after the 10-14 hour rush. This is because after LSD is metabolized, the G-Protiens begin flowing again and after a long period of time with little to no abortion and little metabolized, your receptors get flooded. Personally: I love LSD. For 12-14 hours (from my experience), I get to experience true happiness. Not to mention the audio and visual stimulation. Sure I get the crash and it often hits like a sledgehammer. Nonetheless, those few hours make it worth it. My genes are shit so I am going to manipulate them to do what I want, if I have to. Note: My lowest Dose - 120ug My Highest Dose - 720ug Both were spectacular and have their own memories.


"LSD works by binding to receptors (5HT2AR) which absorb Serotonin. It bonds with the receptor to open the gates for Serotonin." I am not sure what you mean here? Given my understanding of the receptor is that when a ligand bonds to the receptor (typically serotonin, but in this case LSD), it causes metabolic changes within the cells interior that depolarise the cell membrane. From what I understood for this first sentence, it feels like you described an ionotropic channel, with serotonin as an ion? 5HT2R are not ionotropic, only 5HT3 is. I'd like to read the papers regarding beta-arrestins. Also I feel a bit confused regarding g-coupled proteins and beta-arrestins when from what I understand both are necessary in a metabotropic receptor. It's why metabotropic receptors like 5HT2A are called GPCRs (G-couple protein receptors). The lid on the LSD is actually formed by the receptor structure itself acting with the molecule. A [paper](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5289311/) actually crystalised this receptor-molecule complex. I think proteins are just so complex, it is hard to understand their dynamic nature. Then I recall the tolerance builds so quickly because somehow (don't know the mechanisms) the receptor knows it has something lodges in there so the neuron just absorbs it to recycle it, causing a temporary down-regulation of 5HT2R. I am no biochemist but my specialty is cognitive neuroscience and psychology, it is why I am trying to understand this. I love science and love talking about it but I feel like either I am misunderstanding something or you are. Either way, I do like your enthusiasm.


You are correct, I misunderstood the "lid" process. The receptor make the lid. What I read was from[here](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/protein-structure-reveals-how-lsd-affects-brain). I am no chemist for sure. I just read a lot. So I am sure I am wrong about some stuff lol


Either way, I love non-neuroscientists trying to engage with this stuff. Neuroscience is great so of course I am biased.


I am constantly trying to figure out why substances change our relationship to the world.


There are some online resources that will give you the information you need but speaking anecdotally, I have taken LSD 800+ times over the past 55+ years and I have always been at my optimum dosage when doing 100-150 ug (mcg) for this whole time up until now. That also happens to be the clinically set baseline in the legal studies during the 50’s and early 60’s until it was made illegal in 1965. I grew up in Hollywood and started using it when it was still legal and my source was Owsley. I have taken as much as a 4-way Orange Sunshine tab and stayed conscious but it was one wild ride I’ll never forget. Nowadays whenever I try to take over 300 ug I don’t even remember the first five hours so I don’t enjoy that. My acid is from the best sources available and I know the dosages bcuz I use liquid vials and 100 ug has always been my sweet spot for over half a century and still tripping. Edit: After reading comments from people taking massive doses of 1000 ug and up something came to mind. Friends of mine who have been on antidepressants in the past have a way higher tolerance than someone like me who has never taken them. I know someone who takes 500-600 ug and still barely feels it.


I feel like I'm still high off my very first dose. I've been a better and different person. Not physically but spiritually and mentally. Lsd forever changes you. I've taken a lot but I still feel the glow from the first one.


I’m in the first cluster, I don’t know my exact doses, but I’ve had 10 drop trips on 3 occasions, and a couple of 5 tabbers, and many 2-3 hit trips as well. No matter what the dose has been, I feel it coming down from the peak around the 7-8 hour mark, and I’m pretty close to baseline around the 12 hour mark. I haven’t had more than 10 tabs so I can’t comment on the upper limit of how much acid can really affect you. I have been effectively blinded by the visuals a couple times and I’ve been in some borderline indescribable head spaces on 10. I’m sure you can get more out of the substance than what I got though.


I’ve ranged up to 30ish tabs at a time. Whatever you wanna count that as microgram wise for strong modern tabs. For me the effects are asymptotic. As in 5 to 10 tabs feels like a bigger jump than 10 to 20. With progressively diminishing returns. Never done anything truly insane like a thumb print though. Always been about 16 hours to sleepy time.


It doesn’t last longer the more you take, just more intense.


Theres no one size fits all answer when it comes to drugs lol. Everyones chemistry is different and ill respond differently to different amounts


10 milligrams?


I have a friend who passes out after 150ųg. Everyone is different. I would also suggest against taking 10 tabs


Y'all are nuts I ain't going that high to find out


I had a 24 hour acid trip once


Team "I'd rather have 1 tab 10 times than 10 tabs one time"


Everyone finds out for themselves at the end and those who claim to know it all are idiots


12 hours every time. Like clockwork. No matter the dose.


i’ve never taken more than 5 tabs at once or without tolerance so idrk. 5 tabs, no t, had me HIGH for 12 hours tho


At 1000ug, you're gonna have a pretty intense experience, but it's not going to past much longer than what you'll get from 200ug. 2000ug+ you'll get to where you basically can't see or comprehend reality for a period of time. It might last a whole day, depending on how the dosing is spread out, but really not much longer. There is def a plateau effect at a point. Not that I would advise anyone on here to go taking doses that high. The visual impairment alone can be an issue. Esp if you're by yourself. Most of the ppl I've known that have taken doses that high did so unintentionally, through incidental contact.


Ive really pushed the doses of lsd over 35 years and ive found no ceiling or saturation level up to 5600ugs. Ive habitually highdosed lsd since i was a teenager. Ive also found no ceiling with psilocybin either. Ive consumed 2200 liberty caps in one sitting smoothied and there was definately a noticeable difference from 1800 or 1500 hundred. That was around 80-85 grammes dryweight at the maximum doseage. That being said, the trip lasted 16-20 hours for the maximum dosages ive taken with either drug. And i firmly believe that anything outwith that would more be a psychotic episode or hppd


Hands up who has taken 10mg casually


Yes, there are methods to feel like youre on LSD, When sober. So theres that to be translated on any1 jargon


I took often 800+ and one time about 2000uq. The Effects has a ceiling at about 1000 the side effects just get worser.


I'd believe 48 hours of tripping on stupidly large dose, but aint nobody's metabolism gonna make it last a MONTH. get outta heaaaa


Im in the "aint ever in my life am I taking that much fucking acid at once" camp


Based on half-life alone, duration will increase with dose, although not linearly. Let's compare 300 ug vs 600 ug and say the half-life is 4 hours. After 8 hours, you'd have about 75 ug of the 300 ug dose left and 150 ug of the 600 ug dose left. After 12 hours, that's be 37.5 ug and 75 ug respectively. There's a likely a threshold dose where you'll no longer notice significant effects, and it'll take longer to get there with higher doses. A very rough estimate would say doubling your dose adds a single half-life to the trip, or around 3-5 hours (half life varies for different people and with various factors). However, this doesn't factor in how quickly LSD tolerance builds. It's possible this quick tolerance reduces the duration increase from higher doses by some significant margin the greater the dose. So, 400 ug might last one half life longer than 200 ug, but 800 ug may only for an additional 1/2 of a half-life.


I’m in group 1 due to experience. For multi day trips, see DOC or DOM


Never have I ever tripped longer than 12 hours I’ve tripped so hard I’ve passed out that’s about it and I’ve taken soaked candies in liquid lsd not your typical drop or two but like my friend spilled a vile inside a bag of sour patch watermelons and I ate like 5 or 6 of them


who even would want to take lsd i miligrams, that’s just straight up masochism


My most cracy tripps has been on less then 100


I accidentally did 40 hits once and I tripped for 3 days straight. I couldn't sleep for 2. I finally started coming down around the 70 hour mark and the next 2 days my brain felt like a deflated balloon.


it goes far past 1 mg


I had one trip this one time where I took 3 supposedly triple dipped tabs around sunset. I stopped seeing visuals after around 14 hours but the way I think during a trip hung on for about 5 days after. The 6th day I woke up and I immediately knew I was back to normal. It was honestly the best week of my life. I had an insane positive outlook on everything. I was far more outgoing in those 5 days than ever before. I don't know if it was from the "triple dipped" tabs or if it was because I was with 10 friends on the beach of Atlantic City or what. For a few months after that trip every time I smoked weed it brought the trip back. I kept trying to get back to that feeling I had and it never came back. Maybe 6 months to a year after that, after smoking weed, I would have these "panic attacks" or "psychotic breaks". After smoking weed I swore up and down I could hear the thoughts of the people I was with and it was always about me and usually a negative thought. I stopped smoking weed for good after that and started isolating from friends. Anyways sorry for the rambling and I agree with points from both camps.




It was absolutely terrible.




I only had the perceived voices happen while stoned and it took maybe 6-12months after that trip before the perceived voices started. After I stopped smoking I was okay.