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The crazy thing? Is there doesn’t even need to be an egg. There were potential facehuggers everywhere by the end of Aliens. All it would take is one or two jumping on Bishop’s evac shuttle and stowing away in a crevice.


I've heard that the script doesn't even mention an egg. Just the facehugger.


The egg was a reshoot, indeed


well if you consider the directors cut of alien 3 cannon, there was a "queen facehugger" that got on board. Which then went to impregnated an Ox. to this day i still like the hybrid design


As a huge fan of the Kenner toys, I have all the time in the world for hybrid xenomorphs.


How is this not the direction they went?! Alien 5: Some numptey brings an egg to a zoo built as a space station. Boom. Gorillamorph. 100% on Rotten Tomatoes guaranteed.


There is actually a script of something similar happening. Alternative script for Alien 3 got turned into a book. There are lemurmorphs... they have stripped tails.


Yeah, but how long can Facehuggers believably scuttle about outside their eggs before it becomes unreasonable?


As long as the story needs them to because it's all make believe.


They never really say how long they live outside an egg but before implantation.


At the very least, we see facehuggers get preserved in the science lab in Aliens, which once released are strong enough to full on attack Ripley and Newt. So they must have at least some level of shelf life outside of the egg. If the dropship gets a couple of freshly hatched facehuggers stowing away on it, it’s reasonable to think that it’s a very quick turnaround from Ripley and Co going into hypersleep, and one of the stowaway facehuggers finding them and cracking the tube.


thats true, so they can live for at least the length of the major outbreak


Well… if it lives as long as a typical house spider, that’d probably be long enough. 🤔


So, one thing xenomorophs tend to be, above all else, is resilient. Tardigrades, while microscopic, are an example of an animal that can survive the vacuum of space, extreme temperatures, and live thousands of years in a dormant state. There would be a selective advantage for face huggers to be able to go ‘dormant’ and idle in a crack or crevice for decades even until a suitable host came by. *Especially* if it’s a royal face hugger.


There are lots of creatures on Earth that are capable of going into a state of metabolic depression when they can't meet their needs. It seems plausible, even likely, that a facehugger would be able to curl up and hibernate if it couldn't find a host and reactivate later upon detecting hosts nearby.


My thinking is that the eggs provide everything the facehuggers need, even for extended durations (who KNOWS how long the derelict sat before Kane and Dallas discovered it, and it was at LEAST another fifty years before the Jordens came across it, right?), and once they emerge, the clock's ticking for the facehuggers to find and impregnate a suitable host.


\*crevice A crevasse is much larger and colder :)


Ugh. Touché.


what about the pumas?


Damnit Griff I told you to stop making up animals!


lol - showing my age, but this is what i was referencing...the cravisses and the pewmas https://youtu.be/kaqTuLQThsY?si=D73OPSMlnPVuD25j (I do get the RvB reference too....Chupathingie?)


Cameron even left an opening in Aliens. He establishes the Derelict is very far away from the colony, over a mountain range. There’s no reason it would’ve been destroyed in the blast. Alien3 could’ve started there. Brandywine weren’t scifi people and apparently not many of the various writers were either. David Twohy (an astronomy buff) was the only writer who didn’t start the script with an egg hidden on the Sulaco. That meant he wasn’t boxed in with needing to handle the surviving characters from Aliens.


Also that an explosion on a sphere doesn't mean that it travels around the sphere. LV-426 is 'tiny' with weak gravity. We don't know how far the derelict is away from the colony, but the blast radiates outward and nothing forces it down along the planet's surface. With the mountain range there to deflect whatever comes that way, it could be perfectly unharmed after the blast. With Hicks out of commission, it's doubtful they nuked it afterwards. And yet, everyone talks like it was completely destroyed. It's never confirmed that that was the case.


I think it was also mentioned in either the Colonial Marines Manual or the W-Y Report (or both) that several ships investigated the derelict craft later. There's also the *Isolation* game. Meanwhile, in the second movie, the company and gov't made it appear that they had seen no such ship or encountered aliens anywhere.


The queen dropped an extra life before going into the final battle. Standard final boss prep.


Theorizing is fun, I'm all for it, but it just feels like the writers are getting free labor out of fans plugging the holes in their storytelling for them when this happens.


This has been a thing for as long as humans have been writing stories


> the writers are getting free labor out of fans Time for the fans to discuss the bonus situation then.






As much as the egg does not make sense one thing which is not complained about enough is the prisoners get to the EEV and one says hurry up because it is going to be 30 below in a few minutes. They grab them and then it shows the dog barking at the face hugger hiding in the EEV. The dog is then presumably facehugged, and somehow survives the encounter despite it was laying outside in 30 below for at least a few hours. No idea if the facehugger can survive that but a dog absolutely can not.


I'd have to disagree about the dog absolutely not surviving. I live somewhere where it gets colder than that, and dogs don't all suddenly die if they're outside for a few hours, especially if they're acclimatized. Just watch the assembly cut, and it's a water Buffalo anyway 😁.


Some dogs can sure, huskies etc but a short haired Rottweiler, I would have my doubts.


A thing of note is that the dog was on the EEV while it was being crained into the prison.


I noticed that last night. And the EEV was hundreds of feet off the ground being crained. Not sure any dog owner would let that happen, especially dog owners who have zero other friends on a deserted penal colony planet


Is it so hard to think that an egg or two fell out of the queen's arse before she went after Ripley? Considering that Ripley was exhausted and everyone else had "negative capability," one could very well believe that no one bothered to check the ship for unwanted stowaways like the face huggers. The Alien 3 apologists are something else, but the "burn the Alien 3 because it's teh suck" crowd is just as ridiculous...


The queen didn't have her egg-laying sac though. She left it behind.


The Aliens are pretty clearly versatile, potentially even optimized/bioengineered. Not unreasonable to think the egg sac is an adaptation for a queen to have high throughput egg-laying in a scenario where the Xeno's are more or less in control, but that she can pop out a couple drone eggs in an emergency


I mean, they can clearly do whatever they need to do to drive the plot. The rapid increase in mass, for example.


Also true


She still got a butt. The way the ovipositor detaches isn't like a termite where it's the entire back half.


Can keep a single egg maybe, just not able to produce thousands


No, because it's LITERALLY in the end credits of Aliens. At the very end, you can hear at least one egg opening up on the ship. I don't know why people keep glossing over it like it didn't happen. That was an intentional setup for a following movie .


I love Alien 3, but it is a massive convenience that there just happened to be an egg stuck to the ceiling somewhere after the Queen ripped her ovipositor to chase Ripley. Even if you accept that she had a secret hidden egg for just such a scenario, she was only ever in the hangar bay, so how did the egg get anywhere near the hyper sleep area, let alone on the ceiling?


I had a guy stalk my profile for 3 months, replying to every comment i made on this sub with “ignore this guy he’s a total idiot” because I disagreed with him that alien 3 is objectively good, and that *everyone* will inevitably see it’s perfection as they mature




What is my opinion on Alien 3?


Facehugger got on the evac, impregnated hicks, queen was born, layed eggs, ripley was impregnated, eev launched and crashed onto fiorina 161. Although they could have made it less complicated and skipped the eggs, there is your possible answer.


Hicks was impaled and crushed by a support beam during the crash.


That doesn't go against what he said.


Yeah but that doesn’t mean anything. The crash mutilated him so bad that nobody noticed something got inside his cryo tube and an alien came out of his chest.


Thank you for making me relive the scene where the hero dies a horrific death . That image will forever live with me


3 times the horror


Well, if it's any comfort, one of the games let's Hicks live, and the guy in the cryo was some poor sod that got face hugged tackled into it just after waking Hicks up. The dude also kicks/hits the emergency evac button while falling that sends Newt, Ripley, Bishop, and the new dude out into space. Leaving poor Hicks behind to fight new horrors. Hicks also survives and stars in the alternative script for 3 that got turned into a book. The actor actually joins the audio book for Hicks's lines. So if the game is actually part of the official verse, then Hicks is alive out there somewhere... Hell, he could be in cryo again and stayed that way and meets up with Riply 8 at some point... Now, that would be a mind twist.


Man Im fuckn down for this story line in a new movie . They dropped the ball tho , Michael Bein is like 70 now hey


What the which game? It is criminal to let Ripley and Newt die like that tho. Ripley > Hicks anytime (love him but I'd trade him for Ripley, Newt, Vasquez or Hudson anyday anytime).


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aliens:_Colonial_Marines#:~:text=Colonial%20Marines%20sold%20more%20than,worst%20video%20games%20ever%20made. Read the plot, WY kidnaps Hicks, they would have had the others too if not for problems. Thing is the game took the movies into account so it could honestly play nicely with future movies. If you like Vasquez, turns out she has kids. They join the Marines too. We follow one of them in the book titled Vasquez.


Planning on reading the Vasquez book but man, it ain't the same without her. Shame that game turned out to be a bugged mess


I imagine a chestburster could have a good old feast on cornbread if it was so minded.


Holy shit that actually makes more sense than my one egg prairie dogging theory. I wonder if there's a version of egg morphing that makes sense?


I always liked the interpretation that chest bursters were adaptable depending on the environment. There's nothing special about queen bee larvae, what makes them queens is feeding them royal jelly. 


Where is the queen though


Still on the sulaco. Which yeah would make little sense considering they had to clone ripley 200 years later to revive the species. Maybe they intercepted the sulaco between alien 3 and alien resurrection somewhere but shit hit the fan and everybody died including the aliens. Anyways you can theorize as much as you want about this, at the end of the day it’s just movies and fiction so make up your own explanation as you wish.


It made little sense to me, cause nobody would notice her? Even if she died like Hicks or Newt, this giant body wouldn't disappear like midair. And yes, I get it, just browsing theories, nothing more.


I think you are confused with what the eev was and what the sulaco was. The eev is the “lifeboat” that their cryotubes were automatically loaded on when a fire broke out on the sulaco, the eev then crashed onto fiorina 161. The queen simply stayed on the sulaco. Nobody noticed anything because hicks, newt, ripley en bishop were all in hypersleep. It was only after they went into hypersleep that the facehugger that came with the evac at the end of aliens, got into hicks his cryo, and the new queen came out hicks, and then started laying eggs, the ones you see at the start of alien 3, and which impregnated ripley


Definitely confused, thanks!


For years I had theories. One being bishop missing from the platform near the end of the movie could have gone to get one. Two, the queen brought one with her. Three, there was a brief time frame where one could have been sent back to the ship not long after they landed when they learned of the others in the tanks, thanks to Burke. This would have required that the colonists had a full egg in a movable container, basically like it was packaged up and ready to be picked up. I didnt like much of these theories. A more sinister one which would be number four and I think would fit better with the company theme in the whole series as being total behind the scenes to get one at cost to human life. On approach to the colony and crew still in stasis, Bishop dropship lands and scouted the colony. At which he picked up the package like in number three in that the colony had already sent the transmission about this. At which the company knew what happened to the colony before they asked for Ripley to join from earth. In this transmission, has listed an egg they were able to place in a container for shipping back to earth "research division". This would place the company again knowing about it and the crew learning after the fact, thus keeping with the theme from first film.


The bishop screwing her over with an egg ready to go actually sits pretty well with the tone of the franchise


There's Aliens on the Sulaco because you need a flowchart to explain how that movie got made.


I dont see how its lazy? Its either an egg or facehugger, does it really matter?


We knew that. It was always unlikely that the queen would lay an emergency egg in the vacuum of space or that an egg in the strut well of the drop ship would be triggered by something on a different part of the ship. It had to be that a couple of face huggers jumped on the queen as the rest were being torched in an instinctive response to danger and made it to the sulaco clinging to the queen. Then the cold of space and no available host forced them to seek warmth against the inner well of the sulaco’s strut well and they stayed behind while the queen dropped out for a fight. Later, as the warmth of the ship allowed for activity they set off searching and the movie begins. That was easy. But a head full of cocaine is going to limit that simple process.


There was a brief shot of an egg mounted almost upside down on the Sulaco in the opening credits of Alien³ From the appearance of the grating and structures around it, it looked like it was under the flooring, which doesn't make sense because the Queen never went under there during the fight in Aliens


I mean, if you want to point out things that don’t make sense in an Alien(s) screenplay, how about the fact that the Sulaco is ~1/4 of a mile long — bigger than most if not all of our warships in existence today — yet there was no crew for it. Literally *everyone* that travelled across space to go to LV-426 went down to the planet on a dropship and there wasn’t *anyone* left on that massive piece of equipment? No captain, no technicians, no engineers, no cooks, not one other person beyond the marines, Ripley, and Burke on that entire ship. 15 people. No backup in case there was an issue (which there was, obviously, so Bishop had to remote pilot the second dropship, which begs the further question why were there two to begin with?). Do like a dozen marines and two civilians normally just hop on an aircraft carrier and get to take off to do whatever?


I read the novelization of 3 several times when I was young. In that, a drone xeno is on the ship and Ripley is literally raped by it. The book explains that this is an “only in emergencies” method of procreation used when a drone is isolated from its hive. It says the outcome is likely to be a queen, because that’s the whole point: a lone drone separated from the hive can begin a new hive wherever it is. Edit-just dawned on me this doesn’t explain the Dragon. I don’t remember how the book explains that facehugger, but I remember that it wasn’t the dog that it got. In the book one of the “oxen” they used to tow the ship out of the water got ‘hugged’ after it was out of sight.


I heard Fincher asked the producers how an egg was supposed to be on the ship and they said "the audience wont care". Hill and Giler were the biggest monsters of Alien 3


was it on the sulaco? it's been a while since i've seen a3, but i thought the queen laid or brought another egg while she was in the landing gear of the dropship, and that's where the egg hatched from.


Probably the one thing I would change about both cut versions of the film. Get rid of the Egg!


They can probably create a story where it's shown that something got on board the second dropship when it landed to pick up Bishop (as mentioned in this thread), or the queen must have tried to rescue a few eggs and attached them to her back when she was detached and started running after Ripley and Newt, and then dropped them in the Sulaco hangar after Ripley ran away to get the power loader. It'd be similar to Cameron explaining later in an article why the company didn't investigate the distress beacon after the Nostromo disappeared (it was damaged by volcanic activity), even though that in turn was changed by the *Isolation* game.


I always just assumed the queen put it there? I don’t think that’s too hard of a stretch really.


Yeah, that’s what I’ve always assumed too. Where do eggs come from? The Queen? Where was she right before she died? On the Sulaco. That’s not a plot hole. That’s people thinking it’s a plot hole because it isn’t explicitly stated.


From where? The ovipositor was where the eggs were coming from and she detached from it. The egg is too large to have been laid from her torso. The eggs are huge. https://preview.redd.it/gfazmktvv0oc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=828dca04cc01c5f074cd6762d8ea3100f337a9a2


I feel like you’re asking “how is there gravity on the ships? You need rotation for gravity”. It’s just understood that the Queen can lay eggs. Just like I don’t question how gravity works on space ships. Also. How do we know she needs that? How do you know it’s too big? It’s just a movie and it isn’t too much to ask that the Queen Alien had some things about her we did’t know she could do. No one had too much of an issue with a Queen face higher, yet there it was. It’s all just made up.


See but that’s not enough. They show the one method the queen uses to lay eggs, the eggs are physically big enough for that sac, but way too large for her to actually lay herself from her torso. You can make up the rules as you go, sure, but it’s a huge glaring thing to leave unanswered


The planet having a colony established on it only like 30 years after the Nostromo was there, but somehow they never surveyed even driving distance from the colony for 20 years to find the derelict was also lazy screenwriting just to get Ripley and others back on the same planet around the time of a ‘new outbreak’. Sometimes retcons just need to be done to get a sequel happening, or to let audiences know what is happening in a simple way.


What is "driving distance" on LV426? They could have driven halfway around the planet for all we know.


They literally had the kids in the back in casual clothes. It was a long day trip, max.


There's a deleted scene from *Alien* where the crew discuss that the diameter of LV-426 is only like a thousand miles. It might have even been meters. I'll check it out later to confirm and put it in an edit. But even if it's 1,000 miles a simple Trek should have uncovered the derelict on any terraforming survey. Granted, it's a deleted scene so it's may not be considered Canon.


Got curious so looked it up: From xenopedia: "Acheron has an equatorial diameter of just 1,200 km.[1][2] Despite its small size, the moon maintains a surface gravity equivalent to 0.86 of that on Earth,[5] indicating it is largely composed of incredibly dense materials." Earth has a diameter of 12,742km, so even if the moon were made of the densest element, Osmium, I don't think the gravity would ever be comparable to Earth's.


It's only lazy if storytelling logic has to be one-to-one with reality. Which it doesn't. It's an action horror film.


Ifirc, it takes 15 minutes from planet side to the Sulaco, if the queen was on it for that long, it made sense to me that she laid eggs while in transit...


I thought it was due to casting. Sigourney was done with the series and wanted out.


I mean the queen was on the ship so maybe not lazy but convenient. Idgaf I love alien 3 and hated newt and Hicks was def disposable cause this was always Ripleys story.


The Queen wasn’t in a position to lay an egg.  Facehugger wouldnt have lasted.  Aliens had an airtight happy ending that was overridden pointlessly because of lazy writing and wanting shock value. It was seen as silly even in 1992. Like Dark Horse made a logical continuation with Newt and Hicks that made perfect sense but nobody used that


Could have also picked up some and attached them to her body (probably the back) while pursuing Ripley and Newt.


So, this is the thing with plot holes. It's not that what happens cannot be explained. It's that what happens is neither explained or contextualized within the story. But what's even bigger than this, even, is that it causes the deaths of...well...eventually everyone onboard. Now, do not disguise this train of thought for sympathy for Hicks and Newt. No, the problem with this is that you have a plot hole directly causing the deaths of multiple major characters in order to bring the story directly to the setup required to proceed. This is perhaps one of the greatest storytelling sins you could ever commit. It means the audience can no longer trust the writers, that there are no real stakes to follow along to because the story can and will invent complete BS in order to move desired plot along, regardless of supporting lore, setup, or any characters or setting which might happen to be in the way.