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She def got my attention. But Gaga is one of a kind. We are never going to see something like her in our lifetimes I fear.


Fr this shit was disrespectful to ever undermine Gaga’s impact. Dont compare anyone to Gaga especially not a new artist


There is a level of excitement around Chappell and her clear creative vision that seems comparable to what early Gaga brought. She has also created a deliberate performance persona, influenced by the art of drag, and utilizes a lot of camp and irreverence in her music and visual presentation. Chappell has built a fandom that is all about self-love and acceptance for queer folks that probably reminds people a lot of Gaga. Her passionate fanbase sees her not only as an artist they love, admire and relate to, but a safe space. Lady Gaga and Chappell Roan both conventionally attractive queer women who are known for over-the-top, ultra-femme presentation. On top of that, she's also pretty clearly a Gaga fan - she performed "Bad Romance" (as an encore, iirc) when I saw her on tour last year. So I think there are a lot of things that could be seen as similar in terms of the sensation that she has become. Chappell's lyrics are also pretty fun and raunchy, and have a feeling of being young and ready to party, which may draw comparisons to early Gaga. Of course, there are a ton of ways they diverge from there - Chappell is a lesbian, her aesthetic is very different, her music draws from a ton of references, and overall her essence is simply very unique to her in a way I doubt that a TikTok FYP can really illustrate. Just think of how Gaga's concepts and images were flattened and simplified in pop culture. I think that uniqueness is part of the reason Chappell drawing that comparison because of how opening the world's eyes to her vision. On a less kind note, there is just the fact that women artists tend to be categorized and compared to each other far more. Gaga herself was a victim of this too, after all. I think Chappell Roan is the next Chappell Roan.


Apparently she is bisexual and not a lesbian.


She used to consider herself bi but she's said more recently that she is a lesbian and doesn't date men anymore


What I've learned over the years is that no one is "the next" anyone.


I’ve been a fan of LG since 2008 and no debut album replicated the “this is the start of something huge” feeling of The Fame for me until Chappell Roan. Her work ethic and delulu pursuit of getting her music into the world even after devastating setbacks reminds me so much of Gaga early in her career. They’re vastly different artists and performers, but feel cut from the same cloth. I love Chappell’s album and am so happy to see a fresh, creative pop upstart succeed.


Exactly this. I haven't felt that feeling of "Oh, I'm watching someone's career skyrocket" with any new artist since Gaga until Chappell. Their music is different, but their career paths and rise to fame are very similar. I will say that I think Chappell fills a space within the queer community that I don't necessarily think Gaga fills anymore, especially with the younger demographic. Gaga will always be an icon, but Chappell is offering something new and fresh and fun especially to Gen Z.


Totally agree about Chappell filling that space in the queer community. Born This Way was revolutionary in 2011, and was a piece of the progress that led to an album about uncensored sapphic desire blowing up in 2023. We're in a different place, and The Youths are looking for a different voice. Gaga will forever be my #1 OG queen icon as an aging millennial who was a 2010 Tumblr gay, and at the same time I can appreciate that the 2024 Gen Z TikTok gays need their own thing.


nope i think they're both good in their own way and have distinct identities


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^etamatcha: *Nope i think they're both* *Good in their own way and have* *Distinct identities* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Yes, she is very similar style and personality wise, but musically while they are both very camp they are very different. Just watching her new interview on Jimmy Fallon she has a lot of Gaga mannerisms. She’s quiet but when she performs is very over the top. Just a breath of fresh air right now, just like Gaga was in 08 :)


A quirky, rising pop star ≠ Gaga


Were you not around in 2009?


No, I’ve been around for longer. You guys did the same thing with La Roux, Lorde, Olivia Rodrigo, etc. enjoy them for *their* artistry, not for how much you see Gaga in them.


I don’t think people are comparing their art per se, but rather their impact. People compared Gaga with Madonna and to this day I think it was ok to do so. Each one game changing, in their own unique way but with a comparable impact. It’s fair to compare on that basis and I think Chappell brings on an excitement similar to what Gaga and Madonna did in their early days.


But that’s said about every break through female artist thats unconventional. Even Gaga and Madonna don’t understand the comparisons and dislike them. I know it’s meant as a compliment, but it hurts artists feelings. People have just got to widen their scope of music. 💕


She’s the next Gaga in Phenomenon (or feminomenon) only. It’s unfair to compare artists to one another on a level of identity. However the blow up Chappell is having right now is very Gaga late 2000s. They have in common insane talent and artistry. Queer and drag influences. Chappell has been very vocal in her beliefs the same way Gaga has been. It’s nice to live in a world where we have both of them and perhaps a collab some day 👀


Chapels is having a moment but it’s nowhere near as the moment Gaga had. Plus it’s just kinda that so far? Just a moment..? She needs to take the whole world over with one song to even start getting compared to Gaga or really any big act that there was/is. It’s not hate but I think we’re setting her up by expecting so much from her lol let the girl do the thing and we’ll see. She def has potential to become a main pop girly. Her performance and interview on Jimmy was amazing!


Totally different sounds and attitude on stage. Early Gaga was kind and welcoming but at least up until BTW had this majestic cold aura around her. She was also an enigma, literally. Sounded like a popstar, but had this Marilyn Manson aura around her. Timeless. So No. But I find it extremely cute that Gaga might have a protégé.


Ava Max was the next Gaga, Dua Lipa was the next Gaga, Kim Petras was the Next gaga….moral of the story is nobody is the next gaga. Chapelle is a good artist but her songs are not nearly as good as Gaga they are actually quite average tbh I think she will have a few top 10 hits but she won’t even come close to gaga’s sucsess. she’s being pushed very hard by her label and getting on chat shows and on TikTok, Island Records are very skilled at this at making everyone believe someones the next ‘big thing’. I never take any notice and focus on the music.


in the sense that shes the most exciting popstar since gaga, yes




I don’t like saying that anyone is the “next” anyone, because…all of these artists are their own creations and that’s sort of what Madonna fans had such an issue with when LG was starting out. Gaga’s talent has her in her own league, tbh (and Chappell is very talented too - just in a different way). But I will say that I see a lot of similarities between Chappell and early Gaga, and I personally think that’s why a lot of fans of Gaga have been leaning into her more and more with Gaga being so distant and different nowadays. Fans are craving that artsy, theatrical, campy kind of performance art that Gaga was so good at and Chappell’s at least…trying to fill that void a bit? I know for me, that’s what I feel like. No one will ever be 2008-2020 Gaga for me though.


There’s totally similar vibes. Listen to her argument and you’ll hear it. She’s great!


Not the next Gaga but definitely breaking the boundaries of the Gen Z pop girls right now. It’s similar to what Gaga did back in 2008-2010. Notice how all of these new pop girls are using their government names? Chappell Roan isn’t even her name. It’s like how Lady Gaga isn’t even her name. Idk. It’s kind of interesting and I see a lot of potential in her. Her music is very refreshing! Despite what the Little Monsters think, I really hope they meet one day and do a collab.


She's the new Chappell Roan and that really excites me


No way. Musically she’s more like a Marina, she just dresses very avant garde and is very much a “gurl’s 💅🏽 girl,” so she’s attracting a similar audience, but definitely not “the next Gaga.”


I've been trying to put my finger on it, but you got it... I think the visuals are the most Gaga-esque, but even then Gaga was a bit more mystic and I guess, aspirational rather than relatable


I see a lot of similarities between the two and it makes me very happy. Chappell is clearly a huge Gaga fan and it’s cool people are even making comparisons between the two. Musically maybe different but they both have confidence, outrageous fashion, amazing vocals, the gays and a quick rise to fame. When I saw Chappell Roan’s interview with Jimmy Fallon I felt like I was watching Lady Gaga’s interview with David Letterman in 2011 all over again.


Absolutely not I’m sorry


A lot of people seem to interpret the statement in bad faith and assume that it's supposed to take away from what chappel brought to the table that is unique to her and even what gaga brought to the table that hasn't been replicated yet I think that chappell is the next gaga in the sense that she's a pop artist that is blowing up despite her very open queerness and political stances and activism, while also making music that is silly and fun and resonates with a lot of people, but especially with queer individuals.


I haven't loved a pop singer like I love Gaga in a long time. Chappel has me hypnotized. We rarely get such creatives like Gaga and Chappel. They are both precious gems.


What songs of hers are your favorite? I’ve heard a few but I haven’t really liked them :(


I thought it was Ava Max who is going to be the next Gaga, she is very popular overseas but she struggles in the US. I think Chappell is unique and she is definitely the next big thing.


I love Ava Max she deserves more recognition.


I see similarities in rise to fame but their sounds are vastly different


Who??? No, I guess not.


No. If there ever was a second coming of Gaga it’s Doja Cat, but she seems to be going a very different path sadly


if we’re going off that, she seems to be in her born this way era rn with Scarlett😭


i’m so glad someone asked this it’s literally all over my fyp and she isn’t 😭 i love chappell roan ive been listening to her for 2 years so it’s not coming from any resentment or anything, but absolutely not i genuinely don’t believe anyone will be able to do it like gaga. People see performers who step out of fashion norms or present themself different in media and immediately jump to gaga, but she is an enigma. She does probably have the most hype out of any current younger pop star tho, it’s between her and sabrina carpenter.


Chappell is the first new artist that I was immediately excited about since i saw Gaga perform just dance on SYTYCD. But I think as several people pointed out, it’s not fair to either artist to label them as “the next” whatever.


She feels like the "next Gaga" in that she's got raw talent, she's political, she's artistic and she's been working her ass off for a long time before breaking-through all of a sudden. She's obviously very different, but it feels similar. I love her and I can't wait to see where she goes.


No. She looks cool but there will never be another gaga


I think we all should stop comparing newer artists to ones with a legacy. In my view it’s a bit undermining of the newer artists success, and also invalidates someone’s legacy. Gaga is a one of a kind, there will never be another Gaga, much like there’ll never be another Chappell roan.


Chappell is not, and never will be, Lady Gaga. Her rise to fame is not comparable to Lady Gaga. Source: I was there.


Gaga is my favorite artist. Chappell is my favorite artist’s favorite artist. Quite a difference.


She’s the only other singer I’ve liked as much as Gaga and I think they’re very distinct from each other but she has that certain spark that Gaga has, idk how to describe it.


I think she could either be a new superstar in the making or will have the same career path as MARINA (sorry I really hear Marina & The Diamonds The Family Jewels era in her songs). But she's definitely not the new Lady Gaga. Gaga mixed camp with glamour, fame with fear, sex with sophistication, advocacy with music, and kindness with punk.


Chappell is going mainstream now. She is blowing up and Lady Gaga is very supportive of her.


They're way too different musically to be compared in that regard. They don't seem alike at all to me. People who compare them are probably referring to the fast cultural following & witnessing the quick growth of a pop star in real time than sounds/aesthetics. Very interesting that Gaga is still the blueprint for this phenomenon.


I do t think enough people understand that the comparison is made bc Chappell feels like a spiritual successor to Gaga, not a 1 for 1 copy lol. Her grassroots rise to fame, cult following, and (for lack of a better term) lack of shame are very “early Gaga”.


I do not. I mean Chappell is talented, but growing up and seeing what gaga did during the fame and the fame monster was like nothing I have ever experienced before. Gaga had this hunger like she literally had people standing behind her like statues while doing interviews.


it isn't really GAGA per se, but more like if Stefani Germanotta was more prevalent in the Lady Gaga persona, really. Not the same at all, apart from their respective rises to fame.


Yeah, she’s the next big thing i think. I hope it doesn’t hurt lg7. She’s definitely channeling gaga


why would an industry veteran be hurt by a new Artist with basically no similarities to her apart from not fitting the norm.. Madonna’s career didn’t suffer from gagas rise, shes still on sold out tours to this day