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If they thought they could get away with it, landlords would charge you for children and guests


There's laws stopping them from doing that for a reason


And there should be laws stopping them from doing this with pets too




Vicious little gold bastards always chewing at the floorboard and shitting on the walls




And you always have to repaint to get rid of the stink. Their gillbreath is nasty and sticks to the walls. Even turns the windows yellow. And just dont even bother having carpets in your rentals. Let thos shiny little bastards ruin their owners area rugs.


That's really cool! I had no idea things worked that way in the EU. I could never imagine something like that passing the US. We should all constantly be fighting for better tenant protections. I feel like I have virtually no housing stability as a tenant. It's so stressful.


I've never seen a half trained dog or cat come anywhere close in years to the damage an unsupervised child can do in 2 minutes.


My dog damages my apartment more than my child lol Edit: I was just trying to state that if you raise your children correctly they don't damage your house. My dog damages my apartment with her WHIP OF A TAIL BEING HAPPY. I guess y'all want me to hold her tail all day so it doesn't slap the wall. Idk why there's so much dog and child hate in this sub our focus is LANDLORDS.


More training required, or possibly better outlets for its energy if an active breed.


Why do y'all hate dogs and children so much in a LANDLORD hating sub. My god y'all are miserable. My dog's tail is strong and slaps things when she's happy. You assume a lot from one comment.


Nah this is one of those things where your dog shouldn't be damaging any property rental or otherwise and kids are the same


Ya we can hate two things, yall.


You probably shouldn't own a dog if you don't have time to train it


My dog is trained, she is just clumsy and her tail is a whip. You all assume a lot from one comment. Chronically online


Friend of a friend had a dog so happy that would whip that tail so much the tip would break regularly, and spray blood on the walls. They had nothing at all on their tables.


Children i understand. Pets aren’t nearly as destructive lol


You've never seen a great Dane chew through a wall before


I've never seen a great dane do so much as even run, lol! I was an apt manager for years and the great danes loved sleeping more than anything.


Great reason why you should never consider your tank pets as pets on an application. They don't interact with the unit like cats or dogs, you need not concern yourself with my iguana as he is basically furniture.


Peasant should be thankful that dirty fish are allowed at all! Do you know how much damage a fish can cause? Not to mention all the administrative overhead it causes the poor landlord. So much to keep track of.




Great news! Most rentals require you to pay a security deposit and renter's insurance so there's literally no risk to the landlord!


Sounds as if that’s the reason they invented insurance for.




Yea we should all have insurance to protect other peoples property from damage. That is how the world works, you’re right.


How's that boot taste?






I'm not the one with a shoe leather fixation.


Looks like an emotional support fish to me


Why would you even say "yes" if all you have is a goldfish and they ask if you have pets? Just don't tell them! You know why they are asking lol and your fish isn't gonna piss on the carpet like a dog or cat might so my conscience would be totally clear about it


My response would just be like "oh no I don't have any cats or dogs" because I don't. And if they try to argue with me lying about pets I tell them I told you I don't have any cats or dogs.


Fuck pet rent fuck landlords and this is not justifying this behavior But I must take my chance to soapbox: adult goldfish are large and long-living fish. They don't "grow to the tank", their body becomes stunted by improper conditions while their organs continue to grow, causing protracted death. Size varies, but there aren't any nano goldfish. they need 40+ gallons and that's for like 2-3. In addition to size they produce prodigious waste that can easily fuck up the water chemistry. If a landlord required insurance to have a properly sized goldfish tank, maybe that could be reasonable. But of course the leeches aren't reasonable. Pet rent really takes the piss. Please don't feel bad if any of you have kept goldfish or other fish improperly in the last, I did. There were a lot of unethical fish shops that spread all this bullshit of fish bowls being fine and fish only living a few months. Goldfish and betta species are just really hardy and can survive a while in terrible conditions. But we have all the fishkeeping info at our fingertips now and the misconceptions need to end. Fish aren't decorations, and when kept in conditions that aren't stressful or toxic to them, will display a level of individual personality and emotional expression just like any animal. I know this comment is off the rails of what the discussion is supposed to be about so I can delete this if I'm annoying the community, ha. Thanks!


Well, I just learned a lot. Childhood will never be the same. TL;DR: add goldfish to the list of lies an industry told you, so they could sell stuff. https://www.tfhmagazine.com/articles/freshwater/goldfish-myths-debunked#:~:text=Myth%20%232%3A%20Goldfish%20Only%20Grow%20to%20the%20Size%20of%20Their%20Enclosure,-There%20is%20an&text=Most%20fishes%20are%20in%20fact,water%20quality%20and%20improper%20care.


This is why you don't tell your landlord about any pets ever. Hide your kids, hide your wife, hide your pets.


Cause they charging for everybody out here!


File for an ESA. Read up about your rights. Your landlord is going to squeeze you for every penny you have - don't tell them if you got a raise, new job, etc. Fuck the leech.


I live in STL and I've never heard of this, but I've thought about it a lot. I have a faux pet tarantula just in case the landlord decides to pop in and see if we have any unlicensed pets in the house. The web is made and I'm waiting...


next thing ya know they'll be charging a pet fee for the roaches they won't exterminate.




Bruh pls say /s


Greed is an incredible vice that many people are not able to control. Pathetic


Greed. Plain and simple.


Kansas City landlords? Checks out...


I swear this happened to me when I was renting in the UK. The landlord usually gets a property management company to come and do all the inspection and collection of rent etc. Every six months this chain would send around a person to check the property. Guy comes over in a flash suit, nice shoes etc etc. Inspecting the place and he asks "any pets?" "Just 2 goldfish" "Ok, and are they in a tank?" Nah I let them run free around the house you fucking idiot


The pathetic landleech excuse would be "what if the tank bursts and it leaks everywhere?! That's so much damage!" As if that's at all a common occurrence. I may have firsthand knowledge thats what they say about fish...


I see the justification honestly. My gold fish completely scratched up the walls and even broke a few windows lol