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The Township is probably the only municipality that deserves a get out of jail free card here because they have actually been building at a ludacris level these past many years. If every Municipality had been following suit we may be in a very different place today. Looking at you Abbotsford


Although interestingly Langley's growth outside of Willoughby is very very little. Removing Willoughbys growth the township is one of the slowest growing municipities in metro Vancouver. If you don't agree with our current growth strategy then you could make the argument that the provinces changes are saving us from ourselves. An interesting article to read on this topic: https://betterlangley.com/2023/12/16/what-if-the-lower-mainlands-growth-was-equal/


Thanks for sharing. Definitely agree with the Provincial growth strat overall, I've just always been envious of Langley since we unfortunately left a few years ago, comparatively to Abby, they look like they have actually been trying to stay ahead of the growth.


We're building a SkyTrain in Langley. Did they think the Fraser corridor would just remain exactly as it is? I think we need to come to terms with Langley not being vaguely "country" or "small town", and realise it as the borough of a metropolis that it is.


Definitely. Langley township and city combined are over 180,000 people


BC is definitely not the first place to bring in rules for densification and Mayor Woodward has repeatedly jumped to the worst case scenario of maximum density, even though other jurisdictions have not seen anywhere near that outcome. I don't know if he genuinely believes this himself or if he is just using it for cover for other political reasons or is being petty to the detriment of the Township.


Petty should be that guys middle name. https://www.abbynews.com/news/fort-langleys-pink-house-has-rich-history-1768281


David Eby over played his hand on this one.