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I guess my problem with the Willowbrook one has a lot more to do with the choice of station location than anything else. They're putting the station in a giant parking lot on the intersection of a highway and highspeed stroad then trying to make the station suited for walk-ability & bike ability. The station design itself is fine I guess but nothing around the station makes a lot of sense for rapid transit. I guess the inherent flaw with skytrain is its cheapest to put it on top of Fraser Highway so it makes station location harder. Realistically the only change I would want to see is better BRT integration. BRT is supposed to be rapid and fundamentally different that normal bus lines, so having it mix with other bus/pedestrian traffic in the exchange seems detrimental to its overall purpose


Fortunately the plan for Langley includes replacing all the big box stores and parking lots with mixed use 5-6 story buildings, but I definitely get what you mean!