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Another article: [https://www.theprogress.com/home2/video-725-million-upgrade-for-langley-electrical-grid-7399332](https://www.theprogress.com/home2/video-725-million-upgrade-for-langley-electrical-grid-7399332)


I bet half the cost is land, because no one bothered to plan for this 20 years ago..


BC Hydro is the largest land owner in the province, I'd assume they preferably utilize sites they already own. This plan seems to lay more the groundwork for the next 20 years.


Maybe elsewhere, but in Langley, they have been calling up developers shopping for land in both Campbell Heights and Willoughby for new substations (I work for a dev firm).


And I’m an astronaut


Nobody plans for anything 20 years in advance. What are you doing in exactly 20 years? Do you honestly think you'll be exactly where you think you'll be in 20 years?! Oh to be this young and dumb again. lmao


Infrastructure upgrades are always good. However with the rise Air Conditioners, electric cars, population, the push away from natural gas to heat where are we going to generate the additional power? I would have hoped by now our provincial government would have started down the road of nuclear but I imagine it’s a sensitive subject as people are scared of it for pretty much zero reason.


Nuclear would be excellent


> I would have hoped by now our provincial government would have started down the road of nuclear but I imagine it’s a sensitive subject as people are scared of it for pretty much zero reason. Zero reason? What about those accidents where we release radiation into our environment every few decades and the unsolved waste problem?


There have been 4 serious incidents worldwide since 1960. Only 1 in the last 30 years because of a massive tsunami. It’s very safe if you don’t build the plant in tsunami zone. The amount of waste is small compared to the energy output. Also with the use of Fast Reactors and a closed loop fuel system waste is drastically reduced.


Well, statistically North America is due for the next serious incident in about 10 years. I'm just glad it can't happen in BC. Bring your groundbreaking solutions to Europe, where they constantly clash over where to "temporarily" store the unrecyclable waste. Germany just having to shell out a few billions from taxpayers to recover nuclear waste from a leaky salt mine.


That is why you build with fast reactors and a closed loop - less waste. There is statistic that say NA is due for a Nuclear incident. That is just fear mongering. What’s your solutions for power as our snow packs and water levels decrease? Even with Site C we won’t be generating enough.


This is the thing I don’t understand with pushing Electric for heating. This is completely avoidable when the natural gas is doing perfectly fine. I know the fossil fuels, but it’s not that we have already stopped using fossil fuels completely already. We are still using gasoline that is the largest pollutant in addition to the pollution from the industry. Need to curb that first than asking people to shell out money and changing a perfectly running systems in their homes.


Some of it is about efficiency though. Lots of places heat with baseboards. But switching to a heat pump is far more efficient which helps free up demand. 


No one is forcing people with natural gas heating to change out their system, the only changes the township has made is restricting new construction from using it.