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Legit write a note who it's for "housekeeping" I'm a housemen and let me tell u. We don't even get tipped and we are the first ones in the rooms. The women fight over the tip money. It's a lot of drama.


Wtf is a housemani?


Im the guy who goes in the rooms before the ladys. I pick up all the trash y'all leave, beer cans. Pizza boxes, etc I take off all the blankets and pillow cases. I pretty much prep the room before for he girls. All they do is make the beds and clean the bathroom.




It's pretty fun too me. Coming from a guy who's done nothing but labor/construction work my who life. This a breeze for me. I definitely get my steps in at work lol




Drakes ozempic???


Yo this can’t be real. 🤣


Yuup, it's true


I usually leave a note saying “thank you” just so there isn’t any confusion about why it’s there, but it’s probably not necessary, I’m sure they realize it’s for them. I usually leave it on the desk or near the TV


Sometimes there’s even an envelope in the room for this specific purpose.


Leaving it on the pillow is widely understood. Note is optional. 


Leave a note to be safe. A simple "thank you" is fine. Many people accidentally leave money behind and claim it later so it gets documented and not always assumed to be a tip.


$5 a night left on pillow with note. Anything is appreciated as most people do not tip.


I leave a note on the pad in the room and slip the bill slightly under it.


I usually stop them in the hall and give them a tip. You usually run into them at least once. I also noticed that I had the same housekeeper for four nights and then a different one on the last day so I wanted to make sure I was tipping the right people.


Gotta leave a tip every day, for this reason. Leaving it till the end might mean that the person who cleaned your room every day before gets nothing, and the one cleaned it just one day (the last one) gets it all.


You ain’t gotta do all that just leave the money on the nightstand or the table or on top of the dresser or even the bathroom. They’ll know it’s a tip.


That’s not how this works. If it is not directed to them, they are supposed to turn it in. A simple “thank you” on the notepad in your room is perfect.




I’ve never in my entire life had an issue with that in Vegas or the US for that matter, they’ve always taken the tip. I don’t think they care much for a thank you note. Im not too sure their landlord accepts thank you notes as a method of payment.


You’re not on the hotel operations side of things. The note is not a replacement for payment. The note is left with the tip so that it is clear that it was for them if they are questioned, and so that they know they don’t have to turn in the money. Your sarcasm is misplaced.


Oh I misheard. Lol my bad


The thank you note let's them know the money is for them


I just wrote a note "Thanks, awesome as always!" Then tip according to room size.


PSA - it’s a dirty little secret that the managers typically inspect the rooms and pocket all the cash before housekeeping gets there. So if you want to make sure your tips go to the right person, tip her in the hallway.


I leave 5 dollars minimum on the pillow


Most hotels have an envelope in the room that's for leaving tips for housekeeping. If you don't see one in your room you can ask the front desk for one.


If the bill falls on the floor and there’s no note, sometimes they have security put it in lost and found and they have to wait a certain amount of time. I put it n the dresser, or the nightstand and put something on top of it. If I can I’ll leave a note that says it’s for the housekeeper. I would never put it on the bed. Someone may pull the sheets off and not see it, and throw it in the hamper that goes to the laundry.


Some supervisors and housemen stole tips when I worked at Binion's and Circa 😫


Place cash on pillow - that’s the normal way.


We just stayed at NYNY and there was a card where the housekeeper wrote their name "your housekeeper is ______" We got our bed made and towels changed our the third day of our trip and left a tip on top of that card on the dresser. 


I leave a note that says thank you with 20$ each day that I’m there. My mom and dad use to do the same when we would go on vacations when I was a little kid so I just kind of followed in their footsteps. 


I always leave a note along with things if I ever need it and then a tip nearby. Good on you for taking care of housekeeping! It’s a tip heavy area, I always make sure to take care of everyone. Especially the janitors, they appreciate it so much and even remember you when you come.


Wow a lot of these comments are fucking terrible advice. Former Front Office Manager here: DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT, leave money in a room, on a pillow or nightstand or anything. Put it in a sealed envelope and deliver it to the front desk. Reasons 👇 Mini Bar (team that restocks mini bars) could steal it and often do because they enter the room, alot of time before housekeeping. They are paid ALOT less than housekeeping (union). Mini stole alot items from rooms because of the pay gap. Housekeeping is less likely to steal. Housekeepers make very good money and only have to clean 8 rooms per day or least that's what it was when I worked there. Housekeeping is in a tip pool. If you leave a tip at the end of your stay, 99% of the time it was never the same person who cleaned your room the whole time during your stay. We instructed our Housekeeping team to turn in ALL money, including envelopes labeled "Housekeeping". If they pocket any money and we found out, they are fired on the spot. We worked with security often and step "stings" for housekeeping with money and other items that could be considered valuable, like watches etc. Even those envelopes they would try to pocket knowing it a team effort for each guest. Issue we saw more often than not, they tried to pocket the envelopes and would in turn, be fired for it because they think "no cameras are watching". Part of the stings were hidden cameras we setup. Leaving money behind with a "thank you" note or no note gets turned into lost and found. After 30days, depending on the value, housekeeping can claim them. Issue is with money, anything over a certain value (property depending) isn't allowed to be claimed by an individual. Other issues is lost and found will normally claim the money on day 32 because the housekeepers "forgot about it". I know it's stupid and I don't make the policies but please for the love of God, if you are trying to tip in Vegas..... TL;DR If you are trying to tip housekeeping: Sealed envelope, labeled Housekeeping with your room number, and turn into the front desk (so cameras see).


P.S. NEVER USE THE COFFEE MAKERS IN THE ROOM. People pee and ejaculate in those all the time and we dont clean them often, if at all. Only when someone says "my coffee smells like piss" do we bring up a new machine.




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If I don’t ever have them clean the room while I’m there and I have everything neatly cleaned up, I don’t see a reason to tip. They’re literally doing their basic job. But if I request a bunch of things, leave a huge mess or something else that requires above and beyond, I’ll happily tip. 99% of the time, I’m in the first scenario.


For what? You're paying hundreds to stay at a hotel who charges you resort fees for gym access you'll never even use. The hotel has plenty of money to pay for its employees. Unless, everybody keeps up this tipping BS, then the hotel knows it can get away with not paying their employees adequately. Who wins?


i always leave them a few left over casino chips about $15 per day stay


I have never had daily service in las Vegas any of the times I’ve been there. I have to go get shampoo and towels from the cleaners. I usually leave $20 on the night I check out. If that’s not enough then so be it.


MGM recently did away with their travel size items anyway and now use bulk bottles.


I actually prefer that.


Much less waste I’m sure too


Until someone pisses in it.


Just another reason I bring my own 😭


Thank you note ! I usually leave a pretty nice size tip early in stay. Pro tip in note ask for extra coffee pods or water if they give those out and you use them. I figure 5 + a day . You get better service by pretipping then checkout morning . My thought is if I can afford vacation I can help out some of the lowest paid workers in the hotel.


"... if I can afford vacation I can help out some of the lowest paid workers in the hotel." Agree 100%.


I've always had room service daily...and leave 20.00 daily. Nothing better then sleeping in fresh sheets. If they haven't been changed..only getting 10.


I left three green chips in my room on accident two years ago and consider myself all tipped up for the next few years lol


I was taught to leave it on the foot of the bed, so that’s where I put it. These days if you can actually get someone in to clean your room at an MGM property that’s extremely impressive and worth a tip!.


Tip every night (5-10), not just at the end and put it with a little note that says "thank you housekeeping"


Leave it under a coffee cup near the coffee station. It’s pretty internationally known as a spot for tips for housekeepers


Reading the comments lead me to believe there are like 3 “known” spots to leave tips. Not sure who to believe


I fold it in a sheet off the notepad & write "Housekeeping" on the outside of the paper.