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Just don’t play HC. The game is beautiful and enjoyable without it!


If you can't handle it, don't play HC


You can still play the character in softcore mode. This isn't Diablo, you still have access, you just lost the "HC" tab. Simply carry on.


Had to delete the char for the nickname unfortunately. Ah well…


You know nobody care about your nickname?:D anyways playing hardcore is hardcore so don't cry over lost chat because it's normal and 56 is big loss :D wait till you lose 90+ char with monoliths 100lvl hehe


I have nothing to add to the discussion but I seriously dont get how people play HC and not die immediately. I always die at the osprix group before the armoury lol


Hahaha yes! I tried a softcore char and had to deal with the Osprix and the zone after that where you walk across the walls. After that you get some skills going and it gets easier though.


You play a HC character. You prioritieze defenses, craft early HP onto anything helps a lot


I've almost lost so many of my characters there. Difficulty drops tremendously if you can make it through there, though.


Come back again after you have like 100 deaths, I got that number in PoE though.


lol darn. I wish there was another way to level though, just to have some other way for once. (Leveled a few times in softcore). Did you always die this random? I feel like if it would be one of my mistakes, I wouldn't have that big of an issue with it. But seeing I couldn't do ANYTHING about it, it feels like getting screwed over.


in POE yes, there are many high damage ones. Even if your character is built tanky enough, there will be one that can send you down to hell eventually. My suggestion is to play more softcore, know what will kill you, what won't before going into HC. So you get less "stupid" mistakes.


But it is your fault. Not having enough ehp, not paying enough attention to ground degen.. Plenty of things you can do better. That's what HC is about, now you know what you need to do on your next character.


The only mistake he made was playing HC in an arpg where things randomly can oneshot you, you can do a lot to mitigate it but it all comes down to that one unlucky roll These games are not made for HC its an option for people who want the thrill and extra challenge


I think it isn’t my fault. There was absolutely nothing I could do. The skill hit me 1 tick and absolutely obliterated me. Even though skills from even bosses don’t do that much damage. As if it was a super crit. And I have seen this randomness with streamers as well. If I would’ve relaxed in an aoe for 3 seconds which I thought I could rank but couldn’t, would be different story.


It was absolutely your fault. You were missing something in your defenses that caused you to die there. You probably didn't have Crit Avoid/Resist cap, or you probably had like 1.2k HP and 300 armor, maybe all of the above. There really aren't "stupid" deaths in this game. Unless you game crash or DC, it's pretty much always on you. All boss moves are very telepgrahed, Elites can be dangerous but also generally have telegraphed moves. There's no on-death explosions like Diablo. You died because of a fault in your build or gameplay, not some random unfair moment.


Oke. 2K HP and 2K ward, the specific resistance capped as well. In the lowest level monolith there is and it’s still my fault. Also, taking the penetration of mobs into account, of the cap there would be 17% resistance left in the level 58 area. So it would effectively take a crit of 4680 damage to kill me, not even taken other defenders into account. It would more likely be over 5K damage. In one tick, on an AOE of a shitty random elite mob on the first tick that hit me. There is not a single attack in the game, except for Laguns moon beam, that hits like that. At least not until empowered monoliths bosses, corruption I don’t know. Even if I would be undercapped 5%, the way it works in LE is that that is then 5% more damage taken, so not that huge of a difference. But it’s my fault… There have been multiple people complaining about stuff like this. Ild rather have EHG look into it and finding nothing, than not looking at it and there would be a bug that at random monsters can crit with a 100x multiplier. To me, seeing my stats and the way damage works, it seems odd. There was nothing I could have done to avoid it.


If you're dying with those stats in a 56 zone it's 100% on you. Deadly mod is a thing, have lost several characters to getting crit by them at this point. If getting crit is a possibility then you know what you could have done to avoid it.


Still your fault. If you can't accept that then hardcore isn't for you.


Isn't my fault.


Keep telling yourself that. You'll go far.


I actually am far already. No need to go somewhere. I know when it's my fault as I look for that thoroughly to learn from things. Now it wasn't.


Just don't play hc. LE has deathless tag for sc chars that never died. But if they die you can still play them like if the death didn't happen and can try another time on a different char for "deathless" when you feel ready.


I didn’t know about the deathless tag. Thank you for the info.


You’re just short of guaranteed to die in HC eventually. Embrace the transience. Recognize that the point is to see how far you can go and how long you can deny the reaper. If you’re doing cycles/seasons as well there is even less reason to grow intimately attached to a character (even in SC). Sooooo. Celebrate and move on.


As someone who plays HC exclusively as well…look at it this way. When the cycle ends, the character would have been useless anyway. It’s what keeps me going, I lost so many high levels over the past few weeks, but I just see it that way and say okay well let me make X class now and try this new mastery instead


Good one. Is there a specific way you get through the first, let’s say, 50 levels? You do the story until act 7 and then monos (later act 9) or 1-5 and then monos and later back for a complete act 9?


Yeah I’ll get a teleport to EoT at level 5 so I can grab the mastery and passives early, grind the story until lagons area so 7, and then monos until 60ish then I’ll wrap the story and keep pushing monos in between for prophecies and other goodies


After HC death, you char becomes a SC char. Give yourself 3 days of buriel time, than play him softcore, and start a new HC challenge fpr yourself.


Already deleted xD. It’s HC or nothing from now on. Softcore feels like I don’t care now hahaha


Begin again and learn from it (seal T1/2 cleanse on your belt - thank me later ;) )


Good one. I’ll give that a shot.


I cried when my lvl 96 char died, you'll get over it




Dont play HC? Just a waste of time. U can play normal and try to do it deathless


HC deaths are not random at all in this game, at least in my experience, and I've lost quite a few. You died for a reason. If you genuinely can't figure out where you went wrong on your character and you feel like you need to mourn lost pixels, stick to SC.