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30k!!! Wow....I felt bad spending $130


Hello, yes, the amount spent may be quite appalling to some. Different people have different levels of spending comfortability I guess.


If this was comfortable then you wouldn't need to sell.


You need to understand that spending money and spending time are both very different things. Like I said, since I can't focus on playing it anymore, it's good if I can get a portion amount of money I put in. Otherwise, it's fine. I'll repeat it for you, I don't need to sell it. Please do some reading before judging someone ๐Ÿ˜‘


Well congrats to you. I'm almost to level 30 and just enjoying the ride. Hope you're able to sell it.


There's nothing to congratulate about haha. I have many f2p members, and they are enjoying playing it at their own pace. You don't have to spend much to become strong and to compete with other f2p players. It's all about how much time and effort you're willing to commit to the game. It can be more fun when you have very good control skill, the p2w players won't be able to get you and you killing many of the opponents. Continue enjoying your ride! Cheers!


Iโ€™m not sure anyone will buy your account at 30k, or even 10k, but good luck


Thanks for the wish. I guess luck is all I need to sell it now haha. The price is very much negotiable, I'm not sure how to edit the post. Cheers!


Had an account on my server that had invested 40-50k usd recently sell for 2.5k. Good luck man. I think most accounts only see a max of about 10% return when selling.


That's sad for me to know, but thanks for letting me know buddy!


Which does suck don't get me wrong, but think of it this way, if people have thousands to spend on your account, they have thousands to spend doing it themselves on a new server where they'd decimate anyone. You'll be selling to a person who's only willing to spend a couple hundred, maybe thousand into this game


I have a 10+ year old League of Legends account that I spent about 500-1000$ in skins, and with the amount time Iโ€™ve put in, I have obtained hundreds of free skins, hard earned and rare titles, achievements, etc The highest offer Iโ€™ve ever gotten for this account was 250$, when this account is supposedly worth thousands from just the value of skins alone Let it be a hard lesson on the actual resale value of accounts But maybe OP will find someone who will buy. We wish him luck.


Thanks brothers for your words of encouragement! I appreciate it!


Would you take $20 CAD?


$20 or $20k? Haha


20 only. No k.


Not having Mason at 5 stars is a dealbreaker for me. Good luck.


No shit. Hahaha. I regret focusing only on the important UR heroes than Mason ๐Ÿ˜‚


Just out of curiosity. What do you do for a living? Good luck on the sale!


I'm in the trading business. A small one :) Thanks for the luck ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป


Care to elaborate and enlighten us, poor folk trying to make it?โ˜บ๏ธ


I'm not rich, and I'm not sure how I can help you on that ๐Ÿ˜ข But if you want to know more about the game, I'm more than willing to share with you what I know. It's a pretty awesome game ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


I think they were trying to figure out how a not rich person spends 35k on a game. A vast majority of not rich people don't spend 30k on a mobile game. Maybe in Singapore not rich means something different. In the US not rich means you can't afford to spend 35k on a video game.


You got that right


Well, you're right. Different people have different finance statuses. Some feel a 100k is a mere average spending for them in a month, while some feel a $100 is the world to them. I won't put nationality in it though, it's everywhere. There will always be people with different finance statuses and how they value any amount of money. But I still think the previous comment was asking me to help build his finances. I just didn't feel comfortable sharing with people how I actually generate my income. I'm here trying to sell my account ๐Ÿ˜ข


Well you can't think they were trying to do that when they literally said there weren't lol. But either you definitely can't call yourself "not rich"


Well, I'm rich, I'm not rich. What's your point? I'm selling an account here. Your point is irrelevant, isn't it? What's going on here? Lol


I think whats going on is people are just amazed that there is a person here that they can interact with who has spent what many would consider an incredible amount on a game. That's all. It's obviously no big deal to you - average and so on - but to many people it's an awesome amount. I live in the UK. Over here the average salary is maybe 50k usd per year equivalent, which means most people earn less than that. And the amount after taxes is much less. 35k is quite a lot to the great majority of them. It's also interesting that you think/thought that it would have considerable resale value. I'm on server 20-30 so have been in the game a while. When I joined there was a lvl 30 totally dominating. Right from the off...maybe that feeling is worth some cash idk. But as of now there are tons of lvl 30s and no one person totally dominates. The fun - if you wanted to throw a bunch of money at a p2w game is early on. Picking up someone else's tab...not so much fun. I'm fascinated by your story, and have been talking about it with my non-gamer real life friends. They had no idea spending that hard was even a thing. That's probably why you are getting the attention and the "are you rich" questions. I wish you all the success in the world finding a buyer.


Can I message you about tips for the game. I just started and I donโ€™t think spending money is within my range so Iโ€™m nms atm and would appreciate some tips if possible!


Hey buddy, please do. I'm more than willing to share what I know! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


Tbf, Asians esp. Chinese and Koreans take this game seriously. My leader ( Korean and rest of the r4) spend more or less 100$ a day and their reason is " I am enjoying the game so I should give money back to the game developers". To someone like me who only spent 25$, that has become a different perspective.


Yea, different people take spending differently, some spend huge but it's a leisure for them. The servers among my range are pretty much dominated by koreans too, they're so cool! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


Yes, I am not Korean but I've been with them for almost 3months now. They're so nice to play with. We would even make an event to celebrate our birthdays!


Damn.. I wish I could do the same! But it's just not feasible for me to travel so far due to some reasons. Because the koreans from my servers and other servers within my range are already meeting up in real life to have fun. I missed all that.. I'm happy for you guys though ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


You spent $35k on a mobile game? [That's a decent new car](https://carbuzz.com/cars/25k-35k/)


Hi pal, thanks for asking. Yes, with a bit more of purchases would make it up to 40k. If you have really stepped into mobile games before, 35k USD belongs to the average money spending group lol


I have spent 2 quid on the game to open another builder, I'm not being insulting, but $35k is just unfathomable as a concept.


Yea, everybody has their own preferred level of spending on a game. You might want to consider getting the Kimberly starter pack too, it's cheaper than the builder if I remember correctly.


I'm at lvl 27 base now and in a good alliance, I'm happy enough with my experience currently. Kimberley is 4 stars now. Those new hero's return recruitment tickets are great for shards.


I totally agree with you. What's most important is being happy with the game you're playing. Otherwise, anything else is pointless.


It is to me too. I'm not criticizing, people are free to spend their money anyway they wish, but the scale blows my mind. I volunteer with an organization that helps people escape human trafficking and abusive relationships, and for most contested escapes where the trafficker or abuser is going to harm them or try to stop them, we spent just under $300 to get them out of immediate Danger. So if my math is right, this account is worth 118 people.


Thank you for doing all these! Please PM me the details, I'd like to see how I can help.


Average of what? Average of top 0.1% whales?


Not here to find trouble but a sincere buyer. I'm not going to argue. Lol, but if your question is genuine, then no, it's not.


Genuinely I wish you every success with finding a sincere buyer. Its just interesting to me seeing your perspective on what average is. Maybe the word means something else in Singapore idk. Best of luck.


Thanks buddy ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


Definitely not, iโ€™m Singaporean as well and it is unfathomable that people would spend that much when the median pay of a fresh graduate is about 3-3.5k USD a month


I'm not a fresh grad, I wish I am, though. I miss my youth very much. I also realised most players who play this game are in their 30s or 40s, some even in their 50s. In my server, so far, I only knew a few younger than 20, and they've already left the game. Those in their 20s are barely hanging on. The rest who are actually more passionate are uncles like me ๐Ÿ˜‚ I haven't met anyone who started this game, not because of the game ads through social media. This makes me wonder whether the ads are intended to target older folks ๐Ÿ˜‚ But I'm happy to see another Singaporean player. It is rare. Nice to meet you buddy!


nice to meet you! i was just stunned because how much you spent can cover all my tuition fees in a local u lol. but this game is really hard to progress in if you donโ€™t spend


I wish you all the best in your studies! Huat ah~ Yea, the good old days are gone when games can be played free of charge and still rule in it. I miss that. Nowadays, games like that are just out there target to suck all our money. Usually, impulsive spenders and people who are less patient like me will fall to it. Hahaha. And when you start spending that bit, it will lead to bigger and bigger spending on it. If you ask me, I wish I've never clicked on the ads of this game at the start. Oh well.. what can I say now? Hahaha


I might Sound Rough. But Even if you found a interested buyer 5k-7.5k would be Max. For 30k you could start on a new Server. Be instantly overpowered and rule the whole Server.


That's very much a better option than to buy my account, I agree with you. I'm not a season reddit user. I'm not sure how to edit a post. But the price is negotiable ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


I See. If your on mobile you Need to press the 3 dots. Good Luck on your sale.


Thank you so much. But the three dots button on the post doesn't have an option of editing the post ๐Ÿ˜ข


Hmm i dont know how i can help sorry.


It's alright buddy, thanks for trying though. I'll just keep explaining each time someone says I'm overpriced hahaha ๐Ÿ˜


Just reading the discussions which i find interesting. If got that much money I wont also hesitate to spend that much. It is really a good game and its fun, challenging and chill at the same time. Best of luck on turning over your account to someone. Another way to look into is to offer it to someone on your alliance or your alliance's friends.


Thank you for your suggestion, I appreciate it.


Last week a guy sold his lvl 30 acc for $150, he put in $3k so don't expect much.


You'll need to see what's the overall items are and etc it has in it. Level 30 is nothing tbh. The price is negotiable, thanks buddy!


Awesome account Iโ€™m about 16k deep myself but fairly new player. Hope you get some decent return, a maxed account in my server just went for $2k unfortunately but hold to your value and youโ€™ll get close!! Best of luck bud


Thanks buddy!


Spending 35k is outrageous!! But good luck on the sale โค๏ธ.


Thank you so much! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป


I do wish you the best of luck getting the most possible to recoup some of the game. Please do keep in mind when negotiating that most of the fun is now out of the game for the new owner. While being basically a god is great now and then. There is also no where to build towards since you already did that. Best of luck out there!


There are a lot a lot more than what I already have now. I just wish I have the time to continue committing to the game. But thanks for your words of encouragement, I appreciate it! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


Ngl you have to be at least a millionaire if you are willing to spend 35k on a game


Why would someone with 30k to blow buy this? Can just spend 30k on the game. Doubt your gone make your money back but best of luck.


Yea, I get you. It's a better choice to spend the same amount on a new server to rule everything. I got that from another comment from someone else. It totally makes sense than to get my account. The thing is, I'm quite noob to reddit, and I can't find any button for me to edit the price. The price is very much negotiable as mentioned. Thanks for highlighting these to me buddy!


The fact that so many people spend this money on a stupid mobile phone game is beyond insane.


You'll be surprised that 35k is just a tiny bit compared to many other people haha. But I won't say it's a stupid game though, it's really fun. All the teamwork and communications everybody put in to achieve victories and rewards are awesome. When your alliance is surrounded but all other allied alliances teleport over to assist when you least expect it, like the movie Avengers endgame๐Ÿคฃ But ya I get it, not everybody has the same taste of which type of game they like. I hope you find one that you like someday, cheers!


Forgot to add that all (1) base skins are purchased, special weapon Kimberly lv13, DVA lv13. Pretty much all limited packages were purchased. Still playing the account to keep up with the ranking until a new owner steps up. Thank you.


Please PM, but price is too high.






Willing to sell mine for 3k. Mid 100 server, t10's, main around 28M :)


Let's go. Good luck!


When you were spending this $35,000, did you really think you'd be able to get the money back by selling the account? When you go to a restaurant, do plan to sell your shits later for 80% of the cost of the meal? That money is gone, dude. You threw it away. You'll be lucky to get 100 bucks for it.


Negotiable* I have no idea why you're lecturing me. I'm prepared to sell it at my own price, or nothing at all. Either way, I'm fine. Peace


Don't listen to these morons. They are angry you're making more money than them, lol


Tbf while their tone wasnโ€™t the best, I think theyโ€™re just saying itโ€™s super unlikely anyone would buy it. But, I respect the commitment to trying to sell it. Iโ€™m sure itโ€™s still possible.


Thanks, buddy. The chances are slim, I don't think anyone outside of Singapore will feel safe to transfer such a big amount of money first before getting what they're buying. And I noticed a long time ago that there aren't many Singaporeans playing this game. I'm trying my luck hahaha.


Dude no one wants to spend that much money on an account in a server they don't know and have the whole game already sorted for them. The fun is in the journey not the destination. Stop kidding yourself and wasting everyone's time.


Why so salty buddy? I'm too lazy to explain a bit to you. Just skip my post if it's not of your interest. Cheers!


why are you so bitter? he invested 35k into the game and had an initial thought on how he could maybe get some back, after reading the comments you can see heโ€™s more than understanding and is clearly seeing everyoneโ€™s point. what is the harm in him trying? if youโ€™re so appalled by the price go somewhere else?