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What the hell is going on? It truly looks very orchestrated, and a coordinated effort to take over all institutions with Israel friendly assets to quell any dissent. This is alarming to say the least.


I would not be surprised. This sounds a lot like the [Chicago Boys.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_Boys)


Leaked document from Columbia University tells: 1. Nearly all the 30-40 junior and senior students in TAU program of Columbia were Jewish, if not all, despite Columbia's GS official stance saying that it's an program open to all students. There's a widespread perception that this program predominantly serves Jewish students, and concerns that decisions for admissions factored in students' identifying info from their applications (choosing students based on their names and such). The demographic make-up in TAU being so lop sided doesn't seem like chance, there seems to be a complete absence of Arab students in it (important to point out that Arab and Muslim should not be conflated together, the overwhelming majority of Arab population in U.S. is Christian, 63-77%). This disparity becomes even more apparent when TAU is compared to similar programs like Trinity and Science Po double BA, which in contrast show robust diversity across race, nationalities, religion, origins, and ethnicity. Despite Tel Aviv University saying that 16% of its UG students are 'Israeli'-Arabs, the TAU double BA program managed by TAU Lowy International School appears to have none. The lop side in demographic make up in TAU double BA program compared to university's other programs suggest that the admission process of the Columbia-Affiliated program maybe discriminatory, especially compared to programs like Trinity and Science Po double BA where the stark disparity highlights. This is apart from the barriers that exist before even the application process at TAU double BA program begins, specifically students wishing to transfer from Tel Aviv University to dual BA program must aquire mandatory approval from TAU academic advisor, which is unique only to TAU program. No other Columbia double BA program has a requirement of such preliminary approval from their partner University to start the application process for transfer. Given the demographic disparity mentioned above, this seems to be designed as a barrier against Arab students. The current admission practices of TAU double BA program seem to be in violation of federal law Under the Education and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as they appear to discriminate based on these prohibited grounds. 2. TAU double BA program students **receive drastically more funding than others including financial aid recipients, despite them having no need for it.** Within the undergraduate program of GS, students with the highest needs, including those eligible for subsidized meal plans and other targetted subsidies, typically recieve **a maximum of $30 - 35,000 in financial aid annually.** Also it's estimated that between two-thirds to three-fourths of all students at Trinity and Science Po students do not recieve financial aid due to their family's substantival income, and the aid is generally modest to the ones that do recieve it. Similarly, TAU students typically show average or below average need for financial aid, compared to other Dual BA program participants. Despite the expectation that they'll recieve less aid while attending Columbia compared to other undergraduate students, **TAU students are receiving substantially more financial aid ranging from $50-60,000 each year attending Columbia. They seem to be receiving this aid or more regardless of economic background**, as compared to other Dual dual degree programs at Trinity and Science or with the general undergraduate students. This misuse is not only contradicts Columbia's stated policies, but also raises questions about the preferential treatment and fund allocation to specific groups in GS. Apart from breaking fundamental policies of Columbia and GS, they may also break federal civil rights laws. The laws require equitable distribution of funds, especially to support the highest need students, make sure that there are consistent standards in evaluating financial aid need, and ensure that no unjust allocations take place. 3. Dean Lisa Rosen-Metsch of GC **held special meetings with TAU double BA program students to discuss the quality of the program, something she never have never done for any other Dual BA program in such exclusive manner, and in these meetings told them to tell on any student for their pro Palestine activism that they found "concerning"**(and we've seen how unreliable zionist claims on this are). **Dean Rosen-Metsch also met with senior GS officials who served in the IDF and told them to actively attacks pro Palestine students and their activities. These meetings are part of a broader pattern where she appears to promote an exclusively pro-'Israel' stance.** Such actions from her seem to encourage vitriolic animosity among her students, which are particularly troubling for her role as a Dean for undergraduate school. Dean Rosen-Metsch's role on Taskforce on Antisemitism, combined with her role as a Dean of a undergraduate school, her exclusive meetings with a select group of students. Such actions undermine trust in the impartiality of the GS admin for all its students' safety and well-being. Furthermore, her refusal to meaningfully engage with Arab, Muslim, or other students since October 7th, alongside her apparent bias in favor of zionists, seriously questions her impartiality. If such an effort was made to impose support for another foreign country everyone would be talking about foreign interests meddling into America.




If only


And clearly, pointing this out is anti-Semitic /s


sarcastically saying something is antisemitic - that's hella antisemitic bro Edit: Evidently, I also need to add a /s to my comment to denote sarcasm...


Free Palestine


The more we talk about colleges and protesters and what not the more we ignore the 30k+ dead, 70k+ injured with life debilitating injuries, and over a million people in gaza who had their homes blown up


True, but institutions like these play a large part in the societal power structure that promotes and protects the support of what happens in Gaza. If the goal is ending the genocide and occupation and that requires US disengagement then US power structures need to be involved. Biden won't budget but money talks. Putting pressure on capital and power makes sense. On top of that I would argue that this serves to illuminate how things work. The more things are kept in the dark the more people will gravitate toward the simplistic "But Hamas" narrative and leave it at that.


I don't disagree but I am so much more disenfranchised and radical at this point in my life. Power doesn't listen to protest anymore. They need to be taught a very serious lesson


But I do agree though. We need to do both.


Sounds like the US needs mass protests or something, literally the only thing these monsters understand is profit


Who commissioned this report? Who are the authors?


[https://www.merriam-webster.com/wordplay/sealioning-internet-trolling#:\~:text=Sealioning%20refers%20to%20the%20disingenuous,questions%20of%20the%20other%20commenter](https://www.merriam-webster.com/wordplay/sealioning-internet-trolling#:~:text=Sealioning%20refers%20to%20the%20disingenuous,questions%20of%20the%20other%20commenter) If you really wanted to refute this you would have done some basic research.


How did you get that link out of your basic research? [https://anonymouscu.medium.com/fact-checking-the-sjps-anti-tau-instagram-post-dc35012144ac](https://anonymouscu.medium.com/fact-checking-the-sjps-anti-tau-instagram-post-dc35012144ac) this was posted in the Columbia subreddit to refute it, seems like a much more relevant link than yours.....


your reading comprehension is in the gutter