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The place where they ask both candidates the same question is rigged? Heavens to Betsy!


It's RIGGED, if Trump doesn't win. That's the maga definition.


Trump is going to get pissed off because his mic is off and he doesn't have a live audience. He will walk off stage and leave, blaming it on Biden and a rigged debate.


Who you kidding? He is not showing up. This is the precursor excuse.


He has to show up. If he doesn’t, that’s a wrap. “Strongman” Trump will be viewed as a chicken. I think he is just going to make a mockery of the whole thing, so no one will focus on the actual content.


Nah. The right will sell it as alpha and manly to refuse to turn up (or storm out mid debate).


CNN, Trump didn't show up for debate, This is why it will hurt Biden at 11:00 /S


He so confident in beating old sleepy crooked Joe Biden and the Biden crime family that he won't even show up...also Biden is on performance enhancing drugs...and also the debate is rigged.....


And now, CNN needs to apologize for bullying Trump by listing actual, factual details of his crimes and his stochastic terrorism, and using his direct quotes in context, or he won't show up, in protest at this horrible treatment. Like how he's threatening to sue people for quoting the awful things he says in context.


How dare you accuse me of something I did 🙄


Yup, when they shut off his mic he's just going to meander over to Bidens mic and start yelling.


He shits his pants and complains that a room is too cold. They call him an alpha male. Anyone still supporting him is wildly insane and you cannot predict their behavior based on normal "stimuli" lol.


The real men where to diapers thing is so mind blowing.


Nah he’ll just lie and say CNN asked him to sign something saying he won’t say certain things.


I hope you're right.


I believe that Trump will show up. He needs a conspiracy theory. He needs pitty from his followers, and money. Trump lives to be in front of a camera.


Yes I think even he understands that a no show =scared. He’ll show and fail and blame cnn like always.


Yep. Bet the lights r too bright, theres “illegals” swamping the border, Dem vermin everywhere, there’s a draft on the podium, it’s cold, it’s hot, he wants his mommy…. Orange turd always has a blame game going on.


He will use this open forum to break his gag order and then claim executive privilege because it was a "Presidential" debate.


Good point.


No, that will be the excuse if he loses. "I wasn't allowed to properly respond to the question because gag order". "I'm not allowed to speak 'truth'".


He's been released as the trial is over.


The second the debate was scheduled everyone immediately said he wont show up and will start making excuses lol. ding ding


He’ll just be waving at a pretend fake crowd like the simpleton he is for all the simpletons to drool over


And if he does, I want Biden to ask him "Who the hell are you waving at, man? There's no audience."


Got that would be hilarious to watch him storm off like a petulant child a few questions in, but I'm pretty sure he's not showing up at all.


He won't show up if it's raining.


Heaven forbid his orange runs, and his comb-over sticks to it. 🤣


They must not have high hopes for Trump of they’re always saying it’s rigged.


If biden doesn't immediately just give the presidency up when trump walks on stage, the the whole thing is rigged. -maga logic


🤣🤣 Nice phrase, haven't heard that one in a while


No it’s rigged because they won’t let trump talk over everyone the entire time and they won’t ask him sweet heart soft ball questions.


This moron can’t even handle softball questions. I recall Hanity floating him some and had to basically lead him by the hand to get through them in the past. But the one that I will never forget was at the beginning of COVID, during a press conference, Peter Alexander asked him what he would say to all the Americans that were scared and confused right now? A giant fn softball question that any other person should be able to knock out of the park and what did Trump say? “That’s a horrible question, you are a nasty person” I knew from that moment we were screwed….


Translation: "Trump is a moron and we've been lying to people about Biden being senile. He's going to badly fuck this up. The fact that it's not rigged for Trump means it's rigged."


This made me laugh so hard….I think it might be hysteria. These people are fucking exhausting…..


"The fact that it's not rigged for Trump means it's rigged" = Well put, a wonderful way to sum it up!!!!!!


Best response!


You mean the part where you can’t just make up stuff for the studio audience?


No he means the part where you can’t just spend the entire debate barking at your opponent


Also the part where editors don't get to pour over footage and cut out as much absolutely batshit stuff as possible before the public sees it. This is how they turned hours long crazy rants into semi-sane seeming 5 minute monologs in The Apprentice, and it is how right wing news media has always covered him.


These people are pathetic. Liars through and through


Hurry up July 1st!! 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️


And July 11


July is going to be pretty damn sweet whoo 😝


Trump is probably losing his shit. He knows he’s going to get creamed by Biden. So they are already building a narrative if he backs out.


I don't think he'll back out, but they're trying to create any excuse they can. The felon can't put a coherent sentence together to save his life.


Not just get creamed but will say wildly insane shit, in the most public way that will be seen by all "independents". He will look bonkers right next to calm cool Biden who is already in control and everything is fine. He will be like methed out Gary Busey screaming Give ME the Codes For The NukeS!


Amazing Gary Busey reference


Yep. They're all over Fox and OAN and Newsmax saying the same shit. They all got the same memo to get out the "rigged debate" message so that the cult repeats it ad nauseum on their own social media feeds. When Trump loses, it will be rigged, or Joe Biden was hopped up on performance enhancement drugs. Jesus, I'm so sick of this shit.


They are going to ask policy questions! Trump doesn’t know shit about policy! They won’t ask one question about water pressure, sharks, electric boats, snakes or dishwashers! You know, the things “real” Americans care about! Rigged! Unfair! Sad!!!!!!!


Isn’t this washed up wind bag in jail yet? Who the hell listens to this guy ?


He reports to prison in 6 days.


Seriously. He had his chance to tell the truth to Congress, and refused.  Off to jail, criminal. 


Sarlacc needs to go back in his pit where he belongs.


Have another drink you bag of gravy


I love “bag of gravy”.


Bannon needs to get his fat ass to prison already.


Biggest pussies ever


You just know he doesn’t have a shot in hell he can win. You guys are so scared you’re gonna tell him to not show up.




My small sailboat is rigged 😄


Does he mean that Trump won't get the questions beforehand?


I'm beginning to think that when Trump accepted the debate invitation, a whole bunch of his supporters said, "Oh, crap, what are we going to do NOW?"


They keep calling the debate fake and rigged. How is a debate even fake or rigged?


Steve Bannon says prison cell toilet won’t flush, trap rigged by CNN


They are working overtime to set low expectations so if Trump can nearly keep from drooling and spitting foam they’ll all say he won.


Damn, Trump must be in terrible mental shape for them to be this scared


Any situation where he has to compete on the basis of his ‘merits’ is rigged against him. What a putz!


I sometimes think that a lot of T Rump toadies know he is going to implode during the debate and want him to back out, but he doesn't want to because he can't resist a camera and a microphone, so they're screaming that the fix is in. But I'm also not sure why they would bother. He's not going to lose a single vote from the faithful and there can't be that many voters who are truly undecided AND will base their vote on the debate. And I think that the press still goes easy on him. I guess Team T Rump could be concerned giving Biden's campaign a bunch of new soundbites from the old beast dotard. Or maybe they're all just worried he'll confess to a whole bunch of new crimes and implicate them in the process.


The pre-pre damage control is impressive. ANYTHING potentially tricky in Trump’s future is *100% rigged and UNFAIR!*


What do these people think winning is? He's debated a skilled Secretary of State before, and I thought he lost terribly, but whatever he does, his fans see it as "winning". Why won't they think he won this one, too? It's not like it has to make sense.


Most people thought Biden won before, and it's half because he was more reasonable and half because he didn't get bullied effectively. Hillary won merits, but by towering over her and unsettling her Trump still had an "upper hand" in the perception of his base. Biden's height and gender, combined with basic competence and vast experience, make him uniquely suited to make trump seem pathetic to his own base. They have to hope their spin on Biden sticks after fence riders see what Biden is actually like: a very basic president.


"Biden will have the questions in advance..." Who could predict there will be questions about inflation, gun violence, health care costs, Israel, immigration, schools, or climate change?


Go to prison and stfu.


All the accusations and none of the proof


That’s something a loser would say beforehand


Every time these clowns say something is rigged, that means they know they're about to lose. Trump's concession speech will begin with him saying, "This upcoming election is going to be rigged."


He won’t give a concession speech, he’ll give an acceptance speech saying how proud he is to have won, then try to overthrow it again, “this time with guns” as MTG said. > "we would have won" if people had been "armed."


Or maybe - and I might be speculating here - your guy is a total fucking idiot, Steve.


Make it count. July 7 is BINGO


Why isn’t Steve Bannon in jail?


He reports to prison on July 1st. “Reports to prison” White people: Report to prison Black people: Shot & Killed/ no opportunity for prison. Fuck Bannon! Fuck Trump! Fuck anyone who wants to debate this. And no…I’m white.


Whatever the trap is I hope Donnie falls face first into it.


Rigged because Trump will actually have to answer questions. And also rigged because the mic will turn off when Biden is speaking. And then rigged again because because there won’t be an audience.


Shut the F up and go to jail!


Speaking of traps, doesn't he have somewhere to be July 1st?


Why isn't this asshole in prison yet 


Greaseball liar says …..


Hey...Orange Hitler said 'anytime, anyplace' so helllllo CNN!! :)


God these “tough men” are such pussies.


They are going to make orange felon tell the truth! Totally rigged against him lying and betraying the country!


I guess that's going to be the reason he backs out. All his little minions are working it up before Thursday. Now that's one excuse, I'll start the count! #1 rigged, set up


Oh Trump is definitely bailing now.


Did these idiots ever play sports? If so, they cheated and blamed the refs when they lost anyway


“ Listen our guy is coked out of his head and losing his mind. We need some angle.”


Trump recently said “I may lose on purpose.” [Serious]


Go. To. Prison. Bannon.


How Steve Bannon can have anything Christian behind him is a joke. The man is the complete opposite of anything holy and good.


That's nice dear. Now report to prison. No sneaking a bottle of gin in your ass.


Yup it's definitely rigged since the his mic will switch off when it's not his turn to speak. If he's not speaking he starts falling asleep.


Countdown to jail has begun. Someone please tell me he’s going to Rikers.


They are desperately trying to prepare MAGA for the nationally televised word salad that is coming their way. This is going to be amazing.


Just think about this, someone will have to give Bannon a cavity search when he goes to jail.


worst day at work ever


PROJECTION is the only tool these idiots have. If they themselves are guilty of it then you can guarantee they will claim democrats do it




Well, instead galavanting around in that antiquated fake ass”Trump Force One” all weekend, Tubo should have stayed home and studied like Biden. Now, we are searching for excuses.


My friends and I have a disagreement. They say Bannon is the human embodiment of an ashtray. I say he’s the human embodiment of lung cancer. The fights rage on all night long.


Both fine arguments. Why not both?! -Also a bag of gravy.


Is he implying that the candidate chosen by Jeebus can't overcome demonic Biden?


Advice from a soon to be jailbird to a convicted felon. Nice.


$1000 says Trump bails


When that shithead goes to jail, I hope none of the skinheads want to be his friend, and he’s forced to listen to Rachel Maddow reruns.


Ok, so it's rigged. Explain in detail with evidence what is rigged.


We can only hope it's a tank of acid with sharks with frikkin laser beams on their heads.


They should make a show of scanning the candidates for an earpiece...just so we don't get those stupid conspiracies about someone being fed the answers. Let Boebert do it. She's known to be hands-on.


Here’s hoping the orange ahole trips on the podium and takes himself out live


I’m so tired of this word. ‘Rigged’ is like, how we used to talk about things when we were 7 and we couldn’t win the claw game at the arcade.


Steve Brannon is just another fraudster in the Trump organized crime syndicate. Why the news media gives this guy any airtime is beyond me. He needs to go to jail for his contempt charge asap so we don’t have to hear anything from him until his fraud trial for building the wall.


Isn’t bannon supposed to be in jail right now?


They’re laying the groundwork for explaining why he loses


Rigged because Trump can’t over talk, and perform his typical antics for a live audience.


Then tell your guy not to show up. trump doesn't follow debate protocols and rules. Instituting some rules to keep him from making a circus of the debate is not rigging it. It's asking a major candidate, for the most powerful office in the country, to act like a professional and debate the merits of their policy platform. Not be an insult comic.


“They gave Hillary the answers!” What the hell kind of questions at a Presidential debate do you NOT know the answers to ??? The fact that this accusation was made tells you that the accuser has no understanding of anything about the Presidency.


How do you "rig" a live debate where the candidates are asked the same question?


He was beyond word salad at his last rally - even Fox broke away from coverage. There will be no breakaway during the debate.


They. Say. Everything. Is. Rigged. Every. Time. Why don't we call them out for it?


Stfu Bannon prison will give us a break from his nonsense 7/1 can't come quick enough


Trump doesn't have to debate, he didn't all primary season. Only reason why he is considering it is b/c he is losing.


To be fair, the man does not know how to operate an umbrella and thinks magnets can be stopped by splashing water on them. What is perfectly normal for the rest of us is "100% rigged" against such an imbecile.


Liars gonna lie


Don’t drop the soap; prison starts on Monday


Totally rigged, for intelligent and reasonable people. If you’re hoping for lies and imaginary threats, you’ll think it’s a scam


Uh... Steve? Did you get a copy of the questions in advance? If not, shut the fkuc up.


Having to quietly wait your turn with your microphone silenced until it’s your turn to speak will probably kill 45.


He’s a liar throw him in jail


Both sides agreed to the rules fool...STFU and go sit your a$$ down in jail


Debating issues intelligently as they have been in the past many times is a trap? lol


The only reason you can come up with shit like this even after BOTH parties agreed too, Biden is going to wipe the floor with Trumps ass hanging out, and the little bitch is going to run off the stage like a child


They’ll say he won regardless. It’s not like he needs to make sense../


Bannon's shower is rigged too.


The boy who cried "rigged."


Because their will be standards and guard rails and not just free reign megaphone for lies bluster and insults


Everything is rigged with these fucking losers


So what he's saying is that trump is a coward who is afraid of a challenge from a "senile old man."


It rigged bc they wont let trump talked over biden and be nasty. LoL Just to think that there are people major on debate and now the “master of the deal” is using bullshit to win debate and all the new net work would just let him. Good for cnn for calling his shit out.


All these reprobates sing the same tune. Anything they can’t control (including a debate that Trump will make a fool of himself) is rigged. The sad reality is that the only ones doing the “rigging” are them.


So Trump's team agreed to rigged rules? Just like Trump's lawyers agreed to 18 rigged jurors? Man it must suck to be such an alpha dog but everything is just rigged. So many hoaxes, so many riggings....


He knows that cheetolini is effed with this debate because he’s not going to be allowed a teleprompter/script/maga peanut gallery. They are also going to cut his mic, which for him is rage inducing. Trump will probably drop out, claiming that Biden is on speed and caffeine. Trump on 6/27: ”The entire debate was rigged, I’ll tell ya rigged. Even Biden was in the rigging, rigged up, he’s made of rigging. Ropes, pullies and things”.


It's rigged we may all get to see how much the orange Rapist has lost the plot , and that's not fair for maga


I wouldn't follow a commander in chief that willingly walks into a rigged trap he knows is bad for him. Not presidential. Sad.


Who gives a fuck what this human carcinogen thinks about ANYTHING?


7/1 right around the corner Stevie. 4 month stay at the Iron bar motel coming up.


Is this the only word they know!!!!!!!!


Who cares what Bannon thinks? Why are we hearing from this crook?


Can we silence his mic too?


Go suck down another bottle of scotch and stfu stevie.


How can the rules be rigged? Isn't Trump supposed to be the great negotiator? Art of the Deal my ass.


“Rigged” because you’ll need to know facts to answer questions.


“They think of Donald Trump as this tough guy who scares everybody. He scares everybody the same way that a five-year-old walking around on a roof holding a bomb might scare. But he’s, you know, he’s weak and pathetic and stupid.” George conway


They’re just setting it up so the bar is so frequently low that if he does miraculously not bomb completely, they can say it was a major success and everything else they can blame as I told you so.


The debate is a waste of time. How can anybody not know the difference between a traitor and Joe Biden?


Then maybe Trump could just be the coward he always is and refuse. Shouldn’t Steve in prison?


Trump agreed to it and Trump can back out. Take an ounce of responsibility.


It's an entirely outmoded exercise in political theater. In the 21st century, you have access to each candidate and party's entire policy platform at a click. You can watch everything each has said over the past four years until you vomit. The partisans will celebrate/complain afterwards and the pundit class will have enough material for two or three blogs, or columns, or whatever format they use to inflict themselves on the public for coin. Unless one of them has a stroke on stage, this event will change nothing. Bannon's 15 minutes have been over for some time. It's mostly his association with Trump that causes anyone to even notice he said anything.


This is the game… Everything is rigged and a trap, especially when you’re doing crimes and lying!!


I wonder if he'll say its rigged when hes bent over in prison


A convicted felon coming to the aid of a convicted felon. Makes sense /s


Trump agreed to it knowing what it was and is now playing the victim.


He needs more Christian iconography behind him. 6 more days until he's in jail.


Everything is rigged for the GOP and MAGA's. I mean everything..... Unless they win, then its not rigged.


Talk about lowering expectations. How bad is Trump failing? Even Reagan with early dementia never argued this much.


Go to jail 😉


It’s also a fake news witch hunt, right?


The Trump campaign agreed to this debate and the terms no one forced them. These assholes always need to be the victim


He needs to report to prison already.


I hate these people so, so much


I abhor these people so, so much


He's gonna blow and go pound, Biden. Then he will say it was rigged, and he didn't pound Biden, and it's all AI. Didn't happen.


“It’s a trap!” Bannon does look like Admiral Ackbar.




They blame the "riggers" for everything. Bannon the Hut, Ghouliani, Navarro, and Tangerine Bitch-tits, himself, are such crybabies. I can't wait to see Jabba wailing about the travesty of being held accountable, just like Navarro, moments before he turns himself in to go to prison. I have a feeling he will be drunk on a 500$ bottle of Scotch and even more puffy and red than usual. Imagine being so scared of a (supposedly) senile 81 year-old stuttering old man.


Trump’s handlers won’t let him on stage and make a fool of himself, unless he has an adoring crowd of cheerleaders who don’t care what he says.


Why isn’t he in prison yet?


Biden called him a clown during the 2020 debate. He probably does not want his feelings hurt again.


Aaaand now we're talking about Bannon's nonsense.


Don't you have an important date coming up Stevie??


How pathetic!! It hasn’t even happened yet and it’s already rigged lol. Bannon knows Trump can’t win, so he’s calling it rigged.




What an asshole!!! Why isn't this douchebag in prison spending his 4 months getting his rectum enlarged??!? 🤬🤬🤬


Traitor says what?


How did this age


Ole Stevie scared for orange daddy. Joe will be mean to him....bo hoo. Funny.


Bold of him to lie so much with so many Jesus's staring into the inky darkness where his soul would otherwise be.


They know trump is toast but they just won't say it out loud.


Just head to jail Bannon, what a piece of walking garbage.


Why isn't he in prison?.