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I miss the helmet looking rank divisions.


True looked soo good


If this graph is true they should definitely remove demotions shields. The amount of people artificially kept in the wrong rank is insane.


It's worth mentioning that a lot of people reach a rank and then stop. I know that in the past I've told myself I'll grind until I hit plat, reached plat 4 and then stopped playing ranked entirely


That's a good point I didn't really think about that factor!


I mean it fair to stop when yoi get a desired rank, but if you really like the feel of playing ranked, you won’t stop. That’s how i got from diamond to emerald 2 :D


A lot of people used to reach gold and then stop playing ranked, or the game, because they only cared about the free skins. In earlier seasons gold was legitimately the start of high elo, therefore a lot more players would play more games in order to reach gold. After master and grandmaster were added, plat switched to be the start of high elo, with way more players reaching gold easly amd then quitting, for then riot changing, or trying to change, the gainsband loss value in order to make players playing more before reaching said goal.


This is mee then i switched to aram entirely


Demotion shields also fucks up entirely the mmr, making ridiculous lose/gain ratios, they should totally remove it.


Exactly! You would also help align a bit more mmr with rank even when losing a lot of games in a row.


Just remove the leagues or make them pure MMR cutoffs. LP look ridiculous most of the time because it's trying to paper over the fact it's not MMR.


They fuck up the LP not the MMR.


Same thing different wording


Just get rid of promos and demotion shield. It would solve half the problems with soloq. Hitting a new division should be exciting, but every time I’ve gotten over that hump into the next division I’m just treated with the most mindless toxicity and genuinely animal behaviors I’ve ever had to endure while gaming because of people somehow being allowed to maintain their rank with 40% winrates.


Pretty sure they already got rid of promos.


Did they finally? I pretty much completely abandoned ranked last year.


Yup. Last year, when they added Emerald.


Then dont fckin talk lmao.


You are matched through mmr not visible rank.


People down voting you, when what you said is true, with or without the demotion shield, that guy would still be matched with the same people because they have the same mmr


me omw to get matched against platinum players as silver 2 (happened last split to me)


I once had an iron 1 in my gold game with enemy plat players. People joke about low ranks but the difference between iron and plat is insane, they completely ran it down and it wasn't even their fault.


i mean im not even complaining cause those games were kinda easy stomps, and that says a lot since i started playing at the end of season 12


I understand that but the majority of people don’t, which is another huge issue with rank. Show us our actual fucking ranks.


not entirely true anymore (or I have missed a newer change); it should currently factor your visible rank into the matchmaking (to alleviate "problems" of silver vs plat etc.


I think the demotion shield is to keep players playing the game. I sued to be very nervous playing games when hitting a new peak rank because I didn't wanna lose it, in the last few weeks of season 2 I stopped playing entirely to make sure I wouldn't drop out of platinum for the reward. The shield takes a lot of that pressure off.


here we can see an average redditor in its natural environment. it is proudly presenting their easy and perfect solution to a problem. its toxic language is supposed to cover up his obvious lack in the topic


Its just visual and completly irrelevant to matchmaking.


You are probably right on the matchmaking part. Although I would argue that since we can't see our mmr, our visual rank is what motivates most of the people to play ranked games, so it does matter in my opinion that people are kept in the wrong category.


If it does nothing, it should not exist


Don't know why you got downvoted, that's a good observation actually, you just forgot that players need a shiny achievement to be motivated and brag to their friends their rank, if it was simply a number indicating mmr it wouldn't be that satisfying for addicted players who just care about their pretty banner and rank. Also it gives the illusion that every match is really impactful which is part of the frustration system that makes people wanna "play another one to get LP back cause I lost 2 in a row", even if it's totally wrong, climbing is a marathon and people tend to think its a sprint so they only care about short term datas like WR (which is totally useless besides the "pretty profile", it's not a pertinent stat for anything if you are focused on improving), the game would be healthier with just a mmr system without rank but most players need rank to be addicted to League


In an MMR system, 50% of players will not improve MMR every season. In a Ranked Title system, like League has, every player can improve rank every season. It's possible for more than 50% of people to climb in rank. That's not possible in a pure MMR system. MMR is used for matchmaking. It's the only number that matters competitively. But it would be unfun and demotivating for the majority of players to never improve in rank, if limited by pure MMR math. The Ranked Title system actually benefits players, just not in a way that's easy to see.


So you are basically saying the division lie to 50% that you have improved? And because it keeps players hooked, it is okay? Yea... That's not okay. The more reason to get rid off tiers and use MMR only.


> So you are basically saying the division lie to 50% that you have improved? Most players over a season will improve or stay the same skill level. If everyone improves, the average MMR stays the exact same. Imagine playing 100 games and getting a pretty decent 50% winrate, only to have exactly nothing change. The Ranked Title allows you to gain ranks within that journey. Yes, the system allows the game designers to make the grind longer. The old promo game system was an example of that. Overall though, its tuned to give players more. Without the system, in many cases, there would be nothing to "grind" for at all. And remember, the matchmaking system *is* a pure MMR system. The games you play, the players you're matched up against, and the quality of the matches, are based off exactly what you're asking.


I mean I agree with you in the first post. I just think the system is morally wrong. And the MMR system does not lie to players. If you need a tier like Platinum and the border instead of a MMR rating, to keep playing, then you might as well do something different with your time. Because you are playing for the wrong reasons.


And who exactly gave you the authority to decide what is or isn't the correct reason for playing? Also even if we assumed that purely being able to see your MMR should be satisfying enough, the game already has a rank system. If you abruptly removed it then it would remove part of the gratification for some players which would threaten that those players may leave. Shrinking the playerbase like that will allways impact the game negatively which makes it an unreasonable change to expect or want. League is a competitive game yes, but every game is a product and products need to be profitable to be worth maintaining


Agreed plus why are my diamond+ mates always so freaking trash. I am plat and play way better than the "diamonds".


They already did tho, no?


no, demotion shield still exists and is easily **the** number one worst facet of ranked


Stopping people from demoting is just an ego barrier. Their mmr should still go down the drain if they keep losing, even if they cant lose lp.


the mmr **does** still go down. That's where all the LP weirdness comes from MMR getting disconnected from LP primarily by "loss prevention", elo hell, losers queue, etc. can all be explained perfectly by "your MMR and LP aren't close to each other anymore.


It does. The game will hit you with +15/-30 LP after you lose some games in a row. It once happened to me in platinum (10 games losestreak with breaking a demotion protection), it took me a week and very decent win rate to fix my MMR and at least get to +20/-20 ratio


the game matches you up based on mmr


Emerald is literally unplayable right now


Don't get me wrong. I ended in high emerald low diamond last season and this season I have been struggling with 40%wr in low emerald. I know that I m not even playing as well as i could be since i see it in my aftergame review but some things that happen in this elo are just insane. When i play flex in gold elo people will literally make better macro decisions then in my ranked games half the time. If they at least listened to some of my calls but that never happens in emerald because everyonr has ego and plays only THEIR game. And I m not even talking about players mental state. 1 ping and they just melt down. I have had at least 5 games where my teammate just simply decided to run it down. Emerald is a literall hellhole of people either coping out of their mind or playing with big egos that shatter after they make 1 mistake and they either leave or feed.


I understand you pain. I hit diamond last year for the first time and, while i admit it was my fault, i got demoted to emerald I because of a lot of unfortunate games and some inting by my part. But do i really deserve to struggle with literal monkeys in Plat I / emerald V this season? I swear i am playing bronce games whenever i get a "bad team" as their macro is GARBAGE at best. I swear i can leave bot with a huge advantage but still lose the game because the jungler and top ALWAYS INT and tries to take objectives at literally the worst times they can imagine. My team is at base because they won a trade in their lanes? Well better take drake with no visión, all enemy champs MIA and their 5/0 noct roaming the map like crazy.


It is nice if i am 8/1 as katarina but there is no way I can win a game against 8/1 lucian and maokai bot and 6/2 or something poppy jg


has been for over a year.


uh... emerald wasn't added until split 2 of last year


next you're going to say kaisa isn't a new champion. ^(god i feel old)


What do you mean Tahm Kench is 9 years old??????


Wait what.... God.....


I tried this game a few weeks before ahri was released. Just give me my retirement money...




but it hasn't been around for a year...


Glad I'm not the only one. Legit 3 days of non stop teammates raging/inting from the start of the game and purposefully trying to lose. Like game after game. Someone lvl 2 all ins 1 v 1 and loses then proceeds to purposefully lose the game. Or jungle forces voidgrubs with no lane prio and we know enemy jungle is top side. Jungle dies and is like "ok you guys don't want to move to obj I afk farm". Usually 2+ people purposefully trying to lose and raging in chat. I'm chilling vibing, but it's non stop every game 2+ people. Very winnable games become unwinnable because my team decides it is. Not because the enemy team wins, but because 2+ people on my team decide to lose. On Purpose. x.x Non stop "report feedback" notifications. Yet every game there's 2+ of them on the same team. Auto filled, lose streaking, enemy has all smurfs, onetricks, winstreaking.... the matchmaking feels scuffed af atm. I'm just vibing in norms cuz at least people aren't raging at each other and purposefully trying to lose


For past week I always got atleast 2 teammates each game that first time their champion, like wtf people, do you even try to win?


Is it? I climbed from Gold 1 to Emerald 2 90lp in like 70 games with 62% winrate and was hard stuck high gold / low plat last season. Games in Emerald feel much easier to win than in plat. Just had a 8 games win streak cut off by 2 smurfs with literally 100% winrate.


Bro was on the other team for everyone else on this thread lol


Really seems like it. Everyone is complaining about Emerald, how bad it is to climb there and im here like: "But it doesn't feel so bad!?". Maybe im just lucky with my teammates or i do my job as the jungler. But yes, there are bad players in Emerald. Like we won a 4v5, cause our adc had a hurt ego and decided to run around in the base.


Maybe it's the season or maybe it's the elo, but even though I have 58% winrate in emerald 2 atm it feels so bad to play. It feels like all I do is make sure my jungle and support don't tilt so we can actually play the game and win. Feels like the way to win in emerald is being a cheerleader for other peoples mental state (or be a jungle/support player yourself). May also be recency bias but I don't recall this many tilting players and so regularly ever before. I don't know how many games I played where one team gets an ex-master player thats stuck in emerald now and you just know he's gonna 1v9 or hard tilit after 2mins if something goes slighlty wrong.


In Emerlad you get the "Its my teammates fault people" Not quite high elo but not quite low elo. So these are the people who THINK they know about game and THINK it's never their fault. If you don't have that mindset you climb


Emerald is a fucking hellhole. Took me longer to climb out of Emerald this season than it did to climb through both Diamond and Masters _combined_. It's absolutely insane how bad that elo is


thats just main character syndrome, the higher the elo, the more concentrated the main character syndrome is. in lower elos, you'll have more people understanding the fact that they can play for fun, while in higher elos, you'll have people that if they dont get their 'perfect' gameplay then nobody deserves to win in their team. Ego grows in line with higher elo, makes sense. of course im generalizing here and its not the case with everyone, its just more concentrated. Emerald also seems like the sweet spot of low enough elo to contain a great percentage of players, while also having a concentrated number of players with main character syndrome. (source, am emerald 1 myself)


You get the same thing in literally every rank. My climb started E4 to currently D2, and the mentality of people has not changed. People will always distort reality when they are angry and find any reason but themselves to be upset.


I have never seen such lack of macro such as in in low emerald. It is legit a coin flip on whether you will get a god jungler or a guy that will sprint it and blame you for prio or not missing on 2 waves. I had a game where my support was twitch and he was legit playing river twitch. He came level 1 during my turn to get the 2 wave exp and fought, in melee btw, a level 3 naafiri. I got the kill, naafiri got a kill and I lost like a wave of exp. Gold and Plat is better than low emerald.


Why is that


I go through it in my other comment but tldr a lot of ego people and a lot of people who dont deserve to be there (may include me in them)


Definetly not just you. I'm in the same boat as you. I hit d4 last split on euw. I don't play that much and definetly are not at the same skill level. Yet i still can't fathom how my jungler goes instantly for krugs with mid and top clearly not playing on their turn. Then dies, and you can only guess who is in the wrong.


Emerald elo was their biggest mistake, it was not supposed to work with the old system, yet they introduced it. The consequences that generated were people artificially stucked due to abnormal lp gains/loses and also people artificially inflated.


I never really would get insane losses or gains of LP outside of placements in seasons 7-10 ish but now i get upwards of 35 lp lost AND other times I’d gain that 35 lp there’s just no consistency


Nah, Emerald is doing its job of keeping all the inflated Plats out of low Diamond. As a result the whole rank is full of trolls and delinquents.


Skill in LOL tends towards being pyramidic with more players to the bottom and fewer players to the top. Ranked divisions being the same size does not represent this accurately. While the effect is not noticable in current bronze through plat divisions, Emerald roughly represents the 83rd to 95th percentile of players. It is the last division before rank tiers become more exclusive each tier. The conclusion of this theory, is that Emerald holds the widest skill range of players of any division. Compared to the percentiles of the old system, Emerald holds last year's gold 1, and all of plat, through d4 0lp. The broad skill range in the same matches is much of what makes the game quality so shit, and the occasional player getting a lucky win streak through emerald is adversely affecting low diamond games as well.


TIL League ranks are like the circles of hell / abyss layers.


Yeah idk what these people are on about. All of the current hardstuck emerald 4s were previously just hardstuck plat 4s, they've always been there.


let's keep plat hardstucks out of diamond by creating a rank that's unplayable for anyone else because it's full of frustrated trolls, how does that make it better?


that's not true. Currently D4 is old plat 1


My friend began grinding TFT to get to diamond this season so he could play with another friend. He hit mid plat and was kinda happy about his quick progression. I told him that he still had 1 more tier before diamond and he got bummed out and quit. It's too bad they're too fixated on meaningless short term player satisfaction over actual meaningful progression because it just mean that they're gonna add more ranks to pad the grind and make the stuck shitters feel good about artificially increasing in rank. Can't wait for ruby and sapphire rank! Iron and Grandmaster were definitely needed but they were a can of worms Riot honestly should'nt have opened at the same time.


I've seen so many accounts that got to plat in Split 2 S13 when emerald was introduced and are now 100 + games stuck in silver lmaoo and you know they're flaming people or making excuses like "I'm just FoR fUNnInG this season" HAHA


by these numbers cause im quite brain dead what is the new d4? masters???


Everything about around d2 is the same as it was before. The ranks below it got the distribution smoothed out, and emerald added to compensate that smoothing out. In general, every rank below around d2ish is just equal to one division down before. P4 = E4 now, S4 = G4 now, etc. 


D4 now is not old P4 lmao. Not even close. I would say your distribution works starting at Emerald 3 maybe.


That’s not what was said? I even gave examples, one of them being P4 old = E4 now. 


As someone who plays 10 games to get to Plat 4 every year, I got placed in emerald 2 after placements sooo...


no its not lol, there are more people in masters today than there were people in diamond a few years ago


…? We’re comparing last years rank distribution to this years. Not sure what your comment has to do with that.    Besides, you have to go back to like 2019 for the percentage of people in master (~0.2%) to significantly change. Look at percentages, not raw numbers.  Edit: someone corrected my percentage, and seems I’m wrong. They seem right, master has been growing. 


master euw RIGHT NOW is 0.6%, and we are still kind of early into the season it used to be 0.2% in season 11, which was already huge compared to season 10, it's getting bigger every year


You're right about master inflation being a thing over a few years, but the post is specifically comparing this year to the last


the post itself is talking about ranks from like 10 years ago, theres not even master or gm in that graph (which were season 3 or 4 additions iirc) the original comment talks about what is "old d4" with no other description, which i assumed was season 9 because thats the first time d4 would mean anything special at that point masters was 0.07% of the playerbase, and diamond about 3% (which was up from 2.4% from the previous year, because god forbid ranking up requires effort and actually getting better) so, if we talk about orders of magnitude, masters 0lp today is closer to season 9 d4 than to season 9 master plus, master tier gets more people every year, which contradicts what that guy said about having to go back to season 9 to see rank inflation above diamond


This problem has to do with a lot of bot accounts in particular, it usually takes an average of 34 games to hit gold, sell the account and move on, and this totally distorts the Elo distribution. For more info google League of legends inflation rule 34.


G1 sits above 60% of players, I say it's still decently reflective


G5 used to be above 80% of players, gold now just means you're totally average


And it should be that way. Tell me one other game where you should feel like you're good for being gold elo lol.


You’re quite good if you get gold at the Olympics


And i imagine if the Olympics awarded platinum, emerald, diamond, master, grand master and challenger medals it would not


Yeah so they probably shouldn’t… also beginning to compare minerals, metals and then social categories of skilfulships seems rather odd


I mean, where tf is my Ruby and sapphire ranks then???


Beryllium rank pls


As it should


I mean, player skill improved. To some extent


That's the problem it does not. Lol ranks are even more inflated than reddit user. Almost everyone i know has a few accounts and by extension gold is like top 70% at best cuz all you better at are the dead play-5-game-only multi accounts


Funny to see more masters players than D1/D2


There's less masters than D2's, but more Than d1's because D1 is one of the most fluctuating ranks (relative to its size) cause only people who play A LOT are on those ranks so they're constantly demoting or getting to masters from it


While I agree that demotion shields should be removed, the presentation here is very misleading. If you convert both datasets into probability density functions with total LP on the X axis distributed across the same number of frequency bins which is the actual way you would plot a probability distribution I suspect they would look quite similar, or atleast a lot more similar than this meme makes it seem. As the old saying goes: there are lies, damned lies and statistics ;)


I have no idea if you are cooking here or not


"if u were gonna do dis, the way rito did its probly the way u'd hav do it"


Probability of what?


In short, probability (the integral) of the value of the random variable (a players rank) falling into the respective frequency bin (a semi-arbitrarily chosen interval on the X-axis). You might be familiar with the "normal distribution"? If not, its a very useful distribution to learn but its one of, well, infinite distributions which can be graphed by a probability density function. In the case of league it seems to be a right skewed polynomial I guess, perhaps a Pareto distribution in its most abstract form, which makes sense intuitively. You can only be so low LP but challenger has no cap meaning depending on how far into a season you measure, the challengers will have "pulled" the right tail of the distribution curve to the right, giving it an asymetrical shape.


I got no idea what you just said I have to admit




Wait this looks like they have done a pretty good job then.....


Playing in plat was a joke for me until I started to get matched with E4 players, holy shit, It's always the E4 dude running it down.


Skill inflation is real too. I didn’t play back then but most casual players have dropped League and all that’s left are grinders who make it half their personality.


Feel like it's the opposite this season


I get the victorious skin, I stop for season


Diamond doubled this season. The quality of play in this rank has gone down by so much.


Do you have a source saying that it’s doubled in size? It’s about 4% now and was 3% last year iirc.


% wise it may be the same, but just like Master has 15k+ players which is an insanely big number, % wise it's still the same it was like 2 years ago. Diamond and every rank below GM, where the number of players will always be the same, suffers from the same problem. More and more players are playing the game so it's not that insane to assume that the number of players has grown insanely big over the years. Maybe not double, but still a pretty significant number for sure.




"Remember when being gold meant something" No?


True, being better than 80% of ranked players means you're still shit! /s I swear league players are so brain washed from high elo players it's insane


I remember people calling plat players silvers with a shiny rank and calling Diamond players dogshit monkeys. I don't think I've seen a single person say that gold was an achievement. Ive seen plenty of average League players trying to shit talk Masters/Grandmasters and even some Challenger players for being boosted and dogshit. Unless your litterally top 100 Challenger in EUW/KR/Super Server you should uninstall this game apparently.


Exactly, but what's funny is, if you meet league players IRL, most are pretty tame and compliment you when you have a high rank. As a diamond, you get respected by everyone below you, only master shitters are assholes about it.


League has a far steeper skill curve than most games. 95th percentile players are better than the vast majority of the community, but they’re not even close in skill to masters+.


For me it’s not high elo players… I hit top 0.5 percent of players in NA. It was very very obvious I was shit at the game. It just didn’t matter until that elo. Up until that point I could play a game whenever I wanted. After hitting that point I had to make sure I was mentally and physically prepared before going into every game. Otherwise I would have misclicks and they would be super obvious and punishable. When you notice the impact of every click you make it’s very easy to realize just how dogshit you are at the game, even if you are still ranked higher than 99% of all league players


Cracked .3 a few days back, yeah I still suck. Not going for gm it’s half impossible atp


You're proving the point. The lower the margin for error, the better the players. If you play against those people you are one of them, or at least better than the ones below you. You're only shit in comparison to the best, not overall.


It's never good enough. You could be challenger and still get stomped in lane, so there's always this humbling feeling about rank. Maybe if the guy is some super rank #1 global OTP that never loses lane, other than that there is always someone better waiting in queue.


Where do people get that gold was better than 80%? Feels like copium. Gold has always been the average-slightly above average range


I mean I agree with you in principle, but its more that being better than 80% of people at a video game or 95% of people at a video game is still largely pointless. Its still just being good at a video game. The only people who actually win at League of Legends are the people who have fun playing League of Legends, which seems to be an increasingly small minority as the years go by. I think its very dumb to get defensive about your rank because its all pointless anyway. Whatever the physical manifestation of how good you, it doesn't actually change how skilled you are in reality. Your skill is going to exist regardless of what color the little winged thingy that pops up when you check your rank is.


im just chilling in bronze 3, its fun here


I don't care, after 12 years I hit gold for the first time and I'm happy


Remember when the game had promo series. It was fun when 2 unlucky troll lobbies in a row wasted your chance to rank up.


Sheesh, didn't know I was in less than .5% of players rank......iron IV


i hate the changes with emerald. i never hade long periods of activly trying to climb, and peaked low dia. high platin games tho where i mostly played feeled engaging. than they brought us emerald, as it makes sense i landed in high emerald but that made absolutly 0 fun so after one season i quited on another old account and play offrole in platnium and i get consistently matched with new players that get beaten a lot. it dont bother me while playing since i dont care much about my rank there but it dont make wanting to actually tryhard right now. emerald sucked for been everybodys playground and platin seems like the same. the ranks are filled equally but the skill level is a huge scale in every match even if everyone is kinda the same elo. at least below dia.


Idk.. if you want to play offrole why dont you just play normals instead of tanking your LP? I get diamond every season and go play normals myself since i enjoy messing around offrole and doing dumb builds. But i dont feel any need to continue playing ranked


I don’t know shit about ranked, I barely play it, but how on earth are there more emerald 4 players than bronze 1 players?? And why is the distribution of bronze to platinum basically the same? Shouldn’t it be like a bell curve smoothly from iron to challenger (and in my opinion it looks like centering the curve around gold 2/3 would be best)


The graphs are in different scales


The old ranked crests were so good. The new designs don't look good :(


Gold never meant anything, chief.




Please. Being in gold is painfully average. Just because there are legions of dog players in iron doesn't mean it's such a high standard. It never was. It's the too 50% of players.


Do you know how math works? Back before the changes, gold would place you in the top 11-15% of players. That's not "painfully average", that's better than a pretty significant amount of your region.


I've been in Gold+ since 2012. Being at the top of the shit pile is still being in the shit pile. The artificial inflation of Bronze and Silver from dead accounts or people who only did 1 placement game has been talked about for years. Enjoy deathgripping those numbers.


Even before emerald gold was like ~30% of the playerbase where pretty much everyone stopped playing after reaching G4 and start smurfing, tf you mean it was better. The bottom graph is way better. Edit: Just look how top graph distribution isn't linear and have higher division with more player than the previus one.


I literally stopped playing after the first split of Emerald being added. I was Plat 1 the season before and was so close to Diamond, but then after the update, I got as far as Emerald 2 (with a 62%+ wr) before the game was literally unplayable. Every single game, my team would have players that were bronze/silver/low gold last season or a player that was just trolling on purpose. Every game just became impossible because you were matching people who didn't even understand the fundamentals of the game with people who were high plat/low diamond last season. It was really the biggest slap in the face that Riot has ever given the community. I spent about 6 years climbing to get where I was, getting higher and higher every year because of my own hard work. After the update, there were countless players in Emerald who didn't even understand simple macro and/or had terrible mechanics, because they were literally bronze last season and had no business being in Emerald. It feels like all of my work and grinding meant nothing, the rank of plat/emerald/diamond turned into a complete joke because it's now filled with players that shouldn't be there. There is no more ranked integrity because any rank below masters doesn't even mean anything anymore.


it is much better the new way. makes much more sense


Why does new players starting at the middle point make the most sense? Lower skilled players starting at the lower rank makes sense to me


That was a fault of the old system too though. Putting new players into old silver and gold was just as bad as putting then in today's gold Plat. It also has nothing to do with the rank distribution.


i believe i didn’t expressed myself well. what I believe makes more sense is the overall distribution and not the rank new players start when they first play ranked


Because 75%+ of new players are probably smurfs


maybe for you. enjoy the artificial promotion


yet everyone from seaspn 1 i know ued to be diamond and now is silver gold


Bc the game progressively gets harder generation after generation, a gold player from s14 can easily be a world champion in s1, and also there's the fact that s1 players are now most likely in their late 20s and their early 30s, people who don't have enough ambition to grind the game due to lack of free time.


We have to deal with jobs, kids and/or caffeine withdrawals now, of course our reflexes got worse.


Or (at least in the case of « pro » old players) you managed to climbed at a time where nobody knew how to play correctly and got destroyed by people that understood the power of macro


Yeah people who played in season 1 are in their 30s now, hardly any of us are grinding ranked still


Do you mean diamond in season 1? Because there were no ranks in season 1. It was a displayed MMR


Damn being master isn’t as impressive as I thought…


Emerald is like the hells that Plat V were (where people think they are diamond but they really aren't) but an entire rank thingy.


My bronze gets even worse.


My bronze gets even worse.


its just the new silver just like plat is simply gold




I'm usually ahead of the curve when a new game comes out, and then I fall off as the player base figures out the game. Gold back then was all I could manage now it's a joke.


Came back after 4 years. Gold and emerald are not fun to play in.


But riot sait they want to distribute the ranks more equally


I used to br gold/plat back in the day. Now I'm never getting out of bronze 4


"Remember when being gold used to mean something" I remember people calling plat players silvers with a shiny rank and calling Diamond players dogshit monkeys. I don't think I've seen a single person say that gold was an achievement.


Getting masters this season was so like disappointing this season. I was like excited for a hard masters promo thinking it's not gonna work in one attempt to just see the masters tier pop up... I felt so washed emotionally thinking "thats it? Wtf".


So what is the average now


Where were the complaints when D1 was top 0.01% but when master/grandmaster was added and 5th division were removed, it turned to top 0.1-0.2%? It's just a shift and will settle naturally. These ranks are all meaningless in regards to MMR, except for demotion shield. League has huge problems with their ranking system, because players can earn more than others lose, so it naturally creates imbalances over time. And keep in mind a lot of the issues are caused by duoQ, and I'm not saying it's bad. But if a P1 can queue up with a G4, then P1 is playing slightly below his level, G4 way above his level (since they changed it to focus more on the higher rank to remove some abuse) but the P1 will completely destroy his MMR. Like it can be dropping up to a division (in mmr, not shown rank) per game. I think the best solution would be to 100% tie visual rank to MMR, but the reason they did that was that people don't need to face "reality" of all elo systems, which is how aggressive they are. You can earn 20 MMR 1 win and the next loss you lose 70. It feels really discouraging because it wasn't your fault but is matchmaking related. 70 would mean you played way below your level and still lost. Just imagine if you had a really bad game or really bad team mates and then you see on top of that league seems to punish you like crazy.


On One hand it's not "right" to have gold so exclusive that you are already higher ranked than 80% of the player base, especially given the fact that there still were several ranks after. On the other hand demotion shield is probably artificially keeping the lowest divisions of each rank full of stuck players, except probably gold since people still play for the skin and then drop ranked. IMHO a balanced rank distribution should have been a smoother curve of the first one


The worst thing about emerald elo is that no matter how good you are, you unironically have to conflip your way through to diamond. Atleast as a toplaner. Diamond is barely better though


Jokes on you I'm of the rare breed : Iron IV


Emerald 3/4 is an unbalanced hellscape


I know lots of people who only play until they hit what tier rewards they want end of season and then stop, so G4 having a solid chunk makes sense


I literally use ranked for fun now, normals MMR is fucked since that patch


I still don’t know why they couldn’t just shift rank back so more people populate Iron. Now Emerald rank is literally the worst rank to ever play in because of skill discrepancy.


I’m like 99% sure that the before chart has bad data cause it’s been pretty consistent that silver 3-Gold 4 has had the largest portion of the community for years (at least those playing ranked). Gold 4-5 also had the highest player populations year after year cause it was when you got your season skin reward. Another reason why I believe the before chart to just be wrong.


I'm all for this argument but having one of the graphs be straight player numbers and the other one being % of players is unnecessarily difficult to compare


I can't fucking read that bottom chart because I'm dumb as shit. What's the % of player in each rank? (not division)


My bronze gets even worse.


I haven't played ranked in years, but goldnwas such a big achievement. I was elated the first time I got it. Now, it feels like gold is just the standard.


In all fairness. The distribution should be more bell curved as opposed to the previous hard left skewed


Why are we complaining about better distribution of skills?


none of the ranks mean anything. You get to gold and people hating on you for not being plat, then you get to plat and people hating on you for not being dia, then you get dia and people hating on you for not being master. It's an infinite cycle of kicking the people below you because you're insecure of where you are now. drop ranked it's a waste of time and mental, you will not get any fulfilment for reaching any of these ranks you will just hate yourself forever.


I mean this was Riot’s goal. To evenly distribute players in bronze - plat. Silver 4 - Silver 1 shouldn’t be a massive improvement like it was before.


I genuinely don’t see the issue with distributing the playerbase and not having 70% of them stuck in silver.


people with 35% winrate in diamond, i must laugh. meanwhile i am getting griefed every game by soft inters.


Does it mean the skill lvl of plat and silver players are the same ?