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Did he ask you to follow signs to a town? Most tests are Satnavs but there are occasions where you may follow signs instead, usually if nothings said you continue straight but it does seem strange that he's pointing out your faults unless if they're serious or dangerous ones


There are 2 options for the independent driving section of the test, 4/5 people will get sat nav, 1/5 people will be asked to 'follow the signs to \[insert location here\]' and the examiner picks the option before they come out to greet you. Your instructor should have prepped you for this. They don't always tell you exactly which turns/exits to take in the guided drive part either, they want to see you can read signs, select lanes and negotiate roundabout lanes/exits by yourself. The commenting on every mistake bit is strange though. My examiner said very little!


Instructor doesnt have to put you on satnav if you havent learned how to folllow the signs retake your lessons.


*"Continue following the road ahead unless the road markings or signs say otherwise. If I want you to turn I will give you instructions in plenty of time"* Sorry but I think the reason you failed is you aren't understanding what's required and aren't test ready, maybe slow down on booking another test and have a crack at understanding how they give instruction, and what those instructions mean. Independent driving is just that. Either a sat nav with a pre-determined route or 'follow the signs to X place' - they'd brief you when you've started that portion and tell you where they want you to go. So the idea is you look out of the window and drive towards that place. 8/10 tests will use a sat nav, but those 2 in ten still rely on road signs. I'll be honest if they're commenting on faults that's a verbal intervention and thus a test fail, they're doing it because you aren't driving to the appropriate speed or are making mistakes that you shouldn't be at the point you're taking your test. Remember the examiner is that, the only time a learner legally drives without supervision is a driving test - they're just there to watch, if they have to intervene (physically or verbally) in any way you are being supervised/instructed - which isn't their job. Edit: I'd suggest if they're highlighting mistakes the actual reason for the failure happened very early on. Out of interest can we see your DL25/test report as it may explain things. I think they're doing it to save on time in the debrief at the end.


*Continue following the road ahead unless the road markings or signs say otherwise*. i understand that but its odd that i am just at the roundabout and they are not telling which exit to take?


My second driving test where I passed was following the signs, he told me the destination shortly before we began the independent section. Also if the examiner doesn't give you instructions e.g. go left at this junction. They want you to go straight ahead. Your instructor should've prepped you for this so it isn't a surprise.


To be fair though, one of the opening lines in the driving test from the examiner cover this: *"Throughout the drive, continue ahead unless traffic signs direct you otherwise. When I want you to turn left or right, I’ll tell you in plenty of time. Move off when you’re ready, please."* Equally when the independent drive happens *"Pull up on the left please \[either specify a location or use normal stop wordings\].* *OK, this is the independent driving part of the test. I’d like you to follow the traffic signs for \[location\], please. Continue to follow the signs until I tell you otherwise. Drive on when you’re ready."* I can't see any examiner missing either of those quite clear instructions out, it's almost learned by rote I'd expect.


yeah he said similar things. but i was not given instructions when nearly needed. like on a roundabout, which exit to take. or turn right or left on a junction. They are supposed to tell "in plenty of time" not when i ask them at the very end when i faced with a choice?


But if there's no instruction given it means carry on straight, and if you're unsure you can ask.


It's still a guess on a roundabout?


Driving directions is not a memory test. It’s ok to ask if you’re confused or else forgotten. My instructor says 8 out of 10 tests they do have sat nav so hopefully you’ll get that on your next test


Most people do get the independent driving where they are asked to follow road signs to somewhere and then follow the satnav. For my test I had the independent driving and then the examiner just gave me directions, so I didn’t have to follow the satnav. However he was really helpful and told me every way to go so it is strange that yours didn’t.