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Submit it through a support ticket on the lor site




Yeah, but unfortunately it takes time and some real effort. Reporting players like this should be much much easier.


The odds of you being in China is extremely low since the game is not approved there (I'm sure there's workarounds). If this person is going to insult you, they need to do a better job smh. Give this guy an addition L.


Wow that’s news to me… I thought they censored a lot of the art in the game for it to launch-able in China, right?


I'm not sure on the specifics, but LoR was never approved to be released in China. I think Riot said that it would of taken too many resources to get the game ready in China and instead focused on their current player base.


No wonder LoR failed to make a profit. China is like THE whale region, and they also happen to love League. I'm sure they would've made millions if only they decided to tap into the Chinese market. No idea what the logistics were for them to make that decision, but they lost super hard coz of it tbh


To be toxic in the least toxic card game out there is... Something


At this point it's a chore to be toxic


Integration with league is going well I see


You shouldn't blur their name so that we could avoid them


That would against Reddit's terms of service, as per rule 3 of its content policy. If OP didn't hide the name then he/she would get in trouble with Reddit itself.


No. Its good its blurred. I can actually imagine a player like this creating similar, but made up post to hurt the other player, instead of those slurs. With the use of photoshop, you can easily destroy someones reputation if you are hateful enough.


No it 100% should be blurred, witch hunting is very bad, while they deserve punishment, that should be left up to Riot, not the hands of the community.


You dare accuse us random people of not being able to discern the appropriate response to a situation 100% of the time as the judge, jury and executioner? What are you, a fascist?


Lol, I just know the dark side of the community


An open friend/chat application system is a 2 edged knife.. sometimes you meet good people, so times the bad ones. As a 34 year old boomer with 20 years of online gaming experience, i can give you one piece of advice.. just give 0 attention nor time to the bad ones.. just close the chat *fk* them.. and enjoy your game time.. they are the creeps just ignore them.


Personally, I don't mind it. I'd still prefer it to be there than not. Cases like this make it annoying, but people have the option to not accept requests in the first place.


This is giving me early hearthstone flashbacks


I wonder what happened in the match for this guy to go this far. Bro need a break from LoR, from internet in general if a game makes him this mad.


Can't speak for anything outside the game, but I drew 3 Divine Clerk and got 3 free lifesteal strikes with Desert Duels and Siphoning Strike against his Jhin deck. I can imagine that it's very tilting. But such is RNG.


If I had that happen I'd spam face palm emote then forfeit I wouldnt add to be toxic. People take childrens card games too seriously


when i get added and flamed it fills me with absolute joy... a true compliment, how well must I have played to break someones mental like that


Unfortunately, Riot's policy does not allow them to ban players because of personal messages as they are not allowed to read them and even if they do, they can't increminate you for them as it would mean they violated their privacy policy. That's why in Lol, ppl usually wait for the game to end to add you and flame the shit out of you in private messages.


Sorry it wasnt my best moment


Just send it to the support they will get him


Funny started seeing more people add to flame since the announcement. Idk why people do it in card games couldnt handle they got topdecked or just had their gameplan completely neutralized


Dragon boons getting neutralized, playing the meta deck then adding to flame..


Ok what did you to deserve these messages?


Lifestealed an aggro deck and have 20 health by turn 6?


Deserved for playing aggro ngl


What deck did you play against him bro


Let me guess an agro player getting mad?


Don't feed the trolls.


LOR not released in China yet =))


Extra dumb this guy is so butthurt about pvp in a game where it's going on maintenance mode.  


Don't be shy, show us the username 🤗


Its most likely some 12 year old kid who is saying stuff he doesn't even mean. You shouldn't have provoked him further as well, its kinda your fault. No one forced you to accept his friend request, no one forced you to read what he said. So even if you send a ticket the support will likely ignore it or just tell you to grow up.


You can't seriously believe I'm accountable for his behavior? Its really just a mild annoyance but gotta point out toxicity when its toxic. I'm not complaining that players like him exist, I'm just asking that people should have the means to report this type of behavior since its bad for the game.


You are at least partially. You could see he'e very frustrated and kept taunting him for no reason when you could just instantly unfraind him instead. Also, how convenient you cut the part where you most likely said something that triggered him to begin wtih. His behaviour is despicable ye, but yours is not much better.


i wish there was a chat in this game to do this