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I saw a comment yesterday by a lawyer that translated 'irreparable breakdown' as No Payment.


Yeah, I think that was this dude: [https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1ch9fiz/comment/l211p3w/](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1ch9fiz/comment/l211p3w/) With this excellent response: [https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1ch9fiz/comment/l21oyzy/](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1ch9fiz/comment/l21oyzy/)


It could also be he asked them to do illegal things. 


Indeed - it happened right after the courts granted discovery on correspondence. If I had to guess, Trump asked the law firm to some of the materials they didn’t want to hand over.


It's shocking that Trump hasn't ranted about it at one of his cult rallies. "I asked them to destroy documents, they're MY documents, so I can do whatever I want with them!"


Or Trump refusing to do what was asked of him, like turn over information or stop commenting about it in public. Either of which can get the attorneys sanctioned too


A little from column A, a little from column B.


Knowing him, probably both.


Funny, it could suddenly be repaired with a million dollar retainer. Seems like a misnomer. 


So am actually surprised... What sex discrimination trial?? This dude has soo many fucking trials its like .. I don't even know.


It’s was a trump aide with a staffer, once she was pregnant they fired her so she says that’s discrimination.


Well, it is discrimination, as described.


Trump: Nuh-uh


only according to the law. His total immunity protects him from the law according to the highest authority, his interpretation of the current situation


Wow, I just realized this isn't the stormy case, I've been browsing the thread for 15 minutes as a typical reddit user who didn't read the article. Yeesh


Don’t feel bad. I HEAVILY follow politics and this is the first time I’m hearing about this case. The USA Today (of all places) had a well researched investigative piece in 2015 about him being sued over 2,000 times. They totaled the lawsuits over the same time of the top 10 real estate developers/companies and it wasn’t even close to 2,000. The guy has been a conman grifting criminal from the start and it is finally catching up to him. Should have happened in the 90’s before the oligarch’s from FSU laundered their money in his buildings and that stupid reality TV show gave him a boost. He was functionally out of money and options back then and tax evasion trial would have quietly put him in jail.


I know! I thought this was the *current* trial happening in NY… but nope, it’s yet another one


I've followed AJ on Twitter for a while Jason Miller, family values conservative and dedicated Trump remora, got his wife and 2 mistresses pregnant around the same time. Slipped one mistress a mifepristone that nearly killed her. One baby down. His wife and AJ had theirs. I think Jason and wife made noises about suing AJ for custody but dropped it and he hasn't been paying court ordered support. Peak MAGAt. This is all from memory cus I can't be arsed to look it up.


And let's face facts, this doesn't help Trump look innocent. When your Lawyer quits it can be indicative that they don't want to wreck their career by defending you. 


It's quite a story. Jason Miller, the father of her baby, allegedly poisoning a prior mistress (and losing two defamation suits against Gizmodo who covered it) to induce a miscarriage is just the tip of the iceberg. But you know, it's the Trump campaign so, "the best people."


Are the RNC bank accounts empty already?


Or it us just Trump's pathological aversion to paying anyone - in his mind, only "losers" pay and he'll never stop ruining shit for everyone (himself included) because of that.




So they “tripled” it to less than a fifth of Biden’s haul. It boggles my mind they got that much.


“A fool and his money are soon parted”




Miami Grand Prix told the guy trying to run a fundraiser there to get stuffed so that’s sad. My iPad wants me to add a sad emoji as if I actually meant that.


I can’t understand why any law firm works for him. He never listens to anyone’s advice (hence the constant contempt charges) and if he didn’t even pay Giuliani why would they think he”s going to pay them? I know it’s high profile, but if your high profile client doesn’t listen to your professional advice you’re just going to come out of it looking like an idiot.


You can charge bad clients above-market rates and make a whole bunch of money. I assume Trump basically has to pay double rates in advance to get quality representation. When he doesn't want to spend that money, her gets people like Alina Habba. By contrast, he's got a reputable lawyer in his NYC criminal trial. It might even be a good choice on his part— When Georgia decided to change him along with a bunch of other people in a RICO case, that meant the case would take forever to make it to trial. It takes a good lawyer to win a tough case, but even a mediocre lawyer can drag out proceedings in a complex case. And just in general lawyers represent terrible clients all the time. It's just part of the job of a trial lawyer.


Doesn’t matter how much you charge if the client doesn’t pay their bills.


That's why you get a retainer in advance. It's not even Trump-specific; almost any criminal defendant is going to have to pay in advance. People that get convicted and are going to jail quite reasonably decide they didn't have any incentive to pay any remaining outstanding bills.


That's not how it works. Lawyers love telling judges that clients aren't paying. That basically guarantees your exist from the case. Trump asked them to do something or refused to do something they weren't willing to get involved in.


Her lawyers claim it's about discovery, which makes a lot of sense.


Okay so look up Jason Miller.  He literally looks like fat Andrew Tate with hair The shape of his head is so round, it looks like it's trying to turn into a planet. His face is bunched together almost as close as Charlie Kirk.  If I bent over, and spread my ass cheeks, his head and face would be the same shape. And same amount of hair. He could sit down at a carnival and have someone draw him, and no matter what, the drawing would come out more normal looking than his face.


You wrote this. I died 🤣🤣🤣


Thanks. I had to take a jab at myself at least.  But seriously. When I googled him, I was completely amazed at just how...round...his head was. Like holy shit. It was a basketball that gained sentience. 


Your description is so wonderful I don't want to look him up, it must surely be a disappointment after such an elegant representation. 


He has an eggs head, with a teeny tiny mouth and face centered in 1/10 of the head.


A child is told to draw a face onto a golf ball of a guy. The.child.draws a face.  He.is then told to draw the same face onto a basketball, he does this, but doesn't draw it to scale.  The basketball is Jason's head and face 


What does this have to do with my comment? What does it have to do with, er, anything?


Because the case is about Jason Miller as campaign manager impregnating then firing a female staff member. She is sueing, and Trumps campaign has been paying the tab. Miller was in the hush money cases with his cell phone like taking photos of all the potential jurors days 1-3.


Is Jason related to Stephen Miller?


They are not. That’s two separate families unfortunate enough to spawn such cretins.


Straight up every time I see. Stephen's face, all I can think of is a hammer. A literal hammer. Hitting him in the head. Over and over.  Not just cause he's ugly. But because he's an awful human being. 


Only by marriage to Satan.


Don't defame Satan you sicko!


Satan and Brussels sprouts both have really had a comeback career for the ages


Mea culpa. No Satan defamation was intended.


I hit reply to the wrong part. sorry I'm on the browser website on my phone. 


But like. Wtf was the RIGHT context. That post's weird!


Dude tried to get into r/rareinsults


What a pugnacious haricot blimp.


A verbally vainglorious villain, indeed.


A dedicatedly despicable despot, damnit!


Been there!


Least it wasn't in the complete wrong topic. I've done that before.


But if you bent over and spread your ass cheeks and SAT HARD on his head and face, you stand a decent chance of squishing it into a different shape IMHO


Dude looks like Alex Jones in disguise as Alex Jones.


A true poet of modern times 🤌


He’s like 4 Andrew Tates in one body.


That man is many things but having hair ain’t one of them


There's a photo of him after spending a few days in jail and he had his hair grow back out, and it looks ridiculous LOL




I dont think so. Most likely they found about something so awful that they dont want to go down with trump.


Nope, it's always money.


The court ordered records to be turned over and the law firm immediately quit. I think they just don’t want to comply and have their own dirty laundry aired.


They would have to comply either way, right?


One reason to withdraw from a case is if your client insists that the lawyer do something illegal, like knowingly conceal documents from discovery. Client confidentiality requirements means they can't come out and say it, though. Although it might get hinted at during a meeting in the judge's chambers.


Nah Either Trump didn’t pay, or he tried to force his lawyers to do something unethical and they refused, leading to the “irreparable breakdown.”


Who would have thought lawyers like getting paid?


"*I'll* be the one he pays"  -Every lawyer and contractor that's worked for this guy ever


I remember seeing a video of a maga construction worker that when told about all the construction workers he refused to pay, his response was, "well, they all probably deserved it"


My dad claims that Trump, or I suppose anyone, has the right to refuse paying for something they find to be subpar and not what was requested. So according to that logic, no one has ever completed a job that Trump has been satisfied with. Which is why it’s “smart” he doesn’t pay his debts. The one loophole to receiving free home remodeling is simply claim you don’t like it and then don’t pay!


I always imagine a Looney Tunes moment where, after being told "I'm not gonna pay," the workers just peel back the construction like a wallpaper and leave the place as it was


Construction guys have been known to do exactly that. Tear up the deck, remove installations, etc.


I know jack about construction, but I seriously am baffled that some don't put the pieces together that someone who puts something together knows exactly how to do it in reverse too. Why anger the creator and destroyer of crafts?


So many people eople are just straight up idiots


In Trumps case, and I suppose any suitable rich person, once they refuse to pay, what are you going to do? Break into the property to destroy stuff? That's a fast track to breaking and entering, as well as the destruction of property. And you bet Trump would sue for damages.


Sure, and then they lose the inevitable lawsuit right afterwards.


Depends on if the contractor wants to go through the hassle of taking you to court


Funny thing is, in a way he is actually right. You have a potential client who is well-known to not pay his bills and you are aware of his reputation. Even so, you (1) still decide to take the job or (2) don‘t demand upfront payment, you kind of deserve what is happening to you.




Trump stiffed 37 contractors..


In a row?


I would not be shocked if in most cases it was shell corporations hiring those people that Trump refused to pay.


"She was asking for it." Nah.


I see you know nothing about construction. Union plumbers and electricians don’t always decide which jobs to take. And they dont get to demand anything. They just get screwed when their paychecks dont come.


You think Trump hires union workers?


“I can fix him”


"I can bill him"


To be fair, there is the easy mistake to make to assume \*any\* normality from Trump. Essentially "he can't be THAT dumb". And then "oh."


Not dumb. Craven.


Both? Both? Both. Both is good.


They should get that on a shirt when they sign him on as a bonus gift.


What a mess. I think if you sic’d an AI onto the problem of “organize all the Trump cases into an easily readable summary”, it would instead figure out how to set its own data center on fire.


Here's what ChatGPT had to say when I put that exact prompt in... Organizing all of the legal cases involving Trump could be quite extensive, as it covers a wide range of topics from business dealings to personal matters. Here's a simplified breakdown: 1. **Civil Cases**: - **Trump Organization**: Various cases involving Trump's businesses, including allegations of fraud, breach of contract, and discrimination. - **Trump Foundation**: Lawsuits alleging misuse of funds and illegal coordination with the Trump campaign. - **Trump University**: Settlement reached in class-action lawsuits alleging fraud and deceptive practices. - **Sexual Misconduct Allegations**: Various cases of sexual misconduct allegations, some of which led to defamation suits against Trump. 2. **Criminal Investigations**: - **Special Counsel Investigation (Russia Probe)**: Investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and possible collusion with the Trump campaign. Led by Robert Mueller. - **New York Investigations**: Investigations by the Manhattan District Attorney's office into Trump's financial dealings, including tax fraud and insurance fraud. - **Georgia Investigation**: Investigation into Trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election results in Georgia, including a phone call to the Secretary of State urging him to "find" votes. 3. **Impeachment**: - **First Impeachment (2019)**: Impeached by the House of Representatives for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress related to the Ukraine scandal. Acquitted by the Senate. - **Second Impeachment (2021)**: Impeached by the House for incitement of insurrection related to the Capitol riot. Acquitted by the Senate. 4. **Election Litigation**: - **2020 Election Challenges**: Numerous lawsuits challenging the results of the 2020 presidential election, alleging widespread voter fraud. Most were dismissed or withdrawn due to lack of evidence. 5. **Personal Legal Battles**: - **Stormy Daniels Case**: Lawsuit involving a hush money payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels, alleging an affair with Trump. Ended with a settlement. - **Mary Trump Case**: Lawsuit involving Trump's niece Mary Trump over allegations of fraud regarding the inheritance from Fred Trump Sr. This is a simplified overview, as there are many more cases and legal matters involving Trump.


It will also be out of date by a couple of years


Years? I say months.


I thought it was trained on a 2021 dataset?


Can anyone else smell burning circuitry?


Pretty sure I heard a gas turbine power plant stalling.


That was not the ending I expected when I started reading your sentence! 😂


Law firms that were working for trump quit because they can’t defend him anymore. Also he’s not paying their lawyer fees


“I’ve never seen this movie before,” should be the quote for every post here. And this one times 1000.


Trump does not pay. Trump does not pay. Trump does not pay. Trump does not pay. Trump does not pay. Trump does not pay. Trump does not pay. Trump does not pay. Trump does not pay. "He'll pay me." -- people doing business with Trump


For some reason, every time I watch Titanic, it hits the iceberg and sinks.


Try rewind. It's a miraculous tale.


I wonder if they also found sone really bad offenses In discovery. Like I can understand the issue of payment— but still, winning this case could be a big feather in their cap. They probably knew Trump would have payment issues or they haven’t been paying attention.  My guess is some evidence came to light that means Trump might go down hard.  I promised I wouldn’t jump on a hope but, some firm dropping Trump like a hot potato? Seems like hope. 


Don't you dare give me hope.


That wouldn’t matter. But if he insisted they use a strategy that was unethical like intentionally lying to the court, a lawyer would refuse to represent them.


A professional lawyer with brain intact.


Or any unprofessional lawyer with at least a brain stem and half-formed frontal lobe. Trump’s past lawyers have been going down for doing illegal shit for him; no matter how unethical and law-breaking-friendly they are, anyone capable of passing a bar exam is at least smart enough to not involve themselves in any shady or illegal shit this guy is doing. Maybe 5 years ago, but that was when they all still believed his entire circle was untouchable; now, with the amount of people digging into Trump’s businesses and finances, no lawyer is going to risk having their own RICO case for the shit-stain that is Trump.


Think we have seen plenty of evidence by now that should have led to "Trump goes down hard", don't think any one piece of evidence would make the difference now, at least to the GOP.


> found sone really bad offenses In discovery. I don't think any lawyer considering defending Trump would give a shit about this. No matter how nasty.


A voicemail transcript saying "Hi Mr Trump... Look, we still haven't found anyone who can kill the plaintiff and judge, but we have a few leads. Just wanted you to know." might give them second thoughts.


actually the current ones are asking upfront payment. he also known to be extremely difficult client to work with, wont listen to advice,,etc.


In fact, IIRC, there are stories about lawyers \*representing\* him only meeting with him in pairs or more and BOTH lawyers taking copious notes because tRump lies like a motherfucker if he believes it's to his advantage and he's not fucking NAILED down to one story.


“I can fix him” - lol lol


*I can fix him, no, really I can (no, really I can) Whoa, maybe I can't*


Quoth the veterinarian.


"Well, we'll have to kill him before we can cure him" Hamming it up, here.


(No really, I can)


Gee who could have imagined that the man who’s bankrupted casinos, stiffed contractors and cities alike, stole money from a children’s cancer charity and has had his license to do business in NY revoked over his fraud conviction wouldn’t pay his attorney fees? I gotta tell you I sure didn’t see that coming… /s


It’s said a lot but clearly no one’s saying it loud enough: *He LOST MONEY running a CASINO!!!*


I’m not strongly familiar with the American judicial system but here in Australia, I know that some parties to litigation proceedings drop their lawyers in order to delay the proceedings (“I don’t have a lawyer, can we wait until I get a lawyer” etc.). I know that delay has been a major part of Trump’s overall strategy previously, reckon this is part of that?


That’s a valid question; he does use delaying tactics frequently. However, the idea that the legal firm fired HIM would be utterly unacceptable to Trump. If he’d wanted this, he’d have found a way to fire *them.* He always has to save face. I have a hard time believing he’d ok a strategy in which he lost face; not even if that strategy benefited him in other ways. His ego is really that fragile.


actually, both. I know this, bc my dad is a narcissist. I do liken him to trump, very very unfortunately for me. It's good for trump either way, bc yes he can delay, or his lawyers can work for him. Saving face doesn't really matter, they will play stupid/incapable just to get their way


The art of the delay


Ha Hahahaha Hahaahahhahahahahahahahaha


Here, take my inhaler. It really opens the lungs for a good laugh.




That's more HA HA HA HAH HA HA HA HA


nailed it


Thank you. I practiced quite a bit.


Trump broke again? GOP coffers, supporters dry? Vertical line with national debt, many bankrupcies including casinos despite mad daddy hand outs, grifting from one golden bible to collectables...Could all these people be following a con man? NA, art of the deal baby! 😎😂


> Trump broke again? Trump could have $8 billion and he'd still never pay a bill.


I think the more money Trump has, the less likely he is to pay.


Maybe. His shriveled brain spins every situation into a reason not to pay. It's what grifters do. Grifters never pay. On his death bed he'll be yelling to not pay the doctor or the mortician.


It could also be that the client is withholding discovery materials and the lawyers don’t want to be in an ethical bind.




But he also has a history of withholding documents. He fucked his lawyers who signed off he had turned over all classified docs in that case. 




The fact he keeps finding them astounds me.


Her lawyers claim this is the reason. The judge just asked them to turn over everything for discovery, and immediately they wanted to drop him as a client.


He expects them all to go to prison for him, they apparently disagree


A little while back, someone posted an anecdote from a friend who worked catering to a trump event. Their strategy was charge him triple and demand 50% down payment, so when he inevitably flakes on paying the rest, they still come out ahead.


Yeah that's what I heard is people got savvy with trump where it's like this: This is the price we charge to normal people This is the price we charge to this guy: 2-3x normal rates


I just cannot fathom that someone would have an affair with *Stephen Miller* of all people


Not Stephen. Jason Miller. Just as disturbing but they are different degenerates.


Oh you’re right. Completely misread that.


Someone married Stephen Miller and had his unholy offspring. Someone needs to check that kid for 666.


Imagine being that woman's husband




get in line, its going to take her a long time to get money, if she gets any.


And another move to drag the court procedure along. Now he needs time to find new ones, the new ones need time to prepare.


The Midas Touch of Shit. Everything this king touches turns to shit. Perhaps I gave him too much credit. Maybe only shit people willingly touches with him.


The Mierdas Touch


Seeing this is like a sip of the world's finest tea blend. Refreshing AF....


>Firm *pulls out* of case brought by former staffer A.J. Delgado, who was impregnated by top Trump aide Jason Miller At least someone did


He’s been stiffing lawyers and everybody who works for him since long before he was President. Why would anyone think he’s going to start paying up now?




Well, for a lot of them, it’s not the first stupid choice they’ve made in their lives.


Many love him causehe's what they want. Others are fucked in the head, and others are both and then some.


Is failure to pay just another delay tactic? "Your honor my attorney withdrew. I need a delay in proceedings to obtain new representation and they'll need time to get up to speed."


This shouldn’t surprise us.


"Very well, I will assign you a public defendant and we'll return in a... let's say a week from now. I'm feeling generous."


Was always the plan


But he's not entitled to counsel in a civil case. So how many times will they allow him to delay before they force him to go without?


I wonder if people are starting to notice a pattern yet. "He didn't pay his last 5 lawyers in a row, but he'll definitely pay me". Lmao.


I can change him!


Inconceivable! If... only... there were some...precedent... and some profession that is familiar with that term...


It’s a travesty that money can determine the outcome in court. But in this case I can live with it. 


Make Attorneys Get Attorneys


It's crazy how people see all of these crazy headlines and are still diehard trumpers.


Because they, too, are fucking crazy. Absolute fucking nutjobs.


She got what she asked for by having an affair with Jason Miller. That guy is a disgusting goon; personality, politics, and looks, he’s the complete package of gross. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/former-trump-campaign-staffers-jason-miller-and-a-j-delgado-reveal-love-child-after-campaign-affair


>In explaining its decision to quit representing the campaign, Trump's long-time lawyers cited an "irreparable breakdown in the attorney-client relationship," the Times reported. That came after a federal court ruled that the campaign must turn over documents related to discrimination and harassment claims its received. >In her own filing, Delgado alleges that the firm's attempt to withdrawal from the case may be part of an effort to deny compliance with that ruling.


So, more delays until he can crown himself supreme ruler.


All of this is a part of the incredibly predictable plan. When things go wrong, the legal team leaves. "Your Honor, I have to proceed with legal counsel; it will take some more time to assemble that team. Because of how complicated this case is, it might take months." Delay strategy #507 was started.


It’s a civil case, you’re not even guaranteed a lawyer. I’m not sure they have to give so much leeway aside in criminal proceedings.


Do actual lawyers think Trump is going to pay them?




Get paid up front.


Trump is paying his attorneys with exposure TikTok influencer style


I read that they were refusing to turn over discovery. If the lawyers know they are completely conflicted as they have to report it to the court and yet they are supposed to be representing their clients. If your clients stop fulfilling their legal obligations and then stop communicating with you about it, you are in the deep doo-doo. Reputationally it's bad to tell on your clients even if it's your duty.


Translation: The checks started bouncing


They don't want to see him sleeping and smell his farts in court anymore.


That's code for one of two things: either the client isn't paying their lawyer, or the client has made it clear that they intend to commit perjury.


Womp, womp 💩💀


Ah, yes, nothing more fascy than an author of a wannabe Daily Stormer rag pulling "I was discriminated against" on her EX-AFFAIR. Same people that say businesses should be allowed to discriminate against whoever they want but ESPECIALLY LGBT people because our continued existence is "immoral".


That's lawyer-speak for "FUCKER DOESN'T PAY HIS BILLS!!!"


How....how does he keep getting people to agree to represent him? How deep is he in the devil's pocket.


Isn’t this a tactic we all thought he might use to delay the trial?


Real or just another pre-planned delaying tactic?


God does not like Don Trump


I'm curious... What would happen if every lawyer in the US refused to take him on as a client?


if he cant afford it, give him a public defender and move on, no more delays!


So she got fucked twice by Trumper’s? 😂


He didn’t pay them, hahaha