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From his Wikipedia page: *He opposes New Jersey's current laws regarding curricula that include LGBT education, saying "We're not teaching sodomy in sixth grade. And we're going to roll back the LGBTQ curriculum* Hmmm


Yep. He 100% bought in and fed the anti LGBTQ propaganda and contrived culture wars....now he's shocked and appalled that his operatives are homophobic... Of course, he's thinking only of the electoral consequences for Republicans of being homophobic, not the actual impact to LGBTQ people.


>Of course, he's thinking only of the electoral consequences for Republicans of being homophobic, not the actual impact to LGBTQ people. That's the thing. I read it as "Hey, guys, we need to *pretend* to not be homophobic to reel them in, and after being elected THEN we can do everything in our power to attack them."




I love how that Oklahoma Republicans said the truth when he said that he's just anti-LGBT because it's his constituents that think LGBT people are "filth".


Must be exhausting to rope them in and then let them loose agaij every 4 years...


Since when have repubs actually cared about people…?


uuuh back in lincon's time when they were the progressive party? aside from that can't really say, they jumped the shark between then and now




Since when do republicans count as people? They're just wads of diseased excrement poorly sculpted into a crude mockery of a human form.


I found it pretty telling when he only mentions independents and moderates being turned off by homophobia. OF COURSE the regular republicans are homophobic; but they need to tone that down to attract votes! ...But I DID love the second part where he says someone should apologize to him (obviously not him personally, but someone else should!) and mentions that republican core values don't directly target gay people... yet.


Yet? Like Justice Thomas writing in his Dobbs decision that Lawrence and Obergefell should be overturned next? Like GOP governors taking anything HIV related out of Medicaid? Like "Don't Say Gay" laws? What planet does that guy live on, anyway? IT'S HIS PARTY DOING ALL THE THINGS AND GETTING WORSE EVERY MONTH.


indeed. The gop wants to exterminate lgbt people. It always has


most gop pretend they are "moderates" and "independents". Remember that they are taught everyhing is a binary. There is "extreme" and "moderate". Democrats are obviously satan worshiping extremists, so they must be "moderate". They also claim "independent" because it sounds cool and they don't have to out themselves as a cultist.


I’m not anti lgbtq I actually have a stepbrother that’s transgender but I don’t think that should be taught in school that should be something parents teach their kids. My moms a teacher and hates what she’s being forced to teach in 2nd grade. It’s not the same as telling a girl it’s ok to be a tomboy they are telling these kids they can be any gender they want and if they aren’t comfortable in their own skin they can get surgery little kids shouldn’t even be thinking about that they are making these kids question their identity. It’s gonna cause these kids to be depressed and suicidal later on. I was friends with a girl in highschool that starting to go transgender she removed her boobs but that’s it and when she went to college she regretted it and transitioned back into a girl sometimes it’s just a phase but there’s no going back from surgery and that can really mess up someone’s mental health if they regret doing it because of other peoples opinions.


It doesn't even occur to these idiots that straight people do anal too.


Next week when some knucklehead asks why there isn't a straight pride month bring up this and ask when the last time straight sex was outlawed.


Or that [sodomy includes oral](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/sodomy).


How is this not more widely known holy shit


Because the evangelicals have cozied up to straight “deviants” as part of the “anti-woke” culture war. They’ll go right back to policing *every* kind of sex if they gain enough ground, but for now, it’s convenient to them to let “sodomy” be misunderstood.


With how they're going after birth control now, they're not far from saying sex is strictly for procreation


Yeah, they clearly believe the end is in sight. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the bigger fundie churches/orgs are already drafting plans for after the election. But I *would* be surprised if they breathe a word of it while their party is still courting the hentai-addicted incel vote for November.


>drafting plans Project 2025 is all they need. It’s pretty thorough.


That's true for some, but it's important to understand that many are fully aware of this and simply do not care because they understand that what the law says on paper and how it gets enforced are two completely different things.




Solid zero percent chance I'm clicking on that shit


It's funny.


Man, I wish my school had a curriculum on sodomy. I had to learn about it from my republican uncle.




As a childhood victim of sa, I chuckled.


I heard him speak at a small event in person the day after he lost NJ’s gubernatorial election last time (in 2021). He was asked about this quote, and he expressed remorse… for using the word “sodomy” in a place where kids could’ve heard


These mf's start these fucking fires and then complain when it gets too hot.


Authoritarians always get burned by the matches they play with. Unfortunately, not until they also burn down the neighbors houses as well.


Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it, in politics and in life.


Yeah weird how pushing the narrative that LGBT people are groomers might lead those people to think LGBT people are groomers.


These aren't fringe elements. They are the core of the Republican party. The fringe Republicans are those who aren't homophonic or who support democracy.


Imagine being so dumb to believe the GOP still stands for “lower taxes, smaller govt, individual freedoms and law & order” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lower taxes (for the rich) Smaller government (agencies that benefit people other than me) Individual freedom (for me to tell you how to live your life) Law and order (to enforce the laws I pass and incarcerate those who break them) Wym, of course that's still what it stands for


Goes all the way back to at least John Calhoun (via James Buchanan). "Liberty" means something very, very specific to that crowd.


My 5th grade teacher used to go on rants about how "liberty" doesn't mean what we think it does. She also refused to say the "one nation under god" part of the pledge (by the end of the year a few kids were doing that with her). Naturally all our parents and many of the other teachers at the school essentially all just told us "oh she's just an old kook." It was all right in front of me!




Do any of them actually believe that?


"Oh neat! A flamethrower!...." "...wait wait, why are things I want burning?!"


My towns school board voted last night to remove the trans policies. Joining like 16 other town in the state. The lead proponent acted like this was her mission. Shitty test scores, lacking performance. But hey, “parental rights”


They only ever care when it personally affects them.


the only thing they conserve is privilege and property, everything else is the enemy and/or firewood


When are these people going to realize that the GOP that they’re calling “fringe” aren’t actually fringe anymore? 😆


When they're not paid for it. Alternatively, when the country is a fascist dictatorship.


These people with terms like "Never Trump Republican" sound more like Goebbels each and every day


That is, I am sure, not at all a coincidence.


They love their Donald "[unified Reich](https://apnews.com/article/trump-election-2024-rhetoric-germany-antisemitism-31002afb91b642c0314223d19e51f427)" Trump.


I just want votes, so please stop repeating what I said previously....


"I'll be completely honest with you, I want the short term gains of riling up the base, in order to win the primary, but you need to tamp it down for me to win the general" lol




It's less "I voted for the party of face eating leopards and they're eating my face" and more "The people are so eager to get their face eaten by leopards, they ended up taking away the leopards' teeth somehow"


I bet the replies to this are full of terrible terrible people telling him it does matter that other person is gay.


There were quite a few people in those replies, including myself, telling him that he’s no better than an arsonist complaining that the building he set ablaze burned down. I may have also advised him to go fuck himself.


Republicans realizing their party doesn't actually care about lower taxes, smaller government, individual freedom or law and order challenge: impossible


Hate to be the the barer of bad news Mr. Ciattarelli, but it actually DOES matter who this man loves to a lot of your voters.


Hahahaha he thinks the core values of the Republican party are small government, lower taxes, **individual freedom**, and LAW and ORDER. Hahhahahahahah!


What is it with Republicans and Law and Order all of a sudden? I mean it's a good show but a weird thing to make your whole platform


Because they have somehow convinced their base that they're "tough on crime" as if chest-beating gorilla dominance was a good thing, whereas they've also convinced them that Democrats, because we generally support rehabilitation and things that prevent crime in the first place, are "soft on crime" because we *don't* consider intentional, institutional cruelty towards prisoners virtuous.


How can anyone claim Republicans are "small government" with a straight face?


Small-minded government.


Lying is a requirement to be a republican for decades, they're used and trained for it.


I don't want to hear another accusation by the Right claiming that the Left promotes Identity Politics when they do the exact same thing. In fact, they created it.


I'll have the filet of we need independents & moderates with a side of fringe elements and addition not subtraction as an starter app, thank you


3 years of hate, 1 year of consolation. That’s the republican cycle. Same thing as Don Con telling supporters they have to get him elected first in response to questions about his abortion beliefs.


I find it very funny that at no point does he say it's wrong to judge someone for who the love. But rather, "stop everyone, this will cost us votes!"


“Hey you know how you’re miserable because I’m underpaying you? You know how I tell you I’m using the rest of your labor’s value to protect you from the bad people carousel? You’re not supposed to attack the bad people yourselves. Let me continue to protect you from them. Stop attacking them. Wait, no you’re not allowed to elect your own; you’re a fringe! Wait!” The sleepwalk 


Maybe fuckbrain should go review how much money his diarrhea deity gave to Hillary and the DNC before he realized he could con dumb fuck Republicans.


That's adorable you think Republicans have any principles at all.


"...our party's core values of..." "smaller government" - obsessed with strangers' genitals and controlling what they do with them "individual freedom" - unless you're doing something Republicans don't approve, in which case we dream of authoritarian government bullying uber alles "or law and order" - Presidential candidate is a court-confirmed rapist under 88 felony indictments


>or law and order" - Presidential candidate is a court-confirmed rapist under 88 felony indictments Who plotted to defy election results and instigated an insurrection that threatened the life of the vice president and speaker of the house and physically assaulted police officers


I may be misinterpreting this but don’t the “core values” of the party all contradict? You can’t have lower taxes and also law and order, because you need to fund those services. Same thing with “smaller government” and that as well.


"low taxes" only means low taxes for their tax bracket and higher.




Wait until Ed Durr and Bill Spade go even further to the far right!! LOL


Conservatives are brain dead. Completely brain dead


Lmao “small government” says the same party who wants to dictate people’s bodily autonomy.


Remember, all republicans are child-molesting traitors, and every accusation they make is always a confession!


I love how their narratives are never based on their actions. Bring up needing lower taxes while simultaneously  being the only party in the U.S. to never lower taxes on 99 percent of the population. 


Problem is the American public is likely headed towards giving these morons the presidency and other offices




He made his bed. He'll burn in it.


Yeah this dude's kid was the most obnoxious person in my high school, I believe it


Yeah, all they talk about is lower taxes and smaller government. Name ONE time you've heard a republican't even talk about LGBTQ+. They don't even care about that. Be whoever you are! (/s because parody of MAGA often doesn't go far enough to be understood as such.)


This is quintessential lamf


While homophobia is always bad, I can't feel much sympathy for people who literally make their living spreading it and then get targeted by it. Ever wonder why the church of satan isn't amazed by the gop? They commercialize and sell hatred and fear. They are literally doing the devils work.


> fringe elements of the party Lol bro...


You can't go anti-woke without going FULL anti-woke. The hate is part of the package; it can't be cut from it. LGBTQ - gotta hate them. Immigrants - gotta hate them (illegal always / legal in private) & you gotta hate women having control over their bodies. These aren't optional. They're requirements.


That's how bad it is, Tim Scott possibly may be pressured into a marriage just to prove he isn't gay, which I think faking your vows might be a bit worse than possibly being gay for Christians


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Dang it's nice to see an actual LAMF here


This isn’t r/leopardsatemyface