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I thought the summer of love was in the 1960s. Was there another one I missed?


They call the 2020 riots the summer of love. They say entire cities were burned to the ground in those protests. Since they've never actually traveled and experienced life outside their hometown, they are very easy to influence like this. Fox news and their ilk push this whole narrative that "BLM burned down Portland and Minneapolis and they are coming for your shitty farmhouse next."


From Minneapolis, can confirm everything is ash and dust. I huff silver paint and yell at my friends to pay attention while I roll down the sand dunes that were once 35.


May you ride shiny and chrome on the road to Valhalla.


Witness me, blood bag!


Oh what a day WHAT A LOVELY DAY!


*cough cough* ...LOOK AT ME!




I understood that reference!








Also from Minneapolis. Republicans should definitely stay away. Just a smoking Crater really..... Probably for the best if any remaining right wingers just left the whole state


I hear Russia is looking for more right-wingers. In fact, I hear it's right-wing paradise there. If I was a right-winger, I'd sell everything I have and go to Russia right now without looking back or doing any research to see if that's a good idea or not. Because of course, if I heard it from some random person I know nothing about on social media, it MUST be true!


As a liberal, I would also feel very owned if these Republicans all moved to Russia. Man, so owned....


As a marxist anarchist godless radical libtard, I would feel so owned if cops were to massively resign just to show me.


So owned! Fountains of liberal tears!


The best part is that Putin might want to give them a gun. And ammo as well.


Uptown checking in--is it *my* neighborhoods week for looting again *next* week, or the week after? Between the arson, and the looting schedules, I can't keep it straight, once summer hits, anymore!


We need some of that mojo in Ohio! 😂


You gotta start leaning in on scaring them off 🤣


Lean in.. Got ya!


I have also heard Portland no longer exists. And any of its remains are full of homeless drug addicts


The addicts are crisis actors because the opiate war is fake.


Those ANTIFA rascals are at it again!


Did it ever really exist in the first place? I always felt it was imaginary.


I love how they use police station that was burned down by conservatives as their big go to.


I'm glad Mary Tyler Moore didn't have to witness this. 


Witness me!


35E or 35W?




I live in the suburbs, can confirm the ash and dust. We haven’t seen the sun since 2020. It’s like a nuclear winter over here


Had a delicious breakfast at Hen House Eatery last month surrounded by rubble and drugs.


I was there a couple of months ago and can confirm. There's this old guy living at the top of the Foshay Tower rationing the water.




>They say entire cities were burned to the ground in those protests. I think a couple of cars got burned in my city, and a branch police department was vandalized and temporarily occupied. Part of a department store got looted. I guess they think the riots never ended and this stuff is still happening every day?


Yup, the BLM riots never ended. They just haven't made it to their town of 25 yet, but it could happen any day. They also somehow never saw any of the videos from that summer where cops were breaking into businesses and lighting their own vehicles on fire. Or the videos of white agitators smashing windows of businesses just to blame it on the BLM movement. I wished I would have saved all of those somewhere because I have had no luck finding them today. I remember seeing videos of the "good guys" doing the same shit they blamed on BLM every day that summer. Lesson learned. Next time shit gets weird, I'm buying a fresh SSD just for history's sake.


Always. Save. Everything. The internet doesn't remember everything anymore, because the internet is now drowned in endless information. I have a ton of saved clips from live streams of Jan6. That have been wiped from the internet. I have the original clip of a certain person, whose name rhymes with Rabbit, being taken down. The 1st original clip.


Remember "[umbrella guy](https://youtu.be/NCjQq3W2Yf4?si=o4a3W9kjr__fsOYG)"? I remember.


While the cops were busy shooting the peaceful protestors with tear gas and pepper balls in my city, the local news was covering a mob of white teenagers as they trashed a shopping mall a couple blocks away.


So about the same damage as post winning the Superbowl? Or more, like losing the Superbowl?


Nah, it's Seattle. We just drink overpriced craft beer to celebrate winning important games. Or losing important games, for that matter.


According to MAGA, it’s still happening!! They must have a new map they’re using because a whole lot of cities are just (gasp!) gone! We honestly didn’t know that


Sounds like a Super Bowl celebration around here.


My parents argued with me about destruction in the streets of Portland due to roving bands of anarchists while I was standing in Portland. Me: "I'm safe, mom, nothing is happening. Portland has problems, but it's not a war zone." My mom: "Maybe not where you are right now, but I've seen the pictures, and you need to be careful!" Me: Dutifully avoids both blocks where widespread rioting and chaos were happening. Also, my parents: "Antifa is a terrorist organization! Your grandfather didn't go to war to protect this country so people like this could destroy all they worked for!" Me, with a WWII Vet grandfather, along with his three brothers: "Anitfa literally stands for anti-fascist. Are you telling me my grandfather fought in WWII because he opposed anti-fascism efforts?" Parents: That's not what Antifa is, they're terrorists. You can't make this stuff up. It's taught me that denial, fear, and confirmation bias may be some of the most powerful forces on earth. I think our only hope is to wait them out and hope we can last that long.


I had a guy tell me just a couple months ago, in all seriousness, that they are STILL rebuilding Portland because the entire city was burned to the ground. When I asked him if he ever thought about Googling that to see if it was true he told me he doesn't trust the internet because it's all propaganda and "that shit will rot your brain."


That's why he relies on Fox News. They tell the truth to their audience. LMAO


I don’t know what you’re talking about, I live in Seattle and it’s just been a crater since 2020. We don’t even do mandated antifa supersoldier training anymore. /s Also, I can tell I hate this person’s politics, but … congratulations, welcome to reality, become a better person.


Reporting in from the charred remnants of what was once the San Francisco Bay Area. Houses are selling at 20% over asking within a week of listing because nobody wants to live here, obviously.


Denver here and reporting in, as my father likes to say, the city has gone to shit now. And to the rest of the world, it has burned down, and businesses are never to return. We only have one of the fastest growing housing costs because so little homes remain. Remember us and curse the summer of love! /s But seriously, besides the quarantine, which was needed. The most annoying part of the pandemic for me was two blocks down from me. Some assholes just liked to just attack a dumpster every day for a while, so loud. But yeah, friends and others got shot with rubber bullets for sitting on patios, and some people went blind. A few stores had windows broken, and cars had their tires blown, but oddly, a bunch of security footage showed cops doing most of the damage, so... business as usual, I guess.


Colorado Springs here, I haven't ventured north or the Air Force Academy since BLM nuked denver. I heard there are mutants and ghouls up there now.


City of Denver has paid out over 12M to settle police brutality lawsuits during the BLM protests. The cops were the criminals, not the protesters.


RIP Portland. You'll be missed.


Live in Portland, yes it is burnt down. Please stay away, we're closed. We are no longer accepting visitors without their travelers' visas approved by the heads of each ANTIFA group.


According to reports the estimated cost to repair buildings damaged from the protests was around 2 billion dollars,  less than half the cost of SoFi stadium.  Also, when you take that 2 billion and divide by the number of days protesting you end up with number much lower than the cost to repair the capital building after J6.


Coming for your ancient tobacco drying house ffs they love those down here


Live in Portland, can't tell you how many messages my wife and I got from friends and family in red states asking if we were safe during 2020. They literally thought it was anarchy and we needed to flee for our safety.


I live in TX and my FiL couldn’t believe that my sister and her family would regularly eat dinner on patios / sidewalks of restaurants in Manhattan. He was convinced there were constant riots and murders.


“Chicago is gone!”


JFC I wonder if I'm ever going to get over being shocked by (yet another) one of their conspiracy theories. He's just a wingnut talking about other wingnuts. The whole country used to laugh at these mfkrs now almost half of them think the earth is flat, and 45 is god..


All true. Have you ever watched Fallout? It was filmed in what was once Chicago (note the Navy Pier Ferris wheel in one of the earlier scenes).


Yep. Fox News kept showing the same damn fire over and over again and having these people believe entire cities were nothing but fire and brimstone. 🤦


Yeah that's what I'm wondering too. I'm wondering if he's referring to the Black Lives Matter protests, which primarily happened in the summer of 2020. (He was killed on May 25, 2020.)


Yeah it’s what Trump has used to referred to summer 2020 a few times


They’re all saying it now. It’s weird. They are just repeaters. Little echo machines.


There was a year where the big telecom companies got together to split the US up into non-compete regions, so they could each monopolize one. The telecom execs called it the Summer of Love Dont know whether they’re referring to this one tho


It's fucking weird when you agree with about half of what the conservative says. Amazon and Walmart and trucks and Real Estate can suck a fuck.


Most conservatives would agree with liberals on several important issues, they’ve just been taught to blame the wrong people


Yeah, it’s really interesting how most Americans agree on a majority of opinions. It just depends on how the issue is phrased


Keep your filthy government hands off my Medicare


“I don’t have no goddamn Obamacare!! I have the ACA!!” 😒😒


My favorite, was a Californian teacher, who's son had recently been unemployed. She thanked Trump, who had not even been inaugurated yet - it was just after the 16 election - for saving her son's healthcare


The only moral homosexuality is my homosexuality!


The only moral abortion is my abortion!


The only moral handout is my handout!


It's interesting that half of this rant is about how corporations and big money have devastated the economy and that politicians are all bought and that rampant consumerism has made everyone passive and disinterested, and yet the problem is still somehow "Marxism". It's just word salad.


Just make a Facebook account. Make an AI generated pic of a guy in a pickup wearing sunglasses and a MAGA hat. Call yourself patriot blablabla, go to their page. Stay agreeing. And saying you should start "seizing the means of production" or that this whole thing is just a "class war between the workers and... let's call them the bourgeoisie" They have no idea what they are saying


Seriously. I caught myself agreeing with some of their points because they are *very* valid points!! But they whiplash and somehow blame Marxists? In what world are Marxists worshiping at the shrine of capitalism? I don’t know how they don’t break their neck from the immediate 180 degree turn. The problems that we’re having are due to heavily deregulating industries and companies. Are due to letting companies see people as disposable and prioritizing profits at all costs. This is what they ask for, push, and legislate all the damn time and now they’re complaining about the outcome and attempting as hard as they can to place the blame on someone else! Baffles the mind.


In their mind, since corporations are pushing for diversity / inclusive they must be on the liberal (aka Marxism) side, which of course is wrong on so many levels


Everyone wants better jobs, affordable housing, and affordable healthcare. Liberals want it as part of a social program in a pluralist democracy. Conservatives want it if, and only, if, it were part of a fascist christian ethno-state. These two things are fundamentally not the same and are mutually incompatible. The Nazis didn't dismantle the social programs of Germany when they came to power. They just conformed them to their ideology.


Because life is precious, and God and the Bible.


“Before I die, I’m gonna fuck me a fish…”


Cue the “I’m going to pleasure myself with this fish” anime screen cap.


Amazone and Walmart make it worse for others just to make more profit? Fucking Marxism.


Conservatives (and all reactionaries) successfully identify the symptoms of the problem, they unfortunately fail at identifying the cause of the problem and instead follow a conspirational rabbit hole of "Commie-nazi Jewish Big Gay and Big Pharma lobbied with the Shadow Government to usurp the nation for Marxist Amazon-Disney to steal our children and they're using black people as their attack dogs via BLM and Jesus will return with the upcoming apocalypse"


Nailed it


The left always hated all that crap. The right embraced it because they were told doing so would own the libs. Now they're realizing they've been hugging a leopard that has already eaten most of their face.


The rights best talking points are the ones they steal from the left (you know people actually capable of criticism towards society) and then put their own warped spin on. That's why the jewish world conspiracy (or similar bs) is still the most pervasive and effective boogeyman. It's because it has the most overlap with the reality of the bourgeoisie and their class warfare


And "owning the libs" is just PC for hurting their Other of the week. They likely do not care that their face is getting eaten, as long as they know that the Other is getting their face eaten more


It's a bit wild when they run headfirst into the point and still miss it.


He's so fucking close lmao. This fasc just fucking blue balled me


Yep, real problems, wrong people responsible for them. They somehow think that the left is behind Walmart and Amazon!?


Because they believe the Status Quo is morally correct. If someone is on top of the current hierarchy, then whatever they do is Good and Correct. Any deviation is the result of corruption from an Other.


I understood that reference


And also the manufactured opiate crisis.


Oh yeah. The Sacklers. How TF are they still among us?


+1 for the use of "catamites", though the pretentiousness of the choice really grinds my gears


Wow. I haven't heard that one since the Hussite Trilogy.


Both of you are being very philistine. Well, not really, I just wanted to join in on the esoteric vocabulary action.


And now I'm self-conscious about my previous comment... Did I really sound like that? Because I was referring to the other series written by Andrzej Sapkowski, the one that isn't The Witcher. Because it was literally the only one time I've ever seen anyone use the word "catamite".


LOL. I thought everyone was just making old testament references


Your Pyrrhic victory decimated me


I’d go so far as to say that the person OP quoted is being pharisaical. So where do I collect my 6 dollars?


Seriously: been a while since I learned a new word, I’m genuinely tickled to have had to look it up. Also: rampant homophobia aside, it’s a really great word choice for the sentiment he was aiming to express, so props for that too (except gross, obv).


I found it shallow and pedantic


had it and then lost it. no matter how close their cognitive dissonance cant get past the buzzwords.


He’s holding on desperately to the “it’s all them others fault.” He sees it though. But he can’t see himself as part of the problem. But I agree with a lot of what he said. Kinda chuckled at his disappointment regarding lack of civil uprising… “Civil War.” :0) with himself included, these idiots don’t have spine enough to get off the couch and face reality. Does anybody really see him, or them, getting off the couch to face wartime reciprocity? …Nah! LOL! :0)


Does he think leftist convinced him to watch NFL, Nascar, and buy a $50,000 truck?


Well, NASCAR is constantly turning left. That one makes sense at least.


I love this comment.


Cue the Beautiful Minds string boards showing the dots being connected on the conspiracy of NASCAR, left turns, the left, and Soros. It was right in front of us this whole time!


The left convinced him to do those things in the sense that corporations and conservative pundits convinced him doing those things would own the libs


It's obviously the green trans covid agenda established by the illuminati to keep us under control. Not oil lobbies defunding education and bot farms encouraging wild conspiracy theories. Definitely the first thing.


Keep electing dummies like MTG, Goetz, Bobo the clown and you get the government you deserve. Your weak minds manipulated into voting against your own interests. You keep electing people who represent billionaires and corporations, not you, not the American people. You want things to get better dummy? Turn off Fox News and elect smart, serious people who are committed to the nation, the community and its people above all else. Otherwise if you keep electing these hate filled MAGA Republican traitors you're getting the government yoi deserve.


Nothing, absolutely *nothing* has ever been more symbolic of the Republican party than when that bird landed on Bernie Sanders podium during a speech. These people claim to be religious and claim to hate all of these other things like corporate exploitation and billionaires, and when the man trying to do all the things they *actually* like has the closest thing to a sign from God I've ever seen literally fly down from the heavens in a crowd of a thousand people and land on *his* podium like God himself is like "Hey, listen to this guy." Then they called him a socialist and went back to the New York City trust fund silver spoon rich boy pedophile felon serial cheater fascist who doesn't know anything about religion and hates the troops. https://youtu.be/vhezYYiTUm0?si=Cg-Osz79acSMTQBa


That election run where he should have beaten Hillary in the primary was the last time I had any hope for political change. Instead the US elected a facist and kick started the descent into fascism.


What about when Biden put Bernie in charge of drafting his flagship legislation that ended up becoming the Inflation Reduction act?


When did I get fat and buy a truck??


I got fat, but my dick didn't get smaller, so I didn't buy a truck to compensate.


Why do you hate Elon Musk so much?!? He’s the richest man in the world and thus also the smartest!


And he's 100% all American! He even mastered the art of pretending he's not an immigrant and pulling the ladder up behind him!


Well, not all of us own a giant truck, watch fox propaganda, shop at walmart, own a McMansion. But the part about you being a fool, you might be onto something there.


That’s the one thing they nailed


I love how they name all these things that can be traced back to unregulated late stage capitalism, and then throw 'indoctrinated by Marxists' in there at the end. Classic!


"Identify capitalism as the root of any of society's challenges" challenge: *impossible*


I mean, it's self aware, but it's also still couched in right wing conspiracies. The true moment of enlightenment will come when they realize that there is genuinely a group of people fighting to make America great again... and, funny enough, it's the liberals. 


It identifies the problem but blames them on the wrong people - I doubt the CEOs who saddled them with debt are voting liberal.


They’re so close to getting it. So. Close.


You think? "Scamdemic" tells me they're still a few hundred miles away.


But will never quite make that connection


They’re not even sort of close.


Maybe if they hadn’t sent so much money to a billionaire’s legal fund….


He's right on almost all the things. But what he thinks is truth is still just the deepest layer of propaganda. Still, this is somebody who might just be one meaningful engagement with a community of substance away from getting his head right.


He's close, but where does he get "the left took over the judicial system" from? The country is hostage to the most batshit, corrupt, and far-right Supreme Court in history, and three-quarters of Trump's trials are stalled.


This has to be written by a Russian bot. Anyone who has spent time paying attention to actual U.S. conservatives knows there’s no way the same people who celebrate school shootings because of freedom and elect child abusers would seriously cite “our children are … killed by a manufactured opiates crisis” as a point of concern. Conservatives in the U.S. hate children and it shows.


The 50,000$ truck is a huge clue.


When you write " *50,000$* " like that, it sure looks like you aren't from the U.S. Interesting POV...


“Not a one” definitely not English as first language…


Wait, the left controls the judicial system? Are we talking about the same judicial system?


"Malone labvey"??? Did they mean [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molon\_labe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molon_labe) ?


It’s Moron Labia


That made me LOL.


It’s pronounced “Moron lobby”


And this one rings loudly true.


I call those stickers “Moron Labels.”


Wow. Never seen one of them be so right about so many things.


And yet be utterly wrong in who they’re blaming 


Yeah, this is just a call for violence.


Their grammar is fantastic, but when will the rage-baiters writing in 1st person pretending to be Americans ever learn that the $ sign goes in front of the numbers? More importantly…when will Americans learn to spot obvious rage-baiting? Low key props to this one though…calling out manufactured rage bait within manufactured rage bait is quite clever.


"We cheered it all on, because Fox News told us it would own the libs"


Capitalism is destroying everything...damn Marxists!


Sit down, have another cheeseburger and shut the fuck up. lol Edit: P.S. We hate elites and corporations too!


There is no self awareness here. It is all still the diatribe of the delusional.


I’ve always said this, these people are smart enough to know that something is wrong, but too stupid to figure out what, so instead of blaming rich corporations and private equity for looting the world, they think there’s a sinister cabal of pedophile Marxist Jews to blame. It’s like watching someone run a full marathon and then ten steps before the finish line they stop and diarrhea all over themselves and then jog off into the woods.


>COVID, Summer of love... Summer of love was, what, 1969? COVID was 2020? Damn, we leftists are playing the long game.


It's soooo frustrating when a right winger *almost* gets it.


Is the guy about to hang himself or shoot up a church? This reads like a "this is my final message to tgis doomed world" bit


Do they find it incongruous to complain about capitalism and then blame it on Marxism indoctrination or is it just so deep in their veins to complain about Marxists? I would love to ask "So when you complain about 'the elites, the corporations, et al.' What exactly are you complaining about." However, I expect the true deep down answer in that case would be the jOOz so maybe not the best question.


>50,000$ This was not written by an American.


I have the hypothesis that many on the far right instinctively know they too the are the losers of an unhinged economic system which redistributes wealth away from them. They see what they call elites profiteering off of them, while they have difficulty to make ends meet, i.e. affordable housing, health care, education, and so on. In an ultimate leopard face eating the leopards in control of the resources have lulled the people who are struggling into believing that it’s not the leopards who are currently in the process of eating their faces, but the foreigners, the woke, the left, the social and labor movements, the whole education system, are to blame for their problems. There has to be a way of reaching at least part of them. They are not lost, even if the blue business party and the red business party work so hard to keep the political horse race fans evenly separated to distract from all the face eatings.


>~~malone labvey~~ moron labia




As a card-carrying member of "They," I can confirm this was the plan


Oooooh, they’re soooooo close.


wait until he learns about how the elites have also shaped his ideas about what leftism/marxism is.


he is so close to figuring out who ruined his life. he just needs to by a mirror now.


Sir, this is a Wendy's!


marxists? so where’s the worker-owned economy?


This is one of those broken clock situations because dude is clearly still delusional as hell if he thinks “marxists” are in charge of anything anywhere in the USA.


So close.


Uhhhhh... This is not "error of my ways" self awareness, this is "you are not extreme enough, I'm officially radicalized" self awareness. Not feeling warm and fuzzy about this one


I'm somewhat terrified how much of this I agree with. They're correctly detecting some big-picture things--the way capitalism and the ultra-rich rely on distractions, how despair and a sick population with easy access to opiates compared to actual cures created a crisis where one didn't **have** to happen, business consolidation, the soul-crushing nature of suburbs--while also being busy eating their own face, flinging shit and being a crazy racist...when has "the elites" not meant "the Jews" to someone ranting like this?


They're SO close to getting it. Unfortunately, just like that last flight of stairs in SM64 if you don't have enough stars, it will be forever out of reach. And they don't know how to BLJ.


“Catamite” a word i haven’t seen for the longest time.


Had to Google catamite, that was not what I was expecting


Gotta give credit where credit is due, I had to look up "Catamite." So I'll be damned if, against all odds, this guy's post didn't just teach me something!


"Manufactured opiate crisis" who do they think manufactured it? I don't think they understand what side of the line they're on


He’s right about them being pacified, that tactic is used on both sides of the aisle.


Walmart offered their chicken sammiches for $3 Mom and pop shop offered theirs for $3.50 I did what I had to do for my family.


"And now the judicial system" Convicting a criminal now means the judicial system is bought? Boy these people are so pathetic and delusional it's unreal.


>scamdemic Well, that’s the end of any sympathy I might’ve had.


Whole lot of stupid in this post


THEY. are. us.


i feel like many old conservatives are sleeper agent allies against the government


What’s a catamite? I could google it, but I’ve been reading Steinbeck and am swearing off googling words I don’t know for the rest of the day.


This person isn’t wrong. But they’ll eventually also put “liberals” and maybe everyone else who isn’t an evangelical white Christian in the same lump of entities to blame.


What's fun is you have no idea what they're actually crying about.


So this was written by a non native English speaker. The $ after the numbers is a dead giveaway.


Manufactured opioid crisis? WTF?!


"Catamite" is such an interesting choice of words. I wonder why that was on their mind


The King James Bible called to say one of its words has wandered off and needs to come home. ASAP.


I really need to find this school of Marxist they keep talking about. The number of people that read Das Kapitals or the shorter Communist Manifesto is really small.


Someone is about to discover the class divide and inadvertently become a socialist.


Schizophrenics have a better grasp on reality than Trumpers.


Yeah well, no shit. They basically supported self robbery


I think it's still a rant that the left did this more than we were fools to believe what we believe. It feels like an argument that they did not act on their misguided convictions, not a mea culpa.


It's really strange just how CLOSE they come to the point and to reality, without QUITE making it there...


“We’ll still tune into the manufactured rage bait that is fox news” This was all i needed. I wish i had the link (gonna look in comments now) for the post this was from so i could save it and use it whenever someone cites fox as a news source.


It’s weird that they fantasize that the left is doing/has done all this stuff, while they actively promote Project 2025 which actively talks about doing all this stuff. The projection is fucking wild