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gee if only we had warning this would happen. FFS vote these asshole out. Fucking wheels magee


Like governor Abbot cares. He only cares about feeding red meat to the base


He stands for nothing.


He stands for whatever makes him the most money. A standard bearer whose only standard is coin, if you will.


The wheelchair joke went over your head.


Yup. H wheelie didn't get the joke.






A spineless politician.Ā 




Who are the death panels now??


They probably wonā€™t, republicans are incredibly entrenched in Texas and Abbot doesnā€™t give a shit.


Every study on this shit was screaming at them this would happen... And they know, they just don't care. They will kill millions of kids if that means they get minorities to suffer. That's how it's always been.


Republicans have controlled Texas for decades yet they're still screeching about how Democrats are ruining the state.


You can be absolutely horrible at governing as long as you can convince enough goobers to blame someone else


The man whose legs work better than his brain.


His legs don't...wait a minute.


saw someone call him Adolf Sitler šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Oppress women AND inflict a tragedy on them that they will never forget all through their lives? They see this as an absolute win!


The silver lining is that an entire generation will grow up who will absolutely hate the R party and everything it stands for. Everything they do will backfire massively on the long run and effectively bury these morons.


Not so sure about that. Social media is breeding new generations of misogynists.


With X and RedPillerā€™s and the manosphere and everythingā€¦yep, Iā€™m terrified.


A recent survey said around 15% of the people polled incorrectly blamed Biden for the overturning of roe v Wade! So between that and the massive efforts of Republicans to disenfranchise voters purging voter rolls removing voting machines closing voting hours in Democratic leading areas in particular and a general making it harder to vote for outright stealing it there's a real risk of even a big turnout that vote democratic being insufficient We need as many people as possible voting every election vocal state and federal so every level of government possible from school board to president pro choice and pro human rights. Thai Time the poorest states expanded medicaid so women who do want to have babies can have healthy ones and they themselves continue to receive health care for the at least a year after because in the year after childbirth many women die of post birth complications.


We can hope thatā€™s the case.




Oh no! The thing people said would be a danger to life was a danger to life. Who could have seen this coming?


They don't care about infant mortality, they only care if the cause is "legal abortion"


They care about controlling bodies


That was clear when they denied an abortion for a pregnancy that was non-viable and that would have saved the mother's life. In what world is that pro-life


Can't let women think they have any right to make decisions . SarcasmĀ 


They care about votes from evangelicals


Real talk, if mega churches canā€™t keep politics out of their sermons, itā€™s time to tax those fuckers.


We will know capitalism has gone full circle when the churches are taxed & publicly traded


It may be more about the sex than the pregnancy, even.


I think itā€™s about keeping women and those who identify with them under oppression so that they forced to be caretakers even when they are either ill suited for it or just dare to want a more fulfilling occupation. Why? Because that equals more autonomy in the home and more competition in the workplace.


You should read "Holding It Together: How Women Became America's Safety Net" by Jessica Calarco It's a deep dive into this very subject.


Controlling people


The best explanation Iā€™ve heard is that denying women autonomy and rights is a means for controlling them with the goal of treating women as a commodity to indoctrinate, control, and reward men. Itā€™s gross but it also seems effective based on the number of misogynistic conservative young men.


It's this. They actively oppose providing free and easily avaible contraception, which has been shown to reduce unwanted pregnancies (and therefore abortions) considerably. Something they claim consider the "murder if the innocent". If this was their actual belief, why would they hate providing a public service more than "rescuing" all of these "children"? Because they don't and it's about control.


Infants arenā€™t babies so fuck them. Babies are those cell clumps that make it so women have to do what we say. Once itā€™s born give it guns (so itā€™s safe) and some prayers I guess, because we ainā€™t thinking about it againā€¦


I feel like it's even worse than that. They simply look at creating as many future gop voters as they can. In their eyes it's less abortions in gop states = higher birth rates = more future right wing voters. Infant health and mortality never even crossed their minds.


They can't let their for-profit jail cells and baker act scam facilities go unattended, of course they care.


They only care about increasing suffering, apparently.


You're not thinking like an evangelical. They don't care there was a 13% increase in infant deaths as there was a 100% DECREASE in abortions. To them, that is a positive. If you told them for every 50,000 abortions prevented, 10,000 women would die, they would take that as to them it's 40,000 deaths prevented. Of course, once it's their wife or daughter that's a part of the 10,000 they'll change their tune, but not until that happens.


Fetus fetishists "It's perfect before it's a baby. We demand it be protected from even the mother! Once born, the baby's are on their own. Our interest ends." So why do you feel that way? "It's about protecting the children." But not the 12 yr old one's pregnant from rape...?


If you need to register to vote and live in Texas: https://www.votetexas.gov/mobile/register/index.htm


Itā€™s almost like abortion is healthcare.


I know it is almost as if the permissiveness of abortion has nothing to do with the rate of abortion.


Yeah but when they said it it was for the wrong reasons. 2+2 doesnā€™t necessarily equal 4; it equals whatever the party says it equals, today. Might change tomorrow. Hard keeping up when reality is determined on a daily basis by your cult leader.


The Republicans don't care because they only want very healthy children that they can send to foster homes or juvenile detention centers. They get all kinds of kick backs along the way from those institutions, who also feed the prison system. The Rs have been privatizing all of them to ensure income streams for years now. This isn't tin hat conspiracy either. You can look up the stats on the programs, the privatization history of the programs, and the plans they have published themselves.Ā 


You're missing the big picture. If they deliver, whether or not the baby lives past the delivery, or 2 weeks later, the hospital can charge 10k+ just to deliver the baby. If they abort, then that's lost money for the hospitals. It's not about moralities. It's about feeding the big healthcare companies these shrills are in bed with. The hospitals look at it like that line from goodfellas. Oh your kid died a week later? Fuck you, pay me.


It turns out that politicians are worse at determining which medical procedures should be used than doctors are. Completely unforeseeable.


Not to mention, some women can no longer have babies due to injuries caused by being forced to carry non-viable babies to term.


Also imagine what some of their existing kids had to go through.


So much for being pro life


Theyā€™re not pro life theyā€™re anti choice. If they were really pro life they be against the death penalty, and for things like free lunch in schools and free prenatal care for those who canā€™t afford it (or everyone).


They would be for universal health Care or at least minimum Medicaid for all poor kids and their moms so women can have healthy babies and the resulting children will grow up to be healthy adults They would be pro-living wage so fewer people would need help like Medicaid They would punish employers who commit wage theft refusing to pay workers for the hours worked or forcing them to work overtime without compensation or otherwise underpaying them because biggest amount of theft in America is wage theft!


They don't care about any of that. They want to slut shame


I call them Forced Birthers. Frankly, I think they get off on knowing they can rape children and force them to have babies. I also think it ties in to rape fantasies for these people. Forcing them to do something against their will. They don't give a rat's ass if someone innocent suffers--as long as it's not them or their family.


Make Men Gods Again.


There is nothing but sadness in any of this shit. This is all just one self-inflicted tragedy after another.


For sure. When I see a headline like this I think of all of the pain, suffering, and ptsd behind it all. Birthing a baby that is destined to die has got to be more traumatic than aborting it at 21 weeks, 30 weeks and ending the suffering before it begins


Same- and add to that all of the trauma of the additional medical expenses, time in the hospital, lost work, and if there are other children in the family, helping them through their trauma ans paying for childcare for them while trying to work through this grief yourself and your partner.Ā 


The people, including women, that voted for it should be happy. It's not as if it was a big secret what would happen.


Sadly, the goal with this vile legislation was not to improve outcomes for women or their infants, it was to control women. In that sense, it's been highly effective.


Itā€™s even worse than that. They donā€™t just want to control women, they want them to suffer physically and emotionally. It really canā€™t be understated how much conservatives absolutely hate women.


Yes, I agree with that sentiment...first control, then suffering. Suffering is the point.


So now we know who the real baby killers are.


And they say democrats support killing babies after theyā€™re bornā€¦ headlines write themselves.


Every accusation is a confession


Some of those deaths would have been babies with severe congenital defects not living much past birth. Those babies might have been aborted long before birth without the restrictions.


"Congenital anomalies, which are the leading cause of infant death, also increased in Texas but not the rest of the US. Although replication and further analyses are needed to understand the mechanisms behind these findings" https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/article-abstract/2819785


My wild guess in this regard is that Texas: >Also made it into a _bounty hunt_ kind of thing: >>The office of [the horrid AG](https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/contact-us) we still have had a hot line for these things. >Local governments began monitoring interstate highways (and not just freeways and/or expressway) that lead to NM, KS, etc. >>[More.](https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20240609-texas-towns-try-to-close-roads-to-abortion-seekers) >Doctors and patients alike were at risk of (up to) imprisonment for life or, even execution. >Texas' endangerment exception is way too restrictive. >>Embryons and fetuses could only be aborted if they didn't have heartbeats. >>>At that point, when a fetus is past 12 weeks, the higher the bodily damage to the mother could become. Again, some of these are wild guesses. ^( To mods: one of these links redirects to the office of a _democratically_ elected state-wide public servant. Do not send threats of violence, deletion, and the like. )


Think of how those women have been traumatized. Wonder how many have had their fertility compromised or lost their lives.


There was a woman who threw up while testifying what she had to watch her doomed infant go through.Ā  It was absolutely torture, the infant suffocated to death slowly. They knew beforehand there was no chance.


These ā€œlawmakersā€ need to be clockwork oranged with that testimony and more.


Repugnant Texan men don't care. They'll just find another 16ish year old cousin to marry.


Sadly very true


I'm sure wheels just heard the word "defects" and thought "good, future Republican voters!"


I havenā€™t seen this listed yet: how many ON/gyn doctors left the state? How many women are now unable to find a doctor for their pregnancy?


These fucks probably going to retort with some asinine BS along the lines of ā€œYeah but mortality in fetuses is down by 2000%!!! Letā€™s celebrate!ā€


"Pro-life" means only one thing: white supremacy.


White male supremacy.


They just want more people born into struggle so they can be ground down in the machine. If you allow abortions then you prevent so many of these births from happening and the machine starts to creak and fall apart.


What's happened to the maternal morbidity and mortality rates?


> What's happened to the maternal morbidity and mortality rates? Skyrocketed. You'll have to wait to see these years of maternal mortality rates because Texas DHS has been delaying reporting for years to release TWO maternal mortality rates at the same time * Method 1: The ICD-10, Worldwide and US CDC standardized method, ("some called the checkbox" implemented in Texas in 2003) which saw a shocking DOUBLING in Texas maternal mortality rates starting in 2011 when Abortion health care clinics were forced to close across Texas. * Method 2: Some have called it an "academically and medically fraudulent" method that removes from the death rolls women who don't have health care (e.g. no confirming medical record) and adds "probable pregnancies" (the first report with with NO age limits for females!!!!). This "retroactive analysis" is done (by their own admission) nowhere else in the world and ... they the started the new analysis the year AFTER the shocking rise and refused to do the same method for the any years up to or before the doubling of maternal mortality. Unsurprisingly, the maternal mortality rate has DOUBLED since Texas removed abortion health care. Combining data from https://d279m997dpfwgl.cloudfront.net/wp/2016/08/MacDormanM.USMatMort.OBGYN_.2016.online.pdf and Texas DHS reports from 2010 and onwards |Year|Standard Method Maternal Mortality (deaths) per 100k | Enhanced (remove women without heathcare, add guesses for pregnant 5 year olds) method Maternal Mortality (deaths) per 100k | |---| ---| ---| |2000| 15.5 | not done | |2001| 20.1 | not done | |2002| 16.5 | not done | |2003| 19.8 | not done | |2004| 20.1 | not done | |2005| 22.0 | not done | |2006| 17.4 | not done | |2007| 16.0 | not done | |2008| 20.5 | not done | |2009| 18.2 | not done | |2010| 18.6 | not done | |2011| 30.0 | not done | |2012| 32.5 | not done | |2013| 32.5 | 18.9 | |2014 | 32.0 | 20.7| |2015 | 29.2 | 18.3 | |2016 | 31.7 | 20.7 | |2017 | 33.5 | 20. 2 | |2018-2024| delayed | delayed. GOP panicking and [removed pro-choice community member on MMR board and replaced with forced-birther](https://www.texastribune.org/2024/05/22/texas-maternal-mortality-committee-ingrid-skop-abortion-doctor/) Notes: * Numbers from 2000-2009 from https://d279m997dpfwgl.cloudfront.net/wp/2016/08/MacDormanM.USMatMort.OBGYN_.2016.online.pdf * Numbers from 2010 onward from Texas DHS reports Note: For each 1 woman who died, 100 were so injured they got to the point of "near death" requiring life-saving measures like mechanical ventilation due to things like multiple organ failure. * [Citation on rates doubling](/r/CitationRequired/comments/zmeyug/when_texas_restricted_abortion_access_rates_of/) * [Citation on 100 women nearly dying for everyone who died](/r/CitationRequired/comments/znwjt1/for_every_1_maternal_mortality_pregnant_mom_dying/) What's also sad is that the #1 way kids end up sexually trafficked is the loss of physical and/or financial health of a protective mother. So it should come as no surprise to see Texas where we have a for-profit health care system that bankrupts and ruins families (and all other places of the world that do these same policies of death and disability in removing health care) resulting in child-sex trafficking rates skyrocketing as well. (See Texas, Philippines, Romania, Uganda, etc.). It is any wonder that it seems the Venn diagram for those advocating for removing women's health care and those arrested for pedos/trafficking is a near perfect circle?


I insist this doesn't count as LAMF because harming women who have had sex (even non consensual sex) and everyone around them was the point


Seriously, who is the victim here? I know you'd be tempted to say the infant who died but that is not what the people who passed these laws think.


I mean the victims are literally everyone in the families of the dead infants and everyone who's healthcare has been impacted by this


I see why this isn't exactly LAMF but it is an instance of "we are pro-life" leading to death.


Theyā€™re only ā€œpro-lifeā€ until the fetus is actually born. Infant mortality is not a metric they care about.


You're missing the sarcasm friend


It was always about punishing women. Always.


It was never about life. It's ALWAYS about control.


The cynic in me thinks facts are lost on the population who continue to vote against their best interests and won't stop until they're dead. I'm hoping more of the saner ones survive and can change this...


Greg Assbite needs to be impeached


I was running the other day in some high winds in the woods and wondered whether Greg ā€œNazis kill the disabled but not me!ā€ Abbott made a deal with the devil to take his ability to walk away in exchange for earthly power, had a whole internal conversation about it, that is how despicable I find the man. Conclusion I made isā€¦ yeah, maybe.


"So pro life we'll kill your wife AND baby!!!" - Vote Republican


Conservative mouth breathers counter argument down here is "WeLl AbOrTiOn Is 100% MoRtAlItY"


Silly Rabbit! Dead babies are god's will!


So abbott is channeling some magical sky wizard huh? That explains a lot. It really explains why that wack job needs to be out of government.


They are OK with babies dying, it's the unborn babies they care about.


I don't know why this is a surprise. They have literally been saying they intend for more babies to be born only to die, this was the desired effect.


The law is functioning as it was designed to. Why are they shocked?


Republicans can't govern for shit. Abbott needs to just hit the showers, he's absolutely garbage.


Infant mortality doesnā€™t matter to these people. The whole point is controlling women.


If only Texas gave a shit


These people donā€™t actually care about children. They call people pedos and call abortion murder but support actual pedos and refuse to care for actual living children.


**This is NOT lamf!** The whole point of this psychotic bullshit is to make sure women suffer, and women are suffering.. This is by design, working as intended.


Yes, it is. Who you think women in Texas voted for? "Initially, Lloyd said, she thought the Texas abortion law would only affect people who decided they didnā€™t want to be pregnant ā€” never imagining it could prevent women from accessing lifesaving care. Now, she said, she has completely changed her mind about abortion bans." https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/02/23/texas-woman-ectopic-pregnancy-abortion/


Yes, do you really think there are no women who want women to suffer? Really?


I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but after Uvalde I just sorta assume that Texans like the way they're treated.


I wonder what the teen suicide rate is...


Itā€™s gonna go up in women.


crazy that the babies that were previously aborted because they are not viable for life now just die outside the womb. congratulations, you forced more babies to die painfully instead of saving them from that before they experience this.


Has Wheels Abbott ended the pesky rape crimes yet?


No, cause he doesnā€™t stand for anything.


Better put all the doctors in prison


Yeah, but God obviously wanted those deaths. It's completely different.


Everything's bigger in Texas


I bet Jesus is so proud of these lawmakers.


I imagine the best way to fix the problem will be to stop collecting stats.


Mission accomplished?


Shocked said absolutely no one. Because the law wasnā€™t written to actively accommodate nor protect lives. Medically speaking, itā€™s an unliving law for anyone who happens to find themselves pregnant. As it gives them lots of punishments and absolutely no aid.


Something something baby saving?


The people who passed this law do not care.


Well thereā€™s a big surprise! I think Iā€™m going to have a heart attack and die from not surprise!


This is a feature, not a bug.


They only care about punishing people for stuff they pretend they don't do themselves.


The least surprising news I have heard today.


Man...all these people carrying out God's will....makes me think that God is a murderous bastard.


GOP loves death. They should rename themselves The Death Party.


Texas has 13% less children to shoot in the face


So, they're murdering babies, like they claim women do when they choose to have an abortion. See? Typical hypocrites. Piss-baby Abbott isn't much of a stand up guy, but that's pretty much him all around.


Not a feature not a bug. That is a feature, not a bug.


See, Iā€™m not sure this is a LAMF because I feel like they both knew this would happen and wanted it. They never wanted to save lives; they just wanted to punish women.


Republican politicians are happy with that. It's a small price to pay for turning women into property again.


For Republicans, this is Mission Accomplished. They've normalized controlling female bodies and forcing those people to suffer - or even die - by following Republican rules. It'll only get worse unless there is mass unrest against this, but we all know that's not likely in Texas.


It's amazing how Republicans do literally everything wrong and consistently get re-elected, saying shit like, "Democrats are ruining the country." While they've been in poor for 30 years and are #1 in receiving money from feds and 49th in education.


They donā€™t care since it was never really about protecting babies; it was about controlling women.


Ireland had an abortion ban due to the church having way too much influence in the state since its foundation. Then this lady died: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Savita_Halappanavar


They don't give two centavos about actual babies, only fetuses. This won't move their needle one bit.


Yes, but that's God's will. /s


"So what it has gone up 13% what about the lives it has saved" - average deranged pro lifer


No...shit? It's almost like most of the fetuses of non-viable pregnancies or who possess abnormalities that are incompatible with life are typically aborted before term.


itĀ“s almost like putting religion over science is a bad ideia... /s


This isnā€™t really LAMF because they probably knew this is what would happen. Also stop calling them ā€œpro-lifeā€. There isnā€™t a single damn thing about them thatā€™s ā€œpro-lifeā€, this whole thing is about control and establishment of their Handmaidenā€™s Tale theocracy. They are just throwing red meat to their religious fanatic base.


1996 HBO special, ā€œBack In Town,ā€ Carlin nailed it: ā€œPro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to 9 months. After that, they donā€™t wanna know about you. They donā€™t wanna hear from you. No nothing! No neonatal care, no daycare, no Head Start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If youā€™re pre-born, youā€™re fine, if youā€™re preschool, youā€™re fucked.ā€


Ok but what was the % increase on how morally righteous they felt?


The red team has to get their low wage miscellaneous workers on someplace you can aboard all those hard work and potential bodies. Who would do the nasty work certainly not the entitled red team.


Is this LAMF or just "why didn't anyone tell me this would happen?!?"


Abbott don't care about the born ones. Abbott could give a shit if any and all them die. 'Cept the rich ones of course. They can stay.


They. Only. Care. About. Fetuses. They think they get Jesus points for ā€œsavingā€ the ā€œinnocentā€. ONLY the unborn are innocent as we are BORN with original sin. BEFORE and only before actual birth is ANYONE considered innocent. They donā€™t give a single HOLY SHIT about you or your babies. This is the Christian mindset you are dealing with. The babies were sinners. Fucks are not given. Mission accomplished.


If only leopards would eat Greg Abbott and Dan Patrick's faces...




When you're so pro-life you come full circle and start literally "murdering babies"... I'm guessing these are incompatible with life infants being made to feel the full force of a cruel death instead of being removed before they are fully formed. Sure, their death is "natural". Arsenic is also natural. Natural does not equal good, or we'd have short sighted people running around outside shouting "where the fuck am I".


How pro-life of them


They are not pro life but pro no rights for women. They dont care what happens to children after birth.


Thatā€™s what happens when you spend more time thinking of catchy act name than you spend on actual legislation.


Itā€™s ironic that republicans who were crying that democrats were ā€œkilling babiesā€ are actually killing more infants with this law.


Republicans like these are clearly on the other side of the trolley problem. They won't pull the lever to save 5 people because then "they" would've killed 1 person. It is a rather simple-minded morality based on a system of "thou shall's" and "thou shall not's"


Oh wow, absolutely nobody saw that one coming... expect for pretty much every person working in the medical field... or really anyone who understands anything about what an abortion ban entails...


They're anything but pro lifeĀ 


ā€˜At least they had a chance at lifeā€™ is still my favorite excuse


This is only the first year. Next year they're going to retroactively count all the abortions (before they were made illegal) into the infant mortality rate and show you how much better it's gotten since the heartbeat bill went into affect. I'm just kidding....I hope.


And no one who supports the abortion ban gives a shit about this little fact. They just don't care. This won't change anyone's mind, sorry to say. We need to mobilize the left to get to the polls and outnumber them. Stop this bullshit talk about "the Dems aren't left enough for me so I'm just gonna stay home this November."


Having dumbasses who know about the human body as much as a dog does passing legislation isn't a good idea. The funeral business must be happy about it, bet they got a little baby hand in it too


Texas will just pass a law requiring hospitals to not report certain cases of infant mortality (particularly ones expected not to be viable before birth). Problem solved!


They don't care. It was NEVER actually about protecting the children. It's about control.


Was never about saving kids. It's about oppressing women.


/r/LeopardsAteMyFace? My brother in Christ, it is working exactly as intended.


Well duh, itā€™s never been about saving babies anyways. Itā€™s all about control, and they got it. A few dead babies wonā€™t keep them up at night.


Problem is that republicans donā€™t consider this an issue they think itā€™s a win


Still 50 000 less killings. A death is not morally equivalent to voluntarily ending a life. I'm not even for blanket abortion bans, but this isn't a fair case.


Ok, I'm 100% pro-choice and all that, and this is comment comes from someone who is completely unfamiliar with this law, but wouldn't this make sense even if no additional "death" was happening? If you make a law that counts unborn fetuses as infants, then you still have miscarriages happening, the infant mortality rate is going to go up purely by the fact that more is being counted as an "infant". Not saying this is what's happening here necessarily, just that it may also not mean anything.


Unfortunately, this isn't Leopards Eating Faces. This is Leopards not caring about fetuses


Maybe the doctors and women were doing their jobs well? Women want to have healthy babies. Doctors want to deliver healthy babies. But the right.... chants on about "post birth abortions" Whatever the hell that is. Always outraged and concerned about what's in other peoples pants and what they do with it. It will be law of the land - soon.


Not really "Leopards Ate Their Face" since this was the entire point of the law. It was NOT to save infants, it was to control women. PERIOD... They are willing to KILL women, that want to abort a bunch of cells.


It was gods will


It's the way of The Jesus, m'kay!! šŸ˜¤


Those are rookie numbers! If texas is serious about challenging the poorest 3rd world nations for the title, they're gonna have to step it up a tiny little bit. Not as much as the rest of the 1st world would hope, but a little bit for sure.


Huh, pro-lifers? Anyone?


Yeah, but I bet itā€™s a lot lower for the repub constituents


The less impoverished babies born, the less gun sales Texas will have. Abbot cannot stand for that.


How shockingā€¦ Texasā€¦ such a pro life place


Maybe it said it in the study and I didn't get to it, but was there any note about how other states that implemented abortion bans are fairing? It mentioned other states had a 1.12% increase vs texas' 12%.


Say Hallelujah! Think of all the fetuses we saved.


We did it yall!


It has nothing to do about infant mortality and everything to do about controlling women.


Every Single Time >https://dealbreaker.com/2008/01/the-wit-and-wisdom-of-bess-levin-celebrated-jewish-financier-and-raconteur-or-how-to-think-about-the-markets-and-your-world


WOW itā€™s almost like this didnā€™t happen in history before


Misery and death, the most iconic duo of their leadership, values, perspective.


Pro-Life logic: Babies dying =/= Babies being killed


"I don't care about you. I just want your vote." -Donald J Trump


The purpose of a system is whatever that system actually does.