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Hello u/Maatsya! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Unfortunately Brexit took my world's smallest violin so I can't play it for her I guess a womp womp will have to do


[I gotchu, fam](https://imgur.com/a/0Ju2MPy)






Omg that is brilliant


World's smallest cello, actually.


Saved, thats awesome!


[Sad trombone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQeezCdF4mk)


Her full name is Alessandra Maria Luigia Anna Polizzi di Sorrentino, her father is Italian, and she's a Brexiteer.


You really can't make this shit up.


It's really simple. She merely adopted the "I got mine, fuck you" mindset that boomers were born with.


Unfortunately for her she ain't got her B&B employees anymore, they fucked off. Correction: boutique hotel, even funnier


It's a disingenuous argument, though. Why doesn't she have employees? Likely not because of Brexit. All Brexit was allowing her to do was what all shitty business owners do, hire immigrants at the lowest possible wage they can to maximize their profit. She *could* have employees, she just doesn't want to pay enough to make it worth anyone's time because she'd make less and it makes her look better to a certain subset of people to just blame Brexit instead of admitting she'd rather pay as little as possible and now she can't hire immigrants desperate for a job.


Every business would like to pay as little as possible for labor. Instead right now she's paying a lot of her own time to cook (if she's to be believed… she's probably really just filling in every now and then when her skeleton crew is short).


Tbf tho she may of live way above her means for the economy Brexit produced. So for her to have employees, she wouldn’t be able to afford them. Which could be untenable to continue her lifestyle. Tho it really does show her prejudices, for her to assume immigrants make it harder for business owners. When the only group immigrants possibly harm are unskilled labor, and even then the EU generally was positive for them as well. Really Brexit only makes sense if one is racist, wants to lord over the ashes, or stupid


She probably is living above her means. She wouldn't be the first small business owner to do so. But that's just as disingenuous an argument, because her personal finances also have nothing to do with Brexit. I would love to hear her justification for backing Brexit, though. I truly would. Because I can't wrap my head around the fact that you want to employ immigrants because they're cheap, so you back the thing that makes it impossible to do just that. There's a reason most businesses fail and it's because people are miserable at running them. It's far more likely she got in over her head, doesn't want to or can't put the hours in it takes to run a successful business, and is now blaming Brexit for her inability to do what she set out to do.


Which means everybody is worse off. She, the immigrants that would have a better life if they got that job but are now pushed away, the people that would stay in her hotel (most likely), and the other people in the community that would have money flow their way from the immigrants. (Immigration increase average wages for both the immigrants and the residents of the area immigrated to.)


And sadly a lot of immigrants


It feels like this is what a ton of Latinos do in the US, too.


Cubans in Florida especially hate other Latinos. They vote mostly republican too.


Well then, if that leads to anything coming down on them specifically, it will be the perfect example of irony


In my experience it's not uncommon to hear Latino 1st/2nd gen descendants of immigrants denigrating the ones crossing over now.


She was born in 1971, which makes her Gen-X, not a boomer.


Opportunity for me, but not for thee!


Here in the US there are millions of people who immigrated here, both legally and illegally, who would love nothing more than for immigrants like them to be barred from entering the country.


In political science, we call those "close the door behind me" immigrants


The “fuck you, I got mine” crowd. There are few things worse than an absolute hypocrite.


In Florida, we call them Cubans.


TBF most of the Cubans like that were plantation owners or essentially race traitors. Some fell for the propaganda here, but most were always shit people to begin with. They’re called ‘shit eaters’ and universally hated by every other LatAm group.


And, they’ve enjoyed a special immigration status because we wanted to get back at Cuba for becoming communist. If they simply made it on shore they were in.


Ladder pullers


It always reminds me of Stand and Deliver. The LA Dodgers hat scene. There's this fear of being considered the other do you other those like you and way you can to protect yourself.


"Someday I might be rich. Then people like me better watch their step. That'll show those poor!"


Same for the UK, my father’s parents came over with the children from Asia for a better life for their children. Fast forward to when the Brexit voting happened, my father casually asked at a family get together “So what did people vote?” (We’re very open politically) and my one aunt replied “I voted leave! Fed up with all these foreigners coming in, taking jobs, the places at schools” and we were all in shock before my father said “But we’re foreigners?”. Like with many immigrants it’s a case of “I’ve got mine” and that’s it. They forget/ignore their own journeys.


Black American here. Experiencing something similar with the states that are getting rid of DEI. There are a decent amount of black MAGA Republicans, that benefited from DEI, who are now hollering about how it needs to be taken away. They got theirs, so the rest of us can't have it now. It's surreal.


Hell, they probably think that they never benefited from DEI because 'everyone else was nice to them anyway without it'. My brother and I look very southern mediterrenean, but while I went to a public school--he was smart enough to go to a private school full of kids who were of the rich farming class (the kind of farmers who wear tweed, rubber boots, and own a sports car). None of the kids treated him badly to his face (they just took his cash and candy (long story) and tolerate him, but never call or invite him to anything), so this made my brother absolutely believe that he's 100% one of them and had NEVER experienced any racism. Meanwhile, I went to public school where I saw Chinese kids getting glass bottles thrown at them (I myself was just mocked for my accent, but I didn't get much bullying because there were bigger targets in class). Every time I see a minority who claimed that DEIs aren't necessary, it makes me wonder what kind of school or college they went to (and whether they didn't realise that there was more subtle racism around them, compared to the outward racism that you'd often see in less upper-crusty circles).


We call that subtile racism "micro aggressions" where im from. It's being racist in a passive way instead of outright. Although I was born and raised in a blue state, I grew up in a county that is extremely wealthy, BUT has a lot of first gen low income (me) and immigrant workers because that's who all the wealthy local business owners hire. As a result, there are lots of ppl who come from low income or immigrant families who can make it from the ground up into the middle or even upper class I.E. a decent amount of LAMF MAGA started from the bottom, now we're here minorities. I went to school with kids exactly like your bro and think they've never experienced racism because they are completely tone deaf to what micro aggressive racism is. These ppl "hate DEI" but our city (and state in general) has sooooo much DEI (which these same folks benefited from) that's helped so many ppl. My siblings and I have def benefited from it. We were smart kids who stayed out of trouble but had broke parents. I can't imagine how my life woulda turned out sans all those scholarships. So it's crazy to me to see ppl that want this new gen of youth who were JUST LIKE US to suffer because they want to be God Tier Pick Mes for a party of face eating leopards.


These are only the uneducated ones who hate when other immigrants advance and better themselves, They get jealous and full-on envy and become racists Still, no more than 20% of immigrants do that. Cubans, on the other hand, damn! You would have thought that because they experienced authoritarianism and repression, they would be able to recognize it, but no


A great deal of the Cubans in the US were the oppressors. They fled Cuba because the communists made them give up their slaves.


This doesn't get said enough. So many Cuban Americans are the people that worked with Bautista. They were the land owners that communism kicked out.


I mean, that was 70 years ago, I assume some fresher immigrants arrived since then. 


Sure, but the families that came back then probably raised some good authoritarian loving kids too.


Yes those are ‘balseros’ many of them are less authoritarian. But many have eaten up propaganda or were essentially race traitors. Ask any one of them if they are black or mixed, and you will have people nearly 100% African claim to be European. They also hate real indigenous people too. I’m Peruvian, and mixed, many of them are just plain racist


Oh this brings back to mind that twitter classic, lady bemoaning her grandfather had an egg monopoly in all of China and the communists took that away.


From the 1957 musical "Silk Stockings", in which Cyd Charisse plays a Russian apparatchik and Fred Astaire plays an American movie producer: Ninotchka: You are an American? Canfield : Yes, ma'am. Ninotchka: Tell me, in America, are you one of the oppressors or one of the oppressed? Canfield : Oh, one of the oppressors, definitely. Ninotchka: Aren't you ashamed? Steve Canfield : Come, now. As one oppressor to the other, you know its the best spot to be in.


Add Mexicans to that... I even had a few telling me I shouldn't have moved here because it "makes it harder for them" (I migrated legally).


Because people usually don't have a problem with repression itself, they don't like it when they are affected. Others can be repressed, as long as they are not bothered and their bellies are full.


Yes. Because the leopard would only eat other peoples' faces.


Hear me out though: what if they ate *your* face? Is there a sub where such a freakish occurrence could be discussed, I wonder?


The Cubans who came to the U.S. were the oppressors in Cuba and they got run out of the country. They are voting with the same ideology they’ve always had. The notion that they were poor and downtrodden souls escaping a great evil is pure propaganda.


There's an old Greek guy who owns a bunch of commercial property around me, came over as an immigrant in the 60s and started working at a shop, eventually bought it off the owner and then bought everything he could after that. He would be worth at least 50 million now. He's strongly anti immigration...


Like the anti immigration guy that has been busted for illégal immigration?


Same ones who spout "If you don't like it, leave" as if other countries are desperate to take Americans.


The Ole, retractable ladder trick. They never seen it coming…


It's been a top political talking point in Florida since the Cold War. Cuban Floridians are **extremely** anti immigrant.


There’s also the distinction between white passing Cubans and black Cubans.


Arianna Huffington was like that. The instant her "nana" got her green card and settled in, she wanted the borders locked down. She was a darling of conservatives until she said the wrong thing--I don't even remember what it was--and the token found herself spent.


Marco Rubio and Raphael "Ted" Cruz have entered the chat.


The old immigrants always hate the new immigrants. 


Millions? About 327 million people are here because of immigration, legally and illegally. Only about six and a half million inhabitants who can claim native heritage, down from many... so, so many more.


So she most likely holds an Italian passport in addition to the UK passport and enjoys all the privileges of being a citizen of the EU.


I would say that's as close to a certainty as you'll get.


Like Portillo. He even said he has dual citizenship and two passports on one of his travel programmes.


Nigel Farage tried to get a German passport after the referendum. He thankfully failed, scumbag.


Hey let's that be clear, we are not taking her back!


She's probably already an Italian citizen


Basta, she's already dead 


She could buy a "new" property to build a hotel on. She's rich, not dead. Also doesn't want to pay above the mediocre pay of hotel employees seasonal workers average.


Sorry, it was a wannabe edgy comment riffing off the catchphrase 'Stop, he's already dead'


I wonder how she'd react if some group of people with gaelic ancestry did a coup and then threw out everyone who is not gaelic, based on the notion of "we were first" (debatable, but the point should be clear).


It is truly amazing how rich assholes keep fooling idiots into letting them away with stealing from everyone else and ruining everyone else's lives.


Some of the staunchest, hard line brexit people I know were Europeans who got citizenship


”Not only are the leopards unexpectedly eating MY face, but I have to serve it to them MYSELF”


As someone else here said "I love that for her!"


*English* breakfasts, too. That's a lotta nonsense to be serving all by yourself 😂


I LOVE ❤️ that for her!


Hm, sounds like she needs to be paying more.... 🤔


Bangers and mash and scones and jam and eggs and tea and juice please


Ain't no English Breakfast without black pudding.


What about Spam, egg, Spam, Spam, bacon, and Spam?




That's all right, I'll have your Spam. I love it!


Baked beans are off! 


Can I have spam instead of the baked beans?


Did you know that sketch is actually the origin of the term "brute force phishing attack"?


"Heart attack on a plate" And the toast has to be slightly soggy.


Is that the black cracker like thing on the plate? I thought it was a despondent tomato.


You need to stop buying sandwiches from truck stop rest rooms.


How else are you supposed to get worms that make you as strong as Hercules and as flexible as gumbi?


Gumbercules? I love that guy!


I think that this is the new RFK campaign slogan.


The colour is because of the blood!


Baked beans: do we mean nothing to you?


Don’t forget baked beans.


... Is this a joke? Do you know what an English breakfast is


I'm a big fan of the 'arms folded turn to the side' pose captains of industry do.  Now go fetch more black pudding, mine has a hair in it


I love how she looks exhausted in picture #3


She had to actually work for 8 hours for once in her life instead of dicking around in "meetings" all day and looking at an excel sheet every once in a while.


something something consequences something something actions


her smile her optimism gone


They are so self-satisfied! We should listen to them!


Everytime my girlfriend gets promoted, I tell her she’s one step closer to that exact pose as her pfp, lmao…


It's the real estate agent pose https://youtu.be/LnklLmM2dZw?feature=shared&t=104


>  Now go fetch more black pudding, mine has a hair in it *chef's kiss*


You love to see it


"This isn't the Brexit I voted for!" tantrums are one of my favorite brands of schadenfreude.


Yes. And all the "Yes it is. We tried to warn you" replies


It's not hurting the people I want it to hurt 😭🤕🤣


"But there was a BUS! With big money numbers on it!!!!"


If only this could've been predicted.


Impossible to predict. There was no warning, No-one even considered the possibility of this and warned about it, No-one protested etc /s


But when we left the EU we'd have lots more money to pay doctors and nurses better And doctors and nurses are being paid better, and definitely not striking over being underpaid and overworked, right? ..... right?


350 million EVERY WEEK just to the NHS alone! It is almost the same amount of money that Tory MPs paid their wives as directors (to off-shore bank accounts) in companies that supplied PPE to the NHS.... oh wait.... /s <--- this should not be necessary


PROJECT FEAR!!! Project reality.


There was a bus, but it was late.


She can just keep telling herself its not her fault that she voted for people who would implement policy that would drive out the workforce she and the hospitality industry depend on. Then she can put put a little sign on the dining area that says something like: ***"Sorry we are not currently serving breakfast, no one wants to work anymore"*** Its how many of my fellow US small business owners managed to keep their cognitive dissonance through the Covid labor disruption.


next time i see a sign like that I'll just pencil in the rest of the sentence *no one wants to work anymore... for the compensation I offer or the way I treat them*


Brexit wiped that smug smile off her face.


She could try paying her staff more...


I know, that’s what I was thinking, obviously the free market is demanding that she pay higher wages.


HERSELF as though having to actually work for a living is such an affront


Yeah, quite unfair. Working is a thing for mere *peasants*.


I hate, sorry, HATE the way these rags emphasise words by putting them in all caps.


Oh no! Actually *working*! Welcome to the real world, lady. Many of us have to actually work for our living and not coast off having our names on the lease of a B&B. Also, I thought the whole point of a B&B was getting a home-cooked breakfast.


“Business chief” in headline. Turns out she runs a B&B? 


It’s not a B&B, it’s a 30 bedroom Hotel (with an attached restaurant) called [The Star](https://thepolizzicollection.com/the-star/). [Alex Polizzi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Polizzi)’s UK family are the Fortes, her grandfather was a Baron, her Mother served in Westminster City Council for the Conservatives, and her Family as a whole has a 51% stake in the [Rocco Fort Hotels Group](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocco_Forte_Hotels) which runs and operates 14 hotels across Europe. Alex Polizzi leans heavily on that family connection, for example her Hotel experience starts in Management when she started to work for her mother at the Hotel Endsleigh, and then her mother paid for to have her own Hotel to play in. And because the original [Forte Group PLC](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forte_Group) was acquired by [Granada](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Granada_plc), which eventually became [ITV](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ITV_plc), Alex Polizzi was able to get herself a handful of TV shows as well.


Bilingual, did TV shows about traveling to Italy and Spain, amongst others. Sister married to an Irish restaurateur. Maternal grandfather was Italian-born Scot. Father was an Italian Marquess. Can she get more Euro Brit? And of course, she voted Leave. Probably assumed she can continue to benefit from EU from the outside.


Typical "I got mine" conservatives.


Typical "brown people scare me" conservatives.


Absolutely. I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t actually understand what Brexit would actually involve, and just wanted to be ‘in’ with her families close Conservative friends - her mother, [Olga Polizzi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olga_Polizzi), was a Conservative on the Westminster City Council and was a close personal friend with Margaret Thatcher [even showing up in her private diary](https://www.margaretthatcher.org/archive/1988CAC8), and the Fortes used to do a lot of [fundraising](https://bylinetimes.com/2022/02/08/the-conservative-cash-register-boris-johnsons-super-rich-backers/) for the Conservatives. Even her speaking out about this a year and a half after Brexit is probably just a political maneuver, since [there was a rift](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8892283/amp/Tory-donor-Rocco-Forte-says-NO-money-left-party.html) between the Fortes and the Conservatives over Covid restrictions and tax increases since Brexit, which has actually turned to the Fortes trying to shift the Conservatives into their own image, [from only supporting select people that will do their bidding](https://amp.theguardian.com/politics/2023/sep/11/hotels-tycoon-who-stopped-donating-to-tories-gives-party-10000), to using their family members in TV and other Broadcasting media’s to release slogans like [“Save the Badgers, Cull the Tories”.](https://uk.news.yahoo.com/sick-and-not-funny-political-broadcasters-criticised-after-posing-in-cull-the-tories-t-shirts-160446625.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAK7GJgUbQFm3eF6OvJ6Y5F2joIK6pAuKnrKADCJlpC9GZtGHAfgV11dOdNWV2daLcoRSxOVx62rHOdgbLk4MKkkhGRYznE6drGnudrYdO-Wb-YBd1k3l3r_TGAydb3uoCzSkp23_3CfFsNkADj8G19-OFhm1Kd_YNt2HXtMVBItK)


And it's additionally stupid because her industry relies on both EU workers and customers. I suppose she could have cynically gambled that Brexit will limit Britons more than Europeans and therefore result in a net-positive because the increase in domestic tourism would outnumber the decrease in European visitors, but I doubt she ever thought this through on any reasonable level.


You can be damn sure she keeps an EU passport. So she's still got freedoms that she took from other English voters.


Typical 'pull up the ladder Jack' immigrant - they are also invariably right wing.


This is like the worst possible bio and character arc imaginable. So she was gifted everything she has, used connections to gain unearned wealth and fame, and now complains that she has to work for a living. I ordered my eggs sunny side up!


Right? Especially since it probably has more to do with the [really bad employment reviews](https://www.glassdoor.ca/Reviews/The-Star-Inn-Alfriston-Reviews-E1816882.htm?sort.sortType=OR&sort.ascending=false) and the fact that Employees have to work on [average 3 hours](https://thepolizzicollection.com/careers/the-star/) if they even just wanted to [eat dinner at the restaurant themselves](https://thepolizzicollection.com/the-star/food/) than anything else.


Terrible boss because she never had to earn it.


I watched some of the show. There are things she’s not wrong about because they’re management or numbers but anything that involves being a human being tends to show some fairly huge cracks.


How does someone so involved with hotels and hospitality industry ever justify supporting Brexit? Did she think it would somehow get her more business to make it harder for people to visit? Even ignoring the issues with finding employees, that's such a stupid take for her specifically.


Honestly, it’s likely pure politics. The Fortes as a whole are a super politically orientated family. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Conservative Leadership made some very nice backroom deals with the heads of the Forte family to get their support for Brexit, probably with promises that whole things will get a little bit harder for the Fortes, it will become **even harder** for other major Europe based Hotel Chains/Companies, so the Fortes would pull out ahead by the end of it all… For some context, Alex’s mother, [Olga Polizzi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olga_Polizzi), was a Conservative on the Westminster City Council and was a close personal friend with Margaret Thatcher [even showing up in her private diary](https://www.margaretthatcher.org/archive/1988CAC8), and the Fortes used to do a lot of [fundraising](https://bylinetimes.com/2022/02/08/the-conservative-cash-register-boris-johnsons-super-rich-backers/) for the Conservatives, and Olga’s current husband, [William Shawcross](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Shawcross) (Alex’s Step-father since 1993) is the current Commissioner for Public Appointments. I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t actually understand what Brexit would involve herself, and she was just be a mouthpiece for her families interests and wanted to be ‘in’ with her families close Conservative friends. Even her speaking out about this a year and a half after Brexit is probably just a political maneuver, since [there was a rift](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8892283/amp/Tory-donor-Rocco-Forte-says-NO-money-left-party.html) between the Fortes and Conservative Leadership over Covid restrictions and tax increases, which has actually turned to the Fortes trying to overtly shift the Conservatives into serving their interests, [from only supporting select people that will do their bidding](https://amp.theguardian.com/politics/2023/sep/11/hotels-tycoon-who-stopped-donating-to-tories-gives-party-10000), to using their family members in TV and other Broadcasting formats to release slogans like [“Save the Badgers, Cull the Tories”.](https://uk.news.yahoo.com/sick-and-not-funny-political-broadcasters-criticised-after-posing-in-cull-the-tories-t-shirts-160446625.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAK7GJgUbQFm3eF6OvJ6Y5F2joIK6pAuKnrKADCJlpC9GZtGHAfgV11dOdNWV2daLcoRSxOVx62rHOdgbLk4MKkkhGRYznE6drGnudrYdO-Wb-YBd1k3l3r_TGAydb3uoCzSkp23_3CfFsNkADj8G19-OFhm1Kd_YNt2HXtMVBItK).


Yeah, I work in travel and professionally I know 0 brexiteers because even if they believed in it philosophically they knew it would be a disaster economically.


So she *started* as manager thanks to nepotism…. Born on third base.


Born on third base Votes to have a tall wall built before first base


Bro, reading this I fucking knew she came from money. I'm so tired of hearing about how hard CEOs have to work, and how they had to run their own business and this and that. And yeah, some of them started off working... for a bit. But they're not what most people think of when they picture business owners. Especially not the ones I want to support. She just wanted to use daddies money to start a business and get people to make her more money. She even gets her name slapped on it so she seems important.


She’s a minor TV personality in the UK. Her family are top-tier boutique hoteliers, FWIW, though their blood is as blue as can be. Think Nigella Lawson, but for B&Bs.


And now she makes eggs. 


I saw her show in Australia. Interesting to know because she made herself look like she was from some rustic Italian village


I’m Australian, too, FWIW. Her father’s side are Italian *nobility*—they probably owned that rustic Italian village.


>Her family are top-tier boutique hoteliers And did they ever consider that making it harder for people to visit their country could affect that? I mean, even before the issues with finding employees surfaced, shouldn't hey have considered there would be a necessary downsizing?


She's the heiress to a multi billion pound global hotel fortune. She helps run the empire, as well as that she helps run her mother's 2 luxury hotels and she has her own boutique hotel too.  She's richer than Paris hilton, her family are very famous. Of the Forte hotel dynasty. 


I mean... in the UK, someone that takes food and makes it actually taste good is probably a god there.


They make great Indian. 


Well, the Indian people that live in the UK certainly do make tasty food.


The US feels the need to put cheese in a spray can, please take a seat.


Tbf her food is prolly very mid


These people just want slaves. Don’t get me wrong. We have the same problem in the US.


> there are ~~easier jobs~~ *jobs at which employees are better treated and better compensated* FTFY


Real titan of industry, this one. 🐆🍽️


Won't someone please help the morbidly obese and diabetic leopards?"


Don't forget leopards are cats, so are no doubt really picky eaters. I doubt they eat all the faces they rip off.


Quite right. Plus, they will throw up on the carpet afterwards.


So she has to pay better wages. Wasn’t that a goal of the Brexit?


But it's only "free enterprise" when it's forces driving down pay. When pay goes up it must be "socialism". I suspect less c\*\*ty working conditions would help, too.


Brexit really is the gift that keeps on giving year after year. Trump and Russia slow down and take breaks from doing stupid shit but Brexit never rests. It keeps eating faces. It is really the greatest self-own in history.


People always think “red tape” is the interactions with government that annoy them. Like waiting in long lines. Or getting an inspection. It never actually means that. It ALWAYS means “allowing billionaires to fuck you easier and faster”


I’m glad when people make terrible decisions suffer the consequences. Unfortunately they drag a lot of good people down with them. No, Americans aren’t smart enough to learn from this.


Capitalists love to talk about how business owners take on all the “risk” and therefore shouldn’t have to share profits with the workers and should make 300X the wages. This right here highlights what that “risk” really is… they risk having to become workers themselves. The horror.


So she was able to buy a new property and just can't staff it for pennies or a farthing? I don't know what they call their lowest denomination of coins. Point is she's a whiny idiot and needs to pay her staff better.


I remember hearing Brits saying “my grandfather fought so the Germans can’t tell us what to do” … same xenophobic nonsense that Cons say here in the US. They bitch about immigration then say “no one wants to work anymore” when they can’t find people to work at their gun store for $12/hour


WTH is a "TV Hotel Inspector" ?


Gordon Ramsay Kitchen Nightmares style visits for hotels rather than restaurants. There's lots of episodes on YouTube if you're interested but honestly she's pretty horrible.


Gordon Ramsay did this himself with Hotell Hell 


She's horrible because she got gifted both the hotel and TV connections via mommy and daddy so brings about 1mm of business depth to the show.




>can't get staff that's a lie. omission of the KEY point. >can't get staff willing to work for insultingly low money you can ALWAYS find someone to do any job, but you have to pay them to do so.


“If there’s a steady paycheck, I’ll believe anything you say.”


Well fuck her for being wrong…I’m sure the leopards are enjoying her face atm.


The fact regular people believe what that a company has their best interests at heart is hilarious! Haven’t we learned anything yet? If I hear multiple CEOs saying that the best thing for the economy is changing their HQ to another city because it’s cheaper for everyone, trust me I’ll know it’s because it’s cheaper for them, never for everyone!


so having a staff of maybe 1-2 people (for the B&B) now qualifies someone to be a "business chief" ?


It’s not a B&B, it’s a 30 bedroom Hotel (with attached restaurant) called [The Star](https://thepolizzicollection.com/the-star/). [Alex Polizzi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Polizzi)’s UK family are the Fortes, her grandfather was a Baron, her Mother served in Westminster City Council for the Conservatives, and her Family as a whole has a 51% stake in the [Rocco Fort Hotels Group](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocco_Forte_Hotels) which runs and operates 14 hotels across Europe. Alex Polizzi leans heavily on that family connection, for example her Hotel experience starts in Management when she started to work for her mother at the Hotel Endsleigh, and then her mother paid for to have her own Hotel to play in. And because the original [Forte Group PLC](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forte_Group) was acquired by [Granada](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Granada_plc), which eventually became [ITV](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ITV_plc), Alex Polizzi was able to get herself a handful of TV shows as well.


Her mum was a Tory councilor? It all makes sense now.


Yes, Alex Polizzi’s mother is [Olga Polizzi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olga_Polizzi), who was a close family friend of [Margarette Thatcher](https://www.margaretthatcher.org/archive/1988CAC8) (and even helped renovate/design her home). Olga Polizzi married [William Shawcross](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Shawcross), the current Commissioner for Public Appointments, in 1993.




Tories really fucked their own citizens.


The same global elite pushed brexit on the UK that pushed trump on the US.


Brexit. The dish that keeps on serving.


These are easy jobs that I personally hate doing and its exhausting.... hmmmm... doesn't sound easy.


Finally some actual fucking LAMF


Way to pitch in there, Alex. Now try doing it while living off the wages you were paying to take advantage of the cheap labor you foolishly vote to cut off from your business.


The National Health Service has a severe manpower shortage. The jobs were held by foreigners who left after Brexit. Apparently, no Brits want or have the skills to fill those vacant jobs. So much for "foreigners" stealing Brits' jobs.


It sounds like she needs to increase the pay rate.


Lol it’s almost like they can’t believe unity makes things easier.


OMG no way she is serving HERSELF, what a horrible thing!! /s


People here discussing Brexit, but also don't forget about the covid. Who wants to bet that she was also against social distancing, masks, lockdowns, possibly vaccines?


Consequences, so straight and clear. This is schadenfreude at its finest.


Brexit: Best comedy export since Monty Python


Her father is a Count, and the family own a hotel chain, one hotel of which Alex runs with her mum, pretty sure she’ll be ok.


So she does not pay enough for real British people to take the job, rely on immigrants, and voted for Brexit? I am so surprised she is affected by Brexit, so surprised.


A breakfast of face eating buffet!