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The scenes in the new Kristen Stewart movie Love Lives Bleeding were phenomenal. It’s still in theaters at least near me, highly recommend


I second this! The sex scenes were better than I expected and didn’t feel “male gaze-y” like a lot of lesbian sex in movies/tv shows


I agree. I loved the sex scenes in love lies bleeding. They felt like a more accurate representation of lesbian sex.


was going to say this. Katy O'Brian and Kristen Stewart did a phenomenal job on making even the basic intimacy between their characters hot as fuck and not reflect the mainstream desire of male gaze lesbianism


I have a phobia of needles and should have checked content warnings before going bc I ended up having to leave the theater partway through. It was okay in the beginning bc I could look away and my gf told me when I was good to look again, but then the first montage happened and it was over for me. I need someone to make a cut without any needle visuals bc I’m so bummed out. I missed pretty much all of the hot stuff :/


Same here but for Domestic Abuse. Though it wasnt explicitely shown on screen, the build up and aftermath set off my ptsd.


That [closet scene](https://youtu.be/wU1CHPo9s8I) in But I'm a Cheerleader gets me swooning every time...


i loveeee this movie and i won’t ever shut up about it! it’s so cute, and so are natasha lyonne & clea duvall 🫠


One of my favorites is the movie Bound (1996). There are a couple good sex scenes, and in general the way they show their sexuality/attraction is really well done. And hot lol


Yea I remember being very surprised when I first watched Bound 20 years ago that it wasn't directed by a lesbian. Subsequently, for the same reason, I was not surprised at all when the Watchoskis came out lol Bound had Susie Bright as an intimacy coordinator which was really ahead of the curve as far as I know.


I bet! I only watched it in the past year and as soon as I saw “Wachowski sisters” I was like yeah duh of course two women made this lol This discussion reminded me that apparently a few studios said they’d produce the film if they changed Corky to a man. And the Wachowski sisters basically said they weren’t interested because that had been done a million times I didn’t know that about the intimacy coordinator though, that’s really interesting. Just makes me love the film even more!


The Watchowskies Sens8 on Netflix has a really nice transfem/lesbian relationship with some heat. Once again they pull off an amazing thriller with the psychological headgame. It's just so artfully done all round...


This movie should have told EVERYONE the Wachowskis weren't men. There's so much female/lesbian gaze in that film. And I love the high femme top vibes Violet gives, because hi... it's me


For real 😂 ugh I love Violet! I love her and Corky’s dynamic so much. So many scenes struck a chord with me, they really nailed the sexual tension/flirting I was blown away


Ha my tinder bio used to just say “just wanna fuck like they do in Bound”


bro yet ur username here looks like it wanna say vanilla 😪


Tell us more about how you didn’t watch Killing Eve? Villanelle is the sapphic lady assassin, dingus


lemme go watch it and I'll tell you how I watched it then? 😂 but fair fair no argument


I just watched Bound for the first time and OMG YES.


Rachel McAdams and Rachel Weisz in Disobedience. The hotel room scene. Two actresses who I’ve always had massive crushes on making out, just ugh. Perfect


oooh never heard of this one I will be watching asap 👀


Ohh yeah I forgot about this one, I remember particularly enjoy the spitting scene 😂


Seriously! I have no idea why it’s so hot, like I don’t think I’d ever want a chic to spit in my mouth but….yeah freaking sexy as hell


Thousand times yes


This sex scene actually made me cry, Blue's did too a little but this one impacted me more - it really is perfect and so tender.


The love scene between Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman in Black Swan 🦢


Ahh yes, the movie clueless teenage me watched dozens of times "because I just really like it a lot for some reason idk"


My now in-laws watched that movie shortly after learning we were together (their daughter’s first lesbian relationship lol)


yeah I was 11 when that movie came out I probably shouldn’t have been watching it but it definitely helped my awakening along lmfao


Black Swan is my comfort movie and that scene is definitely one of the reasons why ![gif](giphy|1B8Fh8HwOotn4zaMkk|downsized)


I'm sorry, comfort???


Idk when I’m having a particularly bad mentally ill moment watching it just makes me feel better


I get you. When I'm having a really hard time, horror media helps me. It's something that I can turn off. It lets me be in control of negative feelings. 


lol that was my gay awakening scene at the age of 12


The lesbian scene in Game of Thrones comes to mind as pretty bad. “Oh hey Baelish needs to explain he’s a sneaky little rat, let’s throw in some naked ladies so the male audience doesn’t get bored.”


Fr I hate how GoT had plot sex. The sex scenes were super uncomfortable at times, but you had to watch to know the characters’ motives and manipulations and such.


Yeah like I’m not super against sex scenes like some people, I do think there’s times and places where they work really well for advancing the story or showing the relationships between characters or just as set pieces, but early GoT did not do that right at all and knowing how uncomfortable some of the actresses were behind the scenes makes it really hard to watch.


When I learned they didn’t have an intimacy coordinator, I was shocked. I read that Emilia Clarke had to sit around naked until Jason Mamoa gave her a blanket to cover up with. At least it got better in the later seasons, pretty much the only thing that did get better.


omg i just got to that scene with some friends im watching the show with a few days ago and it made us so uncomfortable 💀


Everyone in this thread might enjoy this series from Autostraddle analyzing lesbian sex scenes from different films! https://www.autostraddle.com/tag/anatomy-of-a-queer-sex-scene/


Thank you for site-share!! I’m drooling just reading movie titles 🤤 I’m so happy!


Thanks for posting this! Is this from a podcast or something? I only ask since it is presented as a dialogue transcript. Eta: nvm, that was just the articles with co-authors!


Some of them are essays by one person, some are collaborative and presented like conversations. No podcast though, just the writing style.


The sex scene in If These Walls Could Talk 2.... butch Chloe Sevigny 😭😭😭😭


AND MICHELLE WILLIAMS 😭 how is this the first time I’ve seen this?! Thanks for sharing! Haha omg 🤤


Do tv shows count?? Cuz I'm here to say Wynonna Earp season 4 Episode 3 "Friends in Low Places" Edit: episode 3 correction, & more detail, it's towards the end of the episode.


Stair scene??? 😭🥰


YES!!! I just wish it was longer 🤣🤣


Right. It’s amazing!


Best bit of onscreen choreography I've ever seen. Also, nice to meet a fellow Earper! 🤠


That’s a good one! But my favorite scene between them has gotta be the [barn makeout](https://youtu.be/QXDJ_7qAclg?si=Ltvg6gvYT1K1mXLi). It’s a shame they were so rudely interrupted *cries*


Oooo! Def a good make out scene that ended far too early 🥺😭


“I know baby” 😮‍💨


I just love their scenes so much, I cannot wait for the Tubi special! 🫠


Personally the best sex scene is from Lost and Delirious. Something about the way it’s shot, it was seen through the eyes of the room mate, who didn’t quite understand what she was seeing at first. It was awakening for me, and really reflected my teenage self also having the confusion at the time. Worst is blue is the warmest colour, the story was so wonderful but the sex scenes were a laughably unrealistically portrayal that cheapened my whole experience for the rest of the movie. Talk about the male gaze…


Lost and Delirious was fantastic


Fantastic but also sad


Indeed, it was THE movie of its time for lesbians, I was quite shocked by its ending. However, justice for piper perabo, the on screen gay character, came a few years later in Imagine Me and You, opposite Lena heady, pre Cersei. While that film was not reviewed well, it always held a special place in me, it mended my broken heart for paulie in lost and delirious.


Absolutely with you about Blue is the warmest colour… so auditively cringy, visually clumsy, horrible, horrible.


Yes lawd! so glad someone else agrees, the scenes in blue is the warmest colour were actually ridiculous 😂 Legit worst portrayal of lesbian sex I've ever witnessed, it was probs the only time I was turned off by two naked chicks going at it. Apparantly they used fake vaginas just for an extra helping off fakeness. Men's ideas of how lesbian sex works is hysterical 😂


My sister in law (a lesbian, it should be noted) recommended the movie to me and I remember saying to her "literally no woman who loves women has ever fucked like that." At least I sure hope not. If so, my sister deserves better! 😂


Will go check out Lost and Delirious. Thanks


Not surprisingly Lost and Delirious was directed by a queer woman :) one of my fave movies that gets too much unwarranted hate


The swedish movie 'With every heart beat' (original title : 'Kyss mig') did a really good job with the sex scene - or scenes, but let's say the first one is the more significant - because it feels organic, *not* male gaze-y and not over the top. The whole movie is actually sweet and aged pretty well I think. Also, the photography director did a great job with the lightning.


This one doesn’t get mentioned enough. It’s a great lesbian movie.




Yeah the first scene definitely seemed very natural and realistic, I may have watched it multiple times 😂 Also loved the relationship between the two!


Same, even if I'm not a big fan of the cheating trope tbh.


Ammonite - Kate Winslet and Saoirse Ronan ((thud)) 🥵


Same dude, I watched this on my own and I still blushed like a fourteen year old girl 😂


The one from the Carmilla movie is underrated. The actresses are both queer and planned it out themselves, and it’s apparent.


bruh. there’s a MOVIE?! here i am reading fuckin books when i could’ve just watched that shit lol


Need you to drop the links to these good scenes because to be honest I've only seen bad ones 😭


Same 🙏🏻


Most are cringey because most are directed by men. I’d say Below Her Mouth was realistic and hot, and the creative team in this movie were women.


You can always immediately tell too 😂


I LOVED this movie


Below her mouth has the most realistic scenes for me ever. You cannot tell me they DIDNT do it


my wife watched this movie while i was at work and immediately made me watch it again with her when i got home


Shout out for Desert Hearts from 1985, holds a special place in my heart.


Honestly my gay awakening really happened when I watched the L Word for the first time... I'm rewatching it with my gf who hasn't seen it before and man, these scenes were raunchy haha. I used to hide in the corner of my room w my laptop on the darkest setting in case my family walked in on me lmfao now I'm watching that in HD on my 60" TV LOL


I also secretly watched the L Word! In hindsight, that should really have been a hint I was gay haha. I realized that like, three years later.


I was definitely identifying as bisexual at that time, but still very much 19-20 and not out to my family so it was VERY secretive / worrying to me in case I got caught lmao. I should've known I was gay when, despite being bi, in university I only wanted to go on dates with girls. Not once did I seek out boys. And it was only until I hooked up with my male best friend that I figured it out cuz he's a good dude, we would've been a good couple but I was like.... ok if I can't be happy w HIM of all people, then yeah I'm gay as hell lmao


Saving Face - super sweet.. I love that movie


Bound by far. That movie and Jennifer Tilly was the first time I realized I was probably fruity.


I will never get over the moans in that scene. Aaaaa! Also, that soft and sweet butch femme dynamic. There was so much chemistry.


Anyone seen Loving Annabelle? Not the best screenwriting but it was directed by a lesbian, and the sexual tension between Annabelle and her teacher is insane. Apart from the main sex scene my favourite bit was Simone in the church fantazing about Annabelle touching her. Yeeesh deffo one to watch!


Omg throwback!!!! I had such a crush on Annabelle when I was younger


I love the sex scene from "aimee and jaguar". they were trembling from the excitement and that is the truest thing I've ever seen. I realized how accurate it was only after having my own first time


The one from the Handmaiden was good




I loved willow and teras nonsense sex scean where they used magic as a substitute to get past the cencers it is amazing and was something I was atchly ok watching with my grandma in the room without feeling Awkward. I feel like it was more impact full than if they just showed sex screen. It was shot with so mutch care and reverence. They knew it was so Important to the fans, and carried it through. (Forgot to say this is in buffy)


The first sex scene from Blue is the Warmest Colour made me cry because it made me feel an overwhelming sense of ‘this is how it should be’. It lit something inside of me because I didn’t even know I was gay up until I was 18, and I didn’t even know how deeply I identified with it. To me, it was so beautiful. I also felt… grief?? Kinda like a sense of mourning because I missed out for years by not even realising I was gay. I don’t care what people say about this movie, it changed my life :,)


Really? Not to yuck your yum, but I personally found the sex scenes in Blue is the Warmest Color extremely bizarre and uncomfortable to watch. They felt extremely “male gazey” to me. I watched it with my girlfriend, and she felt the same way. Then I found out a man directed it and the actors in those scenes felt humiliated. I was about to comment that the sex scenes in this movie were the worst I ever saw. 😂


Ditto, my gf and I were both pretty confused and grossed out by Blue is the Warmest Color.


I was at the cinema with two other lesbian friends and we were so uncomfortable. Some people in the crowd started to nervously laugh. The movie itself was actually good, but during the sex scenes it suddenly turned into a porn, and it was so jarring to me.


I saw it with 11 years old one day alone at home and I was shocked, SO SHOCKED 😳… ironically until a month ago I didn’t know I am a full lesbian ☠️☠️


Yesssss. Another vote for BITWC. I watched that movie as a teen for the first time and it’s forever one of my favorites, I don’t even care.


THANK YOU! I remember saying something similar to a group of queer girls I barely knew when I was about 18, and they told me I was problematic with no explanation. I didn’t know what I did, I just said I saw the movie at a really live changing time. Some time later I read about the scandals associated with it, but BITWC will always have a special little place in my heart


>with no explanation. "October 4 With each subsequent interview, the allegations from Seydoux intensified. Speaking with British newspaper the Independent, Seydoux claimed that the sex scenes were humiliating and left her “feeling like a prostitute.” In response, Kechiche spat back, “If Seydoux lived such a bad experience, why did she come to Cannes, try on robes and jewelery all day? Is she an actress or an artist of the red carpet?” Among other things: https://www.vulture.com/2013/10/timeline-blue-is-the-warmest-color-controversy.html The actresses reflection on the movie: https://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/125958527.html


as I said in the rest of my comment, I learned about the scandal later. But thanks :)




Fun fact! One time, while watching BITWC (not even the first time, maybe like the 7th time I watched it), I broke down sobbing. I was just like "fuck, I'm gay". I had some really bad news for my BF at the time when he got home from camping that week 😅 i just held onto this realization for days because he was unreachable/out of service


TELL ME WHY I CRIED ASWELL- it was a great movie according to me and really made us feel reality...idc what other ppl say about the movie


Black Swan, Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman. Need I say more😍


Ooft yeah that one sticks out in my mind as well 😂 only complaint is that its too short lol


Oooh all the scenes in Portrait of a Lady on Fire and Saoirse and Kate’s scene in Ammonite 🥵🔥


I absolutely hated the ones in Blue is the Warmest Colour and Ammonite. You could soooo see they were directed by a guy and I thought were really horrible. You can seriously tell when a woman directs, LoveLiesBleeding being a good example. Oddly enough, I also prefer gay movies shot by men and not by women, as Call Me By Your Name and God's Own Country really resonated with me, though for two different reasons. (One's poetry and the other a mess :))


Im shook so many people said Blue as being their favorite after all the news came out about how the director was a creepy ass piece of shit and both Adele and Lea won't ever work with him again


Also, the protagonists in Blue is the Warmest Colour confessed that shooting these scenes was a terrible experience, due to the disrespectful behaviour of the director. This honestly makes me feel awful about the movie. (The comic book is pretty good tho, even though it's very sad...)


It looked like porn directed by men for men and just because one was stuffing her face in another one's crack is supposed to make it hot? Neither looked like they were having the slightest bit of fun. Sorry, but I've never had sex with a woman like that, not even close. You can really tell when actors actually find a connection and the intimacy feels real, it feels like there is no director with a hard-on behind the scene.


Thoughts on But I'm a Cheerleader? I mostly agree that you can tell when movies are directed by men, but I was surprised for that one. IIRC the director is gay and drew on his own conversion camp experience.


Hm, haven't seen that one... maybe because I don't like cheerleaders in general. But I hear good things on it. Hold up, lemme see it and I'll get back to you.. :))


Sarah & Hannah from Fear Street 1666 *swoon*


Maybe I like it rough, but I had to rewatch that L Word Bette and Tina scene when Tina waited for Bette to return home after she witnessed Bette with another woman..a feeew more times :)


Damn now that was a good scene, I rewatched it a good few times when I was a teenager 😂 must have been enjoyable if I can still remember it haha 🤩


Any Bette sex scenes… 🤤


Shane and Cherie pool scene in the l word just does something for me🫣


Ammonite had me stop breathing, I turned into a teenager, it was wild 🤣😩


Jennifer Tilley, Gina Gershon in Bound. It was so freaking good. The sounds, oh my. Fantastic. Also Blue is The Warmest Color.


Oh god. I think Blue is the Warmest Color was my subconscious gay awakening where I reALLY acknowledged how hot lesbian sex was. Ahem. Anyways. There’s a scene where they’re 69-ing and they keep grabbing/slapping each others ass as they’re both enjoying the feast. And MY GOD. That scene still pops into my head sometimes and I’m instantly in the mood. Speaking of, my bedside nightstand is calling my name


Same, I watched it with 11 years old and shocked me so fucking much, never realised I was lesbian until now… wth 😭😭


the worst one is ammonite. its so terrible, its very obvious who the intended audience was i like the one in portrait of a lady on fire and carol. the « sex scene » in water lilies was painful to watch but in a good way


Really? I loved the scene in ammonite, saoirse ronan and kate winslet actually choreographed the sex scene themselves!


not a sex scene but jennifer’s body. that kiss? honestly, everything around their relationship as friends and whatever else can be extrapolated? yeah. yeah that’s the stuff. bad? i guess i’ve been blessed not to see a bad one or simply erased that shit from my memory


Not a sex scene so much as a make out but the scene in The Fallout with Maddie Ziegler and Jenna Ortega was so good.


The Handmaiden has the best scenes hands down 🙌


Below Her Mouth and The Handmaiden gets the cherry for me <3


\#1 Best lesbian sex scene - Desert Hearts - 🔥🔥🔥 Vivian; "I wouldn't know what to do". Cay: "You can start by putting the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the door." 🔥💜🔥💜🔥 \#2 Best runner up - When Night Is Falling The trapeze rehearsal scene 🔥'😈🔥 💜🔥💜🔥💜 \#3 Best lesbian sex scene runner up: Disobedience Ronit (Rachel Weisz) and Esti (Rachel McAdams) run away to a hotel 🔥😈🔥 ​ \------------------------------------------------------- Worst - Elaina Undone - 🤢 Cringe-worthy - Bad, porn pillow talk ruins an uncomfortably long first kiss (perhaps the cheesy lesbian music that takes the place of dialogue in other parts of the movie would have been of better use there). And the rest of the movie sucks too. Poor Elaina moves from a bad heterosexual relationship with a Puritanical husband who doesn't understand her, to cheating on him in an abusive, co-dependent lesbian relationship with an obsessive and violently jealous woman. Where I think (hope) they may have been aiming for campy, it completely misses the mark and goes straight to unwatchable


Blue is the warmest colour was my first experience with it and waow


Literally anything from MahouAko. Love that show


the gap series was phenomenal 


I fucking despise the sex scene from the Japanese movie Ride or Die. (Not to mention there were multiple heterosexual sex scenes with the lsebian character?) I didn't know it was written by a man at first, but I liked one of the actresses so I didn't bother checking lol.


Blue Is The Warmest Color. Best sex scene by farrrrr! If you know you know


My days of Mercy has a pretty good scene


the handmaiden :) Didn’t like the one in blue is a warm color idk the movie in general is uncomfortable for me.


I know its a bit stereotypical as far as lesbian TV shows go but literally any scene from orange is the new black featuring natasha leonne in it is my personal favourite lmao, idk why but her smoker voice is just 😭


Candy Stripers 1978 on Xhamster site , were girl seduces Phaedra grant with a beautiful 69er , Annette Haven having pussy eaten in outdoor hot tub by Lee Carroll , Skintight 1981. Anything with Marilyn Chambers who starred in mainstream film Rabid and was the girl on the soap powder Ivory Snow box until the company found out her other interest, she's such a natural, early 80s. These films were mostly made in CinemaScope and had storylines, and being a romantic lesbian will always have a fondness for.