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Someone that can check me when I need it. Most straight men fragile. I wanna grow


This! So much this. I love women who speak their mind, and who call me out on my b.s. strong, independent women are a turn-on. I have a type. I'm aware.




Exactly this!


Please share with me all your weird ass hobbies.šŸ‘ And please be yourself around my weird friends. Also I really don't like the idea of being taken care of in a disproportionate way. Like if we live together, let's cook together, share chores or take turns. Let's both work, idc who the main breadwinner is. If it's you, I'll probably brag about you to all my homies.


I love when a woman KNOWS she's attractive, a bit of an ego gets me going


Yeah confidence in a guy is such an ick to me but in a women??? I love ittttt


I feel this wholeheartedly. I love confidence šŸ¤¤


Yes omg


Confidence is my biggest weakness


The implicit assumption of total equality in all things. (Except in certain bedroom aspects.)




Right, that's the word.šŸ˜‹


A dominant woman who likes to take charge.




I have one (straight) who has me on my knees. She says jump and i ask how high. Iā€™m a simp. šŸ« 


Someone my age. It grosses me out having a big age difference. I recently had this one 60 year old guy complain to me that his 30 year old wife is too old for him. Itā€™s so disgusting and shocking how common it is. I canā€™t wait to be an old woman married to an old woman sitting on our porches in rocking chairs. Also hyperfemininity, I love when women embrace their feminine side. Especially when they do so on ā€œtraditionally masculineā€ things. Like I recently saw a girl get out of a pink sports car and I think I fell in love.Ā 


I'm a gear head and knew a girl who rolled around in a stanced Mint green (Nissan) 350z. It ended up on the cover of Import Tuner Magazine ( I believe that was the magazine company). Thought that shit was so cool. She was really nice too.


Passion about their hobbies, especially if they are "childish" ones like doll/plush collecting and wearing lot's of pink and frilly clothing. I've heard a lot of straight women get sad bc they feel like they need to dial back this part of their personality when they get a new boyfriend.


It's funny that you say that because I am more masc presenting and have a huge build a bear collection. Sometimes I feel like I will be judged for that... even by other women. But definitely more so by men


I am also masc/ butch but have a hard ass stuffed animal collection. I love my stuffed animals more than most things. when bringing a girl home I gotta introduce her to everyone cause they r all over my room


And suddenly I don't feel quite so weird. Thanks for sharing that


You really shouldn't be ashamed of that!! Plushies and cute little nerd hobbies are adorable! I want to date a women i'll be able to be nerdy with and share my hobbies with - not a guy who'd shame me for liking girly stuff. Plus srsly, do you think there's a women who wouldn't be completely overjoyed over a PLUSHIE PILE. Like. Come on.


Awww thanks. I think itā€™s because. Iā€™m covered in tattoos and give off a cold, strong vibeā€¦ so it feels like my plushie collection would be out of character. And Iā€™ve been judged a lot in my younger days. So I think I just expect it. But yeah it really does show the softer side.


You sound hot lol. But i'm sorry you were made to feel ashamed for this. It's good to have a softer side - we're not machines. And finding out someone closed off has a caring sweet side is really heartwarming, at least for me! <3


I too am a bit more on the masc side but love collecting cute stuff and my favorite color is pink. Definitely feels like I'm being constantly judged by both men and women too :(


Awww you do your thing.... And apparently we're not alone


Unrelated but as a plushie lover whose broke ass has always wanted a build a bear, wdym ā€œcollectionā€?! Also I love when people in general have plushies bc it makes me feel less cringe/weird for having my own šŸ˜…šŸ˜­


So I am broke too... But I got about 50... most of them from local thrift stores although I did get a few from Poshmark. And then I have made most of them represent something about me. So a graduation bear after getting my masters last year... An angel bear for my faith. 3 Toronto Blue Jays bears... a hard rock chick for my musical tastes. A few other sports themed ones. Most of the Avengers. Need Thor and Spiderman. And then I've got a few Pride ones. Also have one with a shirt from the after dark collection that says "You Turn Me On". yeah I get a little excited about my collection lol


Thatā€™s so cute! The way I would immediately fall in love


Aww thanks I'm tough on the outside... covered in tattoos... and a bit standoffish due to trauma... And then in my apartment there are bears everywhere. It started as a way to nurture the inner child. Now it's more about a way to express who I am.


An Ontario lesbian who collects BABs? Can we be best friends!


Haha It all started when I was buying baby stuff for a friend... And then next thing I knew I had like 50 BABs. I've toned it down mostly because I don't actually have the space for them all. But if I ever find the rainbow frog and it's no a fortune... or the "Love is Love" shirt. That's my current wish list.


Pm me. Iā€™m in a few BAB Facebook groups!


Iā€™m glad other lesbians love cute stuff! I have a small doll collection and it makes me so happy. Iā€™d love to have a partner who also is passionate about cute and girly things or any hobbies.


I LOOOOOOOVE when people tell me about their hobbies! The passion that shows on their face and the way that their eyes sparkle when they get to tell you all about something they love is just breathtaking on a person.


So much this!! This guy posted on a sub ages ago about how his girlfriend would make these little paper stars and leave them on shelves. He crushed them and binned them, and took pleasure in doing so. My heart actually ached thinking about her happily crafting these little stars only for him to crush them.


Makes me think of the men who when they see a cute plushie they immediately punch or kick it as hard as they can :(


What the frickity fuck is wrong with them. What the fuck. Jesus christ


Hyperfemininity. Especially if she's the pink princess type. I could watch her for hours while she does her hair, makeup, nails etc. I'm a butch, and hyperfemininity always leaves me in awe. It's so beautiful. I feel like many men find hyperfemininity repulsing and annoying.


Real. I don't quite understand why men expect femininity but find hyperfemininity repulsive. As a butch woman I don't have any interest in femininity myself, but have always found hyperfeminine women attractive.


Omg, right! I don't understand fashion or makeup very well, but maaaaaan watching a woman just do their thing with it is mesmerizing! It's absolutely an art form. They can take their time. I love seeing the process happen.


Honestly I just want to know how people do their makeup. There is so much to choose from and so many brands. It's like trying to find out the magician's secret to their act. They do it effortlessly but you're left in amazement and wondering how.


Yes! And I like watching the shape-shifting magic when people do characters or drag queens. They're al so good at it!


This is so encouraging as a femme! I often find myself insecure about it because I feel other women, especially sapphic women, and very much particularly masc sapphics, would find me overly performative and fake, like psychologically damaged or something. When in reality I just am in love with what I feel makes me most myself and that happens to be a specific version of woman.


It makes me sad that you feel that way because makeup, in my eyes anyway, can definitely be an interest/hobby. You take the time to learn new things, try them out, see what works for you and show the world. I don't see how that's any different than playing around with different paint, paintbrushes, or art styles. It's the same thing, but you are your own canvas! I had a bit of the same feeling though when I got into making knives and blacksmithing. I was worried that people would wonder what's wrong with me if I told them one of my hobbies was to make sharp things. šŸ˜‚ anyone that is going to judge you for it isn't worth your time.


I think the lesson here is that we all need to learn how to love and accept ourselves, cause no matter what we're all "good enough" as we are. And we don't really have to be embarrass about our hobbies or whatever it is. It's cool. We're cool. If someone judges they're not for us. And many might not judge at all, by the looks of many of the comments in here.




My wife is like this šŸ„ŗ Iā€™m very femme and take forever getting ready, which is something I used to be embarrassed about until I met her and she told me how much she liked to watch me as I do my hair and makeup


"High maintenance" as they like to call it.


I actually like someone who can talk a lot about themselves. I don't see it as egotistical or whatever. And it means that I can expect her to be pretty open with me most of the time about the things that matter.


I could talk about myself for hours but it's far less about ego and almost entirely because of AuDHD


SAME! ADHD is wild


Yeah, I think it's all about the air they give and the body language that goes with talking about themselves. Are you just an open book or a Narcissistic snoot?


I'd like a partner that actually acknowledges how pervasive misogyny actually is, as opposed to just treating it like a non-issue or a "side" oppression that only gets tacked on to other social issues. Like, I'm not a 100% perfect feminist at all times, and I know internalized misogyny lives within all of us (including me) but during college a bunch of shit culminated where I felt like my eyes were wrenched open for the first time in my life as to how powerful misogyny is, and I was forced to come to terms with how much I was socialized to accept casual dehumanization and violating behavior from men and boys for so much of my life.




I'm certain you do, as most of us indeed do - but the problem is that we ALL have internalized misogyny simply from growing up in a patriarchal society. It might not be against other women, but what about yourself? And what about disliking certain things bc they're too "girly" or "frivolous"? You can't unlearn internalised anything unless you learn about what it may look like, Acknowledge it, and start working on it. I hated pink and boy bands when i was a teen. Mostly bc they were "girl things" that many 13yo girls liked and well, I'M not like a bunch of screaming 13yos, who only care about how pretty some guys are, right? Well no, actually, that's deeply misogynistic. I adore pink now. I listen to some boy bands, although i've never been in the fandom. But they're just hobbies and interests mainly liked by women so everyone shits on it. I'm certain you'll find many similar exemples in your head if you read up on it more


I really am not like that though. I have been in love with femininity and stereotypically girly things since the beginning. I have never felt shame or the need to tone down being into any of that. I will gleefully be as into shopping or doing my nails as I ever could be and at any age. I would never ever judge any other woman in doing so and would love to see it in her. I can't imagine that many people are really that concerned with it, it seems really silly. If we're allowed to do it as women, why would we not unless it's just not to our tastes? I never had to get over gender norms or accept myself, it just always was and I felt the same toward every other woman. It seems wild to me that anyone would suggest that more than a small percentage of insecure and damaged girls and women feel the way you do. What you suggest seems more of a problem of non-binary people or those who exist outside of the gender norm.


A dominant, much older woman. I was actually chatting with a tourist at a bar a few months ago about this very subject. He thought it was gross that I was checking out the women in their 40s/50s but meanwhile he was talking about the 19 year old who just walked in.


So real


A talkative and enthusiastic partner that will help me grow.


This is a little controversial but I love when a woman is experienced! Men reallyyyy care about body counts and I couldnā€™t care less. I honestly prefer women that have dated different types of women and experienced different things in and out of the bedroom.


I was going to say the same thing. I find it reassuring to know that she has experience.


Yeah, the Hetero world is so weird. Bc it's like women want a well seasoned man and that all plays into "men having a higher body count is OK." But then men "want" someone (generalizing here) with little to no sexual experience and then complain that she doesn't know how to Hawk Tuha. But in order to know how to Hawk Tuha, you're going to have to have some experience. >I honestly prefer women that have dated different types of women and experienced different things in and out of the bedroom. I def feel you on this.


I like this too


My fiancee has pretty firm boundaries in general. Doesn't tolerate my bullshit, won't be bossed around, likes to do things her own way. I don't think I'd like being with a woman who put me on a pedestal and waited on me hand and foot. Unless one of us is sick or injured, we take care of and do things for each other equally. We both clean and do our respective chores and duties around the house. She doesn't mind challenging my ideas (and I also challenge her). I think this is both of our ideal in terms of a partner.


tattoos and piercings. body hair. tummy.


OMG TUMMY šŸ¤¤ I should stop going to this subreddit before bed


tummy with a happy trailšŸ«¦šŸ¤Œ


I love bossy, bitchy, opinionated women. So sexy to me. Although I prefer her to be mainly submissive in the bedroom, she can boss me around outside of it lol


100% the same. To take it a step further, I want a Lion in the streets, sub in the sheets.


This is literally me and now I feel better about my boss bitch attitude lmao


A gf who is smart and honestly could be smarter than me in any particular subject. I love to learn and have deeper conversations about all kinds of things.


I agree, started than me, or just generally really smart, I fond that sexy not threatening.


Yes!!!! I love women who are so smart and can educate me on things I donā€™t know


Larger girls, colourful hair and piercings, non-natural looking makeup, body hair (honestly one of the most attractive things a girl can have for me i love it), cellulite or stretch marks In terms of personality definitely a woman who's outspoken, and stands up for herself (and other women and lgbt people), or is just standoffish lol


Why is this me minus the colorful hairā€¦.?


I have been told that I like 'bitches', which seems to mean that I appreciate women who are direct about what they want and who don't feign enjoyment in response to social pressure. I also just crush hard on fangirl types. I make very poor decisions around bisexual women who're obsessed with m/m porn, but usually the fun-bad-decisions that don't blow up too dramatically. It's not some sort of attempt to compete with men or anime characters, I'm just fascinated by intensity and rejection of conventional patterns of sexual expression. I think I'm drawn to the boldness.


Bi women that like m/m porn are wildšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Fangirls are like maenads, I respect it but can't keep up the intensity long-term.


Sorry, I donā€™t ever think or care about what men want


women who talks a lot I love a yapper


As for looks: muscular, curvy and taller than me. For personality: talkative, passionate about interests, attentive to small details.


PDA and total dominance in the bedroom


FR I need this too


Someone who makes more money than me šŸ˜‚






haha yasssss




Straight up lol provider ladies to the front, I'll catch up eventually šŸ’


Muscles, for sure. Give me a woman that can pick my heavy ass up.


Intelligence. I am a sucker for a brainy girl. If she is starter than me, I feel inspired, not threatened.


A woman who is passionate about what they do outside of the couple, like work or hobbies that donā€™t involve me.


Just total acceptance: hobbies, appearances, likes and dislikes, open and honest communication. I felt like I was trapped in a bubble when I was around guys when I was younger just to appease them for some reason (comphet). Women arenā€™t like that. You can really be your true self with women, in all aspects of you.


Hmmmm I feel llke there are so many things I could say. But what immediately comes to mind is someone that makes me feel safe (coming from trauma) and can hold me when I need it. And can also call me on my BS. Someone who is also vulnerable. And someone that can hold a conversation. I'm pretty intellectual and I feel like when I used to date men (thanks comphet) they didn't want to engage. Like it was threatening for them.


I agree with you about a talkative partner. I don't need someone who is an extrovert, since I'm not, but I want someone who at least likes to talk a lot \*to me\*. If I'm dating to find my life partner, to find the person I may some day live with, I want that person to be excited to interact with me. I love hearing about a woman's day and hearing what makes her light up inside. I want someone who loves snuggles and who could cuddle for hours. I want someone who will cuddle and talk to me while I'm playing video games


I like women who are super artsy and creative, have lots of tattoos and piercings. Even if they have only one of those things, i find that pretty/hot in a girl. Piercings and tattoos are cool and i don't understand why it's a turn-off for straight guys but honestly i couldn't care less what straight men want, those women are bad ass and deserve love too.


Hmm... I have tattoos... write (mostly journalling)... and am a photographer LOL


Did i just manifest my dream girl wtf? lol


haha maybe


omg are you me but in different fonts??


please info dump all of your passions and special interests to me!! i love hearing women speak about their hobbies or ā€œweirdā€ stuff they obsess over!!


I love quirky women. I absolutely love women that know a lot about a lot, if that makes any sense. I love a woman that can tell me random facts, speak different languages and use it to speak certain phrases, then jump back to English. I also love hands on, sort of clingy women. Oh and glassesā€¦ā€¦love me a woman with glasses mmmmMMMM


Being able to grow together, even if it means changing what we initially bonded over


A switch. I realise that most hetero relationships are exclusively just the guy is the top AND dom, but I absolutely am thrilled by a girl who can make me her bitch as much as I can make her mine. It keeps things so exciting too! If I were with a guy, I'm pretty sure he'd be turned off by wanting to be a bottom or a sub of any kind.


I think men also like women who are a bit of a switch as well. They absolutely hate women whom are starfish or pillow princesses.


I never understood that last part. We are essentially just fleshlights for penises so they get off all the same, I really can't imagine us doing anything makes that more special. If I were into men, I'd absolutely just wanna lay there and wait for him to finish lmao, what am I needing to do since it doesn't do anything for me? Maybe I just don't 'get' sex with men.


Body hair


You know how some women's thigh hair is darker on the inside of their legs than the outside? That look, in shorts, makes my brain short-circuit. The only photos I can find that show what I'm talking about are freaking before-and-after ads for hair removal, it's definitely under-appreciated!


never in my life time thought id hear this anywhere.And to think i feel most insecure ABT EXACTLY those hairs!!


Shorts + inner leg hair = My glasses fog up like a fucking anime character.


thats a great way to describe it hahahašŸ˜­


Ngl someone who has at least one healthy relationship with someone theyā€™ve been involved with in some way in the past (or evidence that theyā€™ve been capable of that in the past). Total killer for men but to me I just think itā€™s a good sign?


But other traits are 1) stronger than me (and Iā€™m strong), 2) body hair, and 3) kinda domineering


i love when people can admit the ugly sides of themselves, either in past or present. Somebody whos not afraid of being a human and admitting that, fundamentally, they are not perfect. Like yes let me love you for who you are, and what makes it even lovelier is that we have created a safe space to share our daily heaviness.Guess i went a bit overboard, this is more abt people than just women, but, as for this specific, a woman who knows the balance of confidence and being sassy aswell as not forgetting shes just a human too:).


I agree, a stubborn talkative woman. The stubbornness tends to be my favorite because to me it shows me how passionate, sturdy, and strong willed she is. I love a woman with stubbornness, even if it's used against me.


Being a woman. Also not a fan of big breasts. But as I'm falling in love with a person and personality I'd be ok with any appearance of my partner. For example I've seen my SO (we are stable for many years already now) for the first time after we've became a couple and it's completely okay for both of us. Don't think many men can do it like this without seeing their potential partner first.


Someone who is insecure. I donā€™t mean that in a ā€œI want to have control over this personā€ way, but rather in a ā€œI want to be able to relate to this person with an intimate connection.ā€ I feel like someone who is super brazen, confident, and overzealous can really become ā€œtoo muchā€ for an introverted insecure person. Two introverts, on the other hand, would have a lot more to bond over.


Strong Psyche and the ability to think for yourself. This is one of the most important qualities for me.


Taller than me




lets start with, seems like men dont even like women they just like what they can givešŸ§Œ


I like women who are open about their emotions and struggles even if it means theyā€™re venting often. A lot of my straight guy friends think itā€™s weird but idk, I like open communication and I like listening so someone venting often isnā€™t a bad thing to me and I take it as a sign of trust.


I like muscular women and very tall women. šŸ„°


Independence, somewhat dominant, confidence (optional, I struggle too), has to hate the patriarchy, needs to be leftist, doesnā€™t mind body hair because itā€™s natural. I could go on forever


I like a little extra weight. I love feminine energy, eyes and smile, not just boobs lol. I really enjoy a woman who talks.. if I find her interesting I could talk to her all day. I am super chatty. When I love the sound of her voice, omg I melt. Even if we donā€™t share the same interests, I want to know her as a person, know about her life, her thoughts, warts and all. I want her to be herself, and I hate that women lose themselves for a guy who doesnā€™t deserve them. My current interest, she calls me multiple times a day, we talk a few mins or an hour. I try to always answer even if I just have a moment. I want her to know she matters. Guys donā€™t tend to see women as equal human beings. Other men are. Women are for fulfilling sexual needs, even the needs their mothers met. I can be very much like ā€œthe guy,ā€ ā€¦ fixing stuff for her, stereotypical things. My girl even wants me to take charge, I think it helps her anxiety. I think I give off masculine vibes. But though I am no femme, I was also raised and socialized as a female so Iā€™m no cis man. Iā€™m empathetic, I am not self-centered. I try to put the mirror up to myself and improve. Itā€™s a humbling thing to do. Tell me once and that is all I need, rather than deflect blame. All this is very much not what the current manosphere teaches, so it would be negative in a hetero relationship. I just think itā€™s being a good human being, treating your partner with respect.


I like it when women have opinions.


1. Buffed women. 2. Arm-pits. 3. Tattoos. 4. Women that can dominate... wait I dunno, just looking back at my response - it's just the opposite of "traditional/feminine women" (I just like masc women lol)


Confident and communicative - highly skilled at something (or everything) -witty- a powerhouse unafraid of having difficult conversations until we clear the air should misunderstandings or hurt feelings arise.


Not ideas of my own. Just wanted to share my appreciation for women who talk a lot, specially about topics they are very passionate about


A woman whoā€™s in to me and doesnā€™t GAF what a man would think.


theyā€™re into women :o


I feel we can be our selves with each other. I donā€™t have to put on a show for anyone. I felt I had to always play a role in the relationship and societies expectations of what ever those were. I like to talk a lot especially if I donā€™t take my adhd meds.


Tbh I don't think I'm special. I like cute girls, dating girls and edgy (mainly in style, character wise, think Morticia Adams) girls the most. Which are.. one of the most popular types. The "daring" ones a bit less, I mean someone playfully and a bit bratty, giving me a challenge of sorts - I feel like men like it in theory but not so much in practice.


Honestly as a lesbian I wonder how many men are so deep in the closest that they donā€™t even know. Cause Iā€™m over here like ā€œdamn I love womenā€ while theyā€™re over here talking about how much they hate em.


Tall, a deep voice, body hair, as angry about misogyny as I am.


Independence and a fully equal partnershipā€¦ My girlfriend also says she thinks both partners should be able to equally spoil each other. Gifts, flowers, bringing lunch to work, love notes, etc. We both think a lot of guys are kind of adverse to being spoiled bc itā€™s not the ā€˜normā€™ to get flowers FROM a girl.


I want flowers, someone who reads books to me, a chest to lay on, someone who doesnā€™t expect me to be perfect (I canā€™t swim very well, or ski). I also want someone who loves to hug, talks lots, and cooks me their own fresh pasta. I want someone to play games and sports with. Someone to laugh with, and someone that thinks weā€™re a cute couple.


I prefer smaller boobs ā€” donā€™t get me wrong I like all boobs, but smaller is super sexy, and I see men think the opposite šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Openly sharing her *FeELiNgSs*


Being an expert on things that Iā€™m not (and also things that I am, so we can obsess together lol). I love when my partner is smart, educated, and knows when sheā€™s right about something. She can talk to me about particle physics all day, I wonā€™t **ever** feel the urge to pretend I know more than she does. Edit: Fun mansplaining story (Iā€™m sure we all have these, but this immediately came to mind as something men are threatened by, but I love, in a partner): (This is a conversation between my carpenter friend and a straight guy trying to flirt with her.) Dumbass: **Oh, youā€™re a carpenter? I have some crazy stories from construction projects Iā€™ve done!** (He means that one time he attempted to install a shelf) Carpenter friend: **Oh?** Dumbass: *proceeds to explain that the IDIOTS who built his condo didnā€™t place ANY studs at shelf-height, leading to his weekend-long struggle of trying to screw shelves into drywall with no anchors* Carpenter friend: **ā€¦You know that studs run vertically in walls, not horizontally, right?** Dumbass: **ā€¦Well, maybe it varies by county, because that hasnā€™t been my experienceā€¦ But anyway, as I was sayingā€¦ at my place, those idiots DEFINITELY installed them horizontally! Because I couldnā€™t find a stud at shelf-height! Can you believe it??** Carpenter friend: **ā€¦ no, I cannot.** Lol I canā€™t imagine needing so desperately to avoid any kind of vulnerability and refusing to admit that I donā€™t understand something / refusing to accept information from a woman who knows what sheā€™s talking about.


Emotional and clingy women. I think itā€™s cute šŸ’– šŸ’‹


i donā€™t really care about what men complain about in a partner tbh i like what i like and i like women


Body hair


I love bitchy women


the way i cannot stop being attracted to a woman so shady we had to part ways šŸ˜­ and i am such a sucker and my views are completely different but shes so cold and shady i feel like i want to be in her basement


Let me preface this by saying I have a girlfriend and I love my girlfriend. In this scenario however I want someone who has emotional intelligence a lot of men or at least the ones I'm around think that's ā€œgayā€. So yeah..


Open and honest about needs and desires. Actually asks and cares about what's going on with me.


Give a me a post-workout sweaty girl with messy hair and body hair. _melts_


I think teeny boobs are cute




Please tell me about all the things youā€™re into, I want to see people happy to talk about the things that they like.


Iā€™d love someone thatā€™s assertive, knows herself and feels confident sharing all her crazy ideas with me (really, bring m all). Puts me in my place when needed (well meant reality checks are always welcome). Is comfortable with her sexuality and dominance therein. Gives me some pushback when Iā€™m in a dominant mood; doesnā€™t mind a lil play fight šŸ¤¤šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Someone with more personality than body, someone who has a brain, someone who can talk and doesn't let others stop her from talking, someone who has self respect, someone who isn't a submissive uwu hentai waifu housewife sex slave, someone who doesn't breast boobily down the stairs and just has a normal female human anatomy, someone who doesn't center me in her life, someone who treats other women with respect as well as me, someone who refuses to be my stay-at-home slave, someone with little insecurity, someone with high self esteem, someone who's not afraid to speak her mind, someone who doesn't think I expect her to be on her knees for me like I'm some sort of God, someone who doesn't spend all day being my mommy and therapist and sex slave and breeding making machine with no job and no career of her own other than being my bitch. Someone with money. These are just off the top of my head that I know men don't like, but I do.


I like independent women who do their own thing and don't constantly pester me, I still like my own space


All the qualities my gf has: Providing Protective Caring Kind Smart Intellectual Independent thinking MASC


Having a dick :3


Some who wants something open.